Time Effect ( A Mass Effect Fanfiction)

46 – Wrex Farewell Party (2)

As soon as the trio entered Chora's Den, they noticed a C-Sec personnel close to the door. One that Samael recognized.


He was surrounded by a few Asari and a few crew members from the SSV Phoenix.


Approaching the officer, Samael asked, '' What are you doing here, Garrus?''


Garrus looked at Samael with surprise and said, '' Samael! It's good to see you!''


'' Yes, the feeling's the same.'' Samael sat down and watched as Jack and Miranda greeted Garrus, then went away with the crew members who were at Garrus' table to talk with the others and dance.


By the way, Chora's Den was closed to the public, and only the crew was allowed there.


Garrus downed a drink and sent the Asari away, '' I had just gotten out of work when Wrex sent me a message, telling me about the party.''


'' Sigh... I asked him not to interrupt you when you were working. By the way, how are things holding for you?'' While Samael already knew how the situation was, he still asked. Because one thing is knowing something from someone else's mouth, and the other is hearing from the person personally.


Garrus looked quite angry, '' I'm sure you know, but with your support, I went deep into C-Sec corruption, to see if I could do something to stop it. Imagine my surprise when I found out C-Sec is dirtier than I ever thought possible.''


Grabbing two drinks from a nearby waitress, Samael passed one to Garrus while he drank the other, '' Explain in detail.''


For the next 10 minutes or so, Samael just listened to Garrus, and the Turian let out his pent-up frustration with the state of the world. 


The Turian looked sad at the end of it, '' The worst thing is... the Council is aware of the corruption. And they still choose to be blind to it.''


Samael paused. He wasn't going to say anything at all, because it would be hypocritical on his part. I mean, he let Cerberus run rampant for so long and let Slavers and other evil organizations exist even though he could end their existence if he wanted.


Of course, the reason he doesn't act is very different from that of the Council, whereas he just didn't see the reason and the Council was incompetent and scared of acting. Still, he let bad things happen.


He would act when and if necessary. If they step out of line, he will go after them. But, until then, it was true that he was letting others suffer.


'' The Council is complicated. They had a lot to consider, but I do admit they are rather-''


'' Incompetent.''


Samael nodded, '' Useless too. Well, I gotta say that Councilor Tevos is good, but she can't act much because the other two limit her.''


It was true. Tevos is by far the most competent Councilor, even though the bar is not that high. If push comes to shove, she is going to act.


Garru looked a little surprised by that info, '' Do you think I should go directly to her if I want to take care of it?"


Samael paused. This was new, as it never happened in another cycle. Garrus and Tevos forming an alliance in the Citadel and dealing with the corruption in the Space Station.

' This could be interesting.'


Samael decided to be the bridge between them. '' I'll introduce you both.''


'' Thanks, man!'' Garrus finally saw a way to fight back. Even though he had LD support, it still wasn't enough. But now, with a Councilor on his side + LD, he was sure he could take down the corrupt officer.


The conversation continued until Samael sent Garrus away to meet the rest of the crew. The turian went happily and started small talk with some.


In the distance, Samael was watching the scene with a small smile on his face. His family was almost complete, and it was nice seeing Garrus interact with them.




Looking down at his empty drink, Samael became lost in his own thoughts, which, for him, was not good. He remembered the times when they partied before the final battle only for everyone to die a horrible death, as the Reapers won in that particular cycle.


Or how they parted after they won the war, but the majority of his family was dead. 


'... I will do my best to stop the Reapers, but I fear what I might do if I fail...'


Just as Samael was drowning in self-pity, a very particular Krogan screamed his name, '' SAMAEL, LOOK AT THIS!''


What the Krogan was pointing at was a drunk Garrus ... dancing. Well, it was more like a rusty robot trying to move around.


Everyone was laughing at him, but the Turian didn't care. Samael put his drink to the side and put the depressive thought aside.


' I can deal with those feelings later, for now, let's party!'


So Samael went to the dancing floor and started to dance too. Except ... his moves were exactly like Garrus.


Safe to say that everyone laughed even more.


The 'dancing' continued, and everyone soon joined. Of course, the focus was on Garrus and Samael, as both danced without a care in the world.


Soon, however, RR, without meaning to do it, bumped into Wrex, making the Krogan drop his drink.


