Time Effect ( A Mass Effect Fanfiction)

59 – Second Date


It was on the same night that Samael discovered his scrambled memories.
As he knew there wasn't much he could do to fix that, he decided to let things follow the flow. He was worried, yes, but knew that doing things out of desperation rarely results in good things.
So, at night, he went to the same bar as yesterday. Shepard did say she might use the same bar.
Sure enough, when Samael entered his bar, Shepard was there. But this time, no one of her crew members was there. There were other customers, but they were 'normal.'
Nodding to his agent, Samael sat down beside Shepard, '' Fancy seeing you here.''
Shepard snorted at that, '' I think I have a stalker.''
'' Oh my, who is it?'' The bartender served two drinks and then went away to serve the other customers.
'' The owner of a multi trillon credit company.'' Shepard smiled, '' Good to see you.''
'' Feeling's the same. Did you have a talk with Anderson?'' Samael was referring to the fact that Anderson didn't tell Shepard about the Spectre position.
'' I did.'' Shepard downed her drink, '' He said sorry for not telling me sooner, but that was it. He said he was also proud of me... Why am I telling you all this, I wonder?'' 
This was something very personal to Shepard, and here she was, telling a man she met not long ago about it. Granted, he was her supporter, but that was supposed to be the extent of their 'relationship'.
'' Maybe I'm too charming for you to say no to?'' Samael said in a serious tone.
'' ... PFTTT.'' Shepard laughed out loud. It's not like Samael wasn't handsome, but the way he spoke hit some nerves, '' Maybe, maybe.''
Samael didn't mind the laugh as he asked, '' How was your day?''
'' The same as yesterday. Train, train, then come here to drink. Anderson said no more missions for at least a month or so, so this will be my routine for some time.''
'' It might get boring down the line... So, how about I give you a tour tomorrow? On LD headquarters, I mean.'' Samael knew that this was only their second meeting in this cycle, but he wanted to get close to her as soon as possible. Pushing things also wasn't something strange to him, so he did it once more.
Shepard hesitated. She wanted some change, as even though she and her crew arrived only days ago, she was getting bored. So, she accepted after some consideration, '' Sure, why not.''
'' Great. I'll come and grab you here tomorrow morning.''
'' Here?'' Shepard tilted her head with a puzzled look on her face.
'' Of course! I mean, aren't we going to drink until we pass out?'' Samael held a drink to Shepard.
'' I will refuse today. How about we just talk? I realized I don't know much about you at all.'' Shepard wanted to know more about the mysterious man in front of her.
Based on what she knew from asking around, he was young, just like her, but he was already a trillionaire. And he knew how to fight too, if the rumors were true.
'' Oh? Are you getting interested in me? I'm sorry, I generally don't sleep around on the first or second date.'' 
Shepard laughed at what he said because that was what she said a day ago, '' Me neither. Besides, the things I want to know aren't like that. More like what do you do for fun, your favorite color, etc.''
'' Well, do you want the resumed version or the long version?'' Samael's day had ended long ago, as he passed all his work to Miranda, so his nights were usually free. Only, he spend them thinking about how to stop the Reapers.
'' The long one.''
'' In a galaxy, far, far away, long time-''
'' Not that long.'' Shepard smiled at Samael's antics.
''OK then. Well, my life is kind of boring, to be honest.''
So, for the next few minutes, Samael gave Shepard a rundown on his life. What he did as a child, how he found a Prothean Beacon and learned about an upcoming extinction event, how he was trying his best to stop that, that his favorite color was green, that he had a ship and a crew, etc.
But, as it should, Shepard got stuck in a piece of information she could not wrap her head around, '' Did you say an extinction event?''
Samael made a tehehe face, and said, '' I will tell you about this tomorrow. But, it's serious.''
Shepard realized it really was. Samael said that in a light tone, but his eyes betrayed him, as even though he had a 'cute' posture, his eyes were serious.
She got really curious, but he said he would tell her tomorrow, so she would wait.
'' Now, it's your turn. Tell me about your life, Commander.'' Samael already knew her history, in and out, but he wanted to listen from her mouth. Besides, being in her presence was nice.
'' Oh well, I guess I have to repeat the gesture, huh.'' 
The duo then spent the night, talking and drinking. Nothing sexual happened between them, but they got closer than before. 
They were still far from lovers, though.
'' So here is how it looks from the inside.'' Shepard said while looking around LD building. It cost a whopping 1 billion credits to build.
It had 75 floors, each having a function different from one another. It also had a lot of employees, the best Earth had to offer as of now.
Shepard heard the stories about how LD was powerful, its influence, etc. And seeing the magnitude of the building, cemented that thought.
'' I used to think the rumor exaggerated, about how LD was but just from seeing the building and the team that helped me in my missions, I have to say, it lives up to its name of being the best company on Earth.'' Shepard said as Samael guided her through the building.
'' Why, thank you. But, don't be too surprised yet. We will now go see the CEO and see how things are in terms of business.''
'' Wait, are you even allowed to show me, an outsider and Alliance personnel, something like that?'' Shepard knew Samael was a little bit unhinged, but this was another level.
'' I created LD, so it makes sense I can do whatever I want with it. Besides, the CEO is a crew member and a friend. I'm sure she would not mind...'' Samael was even thinking Miranda might ask for help with the workload, but he did not say that out loud.
''  Besides, you will be a Spectre soon. Getting to know LD power beforehand might help you see the scale of power in the galaxy.'' 
Shepard said nothing more. Finally, the duo arrived at the elevator and entered it.
Contrary to the Citadel, the elevator had music, radio stations, and many other things. It was also transparent, so by going up, they would have a nice vision of the city. The CEO's office was on the last floor, and Samael pressed the button.
The elevator started to go up, and the duo stayed in silence, with Shepard appreciating the view.
Soon enough, they arrived at the last floor, and the elevator opened with a ding. The duo stepped out, and a few guards greeted Samael.
'' Boss.''
Samael, even though he had to accept being called Boss, still didn't like that nickname. But, he nodded at them, '' Good morning to you all. I hope you have a nice day.''
The guards nodded, and the duo passed through them and arrived at the CEO's office. Out of courtesy, Samael knocked on the door, and a voice said, '' Who is it?''
