Time Effect ( A Mass Effect Fanfiction)

62 – Results

'' Your bone density is 8x that of normal humans. Your muscles are comparable to Turians. And you regenarate at a higher speed.'' Mordin, who at this point had already done several tests with Samael, was happy with the results.

It showed that the Chimera Serum worked perfectly. Of course, Samael being able to punch a hole in the wall was already a sign that it worked, but with so much data collected, now it was certain.

Samael was now 1.95 meters tall, able to lift 200kg with ease, and could jump 5 meters without much effort. Basically, he was a weaker version of Captain America.

'' What about the side effects? Did they show up?'' Samael asked as he put on some new clothes that he had asked the other researchers to buy.

They were surprised by his new appearance but didn't say anything more after he said he would tell them what had happened at a later date.

"So far, no. It looks like our idea of combining Krogan and Asari DNA was a good one. Only -'' Mordin hesitated for a moment before saying, '' It gave birth to a peculiar side effect ...''

Mordin showed Samael something. It was his cells.

With Samael's knowledge, he noticed that they were being generated at an accelerated rate, which means, '' ... My lifespan has increased... Do you have any idea how much?''

This was something he didn't like. With the Krogan Serum, he would've gained strength and a few more decades of life, but that was that. Just a few more decades, if his calculations were correct.

But based on what he saw right now, he had at least 500 years to live, maybe even more.

And he didn't like that.

Only Liara would be by his side after 500 years, and he didn't know if Tali, Shepard, or anyone else, would survive the serum.

Of course, he could just try to increase their lifespan, as he wanted to do with Mordin, but he didn't know if that was possible.

One might think that living 500 years was good, but for Samael, it wasn't. He had already lived his quota of more than 200 years, counting the time loops. He had already lived a lot, seen a lot, and done a lot.

Life is only lived well because you know that one day it will end. So you do your best to leave a mark on people. But Samael was tired.

He felt that he had already done his part, or rather, that he was going to do his part in the coming war. After that, he would enjoy the rest of his life with his wives and then die.

But now, that plan has been broken.

'' I have no idea, but based on what I'm seeing, more than 500 years." Mordin noticed the look on Samael's face and asked, puzzled, "I take it you didn't like that.

Samael nodded, '' Very few species have this lifespan. That is 5 generations in human life and 15 generations in Salarian one. I would lose my friends to time if they didn't take the serum. And I don't know if they will handle it.''

Mordin's face morphed into something akin to apprehension, as he saw the look on Samael's face and remembered what he had been through. He knew the human was right. ''This... has gotten complicated...''

'' Yes... But I'll leave that to you. Can you make a serum that only increases lifespan? The reaction I had was because of the Kronga DNA in there. Perhaps, with only the Asari's, the reaction could be different.''

Samael wanted a smaller version of the serum, one in which only the lifespan increased. He left all this in the hands of his Salarian friend.

Mordin put his hand to his chin and said, "Yes... maybe it will work.''

The salarian began to investigate the matter. With the Chimera Serum as a base, he thought it might work.

'' What are you going to do now?'' Mordin asked after a while.

''I'm going to go to my family and girlfriend and explain everything to them.'' Samael said this and started tidying up, ''What about you? Do you want to rest or something?''

''No, I'm fine. I have a lot to do, and there are things I can help with. Rest can wait". Mordin was a workaholic, and it showed.

'' If you say so... Moridn, thanks again.''

''Don't say anything. Now, go and see your friend. The pill has already taken effect since we've been here for two days''.

Samael knew this and was looking forward to seeing Tali without the suit.

'' See you later.''

Samael then left the building, heading for his house.
Two days have passed since Samael took the Serum. It also meant Tali was already out of her suit, which in turn, excited Samael quite a bit.
Suppressing the thought for the moment, he rushed home. Minutes later, he was in the slums and in front of his house. He took a deep breath and entered it.
The scene in front of him stunned him. He was speechless for a long while.
From the front door, he could see Tali in the kitchen, with no suit on, just regular clothes. She was eating something, and from what Samael could see, she was alone in the house and didn't notice him.
Giving him the opportunity to look at her with love in his eyes. 
' Let's not do something dra-'
Before Samael could realize it, his body acted on its own. He closed the door behind him and started to go towards the kitchen. Tali finally realized someone was in the house and was pleasantly surprised when she noticed Samael.
'' Samael! I missed you... Did you get bigger?'' That was one of the first things Tali noticed. He was tall before, but now the feeling he was giving was different. Besides, he clearly grew a few inches.
'' ...'' Samael said nothing and just caressed Tali's face. A gesture filled with love, something the Quarian appreciated.
It was then that Tali remembered that she was without the suit. As it was with her for her entire life, it was difficult for her mind to remember that she was outside of it.
Still, with Samael's hands on her face, she smiled at him, '' How do I look?'' 
Before this, Samael clearly saw her face, as he kissed her many times, but this was the first time he saw her body without the suit. Tali was a little anxious about his reaction.
' What if he doesn't like me? I mean, a Quarian and a human as a couple is odd... What if he breaks up with me?'
Just as Tali was overthinking things, Samael said, '' I think you're the most beautiful quarian I've ever seen.''
Tali smiled at that, '' And how many other Quarians have you seen without the suit?''
She then noticed Samael looking at her with a love-filled gaze. 
Samael suddenly blurted, '' I love you.''
He knew it was extremely weird to say, seeing as they had been dating only for a few weeks and met up only a few months ago. But his feelings were genuine.
As expected, Tali was surprised, '' W-what?''
'' I love you, Tali Var Phoenix.'' Samael then kissed Tali, whose mind was in turmoil.
' He loves me? Isn't this too fast!?'
But soon, the kiss took all her attention, and she focused on it. Maybe it was because she was outside the suit, Samael was way more forward now, fondling her quite a bit.
Tali didn't mind it, but things were getting too hot even for her. So, she put a brake on it, '' Stop.''
Samael did so, but had a puppy look on his face.
Tali smiled at that and said, '' We can continue this tonight... I even have a surprise for you.''
'' I can wait.''
'' Good. Now, tell me why you disappeared for two days.'' 
Samael didn't hesitate to tell Tali the truth. This was one of the biggest secrets LD had, but she was his wife, so she had the right to know.
'' LD was working with something called Chimera Serum. Basically, we would infuse the DNA of stronger species and presumably inherit their strength... I took it two days ago.''
Tali was shocked. '' Wait, what?'' She was smart, so she knew the process most likely wasn't nice, '' Is there any side effect? Was it painful? Since when was LD working on this?''
She went into full worry mode.
Samael smiled at that and answered, '' If our research is correct, there is no side effect. Only ... my lifespan is now 500 years.''
Tali was too shocked to react. Her species only had a 75-year life expectancy, so this was a shock.
'' I'm still trying to figure out a way to only increase the lifespan because, with the Serum I took, the process is dangerous and painful. Very few would survive it.'' 
That was why, from the beginning of his life, he trained his body and did the same with others, like Veronica, John, Miranda, etc. He was preparing their body for the Serum.