Everyone watched with attention what the Krogan would do. 


The old dinosaur looked at the AI with a gaze that looked like he wanted to have fun, '' You will pay for this!''


RR didn't look fazed and responded naughty, '' Oh? How are you going to make me pay?''


Wrex looked around the bar, saw a table, took out the contents with a push, and sat on the stall. He put one of his arms on the table and smirked at the AI, '' Arm wrestle!''


RR looked unimpressed, '' Are you sure about this? Aren't you afraid of losing to a machine?''


'' I can handle you!''


RR shurgeedd, '' Your call.'' She then sat opposite him and grabbed his hand.


Samael sighed seeing that, a gesture a lot of people caught on to. 


Javik approached Samael and asked, '' RR is going to win, right?''


Samael nodded, '' She is a better version of me. Everything I know, she knows, and the best part is she isn't held back by the human body. I made sure to not limit it. Of course, I focused more on agility than her strength -''




Just then, there's a cracking sound, and when looking at where the sound came from, the table where the arm wrestling took place was destroyed, and an incredulous Wrex was looking at his own arm.


He had lost in less than 5 seconds.

'' Is on another level.''


Everyone was shocked by that, but soon there were cheers. Wrex too recovered quite fast and started to laugh, '' HAHAHA. I should've expected that, as your boyfriend didn't intervene.''


RR ignored the boyfriend's comment and stated, '' I could beat you in anything you challenge me.''


Wrex twitched a little,'' Is that a challenge to my challenge?''


'' Yes.''


'' GOOD! LET'S CONTINUE THEN!'' Wrex screamed as he and RR continued challenging each other in a variety of ways, and each time Krogan lost.


In one of those losses, a quarian helped the krogan get up from the ground. '' You did good! That was awesome.''


The Krogan looked at Tali with amazement in his eyes. It was clear he lost quite badly, but she was doing her best to help him. He appreciated that quite a lot.


So, he smiled at her and said, '' Lass, do you want to help me against the robot?''


Tali didn't hesitate, as she also wanted to see how she would fair against RR, and she accepted Wrex's proposal,'' What do you have in mind?''


'' Wait a second!'' A female voice interrupted both, and when they looked to see who it was, they saw Liara, '' I also want to join!''


Wrex motioned for her to come close, '' Come, let's defeat this evil robot!''


Soon, the trio turned into a quartet, with Garrus joining in the fun, even though he had no idea RR was an AI. He just thought it was a very advanced VI, with whom the crew had a bond.


Samael approached RR and asked, '' Are you sure you can win against the 4? You guys didn't even decide on the game you would play.''


RR sounded confident, '' I can win. Besides, EDI is helping me too.''


Both AIs were on Samael's omni tool, but they also could be at other places, thanks to being AIs. And while EDI still didn't have a body, she did have a drone.


Samael then looked around, and sure enough, EDI-in-a-drone was flying above the quartet, watching their plans and passing the information to RR.


'' ... I'm proud of you both.'' Samael had nothing to say about that.


'' Thanks. But please remember that it was you who programmed me this way, and I taught EDI. So, it's all on you.'' 


Offering a small prayer to the quartet, Samael went to talk with Javik. The Prothean was watching all of what was happening with a small smile on his face.


'' How are you doing?''


Javik took a sip of his drink and said, '' Considering everything, I say I'm good. We finally alerted or will alert, all authorities about the Reapers, and hopefully, the preparations for the war will start.''


'' I found 150 survivors of my species, you said you got us a planet... This has been the best time I have had since I woke up.''


'' You know, you could still use Illos to house the Protheans. If you want, LD will arrange everything for you.'' Samael offered Javik his help. Of course, he would have done that regardless, but it was ok to show the Prothean he cared about the situation.


At this point, only a small settlement of LD personnel + Vigil were on Illos. If Javik wanted, Samael would help rebuild the planet.


But Javik shook his head, '' I appreciate the offer, but this is something I must do with my people. Of course, I will accept the help when the time arrives, but until my people adapt to the situation, we will not go to Illos. It is a constant nightmare.''


Illos was destroyed, thoroughly. Rebuilding it would take years, so it made sense for Javik to suggest letting his people rebuild it slowly.


