Time Effect ( A Mass Effect Fanfiction)

61 – Conviction

Shepard was walking through San Francisco, her mind a mess.

What she had just discovered was something very shocking.

'I still couldn't believe what I'd just heard. Some kind of powerful, murderous machines were coming to annihilate all life in the galaxy ... Yeah, even thinking about it now, it's very hard to believe.'

'However, everything indicates that it was true. Which means that everyone was screwed, to say the least.'

Of course, Shepard knew that LD and Samael were preparing to face these Reapers, but she didn't know if it would be enough.

' Sigh... And to think I was happy yesterday finding out I was going to become a Spectre. And now it happens.'

Shepard had received great news yesterday that now didn't invoke any kind of joy in her. She knew there was a war coming and this time the whole galaxy was going to be involved. Which means a lot of people are going to die fighting.

'But it's better to die fighting than doing nothing.'

The next thing Shepard knew, she was standing in front of Anderson's house in San Francisco. It was a house that Alliance had given him as a courtesy and he had used for most of his life. Shepard also spent a lot of time here.

Shepard laughed a little when she noticed that, subconsciously, she had arrived here, "I feel like I want to be comforted.''

With a heavy heart, Shepard knocked on the door of the house. A few moments later, Anderson opened the door and was surprised to see Shepard, ''What are you doing here?''

Shepard sighed, "Dad, I found out about the Reapers.''

Anderson's expression changed and he looked around the house to see if anyone suspicious was around. He then ordered Shepard to come in, ''Come in. We have a lot to talk about.''

Anderson had known about the Reapers for a week or so and told the government, who asked other species if it was true and received an affirmative answer.

However, to Anderson's dismay, the government was not planning to act. They said that since the arrival of these Reapers, according to LD, was 10 years away, they had time to prepare.

However, LD also said that the Reapers could appear at any moment, but when Anderson said this, no one listened.

The only good thing about all this was that Admiral Hackett was secretly in contact with LD so that the Alliance personnel would have better equipment.

It was a start, but there was still a long way to go.
Shepard nodded at Anderson and entered the house. Anderson looked around once more, then closed the door.
As she lived here for some time, Shepard knew the house and went to the kitchen to grab some water. Anderson just followed her, as he knew her mind must be a mess right now.
After finishing the water, Shepard asked immediately, '' Why didn't you tell me about this sooner? About the Reapers and the Spectre position.''
Anderson sat down on the counter and looked at Shepard's eyes. He could see a lot of conflicted emotions there, so he answered truthfully, '' I was delaying because I wanted you to enjoy life without the burden of knowing that. And the Spectre position, I was going to tell you this week. Congratulations, by the way.''
Shepard snorted at that last part, '' Thanks. It only took an extinction event for humanity to have a position in the Spectre ranks...''
Silence ruled the kitchen, as the family tried to take all in.
'' So... do you think we have a chance? To win, I mean.'' Even though Shepard trusted LD and Samael, this was a fight she could not see a way to win.
But that doesn't mean she wasn't going to fight, far from it. She would do her best to win, but she wanted to her other opinion.
Anderson was brutally honest, '' If they arrive at the galaxy now, we don't stand a chance. We are fragmented, the other species still have a lot of prejudice against each other. Hell, even humanity has a beef with the Turians and the Batarians.''
Shepard's expression changed to a downcast. But Anderson grabbed her hand and continued.
'' But, we can prepare. According to LD, we still have time. So, we will do our best in that regard. An old wound can heal, a peace can be achieved against other species. If we do that, gather all the galaxy under one banner, we can win.''
Shepard's conviction was getting consolidated, '' So, we just need to unite the entire galaxy?''
Anderson sighed, '' Yes. That in itself is going to be a drag, but I'm confident we can do it. We just need someone to lead that charge.''
Shepard then remembers the conversation with Samael in LD building. How she had the potential very few possessed.
A thought started to brew in her heart, ' If, only IF, I trusted his word... Maybe I can spearhead that thought.'
Shepard washed away her doubts at that moment. Only the thought of winning remained, '' We can do that.''
'' Yes?'' Anderson was surprised by Shepard's change. Her eyes, which before were clouded with a lot of emotion, like doubt and fear, now only conviction remained.
'' I was at LD building just before coming here, with Samael and LD CEO. They told me that LD sponsored me because they saw my potential. They also said my biggest strength was the fact I could lead others... I decide to trust their judgment on that. I'll use their support to better myself in every regard, and then use my future status as Spectre to bring changes into the galaxy.''
Shepard was getting hopeful, '' We can do it, Dad. We can unite the galaxy under one banner. They just need to have an open mind, which I reckon is the most difficult part of all that.''
Anderson could see the conviction on his daughter's face, '' Are you sure about that? This will require a lot of sacrifice and difficult choices. The road ahead of you is not something to be taken lightly.''
Shepard's eyes didn't waver, '' I'm willing to do whatever it takes.''
Anderson closed his eyes, his thoughts also consolidating. He would help his daughter in every part he could. He had a contact here and there and there are a lot of things he still didn't teach her.
When he opened his eyes again, Anderson looked proudly at Shepard, '' I'll help you the best I could.''
Shepard hugged him, '' Thanks.''
'' Now that all the heavy stuff is out of the way, tell me about your day. Did you make some new friends?'' Anderon said that after Shepard broke the hug.

