Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 627 Georgia (18)


The atmosphere in the Kremlin was particularly depressing. There were sounds of things being thrown in Stalin's office, as well as Stalin's roars and the sound of banging the table. "Failed, why failed again!! What news can you bring besides failure?!"

Looking at Stalin, whose face was ashen and ferocious as if he wanted to eat people, Helipin wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Stalin lost his temper because the night bombing of the Baku oil fields failed completely.

Originally worried that the daytime bombing would be intercepted by German fighter planes, they deliberately chose night bombing. However, they did not expect that the more than 150 bombers sent out had been wiped out before they even flew over the Pakistani oil fields. "Comrade Stalin, the German night fighters are more powerful than we expected." Helipin could only explain helplessly, which meant that it was not that we were not good, but that the opponent was too strong.

In fact, as early as last year, the German army intercepted a group of British bombers at night. At that time, the German V3 artillery began to bombard London. In order to destroy the V3 base, the British sent a large number of bombers. After the failure of the daytime bombing, they followed up with the night bombing. The result was also the annihilation of the entire army.

Just so as not to affect morale, the British senior officials did not disclose it to the outside world. Naturally, the Soviets did not know that the German night fighters were so powerful.

Heli Plain thought that even if they were intercepted by the Germans, they would only lose about a quarter at most. Unexpectedly, all of the more than 150 bombers were wiped out!

While feeling distressed, he couldn't help but feel grateful that he hadn't sent out all 400 bombers at once, otherwise he would have died to apologize.

"I heard that the German fleet in the Black Sea is bombing the Sevastopol Fortress? Didn't Kuznetsov say that he would send a submarine force to let the Germans know how powerful our submarines are?!" Kuznetsov was racking his brains. It was not here to ponder plans to bomb Berlin, Germany, or else one would have to endure Stalin's wrath.

Starling asked breathlessly, losing his temper hysterically. "Is there any other way to destroy the Baku oil fields?" Thinking about the oil in the Baku oil fields becoming German tanks and aircraft fuel; and those tanks and aircraft would be used to attack the Soviet Union; Stalin felt uncomfortable all over and wished he could immediately Raze the Baku oil fields to the ground.

"Comrade Stalin, we will come up with countermeasures as soon as possible." This is all Khripin can promise.

"You go ahead." Stalin waved his hand tiredly.

On the Turkish battlefield on the other side, the five-nation coalition forces were overwhelming, and the Turkish army was retreating steadily.

The five divisions supported by the Soviet Union had not yet entered the battlefield. They were either ambushed halfway by the Germans or bombed by bombers, and more than half of them were already killed or injured.

Seeing that the country was about to be destroyed if this continued, Turkish President Ismet Inonu called Prime Minister Refik Saidam to discuss countermeasures. The most terrible thing is that they can't even escape after the country is destroyed. (The Mediterranean has long become Germany's inland sea, and now even the Black Sea is occupied by the German navy. Almost all countries adjacent to Turkey are hostile countries. Georgia and Armenia, which originally belonged to the Soviet Union, have also experienced changes, making it impossible to escape.) All land, sea and air have been Being blocked, even if they want to flee to other countries to form a government-in-exile, they cannot escape from Turkey!

After discussing for a long time, they could only pray to Germany for an armistice. Although Germany did not officially declare war on Turkey, everyone knew that Germany was the mastermind behind the Five-Nation Alliance.

The Turkish ambassador to Germany made an urgent visit to German Foreign Minister Ribbentrop and conveyed the country's intentions. As long as the war could cease, any conditions could be easily negotiated.

Ribbentrop reported the incident to Yannick.

However, Yannick was not in the palace at this time. He was hunting in a hunting ground with Prime Minister Pétain.

"I'm going! What?!" Yannick was leaning against a big tree to rest when something suddenly fell on his shoulder. He felt something furry moving on his neck, and goosebumps instantly appeared all over his body.

He turned around suddenly, only to find that it was a squirrel standing firmly on his shoulder, its fluffy tail falling into his collar.

"Oh, you little thing scared me." Yannick stretched out his hand to touch it. The squirrel seemed to be frightened, and nimbly jumped onto the tree trunk, climbed up with a grunt, and climbed into the tree hole above in the blink of an eye. Here, it seems that is its home.

Yannick said as he walked forward. "Monsieur Pétain, I have no objection to the formation of an army against the Soviet Union that you mentioned."

Many German servants appeared on the Soviet-German battlefield in the original time and space, such as Romania, Hungary, Croatia, and allies Italy and Finland. But Vichy France was absent, which was certainly not what Pétain and Laval had intended. Nor were they qualified to decide whether France should enter the war or not.

For his part, Mustache did not want too much military cooperation in the war between France and Germany. He was wary of those in high-ranking Vichy France, or those who claimed to be "collaborators."

One of the reasons is that the entire European continent can only have Germany as a strong force in his future plan, and other countries will be subordinate. Suppressing the military power of France will be a long-term goal, and the remaining 100,000 "truce troops" are the minimum need to maintain. Not to mention its low combat effectiveness, it is likely to be even worse than Romania and the Hungarians.

The second reason is that if the army to invade the Soviet Union is reestablished in France, it may lead to the expansion of Vichy France's military power. This possibility of causing future uncertainty must of course be nipped in the bud. Moreover, France, which guarantees Germany's industrial and logistical needs, will not allow it to have enough energy to build a large army to go to the Soviet Union.

However, now that the EU has been established, it seems unjustifiable for the EU's second-in-command that its military power is far weaker than that of its member states. Therefore, Yannick agreed to Prime Minister Pétain's request to independently form the Soviet Army, but he still added one sentence. "If Monsignor Pétain is worried about the distribution of interests after the war, you can rest assured. I am always fair in doing things. I will naturally give corresponding rewards to others regardless of their efforts. But if Monsignor Pétain is otherwise If you have a plan, it’s hard to say.”

Prime Minister Pétain hurriedly expressed his position. "Of course I trust His Highness."

Yannick nodded. "How many troops are Monsieur Pétain planning to form? Let me declare first that the soldiers previously sent to the German Foreign Legion cannot be transferred back."

"About two hundred thousand or so."

While talking, the group of people walked up a hillside and saw several deer drinking water by a pool not far away.

Yannick loaded the shotgun with deer-hunting bullets. The bullets contained nine projectiles with a diameter of 7 mm. The energy of each projectile was equivalent to the power of an ordinary pistol.

"I choose the one on the far left." He raised his shotgun and aimed at one of the deer, whispering.

"Then I'll choose the one on the far right."

"one two three!"

"Bang!" Two gunshots rang out, and a buck at the waterhole bent its front legs, rolled over, and stumbled to the ground. The other deer became a mess and fled in a hurry. One of them fell to the ground helplessly before he could run a few steps.

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