Time Effect ( A Mass Effect Fanfiction)

83 – Priority: Race Against Time (3)

2 days later

The rescue efforts were still happening, but it was time for many people in Thessia to leave the planet, regroup, and prepare to fight the Reaper once more.

It was not a matter of if, but when.

Also, in the past two days, almost as if to show Samael that the galaxy is still worth fighting for, various species sent help in the form of doctors, med gel, and many other supplies to Thessia, to help where they could.

Their help came at the right time, as everyone on the planet beforehand was reaching their limits.

Volus helped with money, and the Turians sent ships to patrol the area around the planet and kill off any husks that might appear. Humans sent personnel. All in all, it showed that the galaxy could unite if they wanted.

So, after resting for about 12 hours, Samael felt it was the right time to leave the planet. He, his crew, and Shepard's one had helped where they could.

Before leaving, he had to call someone. Garrus.

He had received a message saying the Turian wanted to talk to him a few hours ago, but only now he had the energy to talk with the Turian.

So he made a video call through his omni toll and not long after, Garrus answered. He was taken aback by Samael's missing eye, but said nothing about it, '' Good to see you.''

Samael smiled at the Turian, '' I heard you wanted to talk with me. Say it.''

'' I want to join the main fight. I feel trapped here, doing something meaningless while everyone else seems to be fighting where it matters.'' Garrus was honest with Samael. At first, he was happy he got promoted and dealt with corruption at the Citadel, but, at the end of the day, that was that, and the galaxy was still the same. So, he wanted to do more but was 'trapped' here. So, he asked to join.

But Samael had plans for the Citadel, so he said, '' I need you at the Citadel. We speculated that the Reaper may target it.''

'' What about the other speculation?''

'' It may not attack it.''

'' From your face and tone, it seems that part is more probably than they attacking.'' Garrus could be considered a newbie still, but he had received help from LD, so all this time he was bettering his abilities. With those, he saw through Samael's face and knew that the Reaper attack on the Citadel might not really happen.

Still, he wanted to hear the rest.

''Correct. If things go our way, the Reaper would not even be able to reach the Citadel. And if things don't go our way, you will be at the Citadel, as the last line of defense.''

'' From what we could gather beforehand, the Prothean did something at the Citadel that scrambles the Reapers communication. So, if they manage to somehow undo that, what happened at Thessia would be child's play.''

'' With just one of them, they destroyed the Asari homeworld and we could do nothing to him. What do you think would happen if millions of them attacked us?''

The Normandy, the Phoenix, and the Asari ships had shot Sovereign many times in the air battle, but it didn't do significant damage. Two of the best ships in the galaxy only lightly injured it.

Garrus didn't even know that fact, but just the mention of millions of Reapers was enough to show him how serious the situation would be.

Before Garrus could get more pessimistic, Samael reassured him, '' We can win, in the future, if we prepare well enough. But, for us to get to said future, we have to survive the next battle first. Are you up to commanding half of LD forces?''

Garrus was taken aback by such request, '' I'm sure there must be someone more qualified and higher in the company to accomplish this task. Like Miranda and Jack.''

Samael looked at the sky and said in a small tone of voice, '' Both pregnant.''

Garrus stared and Samael whistled at the passing wind, '' Bad timing.''

'' I could not agree more.'

Garrus put that information in the back of his mind and continued talking, '' How about Jaret? The man who helped around here mentioned him a lot.''

'' Can't. He's on the other 50% that won't join the Citadel.''

Garrus sighed. It's not like he was afraid of leading others, it's just that he thought it was too soon for that. Less than a year ago he was a C-Sec rookie whose routine was dealing with drunk people and, very rarely, robbery. Now, he was asked to lead half of the forces of what many considered the most powerful company in the galaxy.

It was quite the leap. Just as his doubts about this continued to grow, he noticed Samael smiling at him on the other side of the call. Then it clicked.

The human had trusted him since he was a rookie. It was like all that training was for this. Well, not literally, but to make him a better version of himself.

And it worked.

'' You fox.''

