Time Effect ( A Mass Effect Fanfiction)

45 – Wrex Farewell Party (1)


' FUCK!'

The Turian punched a wall as soon as he was out of sight of others. Things just got a lot more complicated.

' We can't win against them! FUCK!'

Saren was working with a Reaper. Not because he liked it, but because he saw the truth. He was afraid.

When he first saw the machine, it was on a mission. Others thought it was a Geth ship and the Council sent him to deal with it. 

He was an arrogant person to begin with, that did a lot of shitty things throughout his life and thought this mission was beneath him. But, as he still had to follow the Council's order, so he went there.

Saren saw the 'Geth' ship, and thought it would take a lot to destroy it. But, after firing all his arsenal at it, it didn't even have a dent.

Despair overtook him and just as he was about to call for help, 'it' spoke to him. The machine told him the purpose of its mission here, and the Turian felt a deep fear and helplessness.

It was not a Geth, it was something even worse and way stronger.

The machine liked that despair, and as if toying with the Turian, showed him a 'way out'. To work for it, help it achieve its goals, then the machine would allow a few to survive the cleaning and help them 'transcend' their mortal shell.

The Turian knew that whatever the Galaxy threw at the Reapers, it would not be enough. So, he put his pride aside, and worked together with the machine, to save as many lives as he could.

So, for the last few years or so Saren 'worked' with the Reaper, as it indoctrinated a few here and there, and got a few Geth under its control. 

Honestly, getting the Geth to work for the Reaper was easy, as when the Geth saw the machine, they thought it was their God or something along those lines. So, they willingly came under the Reaper and were loyal to it.

All so that the rest of the Reaper fleet comes sooner than later.

But now, things have gotten complicated. 

' They know now... and I have to tell 'it' about it. At least I didn't report anything about the mission, so they can't link it to me...'

Yes, Saren didn't report anything about the mission where he found the Reapers, he only said there wasn't a Geth ship around and killed the witness. 

Alas, he also knew there might be some information that linked him to it. But he was confident nothing would come out of it, or so he hoped.

Now, Saren knew the implication of telling the Reaper that now the majority of the galaxy knew about his existence. Plans would be moved forward, so things would get a lot more dangerous.

But... a small part of the Turian held hope. 'Maybe, just maybe, if we unite the whole galaxy we ca-'

The turian shook his head, sending his hope away, ' No, we can't win. I know we can't.'

Resolve once more filled the Turian eyes, ' I will do what I must to protect as many as I can.'

' Nothing will stop me from doing that. And I will do whatever it takes to achieve that goal.'

'It doesn't matter if I have to kill innocents, or let others be indoctrinated.'

The Turian also knew he could eventually be indoctrinated, but he didn't care. He knew the galaxy had already lost the fight before it even started, so he was okay with it if it meant he could save others from the cleaning.

With a heavy heart, Saren left the Citadel, going towards the Reaper location, to tell it the news.



' Sigh. While I do think the meeting went well, I also know it would not bring good results. The governments also tend to not listen to the threats.'

While the Council was incompetent, the government of the species followed suit, just a little better than them. 

Based on Samael's experience in other cycles, the results of the Spectres showing proof of the machine's existence, it was going to be a meeting. Afterward, the governments would probably call a representative of LD, to another meeting, to tell them about the details in full.

Then, after the meeting, they would still be unsure about the whole situation.

The only saving grace about this is that the galaxy still has time to prepare, and the usual slowness of the people in charge could be ignored.

Still, Samael knew dark times were ahead for the galaxy.

Looking around, Samael noticed the group he came with had separated and gone to do their things. 

 As usual, Javik, Wrex, and Samael stayed together and were now talking.

Right now, two of them wanted to see Garrus, but one of them held back.

'' Don't go bother Garrus, from what I gathered, he is on the hunt for some corrupt officer around C-Sec. Let's see how he handles it.'' Samael told Wrex and Javik, as both wanted to go meet the Turian. But he had received the reports from the people he put in place to protect the Turian.

 Safe to say that since receiving LD support a few weeks ago, Garrus got bolder and went after those who were corrupt in the C-Sec.

There were already times when LD personnel had to intervene and help Garrus, but it wasn't happening with high frequency.

Anyway, the Krogan and the Prothean sighed at that. They liked Garrus quite a bit, as they felt he was like a younger brother to them.

'' What do we do then?'' Wrex sighed about his life.

Samael looked at him weirdly and asked, '' Aren't you forgetting something?'' 

Wrex looked at Samael, and shook his head, '' I know what I need to do, it's just that this vacation was quite nice. And I know things will get a lot more complicated for me from now on.''

The Krogan had to go to Tuchanka, gather all Krogans under him, pay for the Genophage cure LD was making, and then lead his species into a whole new era.

He would make sure to not repeat the mistakes of his ancestors and make sure his people would prosper under him.

Samael then tapped his omni tool a few times, and Wrex received his pay. It was more than 10 million credits, by far the biggest pay Wrex had since he began his mercenary career ages ago.

'' ... I envy you.'' Wrex was honest. Having 10m credits to pay a mercenary and not looking upset was something crazy to Wrex.

