Time Effect ( A Mass Effect Fanfiction)

84 – Priority: Race Against Time (4)

WITH Sovereign

' Everything is going according to plan.'

Yes, all the attack on Thessia was planned in advance by the Reaper, all thanks to the information he got from somewhere.

Speaking of information, the Reaper just now received another one. One that he didn't like but would have to act upon.

' So, I will have to 'die' and be defeated in order for the plan to move forward... I don't like it one bit, but I see no other way.'

To be honest, this cycle was stronger than others. They were on the same level as the annoying Protheans, who almost won the war.

' I told everyone to wipe all species and artificially make ones but no one listened and I will have to pay the price. But, so be it.'

Sovereign called Saren, who by now had been modified and no longer had any free will. The defeat he suffered at the hands of Samael was enough to make the Reaper change the Turian completely.

By now, he was essentially a husk, but way stronger.

'' Why have you called me?'' Before this, Saren still was trying to resist the indoctrination and the changes, but now, he wasn't there any longer. All that was left was a being completely loyal to the Reapers and their cause.

Sovereign liked that very much, '' I came here to tell you the next phase of our plan.''

The Reaper passed Saren his plans. Saren was surprised by all this, '' ... How can you be so sure this will happen this way?''

'' I have my ways. They have already lost and didn't even realize it.''

'' But, you will suffer.''

''It doesn't matter. What matters is that we will win and now, I'm sure with my 'sacrifice', the others will see my ways and wipe everyone out, not leaving a single species behind. Then, we will introduce species biologically engineering to be loyal to us.''

Sovereign scoffed a bit, '' I should be angrier, but I know that this is a must. Now, I will be seen as a hero among my peers and that is enough. Everyone will remember my name, NARADA!''

Saren could only be in awe of this great being in front of him, one that was willing to sacrifice his life in order for his species to win the war, '' I must applaud you for that, my lord.''

Sovereign recovered from his dream of grandiose, '' Now go and prepare to attack both fronts. Call all Geth troops, use all indoctrinated personnel we have, and ... call our special friends too.''

'' They? Are you sure? They could be useful later on.''

'' This is my last act, so let it be fiercer. Besides, what I said was true. This cycle is too strong... even with all these preparations, I'm only certain of our victory thanks to our other friend.''

Sovereign was injured in the air battle in Thessia. At first, their hits didn't mean much but as time passed, and thanks to two very specific ships, he was injured quite a bit. By his calculation, if he stayed there for more than 2 hours, even he would have perished.

Saren knew who the special friends were, but he didn't know the last friend the Reaper mentioned. This friend had helped them a lot, and the attack on Thessia was thanks to it.

'' I will do as you command.'' Saren left to delaget oreder to the army.

Sorvering was at peace. '' All to our species glory!''

The day of the next attack was getting closer;



A day had passed since they left Thessia. The crew slept through all day, and only now they had the energy to walk around.

Clare had asked Samael to go to the infirmary to check his eyes. To be honest, all medical facilities in Thessia were destroyed, and the omni tool wasn't exactly a medical tool that could analyze the true extent of the injury, so the treatment was rough.

Still, Samael was alive and well.

''Hmmmm, you are good. You have lost your eye, but other than that, you literally have no other significant injury. The Serum is amazing.'' Clare said to Samael while she was checking his exams. He was almost like a machine.

Clare knew that Samael had tanked not only the Reaper shot but also the debris of the temple with only his body. It was honestly amazing he was alive.

'' How about the others?'' Samael, by his request, was the last one to be checked.

'' Grunt is like you, but no true damage. Thane ... thanks to the injuries he sustained I looked deep at him and found a disease in its initial stages. The problem is that there's no cure to it right now... He's good to go, but in a few years, he will be bedridden.''

'' I'll handle it with him. The rest?'' Samael already knew about Thane's disease and planned to deal with it in the future, so he didn't mind. He was worried about the others.

'' Other than you 3, others don't have significant injuries. Tali had been shot a few times but the shield and armor worked well, and she only had bruises. Also, the Pill worked flawlessly and she doesn't have any signs of infection.''

'' Liara and Kasumi had been dealt by Saren, but for some reason, he didn't really damage them.... You should talk to Liara, as the psychological aspect might cause harm in the long run. Same with Kasumi. I heard others say that she and Keiji took this battle quite hard.''

