Time Effect ( A Mass Effect Fanfiction)

80 – Assemble!


Even though the Stargazers were mostly indifferent to what happens across the galaxy, they didn't like to see the current state of Thessia. Worse of all, this was the best possible outcome of the vision they saw.

The visions the Stargazer saw weren't all perfect. They received many regarding Thessia's future, and all of them ended in tragedy. Only in one of them did a variable appear, that somehow mitigated the damage.

Someone who wasn't supposed to appear, a stranger. The Stargazers nicknamed him '' The Man Out of Time''. When The Man Out Of Time, or rather, Samael, appeared in the middle of their vision, the best possible outcome to the tragedy followed suit.

Thessia was attacked, and innocent died, but the planet was still standing and the Asari people could still fight.

All because of one variable.

Looking at Samael in the distance, Anjo muttered, '' I really hope your story doesn't end in tragedy. See you later.''

While they could not see much past the point that the man was an anomaly of time, they knew he was special. Still, even that might not be enough to a happy ending.

With one final look over Thessia, Anjo departed the planet, as the story he came to witness, already happened and there were no more stories here.

' I saw that red beam.' Shepard and everyone else saw it hit the temple, making it crumble like sand. They knew their friend were there but they were battling and could not help but worry.
The weird thing was, right after the beam hit the temple, all Geth started to retreat, allowing them a breather.
'' Check all those who need medical attention. Those who can move, go to the temple!'' While Med Gel was a lifesaver, it was limited in quantity. Shepard and the rest used their stock and now those who need medical attention will have to get the normal way.
With that, Shepard and the rest rushed to the temple. Arriving there, they saw carnage. Shepard was worried about her friends but sighed in relief when she saw Ash and Kayden were ok. Dr Chakwas and Clare were also around, helping where they could, together with the Asari doctor around the area.
'' How are you both?'' Ash and Kayden looked at Shepard with surprise. They didn't expect to see their commander so soon.

'' We are ok... but ...'' Ash pointed at a place. Shepard looked at it and saw Samael sitting down, with a few Asari on the ground around him. Grunt was looking over them, with a difficult expression.
Shepard's stomach sank as she got closer, '' Samael.''

Tali was already there but was being held back by Grunt for some reason.
When she looked at the man's face, the usual carefreeness was nonexistent. Only a blank look looked back at her—and only one eye. In the place of his left eye, only a hole remained. In his arms, Liara was breathing but not responsive.
' SHIT...'
Shepard knew Samael's injuries were not simple, so she tried to get close, but her instincts were telling her to not go.

'' I would not recommend you go there. He's out of it and you might be injured.'' Grunt, let Tali go, and showed a wound he gained when he tried to approach Samael some time ago. '' Also, all matriarchs were good, but knocked out.''

Tali and Shepard stopped in their tracks, but both still needed to check on him and Liara.
'' You both, let me.'' RR said that. She explained, '' You see, he instructed me not to let anyone other than me approach him if he was in this state. I never thought it would really happen, but here we are.''
'' ... I'll leave it up to you.'' Shepard stepped away and let the AI do her thing. Tali wanted to go too but held back.

RR calmly approached Samael, who was still looking at Liara in his arms.


It was not the first time nor the second he was defeated, he lost count of how many times it happened. He became numb to it, trying to only see the best outcome of things.

But, it was the only time this happened... never, in any other cycle, the Reapers attacked Thessia so soon. Never.

In past cycles, he had changed a lot more things than in this last one of his, and this never happened, so this disaster was not in a single plan of his. He had no counter to it. For the first time in a while, Samael was lost.

' It doesn't make any sense for the attack to have happened so soon... They knew exactly about the temple and the beacon... I will find out what happened, down to the minimal detail. I have held back in a lot of fields, as I wanted this last cycle of mine to be perfect, but it seems the ship has sailed already.'

' I will stir things up, for real this time.'

It was only then that Samael realized RR was in front of him, '' ... What?''

RR looked relieved Samael was responsive. She had been trying, for the last 5 minutes to talk with him, but only now he responded. '' Glad to see you back.''

Samael came back to reality. He looked down at his hands and checked Liara's condition. He sighed in relief when he noticed she was ok, just passed out. He got up, passed her to RR, and said, '' Report.''