'' Don't, I'm too crazy to be envied.'' Samael smiled at the Krogan, '' Is everything good for you to go? If you want, I can buy a few more things for you, like a gun, a new ship, etc. Just say the word.''

'' I'm good, kid. Just let me say goodbye to the crew before I leave.'' Wrex was with the SSV Phoenix for no more than a month, but the experience was quite good.

 But Wrex made an effort to look pitiful and looked at Samael with puppy (?) eyes.

Let's just say the scene was.... strange. 

Javik almost laughed seeing that but held back.

''... Sigh. Let's have a party at Chora's Den, to celebrate you going on a mission.'' Samael relented, as he knew exactly what the Krogan wanted. Besides, he did promise his crew a one-day vacation, and ending it with a party for Wrex was a nice way.

He then tapped his omni tool, sending the whole crew the message about the party.

'' YES! The bill is on you!'' Wrex then darted ahead of Samael and Javik.

'' ... Did he forget we don't need to pay at Chora's Den?'' Javik asked in a low voice.

Samael replied in a whisper, '' Don't remind him or I fear he might bankrupt them by drinking all their stock.''

Javik thought for a while and he actually could see that happening. '' My lips are sealed.''

The Prothean then followed Wrex, leaving Samael alone. He then asked RR, '' Any signs of Indoctrination?''

As she didn't say anything before, nor did his sixth sense activate, Samael was sure there was none in the meeting just now, but he asked just to be sure.

'' No signs of Indoctrination.'' RR responded in her usual monotone voice, '' On an unrelated note, I bought all things necessary to make EDI a body. Please tell me a time when you're free so you can build it.''

'' When we leave the Citadel, I'll build it.''

'' Thank you.'' EDI voice comes through Samael's Omni tool.

''Don't mention it. Also, are you keeping an eye on the Spectre I told you?'' Samael was talking about Tela. She was the Shadow Broker agent and his ticket to the figure.

Of course, Samael knew roughly the location of the Shadow Broker at this point in time. If now was 10 years into the future, he would know the exact location but now it's too soon on the timeline.

Even Samael didn't have such a good memory that he would remember where the Shadow Broker, a figure a little too irrelevant to him, was located in the past.

Besides, since the meeting with the Illusive Man and remembering about the Unindoctrination process, Samael wasn't 100% sure he could trust his mind/memories anymore.

So, as he didn't know the exact location, only its whereabouts, he would use Tela as a way to reduce the area where to look.

'' Yes. I put a tracker on her as you ordered. As of now, she's still on the Citadel.''

'' Good. Tell me immediately when she leaves and make sure to record the path she takes.''

'' Leave it to me.''

Samael, along with 2 AI inside his omni tool, started to follow Javik and Wrex to Chora's Den.

But, suddenly, he was ambushed by two people. Jack and Miranda. 

And they looked like they wanted a 'fight'.

'' Girl, wh-'' It was then that Samael remembered the conversation he had with both a day or so ago. They wanted a baby and chose him as the donor.

Only, the donation they wanted was in person. Samael wasn't going to lie, ever since Liara and Tali showed up, he didn't want to engage that much with other females, so his image wasn't ruined in the eyes of his loved ones.

Of course, he flirted here and there, but nothing much. RR doesn't count because ... yes.

So, he was a little bit reluctant but relented. The flesh is weak and the spirit is even weaker.

'' Our deal, do you remember?'' Jack asked while grabbing one of Samael's arms.

'' I do. Do you want it now?''

Miranda was a little red, but nodded, '' Yes. We just finished our talk with Natasha. As you suggested a few days ago, we will put her in cryo sleep until the baby is born, so that she can see her grandchild. Or, until we find a cure for her cancer.''

Yes, Samael proposed to both to put Natasha on cryo sleep, just like Alec was doing with his wife. That would allow her to have some time until the baby is born or a cure is found.

'' So, are you to it now?'' Jack had a look of hunger on her face.

Samael looked at Miranda, '' Are you sure about this?''

Surprisingly, Miranda nodded, '' I know what I'm getting into, don't worry. Besides, I was on board with the idea on the Phoenix, and I'm still on board now.''

Samael had no more reasons to say no. He was done playing in the defense. His aura changed a little as he watched both, '' So, who is going to be first?''

Miranda was a little taken aback by the sudden change but Jack was exhilarated.


Jack was referring to how Samael was acting when he attacked the base she was locked up. It was like he was high all the time, in an animalistic state.

And now, she was seeing it again. It made her look forward even more to their insemination session.

'' We will decide that later! Let's go to one hotel first!'' Jack, still grabbing one of Samael's arms, grabbed Miranda with the other one, and then the trio went after a hotel.

They found one close to their location, and Samael paid the bill. It was a little expensive, but they didn't care.

The trio entered the room and Jack immediately got naked and climbed on the bed. She motioned to Miranda and Samael, '' Come here you both!''

Miranda dealt with Jack daily, so she didn't say much, as this was normal to the woman. Samael had also dealt with Jack for far longer than Miranda, so it was like peas in a pod.

