Time Effect ( A Mass Effect Fanfiction)

55 – Meeting with Mordin

Almost as if they knew it was my birthday (yay me!), SH finally put one of my fics on Trending. I didn't know if I was going to achieve my goal of having one of my fics there, but here it is.  I hope we continue to have a place on the list for a long time to come.



A few days after arriving at Earth and getting closer to Tali and Liara thanks to the rigorous training, Samael felt it was time to meet Mordin personally and speed a few things up.
He asked Tali if she wanted to go with him, as he would be speaking about the Pill, among other things, with the Salarian. She declined and said she would love to join another time.
So, right now Samael was at where his secret team worked on a lot of things. As of now, they were focused on the Quarian Pill and the Genophage cure, but later on, Samael would employ them on some interesting projects, like a bigger MECH and other things.
Before entering the place, he made a call to Veronica. She answered a few seconds later, and Samael asked, '' Did you get our new friend?''
Veronica sounded a little weird, '' I did, but there was a little complication along the way.''
Samael sighed. As much as he loved the Krogans, they were just a little too prone to violent things. He knew right away what must have happened, '' Are you ok?''
'' I'm ok but our friend... John and I had to knock him out. Thanks for the concern.'' Veronica sounded a little shy at that last part.
'' ...'' 
' Ok, I might be too much of a good teacher.'
Veronica and Jonh were personally trained by Samael so they are a force to be reckoned with. It was just he never thought they would be at a level where they could take a Krogan Warlord so soon.
'' Just make sure to go to Clare when you finish the drop. You and John.''
'' Got it, Captain. We are arriving in less than 5 minutes.''
5 minutes later, a SkyCar descended and sure enough, a huge Krogan was 'sleeping' at the back. Samael secretly took a few photos of it, just for posterity's sake.
He checked on John and Veronica, '' You guys ok?''
'' Yes. He was strong but in no way close to Javik and Wrex.'' 
Alongside Samael's training, both also trained under Javik and Wrex. 
'' Good. Thanks for the help.''
'' Anytime.''
John and Veronica dropped Okeer to the ground and left soon after.
It then hit Samael, '' ... How I'm supposed to carry this dinosaur to the building?''
Each Krogan should weigh at least 100 kg. It wasn't much for other Krogan,  but for a human it was.
' Sigh.'
With no other choice, Samael dragged the unconscious Krogan to his building.

Entering the secret place/building, Samael bypassed the nonexistent security. This place was so secret that no security was allowed. But, if someone entered the place without prior authorization, a VI would alert LD forces if demand was necessary, and they would come help.
If that really happened, they would have to change places, but Samael was prepared for that too.
Anyway, Samael navigated the building and soon enough he arrived at where the team was working. Their number was close to 100 and the majority was human with a few exceptions. They were the best Earth had in terms of intellect, as Samael made sure he 'recruited' only the best of the best. Thanks to his future knowledge, that was easy.
The scene in the place was weird. A lot of them were lying on the ground, sleeping, with only a few up and working. Those who were up had heavy bags under their eyes, indicating they had not slept for a long time.
They were working under those circumstances. Samael would feel bad if he didn't know those people loved working.
With a small cough, everyone's attention was on Samael. They knew him because he personally hired them.
'' Boss!''
That shout from a random scientist woke up everyone and suddenly they rushed to SAmael.
'' Boss, do you have more things we can work on?! We are almost ending the cure and the pill! We need more!!!!''
'' How did you come up with that idea? GENIUS!''
'' Dubbed anime is trash!''
'' What is that Krogan on the ground?''
A weird shout was mixed with all that, but Samael just smiled at them, '' Good to see you all too. How is the progress with the things I asked? Also, that Krogan is your new colleague, treat him well.''
Okeer and Samael had reached a deal a few days back and marked a meeting on Earth. They now would work together. 
Of course, Okeer thought he was supposed to work on the Genophage cure, but Samael would push him to work on Grunt. Maybe a lot of other little Grunts.
A few scientists grabbed Okeer and put him on an improvised bed nearby. The rest started to tell the progress of the Pill and The Cure.
'' As of now, we are specifically 86% done with the Cure and 75% done with the Pill.''