'' No casualties in our crew nor Shepard's, but a lot are injured. Clare and Dr. Chakwas are helping where they can. We used all our stock of Advanced Med Gel. The Geth and the Reaper had left and no more sightseeing of Husks... civilians casualties are at least 1 million... that is the conservative estimate.''

Samael said nothing more and looked around the place. What was once a beautiful scenario now looked desolate with dead people all around.

Death ... is a natural thing. A lot of things, people, die at every second in every place of the galaxy. It's inevitable, when it's your time, it's your time.

' But this ...' Everywhere Samael looked, he could see corpses scattered around. Those are the lucky ones that weren't transformed into husks. At least, they had their bodies...

The sight made his soul burn. He was too complacent. He prepared for the Reapers, but only for the future, and that cost lives. People who could have become a valuable asset in the future.

He wasn't an altruist, but this attack and the result of it was unacceptable.


That phrase continued to ring in his head until he acted. He looked down at his omni tool. He would call people, and he would use every favor he had, all preparations that he did for the future, to make the Reapers pay.

Fuck the careful planning, fuck all that.

The first person he called was a hunch of his. He called the agent he put on Feros, where the last Thorian was located. The last of his species, and the thing that had the Cipher. While the plant was only supposed to be discovered later on, it seems things happened without his knowledge.

'' Boss.''

'' Any unusual movement on the planet?''

'' It was included in my report. It seems a few days ago, some people excavated something out of the ground and transported it elsewhere. I tried to see what it was, but could not.''

Samael checked his records and sure enough, the report from the agent was there. Meaning he overlooked it... or worse. But, now was not the time to look after this, he would do so after he dealt with Sovereign.

'' Thank you for this.'' Samael ended the call and his worries were confirmed.

Saren had the Cipher, so he could 'translate' and 'see' the original content of the Beacon. So, he would also know about Illos...

'' ... That's good, actually.''

It meant Sovereign and Saren would act in a previsible way. Even the Reaper would lose if he attacked the Citadel, so he would 100% go through Illos.

' If we ambush them there...'

Samael looked down at his omni tool and before he made a call, he looked around one more time. He saw the concerned faces of Tali and Shepard.

He approached both of them with a reassuring smile, '' I'm alive, Liara's too, so don't worry too much.''

Tali touched the left side of his face with gentleness, '' Your eye...''

'' ... This is nothing. I can always put on an eye patch. It might even be better that way.'' Samael tried to lighten the mood.

It seems to succeed, as Tali let a small chuckle, '' I'm happy to see you ok.''

'' Me too.''

The couple kissed and then Samael looked at the Shepard. '' Commander. Glad to see you well.''

Shepard hugged Samael silently but firmly. It seems this experience was rough even for her.

Samael sighed and reassuringly patted her head, '' I'm not going anywhere anytime soon.''

After a few seconds, Shepard broke the hug and asked, '' What now?''

'' Now we stir things up,'' Samael said as he looked around, looking for someone specific. When he saw the person, he screamed, '' CLARE!''

Clare heard him and rushed over, but only after making sure the person she was treating was ok. '' Captain. What do you need?''

'' Wake Tevos and Beneiza as fast as you can. Also, check Liara's condition, please.''

Liara was still in RR's arms, sleeping still.

'' On it.''

While Clare was doing her job, Samael made some calls.


Things have been good for the woman, Cerberus, and LD. While Mordin said to her and Jack to take it easy, after the Salarian confirmed everything was good with both babies, she could not do that.

There are a lot of things happening everywhere in the galaxy, and the opportunity to grow even more is around every corner.

' Cerberus is not my priority, but that doesn't mean I don't take care of it. After the Illusive Man fell, Samael gave the company to me, with all the bad roots cleaned and all the good employees still there. So, all I needed to do was to manage well and don't be a bitch. Pretty simple.'

So, under Miranda's leadership, Cerberus was under a new era, undoing the wrongs they committed, while helping around other companies.

'Now, LD... is making progress at a fast pace in all fields. Samael had the 'hobby' of collecting the best of the best, but even then, the progress was amazing.'

LD was already at the top of the galaxy, now they only needed the numbers to back up that status and stay alert to attacks. The Reapers weren't the only threat around.

The Shadow Broker periodically sends messages saying that some people put a bounty on Samael or Miranda's head. They deal with them before they become a problem, but, Miranda fears the day when not even the Shadow Broker could predict an attack.