It was to be expected as they were literally fresh recruits. Their first battle was this one. Thane was different as he fought every single day of his life before, so he was good in that aspect.

'' I'll see what I can do.''

'' John also was shot a few times but he too took the Serum so no real damage. Veronica was in the air, no damage.''

'' All in all, everyone is ok physically, but their mind might have been affected. I suggest therapy or something along those lines.'' Clare put away the files and looked at Samael, '' Or just a long vacation.''

'' I fear from now on, vacations will be very difficult.''

Clare sighed, '' I expected as much.''

There was nothing more to say, as they already talked about everything relevant.

'' And you? How are you feeling?'' Samael asked Clare.

'' ... It was my first real war. Our previous fights were never on this scale. I saw a lot and learned a lot, but honestly, I really didn't like it. I hoped you were wrong about the Reapers and all but it seems things will only get worse.''

Samael got up and patted her shoulder, '' Hang in there.''

'' Thanks. Now, if you excuse me, I have other things to do.'' Clare said goodbye to Samael and returned to her things.

''See ya.''

Samael then left the infirmary and now finally had time to do his things. Hell, ever since the battle he didn't have time to talk with Tali, Liara, or anyone for that matter.

Only now he was free and he would indulge in that. Even he was feeling restless.

' Let's see my girls.'

Samael then went to search for both. It didn't take long to find them, as they were both in the same room. His room.

He entered his quarter without knocking and sure enough, both were sleeping. The battle had affected everyone more than what Samael initially hoped.

Looking at their sleeping faces, Samael vowed to keep them safe, even though this last cycle of his was getting weird and weirder by the day.

With a little more time until they arrived at Illos, Samael went to sleep too.


Samael, Tali, and Liara were woken up by Veronica's announcement, '' We have arrived at Illos!''

The three still-sleepy people greeted each other, '' Good morning.''

Tali gave Samael a small kiss, '' Morning. How are you feeling today?''

'' Better than yesterday and hopefully I will feel even better tomorrow. You?''

'' I will feel a lot better after a shower. I honestly have been on autopilot since the battle ended. We have a lot to talk about.''

'' We will have time when this battle is over. We can talk about anything you want.''

'' You promised.'' Tali giggled a little and went to take a shower, '' Both of you, don't make me wait too much.''

With that, she entered the shower, leaving Samael and Liara to talk.

Honestly, of all the personnel on the Phoenix, Liara was the one who had lost the most in this battle. Her planet was attacked, a lot of her sisters died, and she suffered a defeat. She needed support.

Samael had very little free time, but he would not say no to helping his family, even more so Liara. '' How are you feeling?''

Liara gave a fake smile, '' Honestly, I have been better. But, at least I- we are alive to fight another day. Sometimes, this is the best we can ask for.''

'' If you need anything from me, just say it.'' Samael kissed her and reassured her, '' Also, I have already sent a lot of funds to help Thessia's reconstruction.''

'' Thanks for that... Say, this is only the beginning, right? I fear This attack, that destroyed a lot of Thessia, is the first one of many.''

Samael didn't hide from here, '' Yes. But, we can win. I promise you.''

He had a hidden trump card. The Conduit, a device that destroys all tech in the galaxy. It was a last-ditch effort, one that he hoped he would not need to use, but it was better to have it.

' I have to start to build it...'

'' I trust you.'' Liara kissed him, '' Now, how about that shower?''

'' I'm right behind you.''

With that, both went to take a shower.


The trio walked out of Samael's quarters directly to the main area. Everyone was already there, as Veronica said they would land in 2 minutes.

'' How is everyone?'' Samael asked as soon as he arrived. Tali and Liara went and blended in with the crew, leaving him alone. They still haven't talked much, as they spent their shower doing some naughty activities. They promised each other that after this fight in Illos, they would have a long, long talk.

'' We are good.''

'' Itching for revegne.''

'' I want a raise.''

Seeing that everyone was ok and in good spirits, Samael said, '' The Reaper is probably already coming here. I doubt the attack in Illos will be the same as in Thessia. The intensity will be stronger.''

'' You mean they will have more numbers?''

