Tondemo Skill de Isekai Hourou Meshi

Chapter 624: More Staff (2)

Chapter 624: More Staff (2)

Eguchi Ren: I was so busy during the year-end that I could not upload anything but this chapter. I’m sorry for not uploading much this year, but I will try my best to upload a little more next year.

Ever since the anime came out, I feel like the number of readers has increased. I am really thankful for this. Thank you for reading Tondemo Skill this year as well, I look forward to your continued support next year!

Happy New Year everyone!

Gumihou: This raw chapter was posted on the 31st of December 2023


To break the uncomfortable scene, I turned to Radoslav-san and said, “Um, I would like someone who could fight as well. [2] For escort duties.”

[2] It was time to consider that people would be keeping an eye on the goods that flowed from my to Lambert’s. Not to mention the money that Costi has to ferry to and from the two s, sure, the existing guards could spare one or two people to escort him, but what if some of my slaves needed to go shopping and had one with them?

New chapters are published on freeweɓnø

[2] Or, what if we need to deliver important goods to other locations? We haven’t done anything like that yet, but it pays to be prepared. It’s not like I lack the space or the money for staff.

Radoslav-san’s smile widened, “Escorts, eh? Well, well, you’re in luck. As mentioned before, I managed to acquire plenty of excellent goods this time. Do wait a moment, please. Ah, that’s right, come this way, please, Victor.”

He swiftly and professionally shuttled the family of four out of the room and disappeared.

[3] “… Oi, are you seriously going to get more people? They just unnecessarily get in the way and eat our food.”

[3] “With our business growing, we would eventually need more people to do escort jobs. But, you’re right…”

[3] “Humph, of course, I am,” Fer said smugly.

[3] “There’s no point hiring strong people to escort my business. You can do the job, instead,” I said contemplatively.

[3]” Wait, what-”

[3] “It would eat into your hunting time, but that’s alright, right? After all, it saves me both money and food. I’ll just give you an extra bowl of meat for your meal.”

[3] “Hold it-”

[3] “The more I consider it, the more it makes sense. Umu, thank you for the suggestion-”

[3] “I refuse!!!!”

[3] Just then, the door opened and a slightly sweating Radoslav-san peeked in. “Ahem, is everything alright? Is this a bad time?”

[3] “Oh dear, I may not be-”

[3] “Bring them here!!

In a flash, we suddenly have six men standing at attention in front of us. They were all tall burly people covered in old scars with a very ‘seasoned warrior’ air about them.

“These are the members of the [Dawn Brigade] party. They are well known in the Republic of Quinn,” said Radoslav-san.

“Well, we’re ex-Adventurers now,” one of the men, the one with a rather manly-looking stubble muttered.

“Oh, that’s right. Well, there is no doubt that their skill did not diminish despite having lost that title. This fellow here is an important executive for [Dawn Brigade].”

The ‘Executive’ in question was a rather chunky-looking individual, he stood out even among the strong and muscular men in the line-up.

“I see,” I said. “Uh, so, the [Dawn Brigade]?”

Radoslav-san must have sensed the question in my statement, because his smile stiffened and he said, “I supposed I should start my introduction from that…?”

“Apologies for my ignorance…”

“No, no, it is I who should refrain from making assumptions. Ahem, let’s see, [Dawn Brigade] is one of the top three mercenary parties in the Republic of Quinn. It was noted not only for its size but also for its individual fighting power. Generally speaking, most people associate ‘mercenaries’ as a group that specialises in fighting against humans. While it is true, [Dawn Brigade] is unique in that they also engage in monster subjugation activities.

This is because [Dawn Brigade] was a mercenary group that often participated in dungeon dives and took on escort missions that protect merchant caravans from monster attacks. Because of their skilful handling of both types of enemies, they became known for their multi-pronged ability among merchant groups. In fact, many long-established stores have contracts with the [Dawn Brigade] to deliver goods. Because a dependable escort is essential when it comes to long-distance travel.”

“Well, isn’t that the truth?”

I nodded. After all, one of my very first worries upon arriving in this world was safe travel between a certain country to that border town. If regular travel services was cut off, merchants would have to hire someone from the Adventurer Group for a high price or take a chance with new, smaller escort groups that cost less but may not be able to complete the delivery at all.

“In fact, I can confidently say that the power of the Executive is comparable to that of an S Ranker.”

“Woah, that’s amazing~” I said, speaking as a ‘fake’ S Ranker looking at the chunky stubble guy with more respect. “Uh, so, how did they end up as slaves?”