Samael had to admit, that now that Jack had returned to a normal height, she looked hot. Her hair even grew quite a bit, and she wasn't bald anymore. 

Looking at his side, he saw Miranda was also naked and admired her body too.

Even though he had seen them naked before and fooled around with both, this was the first time in this last life of his that he would engage with both. At the same time at that.

' Jack, you're awesome!'

After some time, Miranda also climbed the bed and started to kiss Jack. Samael took that as a cue to join in.

Taking off his shirt hurt a little, as even though a day or so passed, the continuous fight he had at Omega still hurt him quite a bit. He was still bruised here and there, but it wasn't going to prevent him from doing this activity.


Only if he was fighting.


' Wait... I'm not so sure that Jack will act normal in this.'


It was exactly because Samael knew how Jack was that he knew it was a possibility. Alas, it was too late to back now.

Jack and Miranda were looking at him with fervor in their eyes. While it was not the first time with a man for Jack, it was the first for Miranda. She found Samael quite hot, even though he was covered with bruises.

Jack, on the other hand, found the bruises made Samael even more sexy.

Now fully naked, Samael got on the bed. He looked at the duo in front of him, '' So, who is it?''

Jack smiled mischievously and said, ''Let fate decide.'' 

Samael understood what she said. He was a little shocked, '' You know that you both could get pregnant, right?''

'' Are you even sure you could get one of us?'' Jack was making sure Samael was in the mood she wanted.

And it worked. Samael looked at Jack, '' You're first then!''

Just as he was about to start the process, RR suddenly interjected, '' The best position to ensure fertilization is-''

'' RR, if you continue speaking, I'll turn you off. And you would not be able to complain.''

'' .. Fair enough. Just, next time make sure to call me too so I can join.'' RR then stayed quiet.

Samael regained a bit of his sanity, as he had lost a little thanks to the lust and Jack's encouragement.'

' I'll make sure to only focus on one of them! I can't have both of them pregnant at the same time!'

With newfound resolve, Samael fought bravely.


' I can do it!'


' I failed. Multiple times, and on both!'

With Jack and Miranda using both his arms as pillows, Samael was looking at the ceiling of his hotel room. He looked defeated.

At first, Samael only focused on Jack and made sure to finish in her. But, in the middle of it all, he lost control and went on Miranda too.

Of course, he did finish on Jack a lot more than on Miranda, but it doesn't need that of a seed to fertilize an egg.

He was a little disappointed in himself, losing control like that, but he was calm about the situation. If both got pregnant, so be it.

' We still have time until the Reapers arrive. So, even if both do end up pregnant, I'm sure we can handle it. Besides, it was only the fighting part they could not help.'

As Miranda was already the CEO of LD and one of the owners of Cerberus, the things she did were already more business-focused, so the crew would not lose too much firepower with her.

Jack too, even though she was one of the best human biotics, they could handle being without her for a year or so.

Anyway, they were spent after doing so much. The trio went to sleep and Samael had just woken up.

He looked at the hours and saw they spent 3 hours here. 

' The party must already be underway... I pray for the Asari owner.'

Without him there to regulate Wrex, things could go wrong at any moment. He should be there.

But, seeing Jack and Miranda in his arms was too nice to just let it go. It's not like they were a part of his harem in past cycles, but he did have a few flings with both. He knew their preferences, what they liked and disliked.

He didn't love them, but it was close. He wanted the best for both, and he was going to make sure they could enjoy their babies in a galaxy free of the Reapers threat.

' Wait, will I need to act like a father...?' 

Just as he was thinking that, Jack and Miranda both woke up. They were still a little sleepy as they asked for the hours.

'' We spent 3 hours here. The party at Chora's Den must already be underway. Are you guys going?'' Samael asked while getting out of bed.

'' I'm spent, but I can't say no to a party.'' Jack also got up and went to the bathroom, '' But, I need a shower first.''

Miranda was looking a little more tired than Jack, but she still wanted to go say bye to Wrex. So she forced herself out of bed, '' I'll go too.''

'' Great. Let's take a shower then.'' Samael followed Miranda and Jack to the bathroom. He noticed the look Jack was giving him, '' Only a bath, Jack. I'm sure I did more than enough to ensure you got pregnant.''

'' What if I'm not? Don't you want to make sure?'' Jack seductively swayed her hips at Miranda and Samael.

Samael resisted the urge to slap it, '' If you're not, I can do it again.''

Miranda almost stumbled upon hearing that. Even though she liked this 'session' she wasn't sure how to feel about another one.

Jack, on the other hand, nodded at that, '' You said it, not me!''

'' Well, you do have a deadline though. When I found my one, she might not like this, so even if I wanted to help, I would not be able to.''

'' We will keep that in mind.''

The trio then just took a shower. After doing that, they put their clothes back on and went to Chora's Den.

Wrex's farewell party was going to have another 3 members.


I saw a lot of Saren in Samael and Shepard from the games. The trio knows what the Reapers are capable of, but only two found the courage and hope to fight back against them.

Saren is a villain and evil , no doubt about that , but he is pitiful one.


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