It was an amazing progress.
They started to explain things Samael already knew, but he pretended to listen well. Soon, however, Mordin came into view. 
Even with all that commotion, he was still working.
Samael excused himself, ''' Guys, thanks for your hard work. Take the day off today.''
A few boohed and others cheered. Samael made sure to send a few thousand credits to everyone's account.
Now, only Mordin, Samael, and the still unconscious Okeer were in the secret base/building.
Samael approached Mordin from behind and looked at what the Salarian was doing.
' Hm... he's close to finishing. He really is a good scientist.'
Mordin was one of a kind. Even though his species was short-lived, the Salarian had done a lot of things with his limited time in the universe. He taught almost everything Samael knew about science.
Samael didn't interrupt the Salarian and the seconds turned to minutes and minutes into one hour.
At one hour mark, Samael suddenly said felt it was time to introduce himself, '' Mordin.''
'' Busy.''
Samael smield at that, '' MORDIN!''
That shout made the Salarian pause and look back. His fish-like eyes looked surprised.
Samael extended his hand, '' It's nice to meet you personally.''
Mordin finally realized it was his supposed boss in front of him. He wasn't intimidated though. He accepted the handshake, '' Samael... Nice to meet you too. I have many questions... to start with, who is that Krogan?''
'' Your new colleague.''
'' Huh... Interesting, yes. Any reason for the sudden visit?''
'' I want to meet you, check the progress of things, and ... show you something incredible.''
'' Oh?'' That last part intrigued Mordin the most. '' Can you show me now?''
'' Just like with the Genophage and the Pill, you can't say about this to anyone else. Do you understand?''
Mordin got serious. If this new thing was at the same level as the other two, it was incredible. The Salarian prepared himself mentally, '' My mouth is sealed, yes.''
'' Good. Read this and tell me what you think about it.'' Samael passed the serum formula to Mordin. It was complete, not only 50% like he did with the other two.

It also had notes on what ALL the Mordin's from past cycles had studied, what Samael had studied, and what other people who had come into contact had said about it. In other words, this Mordin was going to stand on the shoulder of giante. If anyone could improve or find an error in the formula, it would be him.
This would change the fate of many. He only passed to Mordin as he wanted the Salarian to be involved even if just a little, as he was one of the original creators of this.
Mordin received the files and started to read. It didn't take long for his eye to enlarge to an enormous degree, '' Is this real?''
Samael nodded, '' Yes.''
'' ... This will change the status quo of the galaxy.''
'' It will.''
'' Did you make this alone?'' 
'' ... I did.'' 
'' Samael ... this is amazing. If the test were proven to be successful, it would basically allow a feeble species like the Volus to have the strength of a Krogan. Mixing the DNA of a species with great strength, you would obtain enormous powers...'' Mordin then said in a somewhat sad tone, as he also read about the expected side effect of forcefully changing your DNA. '' Of course, there will be side effects but I think it's worth the risks.''

The Serum was, essentially, a way to gain the strength of a Krogan by infusing its DNA into the body of the person who took it and changing it. It was extremely dangerous for various reasons.

In the notes, for some reason, there's a list of possible side effects of infusing the DNA of a Krogan into another person: Extreme Aggressiveness;
Short lifespan or a long lifespan;

Samael could only affirm that the aggressiveness existed as a Side effect, as he experienced one in a past cycle. It wasn't nice.

But, he could not test any of the other side effects, as in past cycles he never tried for real to have kids, and he always died at 28 regardless if he took the serum or not.

It was all hypothesis, but Samael knew based on Mordin's intelligence and his own, that the probability of the other side effects existing was high. 

But that't exactly why he compiled all the notes he had accumulated across cycles, from him and others, to help Mordin in this journey. If the Salarian would accomplish that, no one knows.

