Time Effect ( A Mass Effect Fanfiction)

56 – A Fated Meeting (1)


For the next few days, Samael's life consisted of the following: wake up, flirt with Tali and Liara, train at the slum base, shower, take Tali with him and go help Mordin and the others with the research, and then return home, flirt with Liara and Tali, and go to bed.
At this point, the Pill and the Cure were both 99% done, and today was the day they would complete them.
Samael was looking around the room full of scientists with a smile on his face. He nodded at them and said, '' WE OFFICIALLY FINISHED!''
Cheers erupted around the room, but Samael quickly said, '' But we will not be launching them right now. We will use a few months to try and perfect the final product, if possible, and in the meantime, I'll introduce you to a few new projects. REMEMBER, THE PILL AND THE CURE ARE A TOP-SECRET PROJECT, NO ONE SHOULD KNOW ABOUT THEM, AT LEAST FOR NOW!'
When they heard the product would not be launched, and to keep it quiet, the researchers got a little dispirited, but as soon as they heard about the bonus, their vigor returned.
Only Mordin and Okeer were still working. One with the Serum and the other with the new Grunt Project. The Krogan, however, was also in shock that the Genophage Cure, something that plagued his species for so long, was finally resolved in a matter of months from what he could gather.
The scientists proved to be friendly, and, as he was brought personally by Samael, who he also found out was the owner of LD, they trusted the Krogan enough to tell him all he wanted.
Of course, Okeer would also honor their trust and would not reveal anything to anyone, as long as it didn't threaten his life. 
He also wanted to go to Tuchanka right now with the news about the Cure but knew LD was too powerful to go against. Besides, they were going to sell it to them anyway.
Okeer didn't interact much with Samael, but he had asked about what this was all about.
'' Why are you doing this?'' Okeer asked when he saw Samael alone. The others were eating or passed out on their improvised beds. Even the Krogan was sleep-deprived, but he had more endurance than humans, salarians, or quarians, so he was managing it well.
Samael too, was tired as heck, as he almost didn't rest, thanks to his tight schedule. But, he still finds time to answer his 'friend'. '' It's quite simple, actually.'' 
'' Go on.''
Samael really liked the bluntness of the Krogan species. Just like the Salarians, they don't give a fuck about you. '' Well, first of all, I want to help the Krogans.''
Okeer snorted at that thought.
'' It's true. Well, I also have a deal with Urdnot Wrex, but that is irrelevant for now... '' Samael threw the bait and waited. 
He didn't have to wait long, as Okeer said in surprise, '' That old dinosaur? Even for me, that is someone who I consider crazy.''
Samael chuckled at the thought of Wrex's reputation, '' Yes, him. We worked together for some time, creating a bond, and we made a deal. I'll help him gather all other clans under one banner, sell him the cure, and all he has to do is help against the upcoming war.''
Okeer paused and asked,  What war are you talking about?''
Samael realized he caused an opsie, but he didn't care. He would not just say it now, '' You can ask him later. Anyway, that was it. I wanted to help and also saw an opportunity, so I used it... You saw what we did, you studied it. You know there's no risk, and I know it's VERY soon to ask you this, but trust me when I say I have the best interest in mind.''
Okeer could see the sincerity in the human's eyes and for some reason, his gut and instincts were telling him to believe the man. So, he said, '' Just... thank you. For helping.''
The Krogan could only accept it. 
'' You're welcome.''
Okeer then saw everyone leaving and decided to go to another room in the building, one that Samael had given him after passing the Grunt Project. It was to help the Krogan work alone, but for some days now, he has been thinking about asking for assistance. The other researchers, his fellow scientists, would absolutely help him if he asked.
If the Krogan would do that, only time would tell.
Okeer and the researchers left, leaving only Mordin and Samael behind.
