Time Effect ( A Mass Effect Fanfiction)

64 – Crew Meets Crew (1)

I was unable to contact Samael for a few days. He said he was busy with something important, and I don't doubt him, as he was the owner of LD.
But I could not hold on for much longer. I had to tell my crew about the Reapers and what we would face.
So, today in the afternoon, I sent a message to Samael, telling him I would be telling my crew about the Reapers at night, so if he wanted to say something about that, say it now or it will be too late.
A few minutes after I sent the message, he responded with, ' Meet me at the same bar at night. I will help you tell the news.'
I responded with a thank you and waited.
Soon, it was time for us to meet, and I grabbed my entire crew and went to the bar to meet up.
So, imagine my surprise when I saw the place packed with people, with Samael in the middle of them all. I noticed right away that they must be close friends or something along those lines.
Joker hesitantly approached me, '' Commander, what is this all about? The bar is always empty, so seeing it filled with so many people is... scary.''
I nodded at my pilot but said, '' They were friends.''
Just in cue, Samael noted me and stopped what he was doing, '' Shepard!'' He came in my direction and said, '' Nice to see you.''

I smiled at him and noticed how he had grown a few centimeters since we last saw each other, '' Samael, nice to see you too. Did you grow...? You know what, never mind.'' I looked behind him and said, '' Those are?''

Samael looks proud, '' It's my crew. Come, let us introduce ourselves.'' He nodded at the rest of my crew and proceeded to spearhead this meeting.
He introduced everyone to his crew's doctor, '' This one is Clare. She is one of the best doctors we have in the whole LD.''
Clare introduced herself and almost instantly, locked eyes with Doctor Chakwas.
'' I heard a lot about you, Doctor Chakwas. Care to share some of your stories?''
I didn't even have to introduce Chakwas to the others, as Clare did that herself.
Doctor Chakwas wasn't one to say no to the young one who wanted to hear her stories, '' It will be my pleasure.''
The duo went away, talking about their stories.
Samael continued the introductions, '' This one is Veronica and John. She is my pilot and he is one great soldier.''
Joker perked up hearing that, and just as he was about to go have a chat with Veronica, something caught his eye. It was an Android, which was besides another Android, but something in the first had captivated the young pilot.
I noticed that, and Samael did too, so he said, '' That is one of LD's secrets. We have an Android that is close to being an AI rather than a VI. Please, feel free to go talk to them.''
Joker didn't really care about AI or whatnot, his mind was only filled with that particular Android. His body went on autopilot and went in the direction of it.
Samael nodded at one of the Androids, who gave a thumbs up. I didn't understand the interaction, but I hoped my pilot would not have his heart broken by ... a machine.
I looked around and noticed Alenko, Willians, and Jacob talking with Veronica and John.
Most of my crew had already blended in, making friends with the rest.
Samael continued the introduction, this time introducing an Asari and Quarian, '' This one is Liara, a Prothean Expert. She is awesome.''
'' Hello, Commander Shepard. Nice to meet you.'' Liara offered a handshake, which I gladly accepted.
'' Nice to meet you too.''
'' This one is Tali, one of the best Quarian engineers the galaxy has ever seen.'' 
The Quarian repeated the gesture, '' Nice to make you an acquaintance.''
'' Likewise.''
After that small introduction, they went away, to talk with the rest.

'' And this one is Mordin. He is a scientist working for LD.''

The Salarian introduced himself to me. '' Hello. I heard a few things about you from Samael, yes. Like how he wants to-''


Samael coughed out loud, and Mordin made a knowing face and said, '' Sorry for that. I almost said something I should not.''

I was confused, but I feel the Salarian was a funny one and harmless. '' That's ok. It's nice to meet you too.''

The Salarian then went away and blended in.
Time passed, and the introduction ended, with small groups already being formed. Of course, as time passes, those groups will blend with the others, but that is a natural process that I didn't need to rush.
'' It's nice seeing them interact so naturally, no?'' Samael asked with a smile while looking at the scene ahead.
I nodded at that statement, '' We all might be young, but what we went through and did in those past months was enough to harden us. So, it's nice seeing them so relaxed.''
'' You tell me.''
I looked at the scene some more and said, '' Now, how about we join them?''
'' Let's.''

After Samael and Shepard joined the fray, everyone introduced themselves to each other. Joker was still glued to EDI, and no one blamed him. The android even seemed interested.
RR was around the young android, taking care of her.
The rest of the crew had already blended in, making friends here and there.
No alcohol was being consumed yet because the meeting today was more to tell Shepard's crew about the Reapers than anything else.
As Samael predicted, the crews made friends on the spot. Now, he had one more connection with Shepard, and things should go smoothly in romancing her.
If nothing goes wrong, of course. 
Shepard was still with Samael, both eyeing their crew. It was then that she said, '' It's time.''
Samael nodded at her and whistled, gathering everyone's attention, '' Guys, Shepard here has some words. It's serious.''
The SSV Phoenix crew noticed that Samael said that while looking at Shepard's crew, so they rationalized that it must be about the Reapers. While their existence was known by the government of all species, only those higher-ups in the government knew about them. So, Shepard's crew was in the dark, and she was going to say something.
Everyone looked at Shepard, and she took a deep breath, '' Some months ago, LD found proof of a species made out of a killing machine, strong beyond measure. Some of you might know them from fairy tales, but they were real. They are called the Reapers.''
Dr. Chakwas, who was somewhat calm, reacted fiercely to hearing that name, '' Are you sure, Commander?''
Shepard nodded at her doctor and said, '' It's been confirmed, and the information about them was relayed to the authorities. The government knows about them.''
A bad feeling rose within Dr. Chakwas, '' If you are talking about them...''
Shepard made a grave face and said, '' Yes. The Reapers are real... and they were coming for us.''
For the next 20 or so minutes, Shepard explained to her crew about the Reapers, what they were capable of, their appearance, etc. 
The SSV Phoenix crew only looked at them with sympathy, as they were in the same position as them just a few months ago.
Shepard's crew, who were in high spirits before, looked defeated. Who could blame them though, as they just discovered they were being targeted by something most considered immortal?
Shepard decided to give them a boost, '' We will win.''
There are no doubts in her words. That gathered the attention of her crew, and their eyes lit up a bit. Even the SSV Phoenix crew looked surprised.
Samael nodded internally. That was the Shepard he knew. It was in the beginning stages, but she was there. The leader the galaxy needs in the upcoming war.
She could boost the morale of the troops with a single sentence.
'' Trust us, trust me, and trust yourselves. We have time to prepare for them, and this time, it's the whole galaxy united. We will win.''
Color returned to the faces of her crew, as they sighed their worries away. Just as Shepard said, it was something for the future. The best they could do was prepare.
Samael noticed that their spirits were lifted and Shpeard was done speaking, so he clapped and said, '' Ok, with all that crap out of the way, let's get wasted so much we forget about them. Who's with me?''
With a cheer from his crew first, the rest followed soon after.
The drinks then started to roll, and everyone did their best to enjoy their lives right now. What they will do tomorrow with that information in mind is for tomorrow.

Thanks for the support and see you in two days!

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