Time Effect ( A Mass Effect Fanfiction)

65 – Crew Meets Crew (2)


Samael woke up in a pile of people. He held his throbbing head in his hand and looked around. He checked and made sure every one of both crews was there and sighed in relief when he counted every one. He also noticed RR and EDI were seated together, looking at him with interest.

For some reason, Joker was close to both, but Samael ignored that.
He pushed the people on top of him to the side, ignored the AIs, and looked for the bartender. He noticed the agent was sleeping in the bar. 
So, Samael approached him and woke him up. The bartender got up in a few seconds, his hand on his hip.
' Good reflex.' Samael thought as he said, '' At ease.''
Only then did the agent remember where he was, '' Good morning, boss.''

He put his hand away, '' What can I do for you?''
Samael sighed, '' First things first, what the hell happened here?''
While it was strange to wake up in a pile of people, it was something he had done before, so no big deal. But, the state of the bar ... was something.
Tables and cups were scattered everywhere, broken bottles also included.
The Bartender scratched his head, '' You don't remember?''
Samael shook his head, '' The last thing I remember was drinking something Mordin gave me ... Ah.''
An eureka moment hit Samael. He got drunk yesterday.
Even he, with his almost supernatural tolerance to alcohol, got drunk yesterday, thanks to Mordin. The Salarian, knowing how Samael was more resistant to alcohol, thanks to the Serum, made a drink that guaranteed he would be drunk.
When Samael heard that, he assumed it would not work and drank it all in a gulp. Big mistake.

The drink worked. For the first time in a while, Samael got drunk drunk. And, lucky for some and unlucky for others, he was a rowdy drunk.
'' So I got drunk, huh.'' Samael wasn't even mad. He liked surprising things happening, so this was a nice outcome. A drink that was capable of making him drunk was awesome.
'' Yes, you did. After that, the whole party amped up in their drinks and this is the result.''
'' ...''
'' If you want, I can show you the whole party.'' It was then that EDI and RR approached both, '' I filmed it.''
Samael looked at RR and asked, '' Did you also film our-''
'' Yes, Samael. I film everything. Everything.''
'' ... Good to know. Now, please show me what happened yesterday. And buy a few aspirins for everyone.''
'' No problem. And here.'' RR passed the video of the party yesterday.
Samael received them and started to watch.

'' So, have you done intercourse with someone?'' Mordin asked Samael when he noticed the human alone.
Samael was enjoying a drink and looking around, at his family, when he heard that question. He almost choked on his drink but responded to his friend, '' Yes. With Tali. Happy?''
Mordin put a hand on his chin, '' Interesting. Did anything special happen in the intercourse?''
'' Nothing of the sort.''
Mordin took a notepad out of nowhere and started to write something down, '' Did Tali experience something out of normal? The pill took effect days ago, but I want to write down anything that might cause something to happen to her, yes.''
Samael didn't mind answering, '' She was ok. She was a little thirsty but that was expected. Other than that nothing.''
Mordin nodded and noted down a few things. Then he said something to Samael, '' Be careful of your semen.''
'' What do you mean?''
'' You are more than a human now, Samael. You have the DNA of the Asari, the species known by their ability to get pregnant or in your case impregnate any other species. So, you could potentially -''
'' Impregnate Tali, right?'' That was a possibility that crossed his mind before, but Samael dismissed it as too absurd.
Mordin nodded, '' We don't know much about other side effects, so please refrain from doing it again. Or don't, if you want to risk it. Just bring up with your potential partners about that part.''
'' I'll keep that in mind.''
Adding the Asari DNA to the Serum was to counter the side effects of the Krogan DNA, but the possibility of adding other side effects was high. That was a risk Samael took, and now he would live with the consequences.
'' Again, this is just something that might happen, yes. Don't let it bother you too much.'' Mordin said that then offered something to Samael, '' Also, here.''
Samael took the vial out of Mordin's hands and inspected it for a few seconds, '' What is this?''
'' Something I made with Okeer. It's supposed to be the strongest drink across the galaxy, enough to make even the Krogan drunk. This is the prototype, just for you, yes. Don't worry, no side effect.''
Samael eyed it for a few more seconds and chugged it all down in front of a shocked Mordin. Samael noticed that face and asked, '' What's wrong?''
Mordin took out his notepad again and said, '' You're supposed to only take a sip, not take it all. Of course, it is safe but I will note everything that will happen to you, just in case.''
A vein popped on Samael's head but he sighed it away. He can't be mad at Mordin, '' Oh well, if I get drunk, so be it.''
Samael doubted he would get drunk, but he didn't mind even if he did.
A few minutes later, the room started spinning for Samael and he was surprised.
' I got drunk.'
He made a mental note to ask for more of this stuff, but then the drunkess overcame his mind.
Now, Drunk Samael took control.
Immediately after he blacked out, he also took control of the party. Taking out a microphone out of nowhere he started singing a song.