Mordin continued reading the file and then inspiration hit him, ' If I could somehow infuse not only the DNA of a Krogan but also mix it with one from another species, like the Asari ... it could theoretically get rid of some side effects.'
Just in cue, the Salarian changed a page on the file he was reading and sure enough, there were notes about what he just thought. But, it seemed Samael didn't come up with an answer to this. ' Interesting...'
A challenge arrived at the Salarian, and he would do his best to get rid of or at least diminish the side effects.
It was then that Samael said,'' That's where you enter. I want you to work on this for some time to see if you can find a way to better it or find another unknown side effect. Also, I already have the ingredients to make one.''
Mordin paused. This was bigger than he thought. Before he could say anything, Samael said.
'' I can give you a dose too, but I don't think your body can handle it all. See if we can somehow make it work.''
Mordin was touched. From what he knew, the files said to take the Serum you had to have a good and strong body to handle all the contents. You could literally explode if you tried to take the full-capacity serum.
'' I'll start working on it right away. But, it will affect the progress of the Pill and the Cure. I don't like to brag, but I'm one of the best you have here.''
It wasn't a brag. He really was one of the best.
Samael just smiled, '' Don't worry, they will be done soon.''
Mordin caught up quickly, '' You mean..''
'' Yes, I will help you guys on the research.''
Mordin relaxed instantly. He knew that Samael made 50% of both projects alone, and he also created the Serum. In a month or so, they managed to make good progress but did not complete them.
Now, with the original creator joining, they will finish soon enough.
Samael then said, '' Now, let's get to work?''
Mordin nodded, '' Let's!'' He would use this opportunity to see what Samael was capable of while working on the Serum.
By the way, Okeer was forgotten.
Tali finally accepted Samael's invitation to go oversee the making of the Quarian Pill after today's training. They took a shower and went to the 'secret' building in a skycar.
Arriving there, both went inside and soon arrived at where the scientist did their job. They were working at full speed, as Samael's presence yesterday made them want to work harder. From what they heard, Samael and Mordin stayed in the room, working, while they went away.
That made the others a little jealous, as they lost a chance to see Samael's work. So, today they were prepared and now overjoyed when they saw Samael arriving, '' Boss!''
Samael smiled at his employers. While he could've done a lot of what they did here a long time ago, it was nice to see others growing at a fast speed thanks to you, '' Good day to you all. I came here today with a fellow scientist of some sort.'' He introduces Tali to them, '' This is a crew member of the SSV Phoenix, and just like you all, she is irreplaceable. Her name is Tali Zora'h Vas Phoenix.''
There's no contempt in their eyes, as they looked at Tali with nothing but respect. Working with Samael was more than enough to prove she was special.

Only Mordin didn't stop what he was doing.
'' Nice to meet you!''
'' Welcome to our house!''
Tali was a little taken aback by the positive welcome but she embraced it. '' Thank you. The honor is mine.''
In fact, it was really an honor to be here. In that room, most of the future best minds were gathered, working for a single man, for the betterment of the galaxy.
After the introduction, Samael smiled and said, '' Today, I feel like doing a little explaining to our friend Tali. You guys mind hearing me out?''
'' No problem.''
All scientists, including Mordin and the still grumbling Okeer, stopped what they were doing and gathered around.
'' Now, I know you all know about this but I'll ask anyway. What is the biggest problem the Quarian species faces today?''
One of the scientists spoke immediately, '' Their immunity system is trash. So much so that simple exposure to normal air is almost fatal to them.''
'' Correct. Now, as you studied it, how will the Quarian pill work?''
This time, Mordin spoke up. '' We will forcefully adapt their system to the normal.''

The Serum and the Quarian Pill had basically the same principle, but the Serum was 10000 times more dangerous.

