Time Effect ( A Mass Effect Fanfiction)

57 – A Fated Meeting (2)


The last week has been HELL for me and my crew. For some goddamn reason, the Alliance, or rather Anderson, was sending us to missions nonstop. Generally, they were easy to do and close to Earth, so in the last few days, we completed 11 official Alliance missions.
Meaning we had almost no rest. But, God heard our prayers since, after the last mission, we were given permission to return to Earth and rest. LD personnel also left, since we weren't on a mission and didn't need them.
They said they would return after we were assigned a new mission. The crew was a little sad when they departed, but it was temporary.

It was afternoon when we arrived at Earth. We took a shower, and at 6 p.m., we all got out to drink.
Now, me and my crew decide to go to a bar on Earth. It just happened to be in San Francisco, a place a few of us know very well or very little about.

The place had two floors, the first was obviously the bar, and the second seemed to be a place where the bartender could sleep. I don't really know.
Right now, I was seated in a chair, asking for drinks for my crew. Dr. Chakwas was the most excited of us. 
After receiving the drink from the bartender, I felt bolder, as I hadn't been on vacation since a long time ago. So I shouted , '' DRINKS ARE ON ME.''
Also, it just happened that only me and my crew were around. That helped my gesture a lot.... well, there was one more person in the bar, but he was on the other side of it, not interacting with anyone.
He raised his beer at me, in a thank you gesture for the free beer. I did the same, then looked away.
But, for some reason, I kind of felt he was looking at me...
'' NICE, COMMANDER!'' Joker, our ace pilot, was already wasted. He only drank two beers...
The rest of the crew also cheered me on and returned to their conversation. Jacob was talking with Ashley, Vega, and Kaiden about some of their past missions. Dr. Chakwas was dripping nonstop.
All in all, it was a nice scene. I preferred to be alone for now because I had a lot to think about. Of all the missions we had, only one ended in failure. The one in Akuze.
After it ended, I reported it to the Alliance and asked permission to look for answers, but all they told me was that it was already dealt with. I was stunned because it was too sudden.
So I asked da- Anderson about it, and he said it was true. Apparently, an evil organization existed there, and they were experimenting with the Thresher Maw, making the creatures more aggressive. He also mentioned that someone destroyed them almost at the same time we left the planet.
That got me thinking, and I figured it out that it was probably LD, as they were the only ones, besides me, the crew, and the Alliance, that knew about the mission.
' So, it seems LD really lives up to their reputation.'
While I was distracted, I noticed the man on the other side of the bar get up and approach me.
The crew also noticed, even in their drunken state, and looked ready to intervene if necessary.
I was glad to have such a team, but I waved them off. They did so, but they were still paying attention to me.
I then looked at the man. The stranger seems okay. He was tall, like 1.90 meters, and his presence was intimidating but at the same time soothing. He had dark hair and deep eyes that felt like you could lose yourself if you looked at them too much. He looked young, at most 20 or even less.
The trip to his table to where I was was short, and he sat beside me, '' Can I sit here?''
I snorted at him, '' You already did.''
The man smiled at me and said, '' It seems I did. I also know for a fact you know how to defend yourself, so I'm not crazy enough ( AN: LOL) to try anything inappropriate with you.''
Honestly, I was supposed to be a little creeped out by such behavior, but the man was charming enough and had a way with his words, '' You're right about that. Me and my crew there could handle you in a heartbeat.''
The man looked at my crew, and a flash of clear happiness flashed through his eyes before disappearing, '' You really have an impressive crew.''
'' Thank you.''
'' Name's Samael, by the way.'' The man, Samael, extended his one hand to me in a handshake offer, and in the other, he also offered me a beer.
I attended the handshake and the beer, '' Jane Shepard. Let's see if it will be nice to meet you.''
The man didn't mind my words, '' Oh? Is that a maybe?''
'' Maybe.'' I  chuckled a bit.

I took a sip of my drink, as I felt the subtle atmosphere. The man did the same, but he was looking straight at me. 
'' Can I ask why you and your crew are here? I mean, don't get me wrong, it's nice to sometimes just do nothing but drink, but I don't think you guys are that kind of crew.''
'' We weren't.'' Far from it, we are one of the best. Most of us are younger than 20, but we might rival those who are already veterans.

I was pretty drunk myself and didn't mind sharing some things with the stranger I probably would not see again, '' We just finished a mission, and Alliance gave us a small vacation. So we decide to do what makes sense, drink until we black out.''
'' That's ... reasonable.'' The man smiled at me, '' But, how about I offer you something ... more?''

I sighed internally. The conversation was going just fine, and he had to ruin it. '' Sorry if I gave you the wrong impression, but I'm not interested in fucking someone I just met.''