The Salarian suddenly said, ''  I thought of the name for the Serum!''
'' Oh?'' This was news for Samael, '' What do you have in mind?''
'' Chimera Serum. Because, well, you would basically become one. Not entirely, but you get it.''
Samael thought it made sense. Basically, the serum would change the structure of your body/DNA in a way that you would become some sort of chimera. Not totally, but close.
It would allow you to have the strength of a Krogan. Of course, the aforementioned side effects existed, but it was too good of an upgrade to pass it. Of course, some people would not take it willingly.
But, Samael was. The war against the Reapers was that big of a threat.
'' Also, Mordin.''
'' Yes?''
'' Make a Quarian Pill for me.''
The project was done, and now they would make the finished product. It would allow Tali to live outside her suit without any type of problem. Also, it would be an amazing Gift for the Quarian.
'' It's for Tali, right? Her help was amazing.'' Mordin remembered the young Quarian. While she arrived very late in the project, her presence did help a lot. '' No problem.''
The Salarian knew they should test it first, but he was confident that there would be no problems. Because he made. It was 100% safe to use it.
So, Mordin was about to ask for the ingredients to make it, but Samael just dropped them in front of him. '' It seems you are really eager to see her without the suit.''
Yes, the Salarian had eyes and noticed how Samael looked at Tali. He did the romantic math and knew the human was interested in the Quarian. Which was weird for Mordin, but taste wasn't meant to be disregarded or discussed.
Others would find the Salarian bluntness off-putting, but Samael was ok with it, '' As a matter of fact, yes.'' He then continued, '' But, besides that, all the other Quarians deserve a chance to live outside their suit.''
'' I'm glad to have accepted your offer.'' Mordin was sincere as he started making the PIll. It was a relatively easy process, but it would take an hour or two.
Samael then started to help too. The ingredients to the pill were easier to obtain than the Serum, so the process of making them was also easier.
Mordin had in his hand the Quarian Pill, a product that would change a lot of things around the galaxy. '' Done.''
The Salarian knew that they could somehow improve the formula/pill but for now, this was the best. No side effect, almost immediate reaction. Tali would be able to get out of her suit in 2 or 3 days.
Of course, the researchers and, by proxy Mordin, thought about all that and were convinced that nothing would go wrong, so it was safe to use it.
Mordin passed the Pill to Samael, '' Here.''
Samael grabbed the Pill with somewhat shaky hands. It was finally time to see Tali's face once again. He wasn't going to lie, more than 18 years had passed since he saw her face for real, and with his memory now not being more trustable, he was afraid he was going to forget her face.
This Pill was made with the goal of helping Tali and the Quarians, but it was also born out of Samael's selfish desires.
Mordin then suddenly clapped his hands in a weird manner. Samael looked at him as the Salarian spoke, '' I almost forgot. Go get her, TIGER! ... Or so I remember hearing.''
Samael stumbled a bit before smiling at Mordin, '' Never change, Mordin. Never change.''
'' I don't plan to.''
The human gave the Salarian a quick hug, '' Thanks for this.''
Mordin was a little awkward but didn't reject it, '' Go now.''
Samael broke the hug and started going away, '' See you later.''
Mordin waved his hands at Samael and followed the human with his eyes as he left. 
I felt a huge burden being lifted off my shoulders. I finally resolved my guilt because of my involvement in the Genophage by making the cure. Of course, what it did, my actions, and the repercussions of that still remain, but it's just the beginning.
I also helped make the Quarian Pill, and I'm in the middle of making the Chimera Serum, something even bigger than both those projects together... I could finally and confidently say I did it, and I started to feel good about myself.
Looking for a chair nearby, I basked in the feeling for some moments.  I closed my eyes and just relaxed. It was nice...
