Tondemo Skill de Isekai Hourou Meshi

Chapter 623: More Staff (1)

Chapter 623 – More Staff (Part 1)

Eguchi Ren: I heard that a famous K-pop idol (a shockingly handsome one!) enjoyed the anime. I will try uploading a little more often

Gumihou: Lots of things happening here. A long chapter, so enjoy it everyone~

Things had been a little off the norm thanks to a certain dragon-loving individual. However, I can’t blame him for everything. There were also the High Elves and the two drinking parties, the construction of the new dorm as well as the maisonette-style building, not to mention the visitors and finally, the offerings.

Knowing that my familiars would soon start pestering me about ‘hunting~ hunting~’ I decided to spend the next day relaxing especially since I had spent the night before making offerings.

The plan is to have a no-plan day.

“Hmph, what a pointless way to spend one’s life. It’s better to go hunting.”

“That does not sound at all productive, Master.”

““What is this ridiculous practice?””

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“I’m going to enjoy today properly. Let me tell you now, if you disturb me, I might just have to take another leisure day tomorrow.”

Well, that soon shut them up.

“That’s unfair!”

“Oh no, my need for leisure time has increased. I might even have to rest tomorrow~” I said as I writhed on the world’s most comfortable lazy chair.


Thanks to this promise (threat) that I had secured back when I made the Easy-Bacon thing, I can now just refuse to go hunting if I don’t want to. Well, I could probably refuse at least twice before my familiars get too frustrated or annoyed.

While I would like to abuse this privilege and have a few more leisure days… it is not a good idea to force these overpowered gluttons to rest too long.

In fact, Fer and the rest were already talking about the ‘Meat Dungeon’ in a deliberately loud voice nearby. Sure, no one’s pestering me, but the very broad hints were incredibly annoying. Frankly, all that can think of whenever the Meat Dungeon was brought up was Demiurgos-sama’s Hoi Hoi-whatever, and the mysterious ‘extra floor’.

… Fer and the rest would probably be thrilled to find that extra floor, but let’s not tell them anything about it or I will never get any rest until we visit that dungeon.

Let’s think about something else.

That’s right, I shall be needing some new employees soon. Let’s head over to Radoslav Company. Thinking back, I’m really glad For Lambert-san’s introduction.

““Hey, are you going out? We’re going too!””




“I guess you guys are really bored, huh?” I said as we made our way to the slave trader’s The neat, almost hidden sign was still where it was and this time, I confidently made my way to the door and knocked.

The door was opened by a large bald man who peered suspiciously at our party.

“Uh, hello, I was here before. I’m Mukouda by the way. We’re here again because we need more, ah, slaves…?”

The door silently shut and we were left waiting outside.

Not long afterwards, the door opened again and a smiling man appeared.

“Hello Radoslav-san,” I said in my most normal voice. For some reason, the sight of this man still intimidates me somewhat. [1] The disdain in his voice when I asked about ‘nice looking slave girls’ still haunts my nightmares sometimes…

“It has certainly been a long time, Mukouda-san. Your exploits have reached my corner of the world as well. And… I see that you have a new dragon familiar.”

There was an odd twitch to his mouth as he spoke. I guess Grandpa Gon really looks quite intimidating. The normally cool and shrewd Radoslav-san looked a little stressed.

“Hahaha…” I said, for the lack of anything to say.

“Oi, are we just going to stand around here?!” Fer snapped when the silence stretched a little too long.

The both of us jumped.

“Excuse me-” I said.

“No, no, it is my fault. Please, do step inside,”

[2] Radoslav-san led us to a different room this time. It was larger than the one before, I guess it was to accommodate Grandpa Gon too… which was thoughtful of him.

[2] “May I know the type of slaves you are looking for?” he asked politely.

[2] I wonder what he would say if I asked for a pretty maid… Ahem.

[2] “Uh, just general workers. A family would be great.”

[2] “I see, would these general workers be required to deal with goods, read contracts and make sales? Or are you looking for more labourers?”

[2] “The first one,” I said. “I have enough farmers and gardeners. Speaking of gardeners, I am very happy with Alban. So, thank you very much for introducing his family to me.”

[2] “I see, I believe I know just the family for you. Please wait a moment.” He turned to leave but paused and turned around with a smile I had never seen before.

[4] “Ahem, I understand you have been up to more than just Adventuring?”

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[4] “Uh,” I really don’t know how to deal with that smile…?

[4] Then, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a familiar bottle. He stroked the bottle with that weird smile, “Though I have never revealed it to anyone, I had been feeling a little depressed about my receding hairline. Fortunately, this came just in time to my rescue~”

[4] Then, he did a hair flip that would put any shampoo commercial actors to shame as he beamed over the bottle of [Divine Medicine – Hair Power].

[4] “Ahaha, I’m glad that, ah, it helps,” I said. I guess it made sense that he would know the source of this medicine thanks to his connection with Lambert. “I, er, hope you understand that I wish to keep this a secret.”

“My lips are sealed~”

[3] Then, Radoslav-san finally left the room.

“Haahhh…” I sighed.

“Oi, what’s wrong now?”

“Nothing,” I muttered.

[3] Thankfully, it did not take long for Radoslav-san to return with a family of four. The parents were thin with perpetually exhausted looks on their faces. The two children, a boy and a girl, looked frightened and skinny. Not quite to the point of malnourished, but they looked dangerously underweight under their generic clothes. All four have this air of fear around them.

