Time Effect ( A Mass Effect Fanfiction)

60 – Whatever It Takes!

Samael had gone to his secret building. The researchers there were now focused on making a bigger MECH and a better MAKO, and things were going smoothly in that regard. They think in a few years they would have it done.
In the middle of that, a sleep-deprived Mordin was in the middle of making a dose of the modified Chimera Serum, the one where the Asari and Krogan DNA were mixed.
Seeing that scene, Samael sent everyone home, even Okeer, as today was very important and no one should know about it and decided to help the Salarian. He had experience making the full Krogan version, so making one slight difference wasn't that big of a deal.
Finally, when it was late at night and only Mordin and Samael were in his secret building, the Salarian said with pride in his voice, '' It's done.''
In its hands, there's a single vial of the Chimera Serum. Samael patted the Salarian on the shoulder, '' Congratulations, my friend. You just made history with this.''
With this, weak species could fight back. Of course, if the person who took it survives the dose.
'' Thank you.'' Mordin passed the vial to Samael and said, '' Are you sure about this? It's not tested and there might be -''
'' Mordin. Thanks for the concern, but I'll do this... Maybe we can make a less powerful version of it. I don't know if others can survive the process.'' Samael was sincere. He wanted to arm LD personnel with the serum but he doubted everyone would survive the process. So, making it less powerful was the answer.
Of course, he never did so in the past cycle because it didn't make sense to make it less powerful if he needed strength... Or maybe he already did but his memories of that were missing.
Mordin said nothing more about that, but still said, '' I'll have Med-Gel at ready if you need it.''
'' Do it after the whole process is done. If you use it when it's happening, it's more painful to me.''
Mordin was going to ask how he knew but decided to ignore that question for now. He then asked, ''Do you mind if I film the process and take notes? It might help down the line, yes.''
Samael nodded, '' Do as you please.'' He then looked away, down at the vial, his whole attention was now on this.
This was a ticket for a better chance of survival. His body would adapt and get stronger, but before that happens, his body would have to go through a slight metamorphosis. To make it withstand the Serum, his body would be rebuilt.
However, the process was extremely painful. Even Samael, with his will and mental strength, didn't really want to go through this process. But, he would do so, because he wanted to see things through to the end.
Nothing would stop him, not even this kind of pain.
Samael took a deep breath and started to get ready. He took his shirt out, and his shorts, and stayed only in his trousers. He knew his clothes would be destroyed if he took them with them. He was already tall, close to 1,90 meters, but after he took the Serum, his body would grow a bit.
After that, Samael then put the vial in a syringe. He sat cross-legged then aimed at his neck, and with a resolute expression, injected it.
' To live a nice life, we must make sacrifices and go through hard experiences. This one is going to be one of the most painful of this life, but it will be worth it!'
He remembered the cycles where he lost his loved ones because he wasn't strong enough. The ones where he watched others die without being able to do anything. 
Samael had sworn before that he would do whatever it takes to win. And he would honor that.
'Whatever it takes!'
The process of merging the DNA started shortly after. A pained groan escaped Samael's mouth as a cracking sound started to come out of his body.
'Whatever it takes!'
It started on his left hand. His finger cracked and bent, and then the whole hand was deformed. Still, the process continued. The whole arm then twisted in an abnormal way, making a crunching sound as it happened.
'' AHHHHH!''
Samael finally screamed in pain and Mordin, who was filming it, flinched a little. The Salarian even wanted to help but knew the process of injecting the Serum was irreversible. So, he could watch and hope his friend survived. 
The Salarian had a whole pack of med gel on his side but knew it would not help in this situation. It was for after.
Samael's left arm was ruined, as all the bones were destroyed and everything on it was twisted in a weird angle. The process stopped there but on his right hand, it had just started.
The process repeated once more, but this time, more stronger. His fingers were crushed beyond recognition, and then his hand was smashed in. 
At this point, blood was already coming out of Samael's mouth but his eyes were unwavering.
'Whatever it takes!'
His right arm, just like his left one, was done for. Anyone who saw that scene would say his arms would never recover.
Samael was still cross leg on the ground. 
The process then started on his right foot. This time, however, it immediately started with the whole foot. The bone twisted immediately, making the pain increase several times.
'' ... FUCK!''
Samael cursed as the pain continued. His right leg then broke, making him unable to maintain a seated position.
Left with no choice, he lay down on the ground and waited for the process to continue.
Even more blood came out of his mouth, some even started to come out of his ears. His eyes were getting bloodshot to a terrifying degree, with some blood coming out of them too.
Still, his will was there.
'Whatever it takes!'
His kneecaps dug in, and he screamed once more. That was a pain no one should ever have to go through.
Blood tears started to come out like a dam. Samael's vision was colored red but he never passed out.