Samael knew that Garrus had finally accepted to command LD troops, '' I have no idea why you called me that. Also, meet with Tevos and the Matriarchs that were going with her. Then, think of a plan yourselves.''

''Got it.''

'' If you could, please call your father and ask him to use his connections in the government to gather a few thousand troops and send them to the citadel.''

Garrus didn't look so sure it would work, '' The government thinks Palaven could be in danger. They didn't even want to send the group to help on Thessia.''

'' Tell them that LD said Palaven is safe for now. Also say that if the Citadel falls, no place in the galaxy is safe.''

Garrus knew that was true, and the thought alone truly scared him, '' I'll do my best.''

'' That's all I could ask for.''

The call then came to a natural ending.

'' I hope the next time we see each other will be in a bar.''

'' I hope so too. See you later, Samael.''

'' Stay safe, Garrus.''

The call ended and not long after, Miranda called Samael, '' All forces have gathered and I took liberty to send a few Cerberus agents to the mix.''

'' No point in refusing help at this stage. At your discretion, send half of them to Illos and the other half to the Citadel. I want Jaret on the team that goes to Illos by the way. Also, those that will go to the Citadel will be led by Garrus.''

While Miranda thought it was too soon for Garrus to lead, she also trusted Samael's expertise in nurturing others.

Also, it would be hypocrisy on her part as most of LD was close to 20 years of age than 40. Hell, even Shepard's crew was like that ... even herself.

'' No problem. But, Earth will stay unprotected.''

Alliance would stay there, but honestly, they weren't a match to the Reaper or the Geth.

Samael knew that, '' ...It's a gamble. One that I hope we win.''

Not once, in a past cycle, has the Reaper attacked Earth so soon. But, this cycle was so crazy it was really a possibility. So, it was a gamble.

Miranda had nothing more to report, '' I have nothing more to say, only, please be careful. I'll keep in touch.''

'' See ya.''

Samael also receveid messages from Wrex and Javik. They said that they were ready to leave, so Samael said to send half of their forces to Illos, and the other half to the Citadel.

'' It's time to leave.'' Samael said in a heavy tone as he looked around the destroyed Thessia. Sure, it was not like the whole planet was destroyed, but it was true that their symbol had fallen. They will recover, but it will take some time.

Samael tapped his Omni tool and made a call to Veronica.

'' Samael? What's wrong?'' Veronica asked as soon as the call connected.

'' It's nothing, just checking something. Is Legion already on the Phoenix?''

The Geth was kind of a secret and at the same time, not a secret. Nothing good would come out of others knowing about its existence but no one was doing a lot of work to hide it.

They had quite literally just walked the Geth in front of everyone to the Phoenix, but no one paid attention, according to Veronica, who finished by saying, '' We are good to go.''

'' Ok. Thanks.'' Samael tapped his omni tool and the whole crew was connected, '' We are leaving Thessia in an hour tops. Say your goodbyes in that period.''

Some of them will go to Illos, while others will go to the Citadel. Regardless, at the end of the day, all of them were prepared to fight until the end.

Samael had to say goodbye to some people, as most likely will take a long time for him to meet them again.

The Headmaster was one of them, as she would stay behind at Thessia, helping with the rescue efforts and the rebuilding, while all other Matriarchs would go to the Citadel.

To be honest, the talk with the headmaster was going to be short. In this cycle, they met only a few days ago, but for the sake of their prior arrangement, he decided to say goodbye personally. 

He walked for a few moments through the ruins of the city, until he found her.

'' Hello there.''

The Headmaster was commanding the personnel but stopped when she recognized the voice. When she looked at Samael, she immediately knew what he came to do.
" So, when will I see you again?" Both the Headmaster and Samaael were talking while walking around the destroyed city, still trying to find any survivors.
" Maybe in a few weeks, maybe in a few years, who knows. But I'll keep in touch." Samael said in a heavy tone," Because I think our deal will be used a lot of times from now on."
While the Headmaster didn't fully understand what he was saying, she knew the deal. She would fulfill her part." Regardless of that, thank you for everything."
Samael not only helped the Ardat-Yakshi but in the attack too, even though he didn't need it. He had her respect for that alone.
" Don't mention it. It was the right thing to do. Now, let me say this one more time, it was an honor to meet you."

