Time to Duel!

Companion Cards(4)


'Sign language'


I don't own any of the cards, monsters or art, I only own the OC and fanmade cards. Also, all fanmade cards can be found in the glossary for easier access.

After meeting Crimson and their friend to do some trading, Jack was planning to go straight to his room but noticed a poster on the trade center window. 'Hmm, 50% off on Wild packs again? That's the third sale I've seen since coming to the Academy. Well, I guess students are probably not buying them. Why would they buy a pack that can contain anything, when they have such a wide range of pack options that have higher chances to give them what they want? So even if a student is planning to make a new deck, they would either buy a structure deck or Archetype packs.' Jack looked at his balance on his Duel Watch. 'Well it is a sale, I think I can afford to get some.' Jack went inside the store and walk up to the clerk. 

"Hello, welcome to DUEL Acadamy card store. What can I do for you tod-. Oh hi Jack, you're getting Wild packs again?" The clerk behind the desk is a third-year student that Jack has gotten to know due to how frequently he visits the trade center.

"Hi Aldo and yea, I'm getting 20 packs." Aldo got out the packs and handed Jack them after checking the total. When Jack paid using his Duel Watch he noticed he was given 30 packs. "Um, I was given 30, I only asked and paid for 20 of them." Aldo sighed and nodded.

"Yea, but to tell you the truth. You are the only customer in a while to buy any Wild Packs, as you can see they're not that popular." He pointed at the several stacks of boxes filled with Wild packs behind him. "Even when we have sales, no one is interested in them. Heck, even some of my trader friends rather buy Archetype or Support packs for their clients than gamble with Wild Packs."

"If they don't sell, why does the store still order them?"

"-Sigh- It is DMK Policy. Any store that sells packs has to also sell Wild Packs. On the bright side, because they don't sell here, we get them for cheap. Because of that, we can have frequent sales of them."

"That doesn't explain the free packs." 

"Ah, well my boss's boss noticed we have a big stockpile of Wild packs and wanted us to quickly sell them before new cards are released. We can't be selling Wild Packs that don't have a chance to contain the new cards.  Not only is that false advertisement as Wild Packs '-Can Contain Any Card-.' But also if we sell packs that can give people Banned Cards, then the store will be in big trouble. So we have to get rid of the Packs before the new card release and new Ban List."

"Sound tough, and you still didn't answer my question." Aldo leaned against the counter as they rolled their eyes.

"I'm getting there. So I suggested to my boss that we should just open them all up, and sell the card themselves. But because DMK has a rule that Wild Packs can't be opened unless they are bought. We would have to buy all the packs before we can continue with my idea. Which my boss is reluctant to do, so in the end the store just decided to give out 1 Wild Pack for every 2 bought. We're planning to advertise this tomorrow, so spread the word."

"Gotcha, but what would happen if you don't sell enough?" Aldo gave him a lop-sided smile.

"We'll go ahead with my idea and buy the packs so we can sell the singles. And as a bonus for being our number 1 wild pack customer, I'll let you be one of the first to look at what we got."

"Really?! Thanks! But who are the others who will be seeing them early?"

"Well, my co-workers and I are quite interested in what cards we can snatch before they go public."

"Ah! Well if the store desperately needs help, I guess I can get another 10 packs."

"Haha, well the store appreciates your kindness." After paying for the packs and bidding Aldo goodbye, Jack left the store with a grin. Once he got back to his room, he started to open his packs. After the sixth pack, he felt a tugging from his pocket. When he took out what it was, he saw that it was the companion card. However, when he grabbed the card it stopped moving.

"Huh, I forgot about this." He inspected the card and noticed it was covered in what looked like circuits. "I do wonder, how does this link to the Duel Watch? Romach said it will take time to link to our Duel Watch, but what stops it from linking to a random Duel Watch?" Jack tries tapping it against his Duel Watch, but nothing happens. He sighed and placed it on the table, next to the deck that he was editing. "Probably be quicker just to ask him, safer too. I rather not get in trouble if something breaks." He was brought out of his thoughts by the rumbling of his stomach. Standing up, Jack left the room to make himself some dinner.

Once he left, symbols started to appear on the companion card, and it started to gravitate toward Jack's only shiny card. The companion card started to glow, which got brighter the closer it got to the shiny card. However before it reached the card, a transparent hand grabbed the companion card. What grabbed the card was a transparent floating woman with long brownish-blond hair. She is wearing a long white dress, with golden flowers on the shoulders. A black book is clutched in their arms, as their completely white glowing eyes inspect the card. The card in their hand tried to get away, but it calmed down after the woman said something in a foreign language. The woman tilted her head as she looks over the companion card, before looking down at her card. She scanned the cards on the table, before stopping her gaze and picking up one specific card.

After saying something in a foreign language, the card they just picked up started to glisten. When they brought the two cards together, both cards started to shine before fusing into one. The light from the card condenses to form a bipedal white cat with a scar over its right eye. The cat curiously looked around before saluting when they spotted the woman. The women nodded before telling the cat something in their language. The cat nodded and saluted once more. Seeing this the woman handed the card to the cat and started to grow more transparent, before eventually fully disappearing. The cat looked at its card in its hand, before looking over all the cards on the table.

Jack wasn't sure if he was seeing things when he returned to the room and saw a bipedal cat looking over his cards. When the cat noticed Jack, they straighten up and gave him a salute. Jack slowly walked towards the cat and bent down to eye level with it. "Uh hello?"


"Uhm what are you?"

"Meow?" The cat tilted its head before doing an 'Ah!' motion and handing the card in their hand to Jack. At first, Jack was confusedaboutt what he was seeing. However, when he noticed that the cat was the same one on the card, things started to click together. 

"Is this my compaction?" The cat nodded. "But it looks nothing like it." The cat pointed to the cards on the table, then to the card in Jack's hand. "So it's also a card from the collection?" The cat once again nodded, however seeing his confusion did a compacting motion with their paws. "Compact?" They shook their head. "Together? Uh, mix? Fuse?" The cat touched their nose and nodded. "So the two cards fused." The cat nodded. "Um, will this card still be legal to use?" The cat froze, before shrugging their shoulders."-Sigh- I guess I have to talk to Romach about this. Well if it is illegal to use, I still have other copies so not much harm is done. But it's quite fascinating to see this, I'll have to ask Romach for more details on how this work. Now, what should I call you?" The cat shrugged their shoulders. "Well we'll figure that out tomorrow, right now I want to see if I can teach you to duel." He laughed when the cat excitedly nodded. "Well come to my room, and let's get you a deck."

Hope you Guys/Gals enjoy this new chapter. Remember all comments/criticism/comments are welcomed.

Any name suggestions for the cat are welcome.

Also to avoid any confusion DMK is the company that designs the cards, and has rules for stores that sell them. However, they do not choose what cards are banned or not. That is decided by this world version of the government.

Lastly, would you buy Wild Packs that can contain anything or Archetype/Support packs that have a more narrow card pool? As for me, I like the gamble of Wild cards.


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