Samael nodded, '' I'm sure. But, we will also have numbers and this time, we will be prepared to face them. They lost the element of surprise and that will be our chance.''

'' Half of LD is coming here, and the other half will be going to the Citadel. Wrex promised a lot of warriors, the same as Javik... We will win this battle, and then prepare for the upcoming war.''

'' I will not lie, it will be ugly, and some of us might even die. But, our chance is higher. We are LD, we don't back down from a fight, even if the odds are against us. We will honor our name and some.''

Right after Samael finished talking, Veronica said, '' Landing in 3, 2 1... Welcome to Illos.''

The Normandy was right behind them and landed soon after.

Samael took a last look around his crew, '' Let's gather everyone and talk about the plans.''

By the way, Wrex and Javik were soon arriving, in less than an hour. There is plenty of time to prepare one of the facilities on the planet's ruins into a war office.


Wrex and his Krogan had arrived, same as Javik and his Prothean. When the two species met each other, tensions were high.

The Krogans wanted to test them and the Protheans also were keen to fight. Just as the atmosphere was reaching a boiling point, Wrex and Javik faced each other.

'' Brother! How have you been?'' Wrex clearly didn't mind the atmosphere and chatted away.

'' I have been good. In the last few months, I reconnected with my people. We are complacent but we are good. I heard about your feat in Tuchancka. Gathering all Krogans under one banner must have been difficult.'' Javik was sincere with his compliment.

'' With LD support it was easy...How are you holding up, knowing about the Reapers reappearance?''

'' Ready to live up to my duty. By the way, you guys better prepare because they were the most formidable opponent I have ever faced.''

That made Wrex smile even more, as he turned around and screamed at his mand, '' Did you guys hear that?!''

'' YES!'' The atmosphere quietened down a bit after that.

Wrex turned to face Javik again, '' How about we spar a bit after the meeting?''

'' I'm down if you are.''

'' Good, good. Now, let's go see our old friends.''

Both said to their man to stay put for a bit and they would have the chance to spar later on. For now, they had to meet up urgently as they didn't know when the Reaper would attack the planet.

Samael had long since passed the coordinates of where the meeting was taking place, and as both were already familiar with Illos, they had found it quite easily.

They entered the place together and were met by everyone relevant, discussing the plans.

'' I'm telling you, it's not possible. We don't have enough firepower!'' Samael was holding his head.

'' Are you saying a nuke isn't enough to kill one!?'' Joker was clearly desperate.

'' We don't have one here! Besides, the planet is in the middle of recontrusti, so it's not really smart to do that!'' Truth be told, a nuke might not be enough, but Samael didn't need to say that out loud.

'' So, our best chance was to just fight them with numbers?!''

'' YES. Half of LD is coming, our ships are better than the Asari. We have the upper hand in that area.''

Joker sat down once more, with EDI comforting him.

'' Anyone else has something to say?''

From Samael's tone, it seems the meeting started not long ago, as he was still calm about it. It was then that everyone noticed the duo.

'' Wrex, Javik!'' Samael got up and approached both, '' It's nice to see you both again. A shame it has to be in those circumstances.''

'' I could not ask for a better one.'' Wrex smiled, '' You took quite the beating, huh.''

'' They cheated!'' Samael turned to Javik, '' I hope you are ready to live up to your name.''

'' I will Avenge my people, one way or another.''

Everyone else greeted Wrex and Javik, and both sat down, '' What did we miss?''

'' Nothing much. JOker offered to nuke them out but I doubted it would be effective.''

Javik nodded, '' No point in doing that, as he would most likely survive while we don't. The best chance is a conflict.''

Joker sighed once more, '' And then what? We already lost once.''

'' We will fight them until one side falls. They have their goal and our job is to not let them achieve it. It's a defensive battle, so we maintain that way.'' Samael said while looking at Veronica and Joker, '' You both, with RR and EDI support, will be in charge of the battle in the air. You have full authority over the ships that were coming here.''

'' Roger.'' Veronica nodded, and while Joker was still unsure about it, he also accepted his role.

'' Now, does anyone have any plans or suggestions?''

Shepard raised a good point, '' How about we met them in space? I mean, it would reduce the risks of them using the Relay to go to the Citadel.''