The man paused. He made a surprised face.'' Oh... Oh!'' It seems he realized how he sounded, and he said, '' You misunderstood me. I was thinking about just talking about life, some D&D.''

'' Oh.'' This time it was I who was surprised, '' Sorry for jumping to that conclusion. I mean, you gave me that vibe.''

The man smiled subtly, '' Well ... if you want to, I don't mind.''

'' Calm down, cowboy. Let's just talk.''

'' I see no problem about that.''

So, for the next hour or so, I bounded with this man. Something strange, as I particularly didn't like socializing. It was almost like the man knew me beforehand and just let me guide the conversation.

It wasn't boring or anything like that, on the contrary. I enjoyed the conversation very much.

The one hour turned into two, and the clock hit 8 P.M. The night was young, but almost everyone in the crew, save for some, was pretty wasted.

I stopped drinking too much, as the conversation with Samael was too nice to miss. So, only me, Dr. Chakwas, and the man were sober.

I sighed as I saw the situation with my crew. I said to Dr. Chakwas, '' Let me call a cab for them. Make sure they were okay.''

'' What about you, commander?'' Dr. Chakwas asked with a not-so-subtle smile.

I snorted at her, '' Don't worry, I'm not a kid, and I can handle myself. Besides, I don't sleep around ... that much.''

Dr. Chakwas said nothing more as I called the cabs. The destination was a nearby hotel.

After my crew left, only me and Samael stayed in the bar. The bartender occasionally gave us a drink, which Samael insisted on paying for.

I finally decided to ask who Samael was. I'm not dumb, it was clear the man knew about us, at least on a superficial level.

I didn't really mind because he is friendly, but I decided to ask anyway.

'' Who are you?''

Samael just smiled at me and said, '' It took you a long time to ask. Why not ask when all your crew were here? Aren't you afraid I might do something dangerous?''

'' They were already wasted, so they would not be much of a help and more of a burden. Besides, I can handle myself.''

'' I'm sure you can.'' Samael then simply said to my face, '' I'm LD's owner.''



I could not believe what I was hearing. This man in front of me was one of the most - if not the most- powerful men on Earth right now. The man behind the company that was sponsoring me.

The bartender gave us a drink, and retreated once more.

Samael took a sip and seemed to enjoy my surprised face, '' What, is that difficult to believe?''

I nodded and drank the whole cup in one gulp. '' It is.''

Samael nodded at my statement, '' Well, it is true.''

I calmed down and decided to ask something I wanted to ask since LD came to me, '' Why me?''

'' I will say what I say to everyone who was recruited by LD before. I saw your potential. You have the potential to do incredible things if you have the chance. So, I decided to help you.''

''There are many others I sponsor so that they can reach their full potential. But... I must say, you're my favorite.''

It was too much information for the slightly drunk me, but I could not miss this opportunity, '' How so?''

Samael said with a strange face, '' You have amazing combat potential, your capability of leading others is out of the charts, and your charisma is unmatched. There are many other things that make you special, those are just a small fraction.''

'' Well... thank you for trusting in me so much.''

'' You're welcome. But, how are you feeling as of now?''

I tilted my head, '' About what?''

It was Samael's turn to tilt his head, '' Anderson didn't tell you?''

I shook my head, '' I had no idea what you're talking about. The only thing he told me in the last week was about missions. I had so many of them that I was going to have a talk with him if he didn't give us this vacation.''

Samael looked to the side as if he didn't want to face me, '' Well, I might be the reason you had so many missions in a row.''

I paused. '' Explain.''

'' LD has secured a Spectre position thanks to some negotiations with the Council. And, we just happened to have been sponsoring the best candidate possible for the position.''

I asked incredulously, '' Me?''

Samael nodded, '' Yes. I told Anderson to send me your files so that I could push it forward. But, this is my guess by the way, your 'curriculum' was small, thanks to your age and the time you gained your crew, so Anderson must have sent you on many missions so that others can't say you didn't do your job.''

I was speechless. This was too much for me, so I drank another beer.

Even after that, I still had no reaction. I had no idea what to do with that information.

Samael came in clutch and said, '' Don't let this get to your head. Just be you, and you are good. The position was yours even without the many missions you guys had done, so Anderson worked you to the bone without reason.''

Just then, Samael's omni tool bipped, and he received a message. He excused himself and opened it.

Seeing the content, he smiled at me, '' Are you curious about your files?''

I nodded, and he showed me what the message was. It was from da-Anderson, with my file on it.

I read it too, and it was good. There was only one failure.

I then remembered and asked, '' Akuze... the one who destroyed the evil organization facility there, was it LD?''