Samael immediately recognized Jack's voice, and a thought came to mind, ' Are they doing it here? Wow, they sure were shameless.'
Not like he would mind that much if they were. Samael was well past the point of caring about decency.
'' It's me, Samael. I came with a visitor. Are you both free?''
There's some rustle from behind the door as Jack says in a hurry, '' Give us a second... Or two!''
Samael smirked at that, and Shepard noted that. She connected the dots, '' Wait, there's two people inside?''
'' Yup. And they were probably enjoying themselves, and we interrupted it.'' By Samael's tone, Shepard knew he was enjoying that situation.
'' You guys are crazy.''
'' Not enough.''
A minute or so later, an out-of-breath Jack opened the door. Today, she was dressed quite modestly, with some jeans and a T-shirt that said: I'm the CEO's girlfriend. She was looking normal, if not for the fact she was painting and sweating quite a bit, '' You can enter now.''
'' Thank you, 'secretary'.'' Samael made a knowing face as he passed Jack, who suppressed the urge to say not-so-nice things to her captain.
Shepard passed Jack and said a small sorry to her.
Jack just smiled at the unknown female, '' Don't sweat it. We will continue after you guys leave.''
'' Jack!''
Miranda, who was trying to look dignified by being seated at her table, failed after what Jack said. She too was dressed nicely, with a suit, but she was blushing quite a bit now.
Jack smiled as she closed the door.
Samael said as he sat in front of Miranda, '' Busy day?''
Miranda followed Jack with her eyes until her girlfriend sat down in another part of the office. She then sighed, '' You have no idea.''
'' I do have, but please explain to our new friend here. She is an important ally.''
Miranda and Jack noticed Shepard way before, but hearing the confirmation about being an ally made them relax. Miranda then said, '' May I know your name?''
Shepard introduced herself, '' My name is Commander Shepard. I am alliance personnel and have my own crew.''
Miranda searched her memories, and sure enough, there was a Shepard that LD sponsored. She connected the dots immediately, '' Nice to meet you, Commander. My name is Miranda, and I am LD's CEO. This one is Jack.'' She pointed at Jack, who waved at Shepard, '' She's my ... secretary.''
Samael snorted loudly at that, and Jack almost laughed out loud too. 
'' ... Nice to meet you both. To be honest, I was really surprised by Samael's action today. He said he was going to show me how LD works, and its business, but I have no idea why.''
Miranda made a surprised face as she looked at Samael, who nodded at her, confirming the information. She relaxed immediately, as Samael wasn't one to make mistakes.
'' Well, he must have his reasons.''
Samael decided to say something he forgot to mention to Miranda before, '' I forgot to say because it was in the heat of moment things, but LD managed to secure humanity a Spectre position. And Shepard here is the one LD and the Alliacen choose for that role.''
When Miranda heard that, she was taken aback but soon recovered. This wasn't the first time, not the last Samael surprised them with something outrageous, '' So you want to show her LD power?''
''Something like that, yes. Don't hide anything.'' Samael was clear about that. He wanted Shepard to know everything.
'' No problem.'' Miranda then looked at Shepard, '' I know you know, but please, don't say anything about what you hear here to others. It's very important stuff.''
'' You can trust me.''
Miranda nodded, looked at Samael, and started to give the report about how the company was doing and what it was doing.
''OK then.'' Miranda took out a few files from her Omni tool. A lot of things had to be discussed. '' First, as you mentioned before, the governments did reach out to us to confirm the information about the Reapers. We did so, showing them all the data we had, and then they asked for monetary and military help right away.''
'' Let me guess, the Salarians spearheaded it.'' Samael also entered business mode. 
Miranda nodded, '' Yes, they were the loudest of them all.''
'' I don't really like them, to be honest. I can count on one hand the good Salarians I met. The rest are rats.'' Samael had a little bit of prejudice against the Salarians because that species was slightly racist, against everyone, to be more precise. '' Well, we will honor our deal. Sell things at a discount and give them the blueprint for the ships.''
Miranda was taken aback but soon nodded. She knew it was the right thing to do, arm the galaxy to fight the Reapers. But, she knew they were potentially arming their future enemies. '' Will do.''
'' Second, this is the revenue of the company this month.'' Miranda passed the file detailing everything to Samael.
He briefly looked at it, '' It seems the ship blueprint and the ship itself are still in high demand.'' 
LD had put the blueprint of a ship close to SSV Phoenix on the market before leaving Earth months ago. It sold like hot chocolate in winter at that moment, and the momentum didn't seem to stop.
And, it seemed it was time to put another type of ship on sale. SSV Phoenix was considered a 'small' ship, capable of housing up to 100 people. Now, LD was going to sell bigger ships, capable of housing thousands and individual ones too.
The revenue would not be small, but it would not be significant either. Samael was just making sure the market was flooded with better equipment so the galaxy was prepared in case of an attack.
Of course, the one he was going to sell to others was worse than the ones LD had, but way better than the ones on the market right now.
'' Start to sell the bigger ship and the individual ones, along with their blueprints. If the government gets wind of it, maintain the deal and sell it to them at a discount.''
'' No problem.'' Miranda tapped her omni tool and then continued, '' Third, LD has encountered a few skirmishes, thanks to your decision from a few weeks ago.''
'' The ones about slavers and evil organizations?'' Samael inquired but knew it was mostly likely from it. 
'' Yes.''
'' Tell me in detail.''
'' The majority of the skirmishes were from Slavers groups, who were also mostly Batarians, and happened at various places. With our better firepower, we won quite easily, but their number didn't seem to diminish.''
'' Evil never does. Any casuallities?''
'' Yes. We lost 41 agents.''
Samael sighed. Those people could have been an asset in the war against the Reapers but died because of his decision. But, he didn't regret it, '' How much did they save?''
'' 1023 slaves were free. The majority were humans, but there were also a few Asari and some Quarians. They were treated, and then we sent them to the planet they wanted.''
'' Good. Also, make sure the families of those fallen are set for life.''
'' Will do.''
'' Also, here is the data on the people you asked us to recruit. I must say, some of those were very difficult to find and recruit, but we did it.'' Miranda passed another file to Samael.