Ah, sorry for bringing down the atmosphere.

“Hohohoho, that’s right, there’s that, eh?”

“Indeed, indeed, what a shameful thing.”

“Naturally, any prospective employer would wish to know the reason…”

The people in front of me growled at each other, looking very bitter and angry.

“In short, we were betrayed by our comrades.”

“Oi! Those traitors are not our comrades!”

“That’s right! That’s right!”

“People who join the group partway should never be trusted!”

“I will slash his throat the next time I lay eyes on him!”


[4] For a moment, the six burly men growled and snarled about ‘chopping up that traitor’. I looked at Radoslav-san who just beamed neutrally at me. Fine… let them have their moment. I’m sure they can calm themselves down after a while.

“Sir,” said the Executive. “Allow me to tell you our story. It is like this. Back before the [Dawn Brigade] got its name, we were a group of 11 friends and fighters who knew each other and trusted our backs to our comrades. It had always been our dream to establish an independent mercenary group. Anyway, once the [Dawn Brigade] was established, we quickly made a name for ourselves and jobs came pouring in. One of the jobs that came in was from the Holy Kingdom of Rubanov.”

“Oh, I see…” there’s that name again. I can’t help but feel a sense of foreboding whenever I hear that name.

“At first, we were hesitant about taking a job from Rubanov, but, at that time, we were also anxious to expand our group. Anyway, I was pretty sure they would refuse to hire us once they knew that our group consisted of races of all kinds. Who would have thought they still insisted on us taking on the job.”

“Shoulda realise something’s fishy then…” one of the members muttered.

“Ahem, anyway, like I said, we were keen to expand, and even if those Rubanov assholes were racists, they were still prestigious. The job was an escort mission to protect a bunch of their priests from the Republic to the Rubanov Kingdom. They wanted the extra muscle since Rubanov was in turmoil or something.”

“Anyway,” another member of the [Dawn Brigade] continued, “the reward money was tempting enough that we figured it was alright to take the job. Especially since we’ll be travelling with Holy Knights and some of the Solace’s Adventurers. Surely it can’t be that bad, right?”

“Wrong!” a sharp voice interjected. “That Rocco bastard betrayed us to the church! That fellow was seduced by one of those damned Rubanov bastards-”

“Come to think of it, I think one of those priests has the [Charm] skill. He was always kind of sparkly looking…”

“[Charm] magic don’t work on people unless there’s an underlying desire in existence! That bastard Rocco must have harboured traitorous thoughts in his belly!”

“You know, he had always been good at talking. Like, really good at persuading people and getting them to see his way…”

“You mean scamming them? That smarmy sonovabitch talks too much.”

“I think that’s how he got most of our new members in.”

“Hey, is that why only us seniors were captured?!”

I scooted [5] over to Radoslav-san and whispered, “So, they were betrayed by a comrade? That’s harsh.”

[5] Radoslav-san nodded, “Indeed, there are too many despicable people in the world. However, that’s what keeps my business going.”

[5] “Huh,” I really don’t know what to say to that. While it was kind of despicable to profit off other people’s misery, the system of slavery here worked in a rather humanistic and gave these poor people a way to ease back into normal life. Even people with money profited from their labour and, more importantly, were able to have workers who had no choice but to keep their secrets for them.

“That bloody Rocco conspired with those Rubanov bastards!”

That shook me out of my contemplation. When it looked like they were about to devolve into another round of ‘That dirty traitor Rocco’, I quickly cut in by asking, “Um, may I know what this, uh, Rocco person did?”

“You may not know this but slave mercenaries could be sold at incredibly high prices,” said Radoslav-san.

“Especially groups that have made a name for themselves.”

“Indeed, even though I managed to purchase the [Dawn Brigade], it was at quite a cost.” frёewebηovel.cѳm

“Not to mention, before selling us off, they also confiscated all of our magic tools, weapons, pouches, money… anything and everything we have of value.”

“And then, they sold us off.”

“For a freaking high price, I bet…”

“AND they never pay us!!!”

“Woah, that’s… really evil…” I said faintly, appalled and kind of impressed by the sheer gall of those priests.

“The most embarrassing thing for me is how they managed to capture us so easily…”

“There, there, we trusted them to have our backs. Who would have thought that they would backstab us when it was time for their watch.”

“That Rocco bastard is too cunning. He made sure that all of us seniors were asleep during our shift and took us down that way!!”