Samael nodded, '' We destroyed it and killed those responsible. Also, the evil organization no longer exists, as LD had assimilated.''

'' That's ... good to know.'' I grabbed a cup, '' A drink to those who we lost.''

Samael repeated the gesture and we both downed our drinks... Okay, now I'm drunk.

I looked at Samael, '' Can you give me a ride to the hotel?''

'' Why not sleep here? They have a room upstairs from what they told me.''

I shook my head, '' I doubt they would let a customer sleep here. Besides, it might be dirty or dangerous.''

Samael smiled at me, '' I bought the bar a few hours ago.''

'' ...''

'' The bartender is an LD agent.''

I looked at the bartender, who waved at me.

'' So, don't worry too much and go to sleep.''

'' ...''

This man was too weird for me ... but he was also so charming.

I sighed, '' OK, you won.''

Even in my drunken state, I was pretty confident I could defend myself against anyone, so even if they tried something funny, I could handle it.

Before going to the room to sleep, I was stopped by Samael, '' What are you going to do tomorrow?''

I answered honestly, '' The same as I did today. Maybe the other might come, but some have family on Earth and might visit them, so I don't know how many of us will be here.''

'' Do you want to have another conversation tomorrow?'' Samael asked with a grin on his face.

I snorted at him, and I knew exactly what that grin implied.'' I'm sorry, I generally don't sleep around on the first or second date.''

'' And on the third?''

'' Who knows? Besides, you are my sponsor. You flirting with me and trying to get on my pants is probably bad conduct.''

Samael shrugged, '' I see no problem with it.''

' .. Neither do I.'

'' See you tomorrow, Samael.''

'' Have a sweet dream, Commander Shepard.''

After that farewell, I went to the room in the bar. It was exactly as Samael said, the place was clean, almost like he knew I would sleep here.

' He is a strange person.'

Today was productive, as I learned a lot of things. But, I'll think about them tomorrow, when I'm sober.

I closed my eyes and waited for the sleep to come.



'' Dude, she's into you for sure. A few more dates, and you can score with her.'' The bartender, who was an LD agent, said this to Samael. Only both were in the bar right now, with Shepard sleeping in the spare room upstairs.

Samael smiled, '' She is for life, my friend. That woman is amazing.''

'' If you say so... So, about me. I am now a bartender forever?''

'' Nah, only if you want. You will stay here until Shepard leaves, and then you can return to your position.''

'' Thank you.''

''Don't mention it.'' Samael got up from his seat. It was time to go home, '' See you later. You can run the bar normally.''

'' See ya.''

Samael left the bar and immediately sent Tevos the files. He asked, '' How long do you think it will take?''

Tevos answered immediately, '' In a month or two. Thanks to your friend Garrus, I have a chance to 'clean' up the Council. I will put forward the Spectre application after the cleaning.''

'' Thank you.''

Tevos sent a no problem, and Samael did one more good thing.

' Now, I only need to wait for Mordin to revise the Serum formula, to see if the Salarian could improve it.'

Samael sighed, ' It would be amazing if we could also put the Asari DNA into the Serum-'

That train of thought stopped as Samael felt something unusual.

' Wait a second... I'm smart enough to think about this in this cycle, but not others...?'
This doesn't make sense.

Samael knew something was wrong with him before this, but this situation rang an alarm bell in his mind.

' Ok, something IS DEFINITELY WRONG with me.'

It was almost like his memories were missing.
He tried to remember other cycles, where this situation happened, but to no avail. No memories of it.

... Nor of him coming up with an idea on how to better the Serum.

' ... I can't delay this any longer. I have to go to Thessia.'

Very few species have the potential to heal the mind like the Asari. The Ardat-Yakshi were even better.

' If even they can't help me... I'll have to do something drastic.'

It was so crazy, that even Samael would refrain from doing it if he had the chance. 

He would have to make a deal with the Leviathans, the same species that created the Reapers. If the Asari could not help him, they were his last hope. The problem was that they weren't trustworthy. Far from it.

They only lose in the worst species aspect of the galaxy to the Batarians. 
It was stupid and dangerous to trust them.
' Let's hope I don't need to go to such lengths to deal with whatever is happening with my mind.'
With a heavy heart and new worries, on what was supposed to be a good night, Samael went to his house.


I have hinted at this problem way before this, but I brushed it off. Now, or better, in the next 30 or so chapters, Samael will have to deal with his broken mind.

Of course, there's a HUGE plot point around this part and a few people might already notice what it is. I will not say anything because it would be a spoiler but pay attention to the name of the chapters, in particular older ones.

Thanks for the support!

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