Transmigrated into a Noble’s beaten son

Chapter 106


Hey everyone! We'd like to first thank our patrons for their continuous support! 

Thank you to juan sandoval, Aly-Bocar Cisse, Arispe Aaron, Vat0si7, Naveen, Matthew Hankins, Zonker Harris, Conteur, tj oram, KONSTANTINOS ANDREAS THEMAS, LapisLazuli, Tyler H, Payfortunate, Uyr Da, Brandon LeBoeuf, Evelyn Antoinette, Bonobo, Graeme Kent, Mordie, and Danielle Warvel. 

We appreciate every ounce of your support ^^/

To everyone in general, we hope you all enjoy the chapter, stay safe and have an amazing week!

It didn’t take long for the scout team to finally return to the safe point. There they reported what they found out about the 3rd floor, “Frankly, the monsters were wayyy too cooperative with one another, it was creepy.”

As if that was not enough, the layout of the floor had some intricacies that caused some of their party members to struggle to go through it.

“We have disabled several traps along the pathway leading to the wider area yet we are unable to further enter.” Added another scout.

After much discussion, Rumi who was the acting leader of their dungeon exploration stated decisively, “Let’s go then.”

With haste, they all marched until such time they were greeted by the collective hostility of monsters. Alarmingly, the creatures had sensed the newly arrived gathering of adventurers.

Ranging from Dungeon Carnivats to Skeletal Warriors, with even the likes of wispy Dark Knights striding menacingly across the floor, those powerful C-A rank monsters were classified as undead.

“Now we know why this dungeon reeks!” Said Tersec as he fanned his hand in front of his face.

“Oh, I thought that was you!” Teased Esiv, the dagger-wielding vice Guildleader of the village.

Despite the sour faces of each member as the stench was undeniably nauseating, it was clear that the bunch could still enjoy some banter- a testament to their trust towards one another, and level of experience.

Soon enough, with grave persistence, they conquered the third floor. Yet their shouts of victory were cut short as another floor presented itself. Similarly to the previous, they established a safe point and discussed whether or not to move forward.

The vote then ended in favor of the continuation of the exploration, much to Naell’s dismay. Because of that, after scouting the area, they all went ahead to the floor where their individualities would finally come into play.

Although it was certain that team coordination was still necessary, their driving force at that moment was the main team’s power.

Yet still, minute by minute the effect of prolonged battle showed as the tides turned in favor of the Undead Centurion, an A-rank monster that commands lower ranks at will.

Had they been in a common location, those lower-rank monsters would barely be a problem, yet their strength was far from normal due to their current grounds being a dungeon.

It was theorized that Lucile (as they will in their creations), blessed the monsters that dwell in dungeons. As such, their strength, stamina, and even how they were being made with haste were out of proportion.

“In a couple of months or so, the monsters here will surely invade the nearby villages.” Said the Guildleader. He sat on a smooth rock, tugging at his arm all the while being treated for a wound he received.

Much like him, some of them did not retreat scratch-free, yet thanks to Naell and his conjured fortress, he had managed to slow the advances of the monsters, while they all fell back avoiding any fatalities on their part.

Although it was quite unsettling to see that the likes of the Undead Bringers, (lower A-rank monsters) could penetrate the fortress oh-so easily, they were all eased by the cannons molded by Naell’s magic. Otherwise, a further clash would have been unavoidable.

“I’ve received news from the Guild.” Said the support team’s leader with a soft voice.

Upon seeing all their eyes were on her, she immediately added on with a look of embarrassment, “Further back-up is on the way, please be advised, all your lives are of utmost priority. Retreat if necessary. Signed Loknar- Vice Guildmaster of Taglagas.”

It seems she was not used to being the center of attention. Regardless, they all went silent and pondered. It was afterall prestigious to be the first to explore the new dungeon's extent.

‘Yet at what cost?’ Most already had an inkling that the dungeon perhaps wasn’t the simple “level B exploration” they all were hoping for.

Not only did it feel like it outclassed even the likes of the Miner’s Bait, a famous dungeon in the Nonauian Empire, but the looming danger they all sensed was also beginning to rile all of them up.

“And surely someone or something took it upon themselves to go here.”