“Anyway,” said the exhausted-looking ‘Executive’. “That’s our story.”

“It’s embarrassing that’s what it is.”

[6] “Once I get out of slavery, I’m going to slit that snake Rocco’s throat.”

[6] “Hah! Slit his throat? Aren’t you letting him off too easy? I’m going to tie him up and cut off bits of him first-”

“Ahem,” Radoslav-san coughed. He had probably noticed my increasingly alarmed expression.

“Sorry, sorry,” said the Executive. “It’s just… we’re really frustrated, you know? We genuinely trusted that guy.”

[6] “Ah, erm, I guess it’s normal for mercenaries to be a little bloodthirsty, eh?” I said, laughing nervously.

“Naw, not really. [Dawn Brigade] may be a mercenary group, but we prefer to act with honour. That’s part of the reason why we were so popular with the merchants.”

“Yeah! They like us!”

“[Dawn Brigade] do not engage in reckless violence or unnecessary vulgar language.”

“Yeah! Wild idiots aren’t allowed in [Dawn Brigade]!”

“Which… was why we accepted that blasted traitorous lily-livered son of a monkey and a sponge into our group.”

“Yeah! Uh…”

“He had a knack for speaking well, which is a valuable trait but…”

“That doesn’t change the fact that he’s a dirty bastard son of a dog traitor!”

Woah, these guys seem to have a grudge against that Rocco guy, huh? Well, good luck in tracking that guy down. [7] Frankly speaking, I quite like their cheerful attitudes. It must be hard to be betrayed like this.

[7] “So, are you guys alright to be, ah, s-slaves?” while I do admire their grit, it would be best to know how they feel about being bought, right? I mean, the last thing I wanted was six burly ex-Adventurers stomping around in my grumbling about being made into slaves or something.

“Being a slave is no longer our choice. Not to mention, it was carelessness that brought us here. If we had been sold as slaves at Radoslav, well, we would have done our best to escape and go after that Rocco bitch.”

“I’d slit the throat of our minders and go after that son of a traitorous donkey and a whore-”

“Which we won’t be doing since this country treats their slaves differently, we’re guaranteed basic living conditions and a fixed salary, so it’s a matter of time… That is, we’re fine with working our way through our bondage before getting our revenge against that traitorous twerp.”

“I see…”

“Fufufu, I wonder~” said Radoslav-san.

Suddenly, all of the mercenaries immediately became defensive.

“O-oi, what are you trying to say?”

“I thought slaves have protection in this country?!”

“Just what-”

“Radoslav-san, please explain yourself,” I said faintly. “Please don’t let these good people misunderstand your words.”

“Oh, fine, fine,” Radoslav-san smiled at the group of nervous-looking mercenaries. “What I wish to say is that Mukouda-san has an unusual tendency to treat his slaves very well. So well that they would most likely choose to stay with him even after they had gathered enough money to pay off their bonds.”

The [Dawn Brigade] did not look like they believed him.

I could only laugh awkwardly on the side.

Speaking of which, if I recall correctly, most Adventurers who got themselves into bad enough debt to be sold as slaves usually did it through gambling or gross damages. Oh, there’s that third evil, alcohol, too.

Speaking of which, how did Bartel get himself into debt again?

Anyway, after listening to them, I have already made up my mind to purchase the [Dawn Brigade]. They ended up as slaves through no fault of their own. Although they were a little rough and ready, they mostly meant well, which counts for a lot. As for the cost…


At least money is the last thing I will ever have to worry about in this life.

And that was how I got my new employees.

[Gumihou: I really enjoy meeting Radoslav again! Although he acted a little too OOC, scrubbed out that blip so that he’s back into character. Phew!]

[1] Deleted the hair growth talk ‘continuation’ from the previous chapter, since I had already moved that scene.

[2] Reasonable reason for why Mukouda needs more ‘fighters’

[3] Since I deleted [1], added some comedic relief back

[4] Establish a little more drama and less ‘narration’

[5] Instead of a summary of the ‘exposition dialogue’, have Mukouda ask Radoslav for confirmation.

[6] Instead of Mukouda going ‘When I think of mercenaries, I have the image of being violent…’ to start the ‘Dawn Brigade is cool’ talk, set up the situation a little.

[7] Deleted some rather out of ‘However, even though it feels like they didn’t want to become slaves, why do they seem to want me to buy them?’

Mainly because it doesn’t seem to do anything or lead anywhere.

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