After what felt like a lifetime, I broke the spell and looked around. The place was a mess, but it was a place I came to enjoy.
I also came to realize I didn't have much more to do here, as the project I was called to help with was done. Of course, there are others, but the two we just finished took priority.
But I could see some others, like a bigger MECH, nanomachines, and others.
' When me and Samael finish the Serum, if he doesn't say anything, I guess I'll just retire or something along those lines...'
I laughed at my own thoughts, 'Who are you trying to fool? I know I can't stay without a job ... and with Samael's permission, of course, I can use the Chimera Serum to enhance my lifespan... if that is even possible.'
That was just one of the many assumptions Mordin made with the small amount of time he had to study the Serum. Only time and more research would tell me if I was right or not.
As I was thinking about my future, I heard a not-so-subtle-step. I knew immediately who it was, ' Okeer.'
While I do admit I had some qualms with Krogan scientists, I came to admire the 'integrity' of this one. He is a good researcher.
'' Salarian.'' Okeer greeted me in a very Krogan-like manner.
'' Krogan.'' I answered on the same coin.
Okeer snorted a little as he started talking, '' I would never have thought I would work alongside a Salarian , the same species that made the curse that plagued my people.'
' If only he knew I was involved personally in making it... but somethings were not meant to be said, and I'll take that secret to the grave.'
'' It might be difficult, but I could say we are... acquaintances, yes?'' I didn't mind his company, and his intellect and ideas on the Genopaghe cure as a Krogan were very helpful.
'' ... Yes.'' Okeer clearly struggled to say the rest, but eventually, he did, '' I also never thought I would ask for help. But this is bigger than the Genopahge. This is more.''
'' Oh? You have my attention.'' I was intrigued by the direction of this conversation.
'' See this first.'' Okeer transferred a few files from his Omni tool to mine.
I began to read it, and metaphorically, my jaw dropped. A few pages in, and I recognized the author of the file right away. '' This is from Samael, yes?''
Okeer nodded, '' He gave it to me some time ago. The more I studied, the more impressed I became. The human is on another level.''
I could only nod at that information, ' The Pill, the Cure, This, the Serum ... who knows what more he had in store? I'm just glad he is a good person.'
I then said to Okeer after I finished reading the file, '' Why show me this? You know, I can just tell my people about it.''
Okeer actually snorted, '' You won't because I know you understand the file. It's not just a way to make a Krogan, it's a way to remove the imperfection of my species. You can't say no to that.''
' ... It's a shame to say he is right. The Grunt Project is something incredible.'
'' Also, I need your help.'' Okeer sighed, '' I'm enough to make the entire project alone, but ... I need someone to keep me in check. You saw the files and know how easy it is to go astray... I have no idea why Samael trusted me this much.''
' He was right. He could do something wrong with the best intentions for his species... I guess I can't say no. Besides, this will be fun, yes.'
As I thought of the fun sleepness nights ahead of me, thanks to the Grunt Project and the Chimera Serum, I accepted the Krogan's proposal, '' It is my pleasure to help you.''
That was the beginning of an alliance that not even Samael predicted.
Samael rushed home, his thoughts were a mess. This was supposed to be routine, as he had done the same things other times before. But, for some reason, maybe because it was his 'real' last time, he was nervous.
His SkyCar cut others off as his focus was solely on going to Tali. Soon, the slums appeared in view, and he sped up even more.
Samael arrived at his house and parked the SkyCar like a maniac. He rushed and pushed the door open, '' TALI!''
Tali was in the living room, alongside Valery. They were watching something, and the shout startled everyone.
RR and EDI were somewhere else, while Liara wasn't there because she wanted to train some more with Veronica and John.