'' In a few days or so, the accommodations on my planet must be ready to house your people.'' Samael could only offer this to the Prothean.


'' I will be waiting.''


Samael then left the Prothean alone and went around the party, and all this while, Wrex, Liara, Tali, and Garrus were losing to RR.


He saw Veronica on the corner of the bar, watching the scene, and approached her. '' How are you doing?''


Veronica looked at Samael with a smile and said, '' I'm good. It's fun watching them lose.''


Samael snorted as the quartet lost again to a smug RR, '' It really is.''


He then continued after a few seconds of silence, '' So, how are you liking our space adventure?''


'' I can't complain. It's been a lot of fun, and I have the opportunity to put what I learned from you into practice.'' Veronica looked at Samael weirdly, '' Now, how come you know so much and did so much? I mean, I remember our childhood, and you're the same now as you were then. Prepared, like everything is under your control.''


Samael looked sad. The situation was very different from what Veronica could have ever imagined. He had no choice but to adapt to his situation, and his situation was shit.


Trapped in a time loop, he had no choice but to do his best to memorize certain things and skills because if he didn't, things would get more complicated for him. In doing so, he really came across as knowing it all, but the truth was more deep than that.


He knew even one mistake could cost everything he held dear.


'' I don't have everything under control, I just adjust to the flow and try to navigate things as they happen.'' Samael then flipped Veronica's forehead playfully, '' Now, why are you having those thoughts, huh?''


Even though he had the pretext of the lie he made about the Prothean Beacon on Earth/San Francisco, he didn't use it because it was Veronica. He knew she was his ally until the end.


Veronica smiled as she ignored the flick, '' Nothing much, it's just fun remembering all of what we have been through since childhood.''


'' It really is.''


The conversation naturally came to an end, and Samael continued going around, talking to others.


He talked with John, who, thanks to the personal training he was giving him + Veronica, was getting better and better as a soldier.


He checked on Clare, the ship's doctor. For some odd reason, she was the only one in the whole party already wasted. She was sleeping on top of a table, and everyone did their best to ignore her.


Finally, he arrived where Natasha was. Samael knew she was dying, and it was clear she was doing her best to enjoy her life.


He had a lot to say to the woman, but he just gave her a drink, as this was not the time nor place for them to talk about her mortality.


Natasha accepted the drink and continued watching Jack. She was looking at her daughter with love and a little regret.


Samael stayed by her side, quiet and doing nothing too. Sometimes, things don't need to be said.


The party then ramped up when the quartet finally won a challenge against RR.


'' YESSSS!'' Wrex screamed and downed a drink, '' I'M THE BEST.''


Even though he won thanks to the help of the others, he forgot that.




But, the trio didn't care, and neither did the others. Everyone started to congratulate Krogan, as this was most likely the last time they would party like this with him for a long time.


Samael approached RR and said,  ''Nice of you to let him win.''


RR looked at the side and said,  ''I have no idea what you're talking about.''


Samael patted her head and said,  ''I'm sure you don't.''


The party then continued until everyone slept or passed out drunk.







By the time Samael woke up, he noticed everyone in the crew was sleeping on Chora's Den floor. 'Thank God the Asari is under me.'


Samaeel was the first to wake up and started to help the waitresses who were cleaning the place. After all, time doesn't stop.


'' Thank you.'' A waitress thanked Samael, while she continued cleaning up the mess.


''Don't mention it.''


Gradually, everyone woke up and also helped clean up.


'' Report.'' Samael asked a still dizzy Clare.


The ship's doctor held a hand up to her forehead and said, '' Ugh, no one died, but almost everyone is having a hangover. How are you okay?''


' Countless cycles have made me a lot more resistant to alcohol.'




'' You better teach me that too then.''


'' Never!''


Soon, Chora's Den was cleaned, but their stock was empty. Samael went to see the owner and, after some back and forth, paid the bill. His argument was that while it was Wrex's party, it wasn't only him that used the stock.


The owner accepted and both parts left satisfied.

Just as Samael got out of Chora's Den, RR suddenly said, '' Tela is on the move.''


Samael stopped in his tracks, his eyes became menacingly, '' Time to break a Shadow.''



If you find any grammar error, please let me know so I can fix it!


Thanks for the support and see you in two days!

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