'' Likewise. You are the strangest human I ever met, and I say that as a compliment. See you around.'' The Headmaster gave her goodbye and returned her full attention to the rescue efforts.

With that, Samael left the area and returned to his ship. A couple of minutes had already passed, so he was met with a farewell happening, as Shepard and her crew were there saying goodbye to the trio who would go to the Citadel.

While they were sure they could win the upcoming fight, casualties might happen, so the mood was ambiguous, to say the least.

'' How are you feeling?'' Samael asks Shepard as he approaches her.

'' So, so. It's the nerves, you know. Fighting the Reaper and the Geth does a lot regarding showing us who the real enemy is. And you?'' Shepard took her gaze out of the farewell and looked at Samael.

She still wasn't accustomed to the bandages around his eye, but she would do so, eventually. Not like that would take away his charms, as he was still beautiful with one eye.

'' Optimistic. I'm already thinking about what to do after we defeat the Reaper and the Geth under him.'' Samael was really doing so. Even though he knew the fight would be chaotic, he believed they would win, then, the troubles accumulated from that fight would arrive at his doorstep.

' I have to see what the other me inside my head was, and one option is worse than another. Then, I'll have to deal with the Geth, spread the Genophage cure, help the Rachni Queen, give the Quarian the Pill, among many other small things.'

Shepard patted Samael's shoulder, '' Hang in there.''

'' Thank you. Now, if you excuse me, I have to say goodbye to them too.''

Samael then left Shepard and joined the people who were saying goodbye to Ash, Jacob, and Vega. They would go with the Matriarchs to the Citadel.

If things go according to plan, they would not be in danger but things were so off track that everything was possible at this point.

Samael and his crew then said goodbye to the trio officially, he gave them a few encouraging words, then steeled himself.

' Time to leave.'

Everyone started to board their respective ships, with special guests among them, like Samara and Legion, already being accommodated.

Also, the Matriarchs were around too, as they would also leave today. So Benezia was around saying goodbye to her daughter.

After Liara entered the Phoenix, Benezia looked at Samael, who was the last one to enter, '' Take care of her.''

Benezia knew the human in front of her had contributed a lot in the fight in Thessia, and for that she was grateful.

But she was still a mother worrying about her daughter's safety, so she spoke in a stern tone.

Samael didn't care about that and nodded, '' I swear on my life she will be safe.''

It was a grand promise, but one that he will try to uphold until the day he dies.

Benzia nodded at that and Samael started to enter the Phoenix. Before the door closed, however, he said, '' Good luck on your path.''

The Asari muttered to herself as she watched the ship fly away, '' You too.''

With that, she turned around and headed to the ship that would transport her and the other Matriarchs, with Ashley, Jacob, and Vega following her.

'' Dude, it's only for me, or did they have a spark?'' Vega said to Jacob, while Ash heard.

The Matriarch almost stumbled when she heard that but said nothing.

'' ... I did too.'' Jacob said only that but Ash glared at both.

'' You know that she could hear you both saying that her daughter's boyfriend and she had a spark, right?'' Ash was regretting coming, but at the end of the day, she knew it was the right thing to do.

' While both of them were good soldiers, it seems Vega has contaminated Jacob with his joking spirit.'

Jacob and Vega looked at Benezia's back and said a small sorry. Ash sighed, ' This will be a long journey.'

They arrived at the ship, and Tevos was waiting for them outside, '' You are late.''

Benezia didn't need to answer Tevos, as they were both the same rank in power. She still did, out of respect, '' I was saying goodbye to Liara.''

Tevos knew how much Benezia loved her daughter, even though she struggled to show that, so she didn't pursue the subject, '' Let's go.''

The quartet boarded the ship and it too started to fly, going to the Citadel.


Every player has entered the board. It was time for the second round to start.

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