'' Relay? Citadel?'' Wrex and Javik were taken aback by this revelation, as both didn't know about it.

Liara noticed that and explained the situation to both, making them realize the seriousness of the situation.

Javik also wasn't so surprised about it all, as he knew there most likely were other things that prevented the Reapers from doing their 'job'.

'' We can do that, but our numbers will be divided and we will be weaker.'' Samael didn't reject it, but he lived through a lot of battles against the Reapers. Their goal was the Relay, and they would not stop to battle in space and would come directly into the planet, regardless of how many troops they had to sacrifice.

The meeting continued for a while, with everyone giving opinions. At the end of it, a roughly made but concise plan was made.

1 - The main fight will happen on the planet, and not in space. LD and their forces would focus on that.

2 - Their job was to protect the Relay, but the soldier had permission to fire at will at the Reaper.

3 - Wrex, Javik, Shepard, Veronica, Joker, Samael, and both AIs had command over troops, with Samael's order being the priority to follow. All of them had different placements in the fight.

4 - If they were defeated and the Reaper managed to use the Relay, they would also use it and help in the fight.

'' ... It's simple but good.'' That was Javik's opinion, one that many shared.

'' Yeah, there's room for improvement but honestly, we don't know when they will attack, so this is good.'' Shepard had raised a few good points, that Samael looked over, and this plan was good in her opinion.

'' Ok, all that is left is to wait for them to arrive. From now until then, we will maintain high alert but also feel free to talk with each other and get to know your friend.'' Samael hinted that everyone should get to know each other, be it Krogan, Prothean, human, or any other species.

Wrex clearly noted that and said to Javik, '' How about that spar?''

Javik nodded, '' Let's.''

'' Can I join?'' A rough voice that carried a lot of inocee and strength, asked both.

Wrex looked over at the young Krogan, and asked, '' What's your name, kid?''

'' My name is Grunt!'' Grunt gave his usual introducion.

Wrex looked at Samael, who said, '' We created him, with the help of Okker. I helped him in return for him helping me finish the cure.''

Wrex had nothing more to say about that. He knew it was only a matter of time now for his people to be cured, so he said to Grunt, '' Sure, let's go.''

With that, almost everyone left the war room, leaving only Shepard and Samael behind. Their relationship status was ambiguous, they still hadn't done anything sexual, but the tension was there.

And just like everyone else, they really didn't have the time to talk after the battle in Thessia.

'' So, how are you feeling?'' Shepard asked Samael after a few moments of silence.

'' Good. I mean, considering everything that has happened. I was saved by luck and my armor.''

Samael's armor was the best in the galaxy and if not for it, he would've died when the debris fell on him, even with the Serum. It was a miracle he only lost an eye.

'' And you? How are you holding up?'' Samael knew how prideful Shepard was, so this defeat, even though logical in every sense as they were the weaker part, was a blow to her.

Shepard didn't hide her feelings, '' To be honest, from a very young age, I was at the top of everything, be it my old gang.'' She smiled remembering that time,'' Or the Alliance academy. It continued when I initiated my career in the Alliance.''

'' 27 missions in the span of one year and only one failure... Well, two if you consider Thessia. That must be a record, but now I felt it is meaningless.''

'' I mean, all of us should be dead. The only reason we weren't was because the Reaper wasn't going full attack for some reason. And that leaves a bad taste in my mouth.''

Samael had felt that many times before. Powerlessness. He never forgets the feeling, because, at the end of the day, he was weak in front of some powers. But, that doesn't mean he would just accept things as they were.

Even the weak can fight back and win.

'' I guess what I'm trying to say is that-''

'' You will not lose another time.'' Samael finished for her.

Shepard was taken aback by how well Samael seemed to know her. She nodded, '' Yes. I won't.''

Samael smiled internally, as this was not possible in their job. Defeat is around every corner, and what differentiates one person from another is how they handle it.

'' No, you will.''

'' Sorry?'' Shepard asked with a curious tone. She never expected Samael to say that.

'' Shepard, you better than anyone else know how easy is to have your life turned around at a snap of a finger. Even more so a soldier one.''

'' We are not gods, far from it. A stray Armor-Piercing bullet could kill you in less than a second. Defeat? You, me, and everyone else will suffer it countless times.''

