This S.O.B. System


“So can I talk you into visiting me out in Vegas sometime?” Daphne asked. Her head rested on his shoulder as they enjoyed the afterglow of sex. 


Scoffing he said, “I’m sure you could. It’s rare to find someone so flexible.”


“Luckily for me. You never forget your first,” she said. Her firm ass in his grip  he knew he would never forget her. “Just never tell your mom about this. You sure she won’t start wondering where you are?” 


“It’s fine. We left the house at 8, mom and dad are usually out by 9.”


“It’s been years, and I still can’t picture your mom as Mrs. Perfect Pastor’s wife.”


“What was she like before… well me I guess,” he asked. 


“Honestly she was a fighter. Anyone tried to bully her, your mom would throw down. She once broke a beer bottle on a guy's head,” she said laughing. Sitting up he enjoyed her youthful smile. “She was always up for something new.” 


“I’ll take your word for it. I’ve spent my whole life picturing both my parents as goodie two shoes. It was only till recently that I started questioning what they've taught me. My mom spent hours showing me documentaries on the follies of pornography. Turns out all I needed to know was that she used to star in them. I think I’m done with porn forever now. There is no way I can risk stumbling on something of hers.”


“I can see that,” she said. “Are you sure about Terry though. The guy is clever as can be. If you need help, just ask.”


“Will do. But I can handle it.” He wished he was as confident as he sounded. With his words another pop-up window appeared in his vision. Reading it he noticed the new objective.  


Quest Updated

Help Zora with her escape.

Show Terry, the porn king, who is  boss. 

Time Limit: 2 days


Quest Rewards:

System Coins

Skill Upgrade





He arrived home close to 1 in the morning. Right to sleep he didn’t realize how much the older woman would wear him out. Still a ways from level 7 he wanted to try to find some more local women to start the grind to higher levels. Maybe he needed to dig into the online dating scene. Usually that’s how people met multiple partners. 


The thought of multiple women caught him off guard. An ever faithful Christian, he had always pictured himself with just one woman. But a multiplier for his experience was having sex with new women. 


This moral dilemma was a problem for another day. He pushed it out of his mind. Asher had to prepare for his last porn scene. He also had to acquire a few props for his plan to help Zora. 


It was morning when he looked for them. “Mom, you still have those old briefcases of dad’s?” He yelled. As he turned around he dropped the game of Monopoly. His mom was behind him. The ex-pornstar that gave birth to him was standing a few feet away. 


“Why do you need them?” She asked oblivious to his thoughts. 


“Uhhh I told you I was considering joining the school theater production here in a couple weeks. One of the girls said that they needed a few props for the next show. I offered a few we had.” 


“They need Monopoly and some briefcases?” She asked skeptically. 


“Yep,” he lied, picking up the game.  


“I think they’re on the top shelf,” she said. As she went to grab the short ladder a thought stuck in his mind. 


Is it genetic? He thought. Did the universe give him this specific system because of his mother? Was he fated to become a pornstar? 


Ready to be done with this business in more ways than one, he ignored the train of thought. “This stupid System,” he said aloud as his mom walked back in with the ladder. 



It was midday as he stepped out of the cave. The area around his makeshift home was silent. A breeze came toward him with no scent on it. Birds chirping in the trees above, they were too small to bother with. 


A small path of parted grass marked his normal track away from the alcove of a cave. Following his daily routine he went to the nearby creek to wash his dirt riddled skin. His only clothes were a boar hide wrapped around his waist and vest over his chest. Long brown hair down to his shoulders and toned thick muscles bulged as he wiped the dirt away. His blue eyes sparkled as he scanned the tree lines around him. 


Ever ready for danger he cautiously stood. An almost sixth sense activated as he bolted down the coast of the creek. His hand wrapped around the cord wrapped handle of the stone knife. The foliage silent, there was only a quiet rhythm of his footfalls on the stones at his feet. As quickly as the dash started, it halted. He crouched down as he peered over the bush. 


A lone boar stood next to the creek. Almost lifeless, the still beast stared at the slowly moving water. Hesitant, he didn’t like the odd look of the beast, but a part of his mind told him it was the prey he was after. 


He was over the beast in an instant. His knife sliced through the animal's throat without a sound. Eerily quiet, he hefted it over his shoulder with a grunt. Once in an open space the lifeless boar fell at his feet. Breaking a thick branch from a dead tree the man groped it with both hands. Thick muscles bulging in his fingers the dried wood groaned then split in half. 


Searching the ground for more small leaves and twigs he soon had enough. Sitting on his haunches he began to grind a thin twig into the dried wood. With expert movements in a short time the dry wood began to smoke. Tiny kindling pushed to the smoke he ground it down more until the smoke increased. Once he judged it was enough he gathered the leaves around. Large deep exhalations breathed more life into the growing fire. 


