Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 626 Georgia (17)

In fact, according to safety regulations, artillery shells cannot be accumulated on the artillery position. Moreover, artillery positions and ammunition depots cannot be too close, and ammunition depots must be set up in the safest places. To prevent ammunition from exploding during battle, causing disastrous consequences.

Now the anti-aircraft position is filled with artillery shells. Because the war is imminent, the gunners spontaneously transport boxes of artillery shells to the position, preparing to attack the invading enemy faster. This was approved by the commander, Captain Alexander, and the political commissar, Captain Sloviev, who also praised the soldiers' fighting enthusiasm.

As a result, these mountains of artillery shells not only failed to bring down the enemy planes, but instead blew up our own air defense positions into the sky. It is really ironic.

Captain Alexander clenched his fists with both hands and gritted his teeth. Now that there are no anti-aircraft guns, there is no doubt that German fighter planes will bomb the 305mm coastal defense guns. After all, these large-caliber cannons pose the greatest threat to the German fleet.

Political Commissar Captain Sloviev also thought about this problem. "Comrade Alexander, what should we do now?"

"Can't sit still and wait for death!" Captain Alexander made a prompt decision, picked up the phone and ordered. "Fire the powerful charges and open fire on the German fleet!"

Do the Germans know the exact location of the 305mm shore defense? Even if you don't know, it's only a matter of time before they find out. Instead of being destroyed without firing a single shot, it's better to give it a try now!

"Firing with a strong charge?" Political Commissar Captain Sloviev couldn't help but open his mouth. He knew what it meant to force a cannon with a strong charge.

The so-called strong charge is to use charges beyond the standard measurement to increase the range and penetration of the artillery shell. But it will also bring greater recoil, which will challenge the strength of the artillery barrel and mount; and this will undoubtedly increase the wear and tear of the artillery and reduce the life of the barrel.

Normally, this kind of operation would be absolutely not allowed; and what he was worried about was another situation. Since 1934, the four 305mm guns of Battery No. 30 have fired an average of 430 to 450 rounds, which is far beyond the gun's standard service life of 205 rounds. In other words, these guns should have been retired long ago, and it is unknown whether the barrels can withstand the firing of strong charges.

But thinking about the situation at the moment, Captain Sloviev had nothing to say.

"Boom!" Max Bastian frowned slightly as he watched the cannonball that landed a thousand meters away stirred up a huge water column. "Strong charge launch?" The German army has been equipped with rocket extended-range projectiles, which can also be used for ultra-long-distance shooting. However, the accuracy of this kind of extended-range rocket projectile is very poor, so captains don't like to use this kind of projectile very much. The Soviets did not have this kind of technology, so they could only use strong charges to increase the range.

"Commander, should we retreat some distance?" After all, the power of 305mm artillery shells is no joke.

Max Bastian smiled contemptuously. "It seems that these Soviets have realized that their doom has come and are struggling to their death. But they only have a chance to fire two more shots." Unless God is favoring him, if he wants to hit a target at this distance, he will have to go through it without passing by. Three or four corrections were impossible; and another formation of A-1 attack aircraft had already taken off. These attack aircraft were equipped with ground-penetrating bombs specially designed to deal with fortresses.

After a long period of operation, Sevastopol had become an almost impenetrable fortress when World War II broke out. On this No. 30 turret, four 305mm naval guns form two twin turrets, with 406mm armor attached to the outside of the turret.

Manstein, who had been unable to attack the enemy for a long time, finally transferred the 600mm Karl mortar and the 800mm Gustav cannon. During the battle, a 2-ton concrete armor-piercing projectile fired by the Carl mortar hit the No. 2 turret of the No. 30 battery, causing the turret to be unable to rotate due to armor deformation and losing its combat capability.

Now a formation of A-1 attack aircraft, also carrying 2-ton ground-penetrating bombs, is flying over the fort. This time, there is no need to look for it. The position of the firing cannon has been revealed by itself.

One after another, A-1 attack planes dived down one after another, rushing towards the target on the ground.

Coast defense artillery has many advantages. It has a firing meter, high accuracy, and fast firing rate; its only disadvantage is that it is fixed there and cannot move. As a naval attack aircraft, the attack targets of the A-1 attack aircraft are usually those high-speed moving enemy naval warships. At this moment, the pilots are full of confidence when they want to attack the immobile cannon.

When the dive reached an altitude of 700 meters, Snyder pressed the bomb release button, and the 2-ton ground-penetrating bomb under the belly of the aircraft detached from the pylon and headed straight for the turret below.

Boom! The two-ton heavy bomb hit the gun barrel on the left side of the turret without any bias, and the huge impact directly bent the originally extremely straight barrel! The ground-penetrating bomb equipped with a delayed fuse did not explode, but rolled down under another gun barrel.

Almost at the same time, the artilleryman in the turret stepped on the firing pedal.


It is impossible for a cannonball to turn in a curved barrel. There is only one result, and that is to explode the barrel. The entire barrel was blown into braids in an instant!

"what happened?!"


Fortunately, they have a twin turret. If one barrel is blown out, there is another one. Just as the gunners were loading shells into the other barrel and stuffing the propellant packs, the ground-penetrating bomb outside the turret exploded, and the vibrations caused by the explosion shook the gunners inside the turret.

Then, boom! A muffled sound resounded inside the turret, and everyone's eyes instantly focused on the top of the turret where the sound came from. It was obvious that an aerial bomb had hit it.

Although extremely nervous, most people still have confidence in the protective capabilities of the turret, because their commanders often boast that the top of the turret can block a one-ton aircraft bomb attack.

Unfortunately, this confidence could not be maintained for even a second. A slight crack appeared on the steel plate on the top of the turret. As if in slow motion, this crack quickly spread to the surroundings and evolved into cracks, which became more and more serious. big. In the end, it was torn into a big hole, and a huge bomb got into the turret and hit the ground hard.

"!!" Everyone looked at this terrible bomb in stunned silence, their minds falling into a brief state of panic.

Before they could recover, the delayed fuse on the bomb was detonated, and the violent energy swept through everything around them in a destructive manner.

The propellant packs piled aside were instantly ignited, and the two energies intersected and turned into an extremely powerful shock wave that lifted the turret roof dozens of meters away. The erupted thick smoke mixed with fire traveled hundreds of meters upward. high.

At the same time, the No. 2 turret on the other side also lost its combat capability. Just as Captain Sloviev worried, the aging barrels could not withstand the challenge of firing strong charges and exploded one after another; on the 30th The four 305mm coastal defense guns of the fort were completely disabled.

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