'' What makes the difference is how the person reacts to it.'' Samael approached her, '' I know how I'm reacting. I'm angry at myself for not seeing the attack happening, angry at how the galaxy is far from ready, angry that we lost.''

''Then, behind all that anger is the conviction I could've won if things were different. Now, I plan on turning that conviction into reality, to win not only this upcoming battle but the whole war.''

'' How are you reacting to it?''

Shepard honestly doesn't delve too much into her feelings, as she felt it was a waste of time. But listening to Samael, who looked reserved most of the time, speaking so much about this made her start to look over at her feelings more thoroughly.

She ... was angry at her for how powerless she felt at the moment. Just like Samael. The problem is, unlike him, she still doesn't know how to handle it.

Samael could notice her inner turmoil at a glance. '' ...After we win this, I will give you the Chimera Serum.'' He explained to her what exactly it was and then said,'' You will have the strength to face anyone in the galaxy head-on.... well, expect a Reaper. You will still need a ship to fight them.''

Shepard imagined herself fighting a Repaer hand to hand and giggled softly. She also thought how fitting for Samael and LD to create something so ridiculous as the Serum.

'' Just don't let your feelings blind you. Trust yourself and your team.''

Samael had nothing more to say, and Shepard finished listening. She felt renewed after this talk.

Honestly, she didn't expect much, but the outcome helped her tremendously.

'' Now, let's go to the spar. Maybe even join.''

'' Let's. Also, after the fight with the Reaper, if we survive, we should hang out more.''



Garrus was sweating bullets looking at the people around him. He was face to face with Matriarchs and a few new faces, as their 'leader'.

Well, he had Tevos at his side, but he was leading too.

'' How many of our troops arrived?'' Benezia asked after some silence.

She, the other matriarchs, and the group consisting of Ash, Vega, and Jacob, had arrived not long ago in the Citadel and were still not in the loop about a few things.

Garrus immediately acted, '' A few Turians and LD forces had arrived earlier. Couple with your troops, we have quite the number.''

'' Still not sufficient if the Reaper attacked.'' Benezia said that and the Matriachrs also had the same thought. They had, after all, faced the might of the machine and knew how powerful it was.

Not even the Citadel and its defense could do much in front of it.

'' We still have time. Based on what we know, the Reaper attack has a window of a week to happen. Not longer than that. We have that time to prepare.'' Tevos said as she looked at Garrus, '' We will be counting on you with the preparations.''

'' ... Leave it to me.'' Garrus was a little bit scared by the pressure, but also looking forward to showcasing his abilities, '' We will win.''

The meeting continued and they made a few preparations for the battle. Nothing too much, but they would be ready.



Samael, Shepard, and their respective crews participated in the spar, which originally was only between the Krogan and the Protehans.

As expected, John, Veronica, Samael, and the other who took the Serum, fought head to head with any of the two species, with Samaeldrawingg a fight one time and losing none. The others who took the Serum had more losses than wins, but they showcased their might, surprising the Krogans and the Protheans.

Shepard won her fair share, while her crew did too.

Everyone then spent their days training and waiting for the attack to happen, all while making sure to prepare the defenses.

Vigil, the Prothean VI, helped a lot in that regard. With RR and EDI's help, he showcases all his abilities by using his power of bases across the planet.

They were ready.

Tonight, everyone was sleeping after training. Samael was in his bed, with Tali and Liara on his side.

The trio was dead tired after today's training.


Samael was woken up by an alarm sound. He checked his omni tool and it was a message from the Shadow Broker, saying the Reaper was seen close to Illos.

He acted immediately and raised the alarm. Soon, hurried steps were heard, as the alarm meant the Reaper was close.

The second confrontation was about to start.



I honestly didn't like how I practically did not develop the relationships between key crewmembers, which I consider essential to a good story and where my strength in writing really is, in the last arc. Of course, you can take into consideration that I wrote the chapter using my phone and my handbook but still, it happened anyway.

Honestly, I don't see space to do that in this arc either, so I have no choice but to build things up to the next arc, where I will go full on that, then hopefully end the fic by the end of the year.

Thanks for the continuous support and see you in the next couple of days!

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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