[3] “Now, now, didn’t I say before that it would be alright?” said Radoslav-san in a gentler voice than I had ever heard before. “This isn’t Solace, we have a different slave system here.”

[3] “Solace?” I said with a slightly shaky smile. “Isn’t that where the, ah, Holy Kingdom… was?”

[3] “That’s right, I prefer to source slaves from other countries. After the fall of the Rubanov, chaos was bound to happen. When chaos happens, desperate people in desperate situations arise. That is where I generally source my products. After all, it is rare to find desperate, but honest people looking for assistance in peaceful and well-established countries.”

[3] “Ah, I see, that makes sense…” I could feel the smile on my face stiffening. However, it is true that slavery happens when one falls into debt or has to pay off their wrongdoings through a set amount of labour… So, it is not wrong to consider slave trading something that profited from others’ misfortune.

[3] “That said, please rest assured that there are laws in this country protecting your rights,” said Radoslav-san in that kind voice again. “The slave system in Carelina is set up as a debt repayment contract. Once you have paid off your debt, you are free to go. Although it is not a necessity, I, as a conscientious slave trader, do my best to keep families together as best I can.”

[3a] The parents gave us strained smiles, their arms visibly tightening around their children. Clearly, they did not really believe us, but the hope in their eyes was almost heartbreaking…

“Ahem, may I know a little more about, ah… them?” I hinted.

“Of course, Mukouda-san. This is Victor, his wife and two children. They operated a general store in a border town between the Kingdom of Solace and the Kingdom of Feenan.”

“Oh, uh, I see. Were they… did the store go out of business due to the fall of the Rubanov?” I asked nervously.

“Oh no, it is unfortunately something more mundane. They guaranteed an acquaintance’s debt, later, when that scoundrel disappeared, the family was forced to take on the debt and sold off everything they had. Including themselves.”

“That’s really tragic.”

“Yes, well, the folly of taking on debts of friends and acquaintances,” all traces of warmth had been replaced by strict professionalism. No wonder the Victor family did not look reassured by him. “Just not worth it at all. At any rate, as merchants, the entire family could read and write in the common language and do calculations. Speaking of which, may I interest Mukouda-san in high-level combat slaves? I happen to have some excellent quality goods at hand.”

“Ah, er, sure,” I said faintly. “Oh, wait, um, would you mind if I ask the family a few questions? I, ah, I need to confirm something.”

“Of course.”

“Um, so, I want everyone to know that I have Elves, Dwarves, Beastmen and even a Half-Giant working at my I understand that the national religion in Solace is Rubanov and while there are some aspects of the religion I disagree with, you are allowed to follow your faith as you wish, but I want to stress right now that you are not allowed to force your beliefs and opinions on the other… slaves, is that clear?”

This was the most crucial point. I can’t have people who would poison the pleasant atmosphere within my estate? Mansion? Anyway, my precious While I do feel sorry for ‘causing chaos’ in that country, the move was sanctioned by god.

In fact, one could even say that it was God who made us do it.

So it’s totally not my fault.


That said, I don’t want any weirdos like those gold-dripped priests in my sanctuary.

“Victor?” Radoslav-san urged him to answer.

[3b] “… As someone who had been reduced to slave status, it is not our place to hold whatever faith that our master finds disagreeable, especially not when Demiurgos-sama himself had declared that the Church of Rubanov is a false religion,” said the thin man.

“Ahaha…” I looked away, hoping that nobody would ever realise that it was us who destroyed Rubanov.

[3b] “That said, after falling into this state, we finally realised the folly of our beliefs,” said the thin woman. “The Church preached that humans are the supreme beings, but when we were confined in the debtor’s prison, the ones who treated us with any decency were the demi-humans, no, the Beastmen. They were also mistreated, but they did not pass on their misery to us… Not to mention, the Dwarf in the prison next to us were kind to us and shared a little of their food with my children…”

Well, that’s one way to get an epiphany about the religion you have been worshipping all this while.

“Ahem, if that is how you feel, I am more than happy to welcome you into my home. People who can read and write are valuable employees.”

Thus far, I have been depending on Costi for all the negotiations with Lambert-san. However, with the business growing, it would be great to have someone like Victor who had run a business before. Hopefully, he could give Costi some pointers and it would be great to have another lady to share the housekeeping and cooking jobs…

[Gumihou: Redid quite a bit of things]

[1] I think Mukouda is the type to brood over all the stupid things his mouth said a few years back…

[2] There was a lack of transition, also the dialogue is unnecessarily interspersed with narrative ‘And then A said’ which slowed down the dramatic momentum of the story

[3] Redid the description to add some dramatic effect. Actually, redid the whole Rubanov-related scene because it was a little too patchy. Smoothed out the scenes so that it looks more seamless. freē

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[3a] Add to the feelings too, instead of ‘this happens’, ‘that happen’ and then ‘that’

[3b] Expand on “…When we assumed this status, we completely abandoned our faith. After all, it was the Bishop of the Rubanov Church who deceived us.” ƒreewebηoveℓ.com

[4] The ‘Hair Power’ scene was tacked on right after Mukouda thought about Costi, which was a bit of an awkward place? Talking about a secret hair growth potion before any contracts had been made? Kind of unprofessional? Not at all Radoslav-like?

Moved the scene up.

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