Time to Duel!

Companion Cards(5)


'Sign language'


I don't own any of the cards, monsters or art, I only own the OC and fanmade cards. Also, all fanmade cards can be found in the glossary for easier access.

Sylvie was a sickly child when she was younger. Due to her fragile body and weak immune system, she had to spend most of her childhood in the hospital. During this time, she found the one thing she despises the most, boredom. Despite the efforts of those around her, Sylvie struggled to keep herself entertained. Even the amusing sight of her meathead of an older brother making a fool of himself got dull after a while.

-Bang Bang Bang!-

"SIS HURRY UP, I'M GETTING WEIRD LOOKS!" Sylvie sighed before turning to face the door.

"That's because you are in the girl dorms, banging on a door! I told you I'll meet you at the front door! Not in front of MY door!"

"AH! I THOUGHT I MISSED SOMETHING! WELL SEE YOU THERE SIS!" Sylvie sighed once more before turning back to look over her appearance in her full-length mirror. Looking at the mirror she could see her thin body with a sickly pale colour. Her outfit looked big on her despite it being the smallest one she could get in the store district. Putting on a snake hairpin to hold her bangs, she smiled as she left her room. Walking down the hall she could already see her brother at the front door, waving at her with a goofy smile. "SIS! OVER HERE!"

"You don't have to yell, you also don't have to wave at me. I have to be blind to miss you standing there." Sylvie looked over her brother, the easiest way to describe him would be the opposite of herself. Big and muscular while she is thin and weak. Tight clothes barely covered a healthy tan from hours of being outside, in contrast to her baggy clothes and pale skin. The only thing they share in common was the blue eyes they got from their mother. "So tell me again why you needed me to meet you right after class?"

"Well of course to get dinner! Mother put me in charge of making sure you are healthy while you are here, and I noticed you haven't been eating! So I figured the best way to sure you eat was to also have dinner with you!"

"-Sigh- Bjorn you didn't have to do this. If you wanted to make sure I eat, you could have just brought dinner to my room."

"If I did that you wouldn't get the extra exercise of walking to the gathering room for dinner! Mother also tasked me to make sure you're having proper exercise! The doctors said that you need to slowly build up muscle, and what better way to start than by walking!"

"Yea, yea I got it." Sylvie rolled her eyes as they continued walking. Once they arrived at the gathering room, they took a seat and ordered some food. Sylvie ordered a light salad while Bjorn got himself a large steak with a side of large fries. As they ate they talked about how both their classes are going.

"Companion card!? That sounds so cool! What did your turn into!?" Sylvie tilted her head as she took out the card from her breast pocket. The card was pure white with a golden border. In the center was a constantly changing black figure. 

"Looks like it didn't link to my Duel Watch yet."

"Aw man. that sucks."

"How about after we finish eating, you come to my room for a couple of practice duels? It should be done before it gets too late."

"REALLY!" Bjorn stood up and hugged Sylvie. "YOU ARE THE BEST SISTER EVER!" Once the duo finished eating, Bjorn ran to his room to get his deck while Sylvie walked back to her room. When she entered her room, she sat down on her bed after grabbing her deck. 

"He didn't change at all over the years," Sylvie murmured as she thought about the past. Sylvie would never admit it, but she used to despise her brother. She thought it unfair that he was born with such a healthy body, while she was forced to stay in bed. It didn't help that both of them had very little in common. Bjorn loved sports and would spend hours playing with the other kids. While she was forced to find enjoyment inside the confines of her hospital room, which meant she mostly spent her time either reading or watching T.V. When Bjorn would visit, the both of them would typically get into fights or ignore each other. However, that changed the day their mother introduced Duel Monsters to them, which caused their relationship to slowly change.