The last message of the figure was also enigmatic, '' There's unusual Geth movement. Stay alert.''

Miranda tried hard to think of places where the Geth could cause trouble and when, but nothing came to mind.

'' What's going on in that pretty head of yours?'' Jack, Miranda's beautiful girlfriend, and secretary, passed her a drink.

'' Thanks.'' Miranda grabbed the drink while Jack sat down nearby, '' Nothing much, just ways to incrasece our numbers.''

'' Any news from our crew?'' Jack asked as she messed with her omni tool, '' I tried to contact Clare an hour ago but couldn't.''

Miranda stared, '' Weird.''

Communications not working might not be enough to be suspicious but when it happened with LD personnel, it was. They had the best technology in the galaxy, so ...

Just as Miranda was getting a bad feeling, she received a call from Samael. She sigedh in releif.

Jack noticed the call and got closer, '' Oh, it's Samael. Ask him about Clare.''

Miranda nodded and accepted the call. She immediately stood up in shock, Jack doing the same after they saw Samael's state and the scenario behind him, '' What happened? Are you okay?''

The now one-eyed Samael said calmly, '' The Reapers attacked Thessia with the help of countless Geth. They jammed interplanetary communications and succeeded in their mission.... the number of civilian casualties is big.''

Just as Miranda and Jack were processing all that information, Samael continued, '' Miranda, I need you to activate Code Reaper, just in case.''

Code Reaper was a button in the CEO's office, that would recall all LD personnel scattered across the galaxy to Earth. It was just in case the Reapers attacked the planet, and seeing Samael ask for it, made Miranda grow fearful, '' Do you think they will attack Earth? There's how many reapers?''

'' Only one and no, I doubt they would attack Earth right now, as they have other things to worry about.''

'' ... So, a counterattack them.'' Miranda knew Samael, and that his plans had plans. So, he would not take this lying down. A counterattack was the logical conclusion.

Samael smiled faintly, '' That's why you're the CEO.''

''Consider it done... casualties on our side?'' Miradan asked with fear.

'' None. You can call them after our call if you want to. Now, if you excuse me, I have a few more calls to make. Both of you, stay safe.''

The call then ended and the couple took a minute or two to recover from ... all that. It was a lot to take in, really.

Thessia was attacked by a Reaper, the machine won, Samael lost an eye, and countless casualties.

Surprisingly, Jack recovered first, as she took Miranda's hand and reassured her, '' We will survive this.''

Miranda lightly kissed Jack while her free hand went to the button, '' We will.''

Miranda pressed the button as the realization the galaxy will change forever after today hit her.

''Whatever it takes.''


The Krogan, in the past months, had done the impossible. Sure, he had LD help, but still, he had unified all Krogan clans under one banner. The Urdnot clan now rules the Krogan.

Wrex was just consolidating his powers before he told Samael about it. He even asked the LD agents who helped him rise to power to hold the information and they let him.

Today, he had just killed a Krogan who wanted to rebel and was now resting at Tuchanka. He suddenly received a warning in his omni tool.

When he read it, his eyes widened with surprise. Before Wrex could digest the new information, Samael called him.

Wrex accepted the call immediately. He saw Samael's state but didn't comment on it, '' The code, is it true?''

While Wrex knew at the bottom of his heart, that only a Reaper could do that to Smael, he still asked. Also, even though he only worked for LD as a mercenary, Samael still included him in the personnel list, that's why he received the Code Reaper too.

'' Yes.'' Samael was simple in his response, but the way he said it made Wrex strengthen his posture.

'' ... What do you need me to do?'' Wrex was already drooling over the prospect of fighting a Reaper so soon, but he still asked Samael out of respect.

'' Prepare a few Krogan to fight... How is the progress of your quest, by the way?'' Samael was going to end with just a request, but he remembered how he promised to stir things up around the galaxy, and an idea formed in his head.

Wrex grinned, '' Already done. I wanted to surprise you later, but it seems I lost the timing.''

'' You did... so I don't need to hesitate on this subject. I will pass a contact to you. Okeer, do you know him?''

'' I do, but why mention him now?'' Okeer was someone Wrex tried to recruit in the past, but the old Krogan said no.