His right leg was finished, and for 2 seconds, he felt no pain whatsoever. But, when the 2 seconds finished, his left leg started to break apart without warning.
'Whatever it takes!'
After the left leg was broken, it was time for his internal organs to start to 'reshape'. This process could not be seen outside the body, but Samael felt everything.
His ribs broke into millions of pieces, piercing his lungs, and forcing Samael to cough out blood. It was starting to get dangerous, but so was life.
'Whatever it takes!'
His organs were damaged beyond normal, and it was time for his head to change a bit.
His cheekbones caved in, his eyesocket cracked, but the fire in his eyes was still there.
'Whatever it takes!'
Finally, after an excruciating 10 minutes, all bones in Samael's body were broken, all his internal organs were damaged, his eyesight was filled with blood, and his vocal cord didn't work anymore. He could not even feel his own body.
But, if others could see his eyes, they would notice he was calm. He knew the worst already happened, but this next part wasn't nice either.
It was time for his body to be rebuilt. Stronger and faster than any other human in history.
' To go where others never went, you have to do things others didn't do. If the me before this could face a Krogan and win, the me after this will win in a matter of 1 minute or so ... but, the problem wasn't the Krogan. It was the Reapers.'
' So, even with this newfound strength, it's meaningless in front of them. But, this is a necessary step to win.'
With another CRACK sound, his body began to reconstruct. The bones of his hands started to line up and heal once more. 
In less than a minute, Samael could feel his hand once more. He still could not see it, but he moved his finger a bit and they seemed normal.
The pain of his body being reconstructed was there but compared with being broken, it was nothing.
Soon, his arms were healed. Samael then checked his voice and noticed he could speak. So he asked Mordin, '' Mordin, please water. I can't see because of the blood in my eyes.''
'' On it.''
A few seconds later, Mordin's voice came from his left side, '' Here.''
The Salarian used a rag to clean Samael's eyes. 
When it finished, Samael opened them once more. He could see once more.
Furthermore, his eyesight got even better. He knew that he now saw better than before. He had, after all, taken the Serum in past cycles.
Of course, this version was different, thanks to having Asari DNA mixed in it, but according to his and Mordin's research, the Asari DNA mostly served as a way to stop the side effects of the Krogan DNA.
'' Thank you.''
Mordin nodded,  gave the rag to Samael, and went away once more.
Samael used the rag to clean his whole face and waited.
The legs were next. They healed in a bit and Samael once more sat crosse legged.
The organs then healed, just like his ribs. In the middle of that, Samael coughed a bit of blood here and there.
This was, after all, not a safe or fun process.
After a few minutes, the whole process was done.
Samael was reborn in a sense.
Very few in the galaxy could face him in a fight. Well, counting the humanoid species. He still can't win against a Thresher Maw with his fists, nor against a Reapers.
Still, this was a beginning.
What I witnessed was something incredible. A spectacle of resistance others never saw. 
' I doubt others could handle pain like he did. Of course, he screamed in pain once or twice, but that was it. From start to finish, he only moved once and that was forced. Truly, this friend of mine is spectacular.'
I witnessed the whole process, of Samael's body being broken and then rebuilt. But, what impressed me the most was that his eyes... were clear. No doubt that it would not work, just pure conviction.
' But, it's time to help him.'
I approached Samael after the process was done and started to apply med gel on him.
'' Thanks.'' Samael said as he lay down on the ground.
'' Any discomfort? I need all data I can on this, yes.'' While I'm glad my friend was ok, I'm also a scientist, so gathering data was important.
'' I'm okay, Mordin. Well, considering everything. '' Samael got up and started to stretch a bit, '' I need to test build my new body.''
Just from seeing him, I noticed he grew taller. His muscles also bulged quite a bit, but other than that, he seemed normal.
I noted down, ' No change in appearance. The subject doesn't look like a Krogan, nor an Asari.'
I looked up from my notepad and saw Samael's hand deep into the wall. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out.
I knew the material that wall was made of and that display of power was something no human should have.
It means...! '' It worked!'' 
Of course, I knew from what I studied that it would work. But, seeing it happening in front of me was another level, just like I know it will be a shock to see Tali without a suit, or when the Krogan were cured.
I exclaimed in a loud voice and Samael looked at me, '' We did it, my friend.''
'' What will you do now?''
'' I'll take a day or two off to get accustomed to my new body. You can run tests in the meantime. After that ... who knows.'' Samael said that as he picked up his clothes from the ground. It was a little bit tight, but it fit him, '' So, what are you waiting for? Grab the test kit and come have fun.''
My eyes shone hearing that.
'' It will be my pleasure!''


As some of you noticed, the chapter looks like one of a martial novel, where the protagonist 'breakthroughs' to another level. That was the feeling I was trying to convey, and I hope it delivered.

I loved writing this chapter, and I hope you enjoyed reading it!

Thanks for the support!

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