"Oh, don't you dare look back
Just keep your eyes on me"
I said, "You're holding back"
She said, "Shut up and dance with me"
This woman is my destiny
She said, "Ooh-hoo
Shut up and dance with me"

But the problem was ... his voice was shit, to be honest. So much so, a few people laughed but after the song ended, Shepard surprisingly took the microphone from him and started to sing too.

Samael went directly to Tali after singing and started to kiss her, ignoring the rest. The Quarian was taken by surprise but returned the kiss.

Tali was talking with the members of Shepard's crew, who were surprised to see a Quarian without the suit and normal. She had just finished explaining the situation to them when Samael kissed her. The people who were speaking with her backed off and went to other places.

She broke it after a few seconds and asked, '' Are you drunk?''

Samael smirked, '' No. You guys who were too sober.''

Tali sighed. She refrained from drinking because she did not have good alcohol tolerance but seeing the situation, she thought 'fuck it' and also let herself go.

After drinking a beer, she initiates the kiss with Samael.

A few members of the crew whistled, but that was that. Liara and Shepard, who was still singing by the way, didn't really mind that.

After Shepard finished singing, another person went to the stage, which just happened to be a table.

It was Clare, who only had one drink but was already drunk.

After a few more rounds of people singing badly, Samael stopped the kiss and said out loud, '' Let's play a game!''

'' Strip poker!'' Someone shouted.

'' Russian Rolette.''

'' Darts!''

The party got out of hand, thanks to Drunk Samael, who without wanting to, led the party to the actual situation.

Everyone played a few games and drank more and more.

Samael even stole a kiss from Liara and Shepard. In the video, Tali didn't seem to mind and also stole a kiss from Liara.

The Asari, even drunk, was clearly confused about the situation but didn't really mind the attention she was getting. Even Shepard kissed her.

Hours later, their batteries ended and they just slept where they were.


Samael looked at the footage and confirmed not much happened other than that. No new couple, or anything like that.

Well, Joker was the exception. He pursued EDI very clearly but the AI was still unsure and maintained a reasonable distance.

And the stoles kissed he gave Shepard and Liara. The Asari clearly enjoyed the situation.

'' That ... was fun.'' Samael said that as he put the video away.

'' I had to buy drinks from other places. You alone drank more than the rest.'' The Bartender commented. He had also watched the video but he really didn't need it because he was sober the whole time.

'' Send the bill to me.''

'' Sure thing.''

'' And do you have coffee?''

A few minutes later, someone delivered the aspirins, and just on cue, people started to wake up.

Shepard looked around, still dizzy, '' Anyone noted the plate of the bus who hit me?''

Samael helped her up, '' I did. It's called alcohol.'' He then passed an aspirin to her, '' Here.''

'' Thank you.'' Shepard grabbed it and gulped it down. She looked around the place, '' It was intense last night... do you remember anything?''

'' I didnt, but my companinon there,'' Samael pointed at RR, who waved at Shepard,'' filmed everyting.''

'' Oh... everything?'' Shepard asked with trepidation. She knew how she acted when drunk.

Samael smirked and passed a file to Shepard's omni tool, '' Everything.''