The Quarian recovered instants later, '' Wh-what is it?'' 
It was the first time she saw Samael so out of breath since she met him, so it must be important.
'' We finished it.'' Samael held his hand out, and inside there was something that Tali knew about.
The Quarian got up from the sofa with unsteady steps, her legs almost failing her, '' Is that-''
'' Yes. The Quarian Pill. After taking just one of these, the Quarians will be free of their suits. Forever.''
Valery just smiled at the scene. Her son created something outrageous once more. Like every Thursday for her.
'' No more eating from a straw, no more death because of a paper cup... Tali, your people are free.''
Tali was stunned. She had the Pill in her hands and was holding it like her life depended on it.  She knew how valuable it was.
She never dreamed of this. When she looked at the human in front of her, her heart sped up a bit. '' I don't even know how to thank you. You changed the fate of my species forever.''
Samael held her hand, '' I just want you to be happy.''
Tali could see his eyes, and the emotions he was giving were genuine.
'' Now, take it. Of course, the effect wasn't instant, but in 2-3 days, you're free from the suit.''
Tali nodded, and with trembling but firm hands, she opened the compartment where the Quarians put their drinks. She put the pill in her mouth and swallowed it.
She started crying soon after that. Her nightmare and that of her people were over.
Samael could not resist and hugged her, '' It's over.''
Tali returned the hug, and both human and Quarian stood there for some time.
After some time, Tali broke the hug and took a deep breath. She then did something not even Samael predicted.
He saw her taking some other medication, the ones where it allowed the Quarians not to die after being exposed to the outside, and suddenly, she took out her helmet. Her face was visible.
Samael was dumbstruck. She wasn't exactly beautiful by normal standards, but Samael didn't care about that. Hell, he didn't even care if she was the ugliest Quarian in the Universe. The only thing that mattered to him was that it was Tali.