“With the monsters weirdly cooperating with each other, we might be dealing with a tamer.”

“Maybe even THE tamer from the recent terrorism. Still, we don’t really have any trace of battle or presence from anyone who went here.” Discussions on whether or not to continue were then brought up.

“Well, if there really is an enemy- or the pieces of Lucile are here, chances are they’re already well aware of our intrusion.” Said Rumi.

Even though their mission was a dungeon exploration, upon knowing someone entered or exited the dungeon, all of them were actually on high alert for other beings.

That was why even outside and above land, adventurers were on guard, safe points were manned and guild reports were frequently being sent.

Rumi then added, “We could wait for the backup, but if there’s another exit in this massive dungeon, I’m afraid whoever we’re chasing may not be here.”

With resolute eyes and a firm voice, the Guildleader then said, “Please, let us make haste.”

As all understood the danger of not accomplishing their task, none even uttered discontentment with even Naell silently following the pack.




Another hour passed.

The bright flashes of magic and the harsh clanging of weapons reverberated throughout every passage. A blinding glow from several staff and floating light orbs illuminated the adventurers’ way.

Owly silently flew above all the adventurers, secretly leaving a trace of dark feathers that concealed traces of their own magic and aura. It was a good preventive measure yet only for low-rank monsters ahead of them to fail to react in time.

Each step they took was accompanied by grisly sounds; steel-on-steel, fire burning on undead flesh- their main cavalry progressively cleared the way, yet the screeches of fallen monsters made it all less easy than it really was.

It took them a lot of time nonetheless in battling the undead monsters. With Rumi guiding the way, her mace-like weapon managed to find a path that had a chance of leading towards the enemy’s head.

Meanwhile, Drhys and Sajae were able to keep all the undead knights at bay, with the East’s firepower and West's seemingly unlimited stamina. Still, this feat was only possible due to their teamwork.

The scouts, support, and the guild leader’s companions alike were in awe. Regardless of how Rumi was just recently named, and Drhys and Sajae were only esteemed scholars, their prowess was something else altogether.

Alongside them, the massive aoe spells cast by a white-cored mage were just as easy to be entranced by.

Large hordes of aggressive mobs the very instant they’d appear, would either freeze, fall, or get blown away in groups. This was thanks to Naell’s desire to “speedrun” the dungeon and accomplish their goal as quickly as they could.

Still, there was something about the dungeons’ eerie layout to Naell. The jagged stalactites poking out of every wall, covering entries, and walling off exits, only made it feel like they were venturing into the mouth of a beast.

It was as if they were walking past a thousand teeth and feeling the hungry bellowing of a stomach through their feet. Alas, they were in no beast, but a dungeon, wherein the fierce ‘bellowing’ was actually from their own companions’ various magics and physical clashes.

With every step, the vibrations against their shoes were actually from them successfully fighting off any and all creatures in their way.

Naell repeated those thoughts to himself in an attempt to be at ease. He insisted that the uncanny feeling and claustrophobia of venturing deeper into the dungeon was something he could ignore.

And then it happened. Finally, the last screech from the army of undead knights rang against the walls. In a moment of celebration, Dhrys and Sajae smiled and hit their elbows.

By then they had all arrived at a clearing much larger and wider than their previous safe point.

“Let’s confirm that every corner is safe.”

Yet as if to make a mockery of the word ‘safe’ the sudden shaking of the walls and a frighteningly different vibration in the ground made everyone’s faces grow wary.

The Guildleader rose a hand in the air, signaling everyone to stop in their tracks as they all looked around for the source of the vibrations.

It was certainly no earthquake- all of them knew and a few of them could sense it. A strong aura slithered around them, yet there was nothing in sight as the unseen creature let out a faint squeal.

Mages and their light orbs slowly scattered trying to cover as much ground as they could in the dark, yet their lights only showed an empty clearing full of the fallen monsters they’d defeated.

It was then when a wall cavity burst open, followed by an ear-piercing screech. Naell sharply turned to the left, and blasted a harsh storm of ice, momentarily stunning the gigantic limbless monster that threatened to devour their entire party.

“Awakened wyrm!” Yelled out the Guildleader.

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