Those few he mentioned would probably survive if they took the serum too. Others were another story.
Tali was speechless. It was a lot to take in, but she did her best to calm down, '' So... are you strong now?''
Samael smirked, and with one hand, he grabbed Tali, who then let out a cute squeak, and lifted her up easily.
'' I have the strength of a Krogan.''
Tali was shocked but pleasantly surprised. 
Samael put her down, '' I - LD, was researching this for a long time, all so that we can stop the Reapers.''
At the mention of the Reapers, Tali calmed down, her excitement for her boyfriend getting stronger diminished. She knew what the Reapers were capable of, thanks to Javik, so she knew the strength Samael now possessed meant nothing in front of the machines.
Samael noticed that and decided it was time to tell his crew about his failsafe, named Project Andromeda.
' But, that can wait.'
Samael kissed Tali once more, and the couple spent the rest of the day like that. They had time to enjoy themselves because the other residents of the house were out.
At night, Tali did show Samael her surprise. It was a set of red lingerie. 
The Quarian had debated internally if they were moving too fast with their relationship, but the Reapers sent that thought flying away. She knew they were living in borrowed time until the war, so she would enjoy her human boyfriend the best she could.
Samael woke up beside Tali and smiled. The events of last night repeated in his mind.

' While she looks frail, she is a beast on bed.'

Don't let the frail-looking Tali confuse you. Maybe because of the Pill and the fact that she didn't need to use the suit anymore, she was energetic in bed.

Of course, she still 'lost' to Samael, who had 200 years of experience in this regard. Both parts ended the night very fulfilled.

Samael messed with Tali's hair a bit and let out a laugh as she tried to take his hand away in her sleep.

' I would love to spend the day here, but we have things to do.'

He kissed her forehead and then sent a message to his team, ' Assemble at LD headquarters, we have a lot to discuss.'
Samael would make breakfast, wake up Tali and the others, then go to LD.

As he got out of his room and went to the kitchen, Samael stopped in his tracks. In the living room, an awake Valery and Liara were looking at him with different gazes.

Valery was smirking with an' I know what you did' look. Liara was looking at him with curiosity.

'' Oh my, look who it is! It's Romeo! How was last night?'' Valery teased her son and was enjoying the situation.

'' Stop. We are a couple, so doing those things is normal. I mean, the door was closed and all.'' Samael had no shame in this regard.

He also noticed the look Liara was giving him and realized she was interested in what had happened.

' Maybe it's a chance.'

''There was nothing normal yesterday. You see, the walls are thin in this house, so we heard a few things....''

Liara looked curious about that because she didn't hear anything last night.

Samael ignored that and asked both,'' What do you guys want for breakfast?''

'' 'Oh, my Samael, don't stop!' ' There, there!!!' ' How can this be so big?!''' Valery's teasing didn't stop.

'' Cynade it is.'' Samael said that and went to the kitchen. He knew his mom was teasing him because that was not what Tali said last night. Well, at least not just this.

Besides, the wall in this house was meant to tank a few missiles, so being soundproof was the least it could do.

Samael spent the next few minutes making breakfast for everyone. It was a simple bacon and eggs.

Tali's diet was different because she was Quarian and had a different stomach than others, so he made something special for her.

'' Here.'' Samael passed Liara and Valery their portion, '' Where are RR and EDI?''

Valery and Liara thanked him, and the Asari answered, '' They were at the base doing something I don't know.''

'' Ok. Liara, have you received the message I sent?''

The Asari nodded.

'' Good. I will wake Tali, take a shower, and then we will leave together.''

'' No problem.'' Liara sensed the conversation had ended and started to eat.

Samael then went to his room with Tali and his breakfast.

At this point, the Quarian was up and dressed.

'' Good morning, girlfriend.'' Samael put down the breakfast on the bed.

Tali smiled at Samael, '' Good morning, boyfriend.'' She then thanked him for the meal.

'' Now let's eat, then take a bath. The day ahead of us is a big one.''

The couple ate, took a bath, then grabbed Liara and the recently arrived AI's and went to LD headquarters.


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