Bjorn finally had something he can relate to and enjoy with his sister. Something that allowed him to connect with his sister who he could never understand. While Sylvie had something entertaining to do with her brother that didn't put too much strain on her. Something that allowed her to start talking to him, allowing her to learn that his life wasn't as great as she first thought it was. She was brought out of her reminiscing by the sound of knocking. When she opened up her door she was greeted by the sight of Bjorn who was grinning as they held up a bag of cards. They both sat down next to a table ready to duel before Bjorn stopped them. "Why don't you put the card on the table?!"

"The companion card?"

"YEA! That way we can see it form in real time!" Sylvie nodded and placed the companion card down on the table next to both of them. As they duelled the black figure on the card would change. The duo was so invested in their third duel that they didn't notice the card emitting a bright light. A light that condensed and then split into three figures. A small red boy with goggles, fire hair, and white gloves. A small blue girl with water hair, goggles and white gloves. And finally a small green ambiguous kid with dark green curly hair, and the same goggles and white gloves as the other two. The trio excitedly looked around and marvelled at the giants duelling with cards. While Red ran towards the Bjorn and Blue towards the Sylvie. Green got dizzy from rapidly turning their heads between the two figures. In the end, green just sat down between the two and watch whoever was talking.

When the siblings finished their duel, they noticed they had an audience. Blue was clapping at Sylvie's win. Red stomped their feet as they shout in a language neither of them can understand, seemingly trying to tell Bjorn where he messed up. While Green was trying and failing to calm Red down. The siblings looked at the three small kids and then at the companion card that now had the image of the three of them on it. 

"Ah, man we missed it." He placed his hand down next to Red, which caused Red to happily jump on it. "Hehehe they're cute." Sylvie looked down at Blue who was giving them pleading eyes as they glance at Red. Sylvie lowered their hand, which caused Blue to perk up and grab Green as they hopped on Sylvie's hand. She smiled at the antics of the little kids.

"Yea they are."

"You know what this means?!" Sylvie frowned as they tilted their head. "I'M A UNCLE! AH! I'M GOING TO BE THE BEST UNCLE EVER!" Sylvie giggled at the goofy grin her brother had.

"I'm sure you will."

"So what's their name?" 

"Don't they already have names?" She pointed at the cards on the table, specifically, the three cards that looked like the kids in their hands. Bjorn shook his head.

"You can't do that sis! That's like naming a cat, cat! You have to give them proper names!" Sylvie looked at her frowning brother and then at the three kids who were all nodding. She sighed before closing her eyes as she thought. When she opened them up again, she looked at the kids and spoke.

"Kindle, Gale, and Aqua." The kids happily clap. She smiled as she brought the blue kid closer to her face. "I'm glad you like your name Kindle." The three kids froze, while the blue kid looked at Sylvie and pointed at herself. "Yea I'm talking to you." Kindle pointed at the red kid in Bjorn's hand. "That's Gale." Kindle then pointed at the green kid next to them. "And that's Aqua." The three kids looked at each other, then burst into laughter, while Bjorn gave her a flat look.

"Really sis?" Sylvie tried to look innocent but couldn't help herself from laughing.

"Well, the kids liked their names, right kids?" The three kids smiled and gave her a thumbs-up. The sight caused Bjorn to sigh.

"Well if they're fine with it." Sylvie giggled before placing Kindle and Aqua down.

"We have time for one more duel, do you want to see if you can tie it up?" Bjorn gave her a wide grin.

"YOU BET I AM! LET'S GET THIS BATTLE STARTED!" The siblings spent the next 2 hours duelling as the kids excitedly watched and cheered.

Hope you Guys/Gals enjoy this new chapter. Remember all comments/criticism/comments are welcomed.

As you can see Sylvie won, along with Mel. Thank you all for voting. However I do wonder why there were only 9 votes, everyone could have voted for two options. Meaning someone only voted for one, I wonder if that would have changed the outcome at all?

Sorry if you don't like the backstory portion of the chapter, but I felt like it was needed to help establish the characters.

Lastly, this is the last chapter of the week.




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