'' Good. Now, why did no one come up with that idea before? I mean, the technological advances, especially in the medical field, were BIG on the galaxy for the past decade or so. Someone should've thought of something like that along the way.''
A few murmurs started but surprisingly, it was the newbie Okeer who spoke up, '' A few years ago I made contact with Quarians scientists. Don't ask me how, because the details were irrelevant.''
'' Anyway, at that time, he said something along those lines, but he said they did not have the capability of making something like that. Nor would they in a couple of decades, maybe even centuries.''
'' Thank you for your input, Okeer.'' Samael thanked the Krogan and continued, ''So, how did LD, or rather, us manage to do what they did not? Are we smarter than them? Are we more desperate than them? NO!''
Samael remembers the struggle he was in when he created the Serum and the Pill alongside Mordin and Tali in a past cycle. He felt Tali's despair of not having the chance to have a normal life so he spent almost that entire cycle focusing on this task only. It worked.
Of course, not instantly, it was trial and error for more than 5 decades, counting the time loop. But he managed it by being stubborn.
'' We saw a problem and decided to do our best to fix it. Not more, nothing less. We aren't better than them or anything along those lines, we just focused solely on that, with nothing else on our front. Of course, I helped in the beginning but the rest of the progress is on you.''
A few proud nods come from the team, as they knew Samael was right. They were recruited by him long ago and 'forced' to continue following their dream and aspiration of becoming a good scientist. They managed it and the two projects they were working on, which were supposed to take more than 5 years to go from 50% completion to 100%, in only 1-2 months, was almost above 80%.
It was a reminder that they ARE one of the best, if not the best teams around the galaxy. They were accomplishing things others thought impossible at a rapid pace.
'' And now, it's time to finish BOTH projects. Starting today, I'll help you all personally. Of course, Tali will help too.''
Just like Mordin yesterday, the scientists were ecstatic about finding out Samael was going to join them in the research.
'' Nice!''
After a few small cheers, Samael entered scientist mode, something he didn't do for a long time. No more thoughts, about the Reapers, his task now was to finish the Pill and the Cure, while helping the others with their doubts.
Tali followed suit and watched as Samael took charge of the operation in a room full of people more capable than her. It was honestly a strange scene.
'' He's interesting, no?'' Suddenly, someone arrived at Tali's side. It was a Salarian, '' Oh, where are my manners? My name is Doctor Mordin Solus. It's a pleasure to meet you.''
'' Likewise.'' Tali greeted her fellow scientist and answered his earlier question, '' Yes, he is.''
' And for some reason, according to RR, he's interested in me... Romantically.'
That was something she found out a day or so ago, and from the gaze, Samael looked at her, it seemed to be true. Which was weird for the Quarian, as she never was at the end of the admiration.
Even more so from a successful man like Samael. The human seemed to know everything, anytime, anywhere.
'' One of the most interesting humans I met, yes.''
Tali then made some small talk with Mordin and soon after, both joined Samael and the other scientists as they sped up the process of making the cure and the Pill.
Also, Okeer for some reason, didn't mind being here. That was supposed to be weird, as he was forced to come here and now he was working for real for the people who did that to him.
But it also made sense, as the people here were working on something he was also working on. The difference is that they were almost finished while he was almost at the beginning.
It hurt his pride a bit, but the thought of making part of the Genophage Cure, even if his participation was insignificant, was nice.
Just as the Krogan was losing his sense of purpose, someone sent a file on his Omni Tool. He stopped thinking and doing what he was doing and looked at the message.
When he saw the content, his eyes enlarged to a ridiculous degree.
The file contained a project that would allow the Krogan species, even after being cured, to reach a new height. The only downside was the name of the project, something Okeer found silly.
' Project Grunt....'


The Serum is FINALLY here! I've never explained it before because I was wondering how to make sense of the results.

I know it's a reach, mixing the DNA of different species to give strength to the weakest, but so is the Lazarus Project (which revives a dead person) and many other things in the ME continuity.

Also, Grunt is almost entering the fray. I absolutely love the Krogan and I will do my best to do him justice.

Thanks for your support and see you in two days!

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