'' Well, I ...''
The family of two got closer than before. That day also signaled the birth of the legend of Commander Shepard, whom everyone in the galaxy would know the name in the future, but that is a story for another time.


As Samael was with Mordin for a few days, to document the effects of the Serum, he missed the opportunity to see Tali without the suit for the first time.

A nervous Tali asked RR a little fearfully, "Are you sure it's safe now?

Right now, RR, EDI, Liara, and Tali were at Samael's base in the slum, more precisely in a room there. The androids had cleaned the room and sterilized it.

RR nodded, "Yes, the Pill has taken effect. You can take the suit off now. Permanently.''

Tali took a deep breath. Before that, she spent the last day kissing Samael, but for that, she only needed to take off the helmet. Now, she was going to take it all off, without taking the medicine.

Which was scary, if she hadn't taken the Pill. But now it was safe.

Tali then began to remove the suit. EDI stood to the side with a change of clothes, while Liara looked on with anticipation.

The Asari was witnessing history right now. The first time a Quarian was unsuited without risking their life.

It didn't take long for Tali to take off her suit. EDI passed her some clothes, and Tali put them on.

Then everyone was apprehensive, waiting to help in case something bad happened.

However, seconds turned into minutes and Tali didn't experience any kind of reaction. If it had been before she took the pill, she would have been injured right now.
With a trembling voice, Tali said, '' I'- I'm okay!''
Liara noticed that, and looked at RR who nodded at her and hugged Liara, '' Congratulations. You just made history. Now, all your species will have a way to live normally.''
Tali just cried. She wanted to show everyone and Samael but knew it was not the time.
She was just happy that her species would have another life.
RR said in a sad (?) tone, '' I wish Samael was here to witness this, but he said he was doing something big with Mordin.''
Tali and Liara broke the hug and the Quarian said, '' I also wished that but what he does there is very important, and I know it is the same now. He will surprise us with something big.''
Of course, the Quarian was a little sad her boyfriend missed this, but knew the things he does in that building are for the betterment of the galaxy, so she didn't mind that much.
She would later surprise him by wearing something good.
' Wait, are we at that point in the relationship?'
Liara noticed the look on Tali's face and sighed. She knew that 'love' look but as she also didn't experience much romance in her life, she could not help her.
A thought struck her, ' Maybe, we can learn together?'
It was an absurd thought, but Samael still looked at her with love love-filled gaze, even though he was with Liara. Besides, the Asari didn't really mind a little bit of poly.
With a new thought in her head, Liara went on about her day, happy for her friend.

Thanks for the support and see you in two days!

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