When Shepard looked at the file, it was her signing her sorrows away. The problem, just like Samael, her voice wasn't nice. She also noticed the kiss between her and Samael and her and Liara.

'' ... Fuck!'' Shepard cursed and said to Samael, '' Don't show this to -''

She stopped in her tracks as she noticed Samael passing the file of the whole party to everyone.

He looked at her with a small smile, '' You're saying?''

Shepard gritted her teeth, but could only sigh, '' Do you have coofe?''

'' I, in fact, do have.'' Samael knew the people in the bar, so he knew they liked coffee and asked for everyone.

He passed one to Shepard and drank one himself.

'' It was a nice night,'' Samael said while taking a sip.

'' It really was.'' Shepard had a conflicted look on her face, '' After learning about the Reapers and the upcoming war, I'll admit that I was discouraged for some time. But, I had a talk with my da- Anderson and realized I could not be lost in self-pity. I had to fight.''

She was looking into a far future as she continued, '' So this party was a nice way to make me forget, even if for only a few hours, about the things that were about to happen. Thanks for that.''

'' No worries. Besides, me and my crew will stay on Earth for at least one more month. So, let's have a meet-up between our crew for this duration, just without the alcohol.''

'' That ... sounds nice.'' Shepard held her cup of coffee up, '' Cheers.''

'' Cheers.''

The rest of the crew woke up one by one and took the medicine and the coffee. Soon after that, they exchanged contacts and went their separate ways.

SSV Phoenix crew stayed behind at the bar.

Veronica said after a while, '' They seemed nice.''

Jack nodded at that, '' True.''

'' You guys will have more time to become friends. I and Shepard decided to make this reunion, not the same as what happened yesterday, a regular thing until we leave.'' Samael said that and looked at EDI, '' So, our youngest, how are you feeling? I mean, Joker clearly wants to woo you.''

EDI sighed, '' I'm conflicted. I mean, he's cute and all, but ...''

Some of the female members of the crew looked at EDI with some envy in their eyes. I mean, they were human but no one from the other crew went after them.

'' Just take your time. If you need help with that kind of thing, just ask RR. She's good with that.''

RR puffed her chest, feeling proud.

Miranda then clapped her hands, '' While yesterday it was good and all, but we need to work.''

Samael nodded, '' Let's help with the cleaning them leave.''

Everyone started to help and Samael approached Tali and Liara. From their red faces, they must have watched the video he sent them.

So, they also saw their kisses. Samael saw this chance and greeted both, '' How are you doing?''

Liara jumped a little and looked ashamed, '' I'm good. And Samael, sorry for-''

Samael just shook his head, '' Don't say sorry, it was just a kiss and nothing more. Besides, Tali also kissed you so no worries.''

Tali, who also had a little trepidation about how Samael would react, looked at Liara with a ' told you so' face.

'' By the way, if Tali doesn't mind, I also don't mind going further.'' Samael threw the bait and ...

'' I'll think about it.'' Liara took it.

By the way, Samael was acting based on how well he knew his loved ones. Tali didn't mind Liara getting into the mix and Liara also didn't mind joining in.

Shepard was the related one, but Samael would use the next month to ease her up a little.

'' Good.'' Samael then gave Tali a small kiss and went back to cleaning, leaving the two alone.

After Samael left, Tali said to Liara, '' I told you he didn't care. I just never expected that last part, of you joining in.''

It was clear that Samael was also interested in Liara, but he never acted on it. This was the first time he did and it was in a somewhat subtle way.

Liara looked at her friend with a strange gaze, '' So you don't mind it?''

'' I will not be a hypocrite and say no, but think about it Liara. We have a war coming and we are young. Let's enjoy ourselves while we can.''

Liara was 100+ years old, but to an Asari, she was considered young.

Tali's argument made sense, and Liara made up her mind on the spot. She would not act right away, but she would enjoy it too.

'' I see. It's something to think about. For now, let's clean this up.''

The cleaning ended a few minutes later and the crew went their separate ways. A few of them went to work, and others went to train their bodies so they could take the Serum.




If you find any grammar error, please let me know so I can fix it!

Thanks for the support and see you Saturday!

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