The man stared at the smoke. Intrigued by the way it moved with the wind. A red glow illuminating his face in the darkening sky. He wondered if rain was coming in. Spurred into action by the idea, he was about to bring the boar to the fire when he heard a yell. 


A loud scream broke the quiet afternoon ambiance. His senses on high alert, another yell allowed him to guess the location. He took his knife in hand and dashed through the brush once more. 


Solitude was his norm in this wilderness. But a part of him knew that he must investigate this new call. The screams and yells grew closer. When he was near enough he halted behind a tree, the large oak absorbing his momentum without a sound. 


“Let me go,” the girl yelled at her captor. The man could not understand the sounds she made, yet a part of him did. She was in trouble. A short female with hair so light it was almost white. She was very familiar to him as she struggled against the beast’s grip. 


Her hand was pulled upon by one of the others. Another bipedal animal that resembled the man. He did not share any kinship with it. Hair covering it head to toe it’s brow was extended. Though it was muscular, the man had beaten its kind many times. Much smaller in stature, the beast would be simple to scare away. 


His lungs filling, the man jumped from the tree trunk  and let out a roar. The leaves felt like they shook away from him with the blast of sound. And then the echoes died and the quiet forest became quieter. 


The man then lunged for the hairy beast and small girl. His long strides closed the distance before they came out of their stupor. Leaping through the air the man smashed his feet into the other’s chest. Causing him to be thrown back 10 feet. Also a fighter he got up with a grunt. 


The two of them locked eyes. Used to this battle of intimidation the man extended to his full height, muscles flexed in a challenge. Soon the lower beast grunted and walked away. 


His danger sense still peaked, the man whirled around as a twig broke. The woman trying to slowly sneak away the man rushed her. When face to face the girl yelped. Shrinking back she stared at the ground as he inspected her. 


Much shorter than him she was covered in weird hides. Bright colors adorned her. Pale skin and light blonde hair. She had the smoothest skin he had ever seen. Smeared with dirt, he wondered how it was possible to be so smooth.


Not used to the opposite gender he grasped her forearm to pull her from the area. The bipedal beast could come back with friends. Soon she began to fight his grasp and he allowed her to win the struggle. A sneer covering his face he looked at her then pointed with a grunt. Walking on he let her make up her own mind. It wasn’t long until he heard the brush crackle with her steps as she followed. 


An odd sound came from her mouth. “Where are we going you big Neanderthal? Hey I’m talking to you Tarzan,” she said louder. 


The man only grunted and pointed ahead of himself. 


A rock ledge in front of him, he jumped it easily. About to move on he was stopped by the girl once more. “Hey, don’t leave a girl alone and defenseless,” she said. He thought he detected an accent in her tone. But the man didn’t know what an accent was. He didn’t know how to speak very many sounds. 


Staring down at her he bent down. His loincloth allowed his manhood out where she could see. He noticed her stare at it, then him, a blush noticeable on her pale face. 


He leant down to grasp her forearm but she clasped onto his fingers. With a smirk he pulled her up. “Eep,” she said as she dangled from his hand a few feet in the air. Then he set her down next to him. 


They were at the creek bed before he noticed that she hadn’t let go of his hand. With a grunt he pulled it away and dipped into the short water. He turned so she could watch as he used the water to wash the dirt and grime off of his skin. The weak girl soon got the hint and began to do the same. 


“Mary,” she said to him. He looked at her with a sneer. “My name is Mary.” His sneer growing wider, his brow furrowed in anger at her complete disregard for the quiet. 


He was about to grunt again when she patted her chest and said, “Mary.” Slow and deliberate she then patted his own chest. He didn’t say anything. “Mare-ee,” she sounded out the name again pointing to herself. 


Pointing at him he finally got what she was doing. “Grug,” he said in a whisper. A part of him wanted to say something outlandish like Reginald, but Grug couldn’t pronounce that. 


“Grug,” she said, then pointed at herself. 


“Mar-ee,” he finished for her. 


With a laugh she clapped her hands causing more noise. Anger blossomed as Grug scanned the trees around them once more. “This is amazing,” she said. Her chatter ever awkward, he focused his ears, but nothing was out of place. 


As he turned around to go back to cleaning he accidentally knocked her into the creek. With a yelp he made a move to help her up. “Watch it you big oaf,” she said splashing the water at him. 


His blood boiled at the action, his nostrils flared in anger as he stared down at her. “Well,” she said, extending her hand. Unaware of the danger she was in. With a snort Grug pulled her up. Taking off his vest the clouds above were growing darker. His fire most likely dead he would have to bring his kill back to the cave. 


Still not sure what he should do with the girl he noticed her staring at his now naked chest. His chiseled muscles glistened from the moisture. Then she shook herself. Her own attire now wet and dirty she took off her shirt in one smooth motion. Then her shorts. 