Shepard, who was silent, looked over at them. There, she saw a few unknown names, like Kasumi Goto, and Thane. Those had a 'recruited' over their photos.

She also saw a few other files with just names and no photos. Those have a 'not found' over their photo. Samara was the first name on the list.

Shepard then looked away, minding her own business. She was finding this quite fun, to be honest. The inner workings of a multi-trillion credit company seemed ... easy.

Samael seemed pleased with what he read, '' Good job. Make sure they were ok. I'm thinking of putting them in our crew down the line.''

' I should also try and cure Thane. The Drell is going to get sick soon and die. I might help, and if things get ugly, I can do the same as I did with Natasha.'

Thane was a good friend, so putting him in cryo sleep for a time until a cure for his disease was found seemed normal.
'' Oh? Are they that good?'' Miranda asked, clearly taken aback. She studied them quite a bit but didn't find them that good.

'' They have the potential to become the best, if we let them shine and guide them.'' Samael was telling the truth. Both would, down the line, be at the top of their roles.

Thane was already one of the best assassins in the galaxy, and he would become even better. Kasumi was just a young female now, living with her still-alive boyfriend, but was already doing her 'job' quite well.

Samael was just going to help them earlier than normal. Also, he would try to help them with their problems.

'' If you say so.'' Miranda shrugged her shoulders and accepted it. Samael always does weird things that, most of the time, have good results.

'' Now, onto serious business.'' Miranda got serious, even Jack sat straight up.

Shepard also noticed the atmosphere and listened with rapid attention.