'' It's because he's one of the few people who know the formula to the Genophage cure. And yes, it's already done... surprise!'' Samael was slowly returning to normal, with his joking ways, but it was slow.

That was shocking news even to Wrex. Today was an amazing day for the Krogan. Not only he could fight what many consider Death incarnated, but he also found the cure for his people.

'' Call him and tell him to ask Mordin about Tuchanka and how to use the cure there. I would call him myself, but I'm kinda busy.'' Samael showed Thessia destruciton to Wrex.

'' I can see that.''

'' Also, do not cross the line. In the same way we can make the Cure, we can also make something worse than the Genophage.'' With one eye missing, Samael looked more intimidating.

Wrex stayed in silence at Samael's threat. Not because he was offended, as his people had proved time and time again to be untrustworthy. He was thinking of more ways to keep them in check.

'' I'll keep that in mind.'' Wrex said slowly.

Samael nodded and after a moment of silence, said, '' Brother, the war started. It's time for the Krogan people to shine once more. See you later.''

Samael ended the call and Wrex took a couple of minutes to digest everything he heard.

While Samael never said where they would fight, he would still prepare his side, '' Is 5000 too little or too much... well, we will find out later.''

Wrex took a big breath and screamed at the top of his lungs, '' BOYS AND GIRLS! PREPARE TO WAR.''

Today was an amazing day.


Javik was also considered an LD personnel, so when he received Code Reaper, old feelings came back. Before he could process them, Samael called.

'' Brother.'' Samael was gentle with Javik, as he knew exactly what the Prothean was feeling.

'' ... Brother Where do you need me?'' Javik wasn't dumb, and on top of that, he was a soldier, the Vengence of the Prothena species. Even though it seemed only one Reaper was here venegen dont care about numbers.

While both were talking, all LD personnel on the planet were running around, preparing to leave. Only a few non-competent ones would stay there, to take care of Jack's mother.

'' Grab 50 Protheans and go to Illos first, I think the main fight will be there. Then, the other 50 will go to the Citadel, just in case I'm wrong.''

While all LD personnel would first regroup on Earth, Javik and the Protheans were different. They already know how to fight a Reaper so the briefing on Earth was unnecessary.

'' How about the commotion of their approach?'' Javik was talking about the 50 Protheans who would appear at the Citadel. Not even Tevos knew about them.

'' I doubt the galaxy would care about that.'' Samael just said mysteriously.

'' You mean...''

Javik caught on to something shocking, but before he could say more, Samael said, '' I'll handle it, don't worry about this.''

'' Consider it done then.''

'' Good. And Javik, thanks for everything.''

'' Don't worry. I will enjoy killing this Reaper.''

The call then ended and Javik took a deep breath to calm his nerves. Even though there was only one Reaper that appeared, the fighting force of this cycle was worse than his own, and even at that time, planets fell to one Reaper. So, things weren't so simple.

Still, a chance to avenge his people appeared easier and earlier than he thought, and he would use it.

The Prothean then went to talk with the rest of his people and separated them into two groups.


Various agents are calling, seeing messages to the figure, to talk about Thessia's state. The figure obviously sold everything at a high price.

Also, the figure didn't really care about it and was only waiting for a specific call. And it came soon after. The caller was Samael.

Unlike the others, this one was just a call, not a video chat.

'' I need you to sell information about something.''

'' The price?''

'' For free.''

That took the figure by surprise, but a deal is a deal. '' What is the information?''

'' All information about the Reapers, The Location of the Omega 4 relay, Illos location, the fact that the place had countless Prothean Relics and that the Reapers are trying to destroy the Relay and the planet.''

'' ...'' This was madness.'' And how many of those are true?''

'' Does it matter?''

'' ... No, no it doesn't. Consider it done.''

'' Also, the information about the Reapers, make it loud. I want everyone in the whole galaxy to know about them.''

As the figure worked for Samael, it knew about the Reapers existence. Those in power, like criminal warlords, pirates, and such, also knew about them but now, the whole galaxy would know.

'' No problem.''

'' Talk to you later.''


After finishing the last call, Samael sighed. Everything he did, the preparations for the future, all gone. He knew the consequences would change a lot, but he was past the point of caring. If you push someone past his breaking point, that tends to happen.

And his breaking point was long ago. He just needs a push to press the Fuck it button.

And he just did that.

What will happen thanks to his decision, no one knew.

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