Time Effect ( A Mass Effect Fanfiction)

SIDE STORY – Battle On Thessia (3)

This side story takes place between chapter 77 and chapter 80.
' This is hell.' An unnamed Asari thought as she looked around.
There are many superstitions about what happens after you die and this Asari had read a few things about other species' interpretations. In this scene, she remembered about humans. If you are a good person, you go to heaven. If you're a bad person, you go to hell.
And today, this unnamed Asari was wondering what she had done to see this hell. She was a soldier, stationed in Thessia, and was enjoying a peaceful day with her sisters when ... hell arrived.
Countless ships entered the atmosphere, with a bigger one following. At first, she and her sister were confused about all of this, but then they recognized the Geth, and alarm bells rang in their head and they started to prepare. Alas, even with all that readiness to attack, it was too late and too little.
The unnamed Asari watched and the ships started to fire on civilians, in populated areas, killing a lot of people. She saw them dying, not having the power to help. Of course, she and her sister fired at the ships but it did nothing. They need bigger firepower that they didn't have.
The Geth ships continued firing, killing more and more, and even some bombs were dropped in populated areas, all this in less than 2 minutes after they arrived. Just as they thought it could not get worse, the Geth ships started to drop things. 
At first, they thought it was more bombs, but suddenly, when the things dropped to the ground, they transformed into some kinda spike. The unnamed Asari didn't know what it was but knew it was trouble. She looked at the things and said, '' FIRE ON THAT.''
Something in her mind was screaming for her to destroy that thing, and she acted on that. She and her sister fired on those things, and after a barrage of shots, it seemed to be destroyed.
Before they could sigh in relief, they saw the Geth ships dropping countless things just like that, alongside Geth soldiers. It was clear the situation was bad for them.
'' ... May the Goddess be with us.'' They were hearing other sisters on the radio, saying that interplanetary communications were jammed and there were too many Geth. Even the Matriachers joined the fray and it seemed the Geth focus was on the temple.
But... the unnamed Asari and her sister were far from the temple and the Geth were still there.
'' COVER!'' The unnamed Asari noticed the Geth that dropped not long ago were close and ready to open fire.
The unnamed Asari survived because she reacted fast, but the same could not be said about the rest of her sister. A few were injured, but not much. Their biotic shield, the shield on their armor, and their armor helped with that.
Still, they were pinned down. The Asari weren't weak, far from it, but the enemy had three times their numbers. Even though they could put up a fight, that was the extent of what they could do.
The unnamed Asari threw a Singularity in the middle of a group of Geth and one of her sisters threw a grenade, killing a lot. 
The Asari who threw the Grenade had her biotic shield broken,  '' Are you ok?''
'' Could be better.''
The biotic shield was put up after a few seconds, and the battle continued. More and more Geth fell but the Asari were getting more and more injuried. If things continued like this, they would fall sooner than later.
The problem was, that the Asari didn't have many troops on the planet. They had the numbers, but never considered that someone would attack their planets, so they focused more on the galaxy exploration.

Still, from how things were looking, the Asari on the planet were glad that a grand majority of the younger ones were far away. Still, the number of younger Asari on the planet was bigger than what they wanted currently.
'' We can't hold for longer!'' One of the Asari shouted and everyone knew it was true. They were retreating more and more, towards where they didn't know. They helped where they could, and the number of civilians they were protecting was growing and their resources were diminishing.
'' Any ideas?'' 
'' I - wait, look at that!'' One of the Asari pointed at the thing they destroyed earlier. It was not the same, because they destroyed that one, but another that the Geth dropped. They watched in horror and the Geth put a civilian body on the spike and not even seconds later, a monster came out of it.
It had a humanoid body but ... the facial features were distorted in what looked like pain. Its body had a gray color and was skinny. Still, that sent fear into the hearts of everyone who saw it.
'' What are they doing!?'' One of the Asarii shouted as the Geth put another body on it.
It didn't take a genius to realize what they were doing, '' ... Let's destroy those things while retreating.''
Everyone nodded. In less than a minute, countless of those monsters were made and it seemed they were going to attack everyone on the planet. There would be no hesitation coming from the unmanned Asari and her sisters, but it wasn't a nice feeling shooting those things... they were their people, transformed into monsters, yes, but still their people...
'' ... May the Goddess be with us.'' Said one of the Asari as she noted the monsters coming toward them.
All the Asari readied themselves once more. Their hell had only begun.
This wasn't only happening with the unnamed Asari and her group but on the whole planet. It was happening all around Thessia. They were outnumbered but still fighting. 
Shepard and Samael's crew were also helping where they could, but it was like a drop of water against a volcano. It wasn't changing much.
Still, they would not stop fighting. This was the fight of their lives and even if the only possible outcome was death, they would accept it.

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