Time Effect ( A Mass Effect Fanfiction)

SIDE STORY – Battle on Thessia (2)

This side story takes place between chapter 77 and chapter 80.



While the aerial battle wasn't as chaotic as on the ground, it was pretty. The only reason there was even a stalemate in the air was the Phoenix and the Normandy. The help both ships were giving was that good.

Still, it was a battle, and any distraction could cost a lot. The numbers of ships were almost equal, but the Asari was slow to act at the beginning, so until now, the Geth had a slight advantage, but as time passed, it reached the now stalemate.

'' To the side!'' With EDI's shout, Joker dodged to the side, avoiding the attack. The AI was acting as a copilot on the Normandy, giving Joker a chance to showcase all his piloting skills. He drove while EDI shot.


After the dodge, Veronica took the opportunity and killed the Geth ship which attacked Joker.

'' Good job!'' EDI shouted to Joker while shooting the guns.

This was the first real battle Joker faced. He got recruited as soon as he finished his courses at the Alliance Academy. For the first time, his physical condition didn't matter. It's a shame the only chance for him to shine was here, today.

Joker wiped the sweat off his forehead, '' Thanks!''

The battle was far from easy, the only reason he was alive until now was thanks to EDI, the new Normandy, and Veronica's help.

Speaking of Veronica, Joker used the private cooms to talk to her, '' Where the hell you learned to pilot like that?'' He asked with genuine curiosity.

You have to understand that, thanks to his condition, he literally spent all his time training to be a better pilot. And Veronica was at his level, maybe even better.


EDI killed another Geth ship, while Veronica responded, '' Samael personally trained me.''

Joker immediately thought, ' Makes sense then.'

The man seemed to be able to do anything, so training Veronica to this level didn't seem farfetched.

'' 20 Geth ships approaching on the left side!'' An Asari said through the open comms. Sure enough, at a distance, the ships were visible.

Joker prepared to fight the new wave, when Veronica said, '' Can you hold from a while on your won? I have a pit stop.''

The battle started a few minutes ago, and everyone heard Samael asking Veronica for a ride. Some time passed, so it made sense for her to go grab him.

Looking to the side, at his possible future robot girlfriend, Joker was filled with confidence. Besides, he still had the Asari help, so he was confident he could hold, '' Godspeed.''

'' See you soon.'' With that, Veronica left the main battlefield, to go grab SAmael.

A few Geth ships seemed to follow her, but EDI acted swiftly and shot them down. She then looked at Joker, '' We can do this!''


A missile hit the Normandy shield, making them go down from 80% to 32%. Still, Joker didn't seem fazed at all, '' I trust you.''


The air battle continued for a long time, and Joker showcased his worth that day. He was one of the few 'lucky' ones who witnessed up close the beam Sovereign fired at the temple.

That didn't discourage him, as he knew they would win in the end.

Whatever it takes!

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