'' No sighting of the Reapers, even with the help of our obscure friend. However, he also said there are a lot of missing files that not even RR could recover. She could only recover that it was a conversation between the figure and ... Saren. A turian Spectre.''

That made Samael pause. This was a variable he never took into consideration. Saren being more active.

It also never happened in past cycles, for as long as Samael could remember.

Still, Samael would act based on that, '' It might be nothing, but we should prepare.''

'' For what?''

'' Everything. Put a tail on him right now.''

Miranda nodded at that. The conversation then stalled, and Shepard took it as an opportunity to ask something.

''Excuse me.'' Shepard entered the conversation. She looked at Samael, '' Can you tell me what that extinction event you mentioned before?''

She said it out loud because she noticed those present most likely knew something about that already. Only she was in the dark still.

Samael didn't hesitate and told her the truth, '' You heard us speaking about something called Reapers, right?''

Shepard nodded.

'' Well, if you are not aware, most people know the name based on an old fairytale. In that story, the Reapers are a species made of evil machines that periodically exterminate intelligent life in the galaxy for no apparent reason... Only, it's not a fairytale.''

Shepard found that absurd, but from the faces of Miranda and Jack, who looked resolute and ready to fight, she swallowed the joke she was about to make and asked in an uncertain tone, '' Are you saying that those Reapers are real?''

'' Yes... and they were coming for us.''

Samael, for the next 20 or so minutes, explained the situation to Shepard. About how the Reapers were coming, how they were powerful, how all the governments already knew but chose not to say anything to the public yet, how LD was at the forefront of the fight, etc.

By the end of it, Shepard was a little pale. She searched for a cup of water or anything, and Jack passed it to her. The woman was looking at her with sympathy, as she was also in her position not so long ago, learning about the Reapers for the first time.

The feeling is not so good.

'' Thank you.'' Shepard downed the water and sighed, '' So we have a war of a magnitude the galaxy never saw before happening in a few years.''

'' Yes. And I'm doing my best to prepare for the fight. Sponsoring you was one of the steps.''

'' What do you see in me to speak with so much confidence?'' That was one of the things Shepard was most curious about. Even though her academic results in the Alliance were good, it didn't warrant this level of interest Samael and, by proxy LD, had on her.

'' You see, very few people have the quality you possess.'' Samael was sincere.

'' Which is?''

'' The quality of a leader. Someone others would follow to the depths of hell just because you asked. I can count on one hand the people who possess such qualities. And we will need it in the upcoming war.''

Shepard tilted her head and said, '' I possess that? How do you know something even I'm not sure of?''

Samael smiled, '' You see, I have a special eye for this kind of stuff. Just ask Miranda here. I went against another multi-billionaire, her father, just to recruit her. Because I knew what she was capable of.''

Miranda nodded and added, '' Samael does things others might find confusing, but they always end with good results. If he says you possess that ability, even if you still haven't developed it yet, trust him.''

Shepard paused. It was a little too much to take in one day, something that happens a lot if you follow Samael, '' I need some time to think about all of this.''

She then got up and went for the door. Before she left, Samael said, '' You can tell your crew about this, but let the Alliance be the one who tells the masses. Also, Commander, I know this second date of ours wasn't normal, but are you willing to go on a third?''

Shepard smiled a little upon hearing that, '' Who knows?''

She then left the office and then the building soon after.

After she left, Miranda asked Samael, '' Is she really that good of a leader? I mean, she's around our age, and I don't really see that in her.''

Samael gave Miranda a small smile and said, '' She is the best we have in that regard.''

He was telling the truth. In past cycles, where he tried to lead, it always resulted in larger sacrifices. The cycles where they won without anyone dying were the ones where Shepard led, and he helped her.

'' If you say so.''

Samael then prepared to leave too, '' Anything else to report?''

''None. If something comes up, I'll call you.''

'' Good. Thanks for the hard work.'' Samael then left the building too.

Jack asked Miranda as soon as Samael left, '' How about we continue where we stopped?''

Miranda sighed at her girlfriend/secretary, '' ... We have to be fast, I have a lot of work to do.''

'' I can't promise that.'' Jack said as she took off her clothes.

''Remember that the doctor said to take it easy for a few days. It's not confirmed yet, but we might be pregnant.''

'' I know, I know. I'll be gentle.''

Miranda smirked at Jack. While she wasn't that much of a pervert like Jack, she wasn't that far if pushed, '' I'm more worried about you.''

The office door was closed, and no one knew what happened there.


As soon as Samael exited the building, he made a grim face.

' Today is the day I will take the Serum... The pain I have to face is something I dread ... but I have no option.'

With a heavy heart, he went to his secret building, to take the Serum and achieve strength no human ever had before.


Thanks for the support!

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