Another set of clothes clung to her skin tightly, concealing the interesting parts of her body. His eyes transfixed to her pale skin as she shook out debris from the clothes. Hanging them on a branch nearby he was drawn to her. His front against her back, his loincloth covered erection poked into her rear. 


Grug was not able to fight the urge to lightly caress her smooth stomach. “Grug!” She yelled, startled. Turning around in his arms she was unable to escape as she looked into his eyes. Her hands moving the brown dreads from his face, they stared into one another’s eyes. 


He leaned into her a little. His body asked permission as he ground his erection into her front. She moaned loudly. With a blush she looked around as if expecting to find someone. Her eyes drawn to his muscular body she appeared to think for a moment. “Fuck it,” she said then pulled him into a kiss. 


This was something he had never experienced before. Their tongues explored one another. Hungry for each other's taste, they were soon breathless by the exertion. Grug took in the scent of her. She smelled better than he thought possible. Like flowers in a field. 


Instinct took over as he picked her up in a princess carry. She let out a laugh and soon they were back at his cave. Setting her down on his stack of cured hides he pulled at the thin cloth that covered the most important areas. 


“Be careful,” she said, slapping his hand before he tore them off. A beautiful giggle escaped her lips, a sound that he was learning to like. She was soon out of all of her clothes. Showing off her hairless figure. He marveled at the sight of her. Grug had never seen anything so beautiful. 


His erection barely held back, he dropped the loincloth with a tug. The head of his penis poked her in the stomach. A part of himself cautioned by a reminder of her small stature, he willed himself a little smaller. To hide the fact he picked her up and set her on his face as he stood. 


Her body almost weightless compared to his strength, she laughed. His tongue entered her lower entrance causing her laugh to turn into a moan of pleasure. His thick tongue entered her folds expertly. She writhed in his grasp. Her head close to the top of the cave, her hands tried to grab onto the rock to steady herself. When she let out a shiver Grug knew the work was done. 


“I can’t believe I’m about to say this,” she whispered. “Fuck me Grug!” she said. 


His mind understood what her body wanted out of him. Lowering her body he positioned her vagina in front of his dick. Her arms and legs dangling she let out a whine until he lowered them both down to his bed. Entering her like a wolf he plunged in. Half his member disappearing she let out a groan as he slowly put more in. 


An inch left outside of her he soon began to thrust in and out. Her wet pussy drenching him. After only a few thrusts she screamed a joyous tune then water shot out of her spraying his abs and thighs. 


Her body shook violently. He was afraid he had hurt her but soon she was pulling herself away. She looked him up and down then her face drew closer until it was in front of his cock. Her lips soon began to lick up her own cum, an act that caused him to groan. 


When he was clean he laid on his back and let her get on top. First she faced away. Guiding his cock into her drenched pussy, her ass shook as she did the work. The sensations were heavenly. They did that position for some time. His orgasm ever a constant thought at the back of his mind. When she turned around to face him he really got into the groove of the sex. For someone so weak and small, he was surprised how good she was at this. 


Mary guided how far down she would go, a look of pain crossing her face if he tried to go further. Happy to stare up at her face he was able to explore her smooth body. Every second was slowly building up to something but all Grug did was stare into his goddesses eyes. 


His grunts and groans guiding her she pulled herself up as he came hard inside. The large dick tried to push up into her, but she controlled it well as only a little was left at her entrance. His white hot semen leaked out of her as she dropped to beside him. Still plenty of energy and with work left to do he was about to get up, but something said he needed to nap with her. The two lovers were soon asleep in each other's arms. 



He woke up to nothing. No warmth or sign that a woman had been with him. Panicked, he looked around for her but there was nothing. Only a scent. 


The beast that had taken her came to mind. A thought of her being kidnapped made him bolt upright. Nostrils drew in deep gulps of air for her scent. Then he ran. His instincts in overdrive he scanned for any sign of her. 


Like a bull he plowed through the brush and before he knew it he was back where he found her. No signs visible, the darkened sky was far from dusk, but it was still hard to see. 


Then the wind changed, bringing with it the scent of her. Flowers bloomed as he ran in the general direction. It wasn’t long before he heard screams once again. Lungs expanding he had another burst of speed. Then he was face to face with them. 4 girls, including his own stood near a smooth silver device. An older man in front of the girls, he held a branch to keep back a large ape. 


Grug let out his battle cry. The echoes were the only sound as the screams and yells from the pale people stopped. The grunts of the ape turned to him, admitting he was the bigger threat. 


They stared at one another. Grug flexed again. His loincloth on, he didn’t remember setting it around his waist. A different problem at hand, he cracked his knuckles and crouched ready to collide with the large beast. 


-Kaboom- thunder rumbled overhead causing even the ape to curse and cover their ears. 


“Cut!” A man yelled beside Grug. And with that word his mind came back to him. 

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