That was more than enough.
Seeing her once more ignited something deep inside him.
Valery saw that look on her son's face and smirked. She sensed something was about to happen and quietly left the living room, going to the base, to ensure no one would interrupt whatever was going to happen there.
Tali closed her eyes after taking the helmet off because, for the first time ever, she felt free. After some time of basking in that feeling, she opened her eyes.
What she saw was a man clearly in love with her. For the first time since they met, she was confident that she also felt something for the human. It also helped that he was interested in her before even taking the helmet off.
Tali then realized he wasn't saying anything, ' Perhaps he thinks I'm too ugly...?'
Just as Tali was about to say something, Samael suddenly went forward and kissed her on the lips. 
This took Tali by surprise for a moment, as this was literally her first kiss. Her first reaction was surprise, but the second was to reciprocate the gesture.
It started with a peck, then tongue got involved, and things would've progressed even further if Samael hadn't pulled back at that moment.
He was panting, and so was Tali. Her eyes were a little glazed as she asked, '' Why did you stop?''
Samael said with regret in his eyes, '' You just took the Pill. I know that the medicine you took moments before allows you to survive outside the suit for a short period of time, but I also know how bad it gets for you even with that. I waited 2- this long, I can wait a few more days.''
Tali could not believe this man. He had her like this, could do anything to her, and he backed off because he cared more about her wellbeing than just physical contact.
' Oh, it's over. I feel hard for this man.'
It wasn't supposed to be like this. They just met not long ago, less than 3 months ago. From the beginning, it was clear the man held some sort of sentiment for her, something others confirmed, but she hadn't noticed at that point.
When it was pointed out to her, she vowed to do her best to take things slowly, as it seemed he was also interested in Liara, a good friend of hers. But, at this point, and with his attitude, it was too late.
This time it was Tali who jumped into Samael's arms, then hungrily kissed him. She broke after a few moments, '' Kiss is allowed, right?''
'' More than allowed, it's recommended. I heard somewhere from a study that a kiss a day, makes the Quarian -''
'' Shut up and kiss me!''
Tali and Samael then continued their make-out session for a long time.
When Valery arrived at home with RR, EDI, and Liara, everyone noticed the strange atmosphere in the room.
For some reason, Tali was in the living room, still in her suit, helmet and all, eating something.
Samael was in the kitchen, doing something to eat.
RR, the sex-crazed AI she was, noticed right away something happened, '' Samael, did you -''
'' Yes, I made food for you all.'' Samael interrupted her and showed everyone the food. He also winked at RR, who understood it was to stay quiet.
But another AI didn't get the memo.
''Samael, did you have intercourse with Tali?''
Tali, who was watching TV, coughed hard a few times. Valery smirked at that reaction.
Liara was a little taken aback, but she was glad for her friend. But, for some reason, she still noticed Samael was looking at her the same way he did. Which means he was still interested in her.
' This is ... interesting, to say the least. I need time to process all of this.'
Samael faced palmed, '' No , EDI. We didn't. I just gave the Quarian Pill.''
'' What is that?'' Liara asked with curiosity.
''Something that allows the Quarians to live outside their suit. Permanently.''
Liara instantly looked at Tali, who nodded. She was overjoyed and rushed to hug her friend. ''Congratulations!!!'' She then started a barrage of question, '' Is it safe? No side effect?''
'' Yes, and no. The effects take effect in 2 or 3 days. Until then, I still have to wear the suit.''
Liara was just glad for her friend. But a naughty idea plagued her mind, and she didn't resist testing the waters, '' Also, there's a kiss mark in your helmet.''
'' Where?!'' Tali took off her helmet to check it.
When she did so, she revealed a lot of kiss marks on her face. The Quarian was still looking at her helmet when she heard Liara snicker.
It then hit Tali what just happened. The Quarian looked at Samael and just noticed he was smiling at her, clearing didn't minding the situation. If the other part didn't care, so she would care too.
Also, RR and EDI were watching the scene with popcorn in their hands. Humans' relationship was something like cinema to the Ai's.
Tali put her helmet back on, '' You saw nothing.''
Liara nodded,'' I only saw how beautiful you are.''
Tali was about to say stop, but Lara continued.
'' I mean it. And once more, congratulations.''
Tali could only hug her friend out of embarrassment, '' Thank you.''
Samael was over the moon today. This was honestly one of the best days he had on this last cycle of his. He would cherish this memory forever.
But, he was also thinking about how to proceed with Liara and Shepard, ' Liara is somehow the weak link, as she didn't really mind polygamy. I can go slow with her... Now Shepard is another story.'
He still hasn't met her in this cycle, so he would have to change that.
'' Is the scene over yet?'' Valery watched as she eat,'' The food will get cold.''
Liara then remembered the food and said, '' Sorry.'' She and Tali, who had already eaten but chose to sit at the table, went there.
Samael also sat down while RR and EDI went to do their things.
'' Thanks for the food.'' Liara thanked Samael as she ate.
'' No problem.''
The dinner was somehow normal and awkward at the same time. Tali and Samael exchanged flirty glances but Samael also shared some with Liara. It was strange, for sure.
Valery on the other hand, was having the time of her life for having the opportunity to see Samael act like that. Throughout his childhood and teenage years, he really didn't have any sort of romantic relationship. The only thing close to that was Veronica, but things were even weirder between them, and they didn't flirt like that in front of her.
So she was seeing her love-struck son trying to somehow date two girls. She really didn't mind it, and she just wanted to see how things would end. She just hoped he would be happy and the other involved too.'
Soon after dinner ended, everyone went to their room. Even Samael went to sleep and didn't work until late. It seems the makeout session with Tali drained his willpower so much that he was dead tired.
Samael got up thanks to a message on his omni tool, and almost like fate intended, it was from the team he sent to protect Shepard on her missions.
It was a simple one, '' We are on Earth. Alliance gave Shepard a vacation, and she gave us one. We are waiting for further missions.'
Samael responded with, ' Can you tell me where she is right now?'
The LD personnel send Samael a message with Shepard's location. It was a bar in the city, so he didn't really need to travel.
' Good job. Go rest for now, you earned.' Samael sent a few thousand credits to the group that accompanied Shepard.
' Thanks, boss.'
Samael closed the message and went to get ready. Today was the day he was going to meet Shepard once more.
Of course, before leaving, he would make sure to kiss Tali a little more, and cancel his schedule for the day.
' Ah, life is good.'

Samael and Tali relantionship started! I hope I managed it well. Next will be Liara and Shepard, maybe not in that order.

Well, the famous Quarian Pill and the Cure are done. Now, the Serum will be next and we will officially enter the middle - late stage of the fic. I hope what the Serum is makes sense, and if they had Project Lazarus ( which brought a person back from the dead) a Serum which changed the DNA and gives strength isn't too far fetched.

Also, is that last line in the chapter a flag?! Who knows, I'm leaving that to your imagination.

Thanks for the support!







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