Transmigrated into a Noble’s beaten son

Chapter 107

All of them became fearful of the sudden threat before them; the awakened wyrm was well-known among adventurers due to its destructive nature.

With a snake-like build as large as an adult horse, a body as bulky as a large cow, thickly calloused reddish skin, and a toothy mouth on either end- it was one of the most grotesque monsters in all of Mundo.

Not to mention with its durability and poisonous spores, it posed a greater threat in narrow spaces like dungeons.

Some would even go further as to say that normal wyrms did not exist, as all the recorded sightings of their kind were awakened.

As the creature’s fierce deafening screech rumbled within the vicinity, it tried to attack once again. Luckily Naell’s ice magic clashed against its attempt, stunning it momentarily.

Regardless, it only shook its head as it regained its stability. It wriggled mockingly showing how it was proudly unharmed.

"...That is disturbing." Naell couldn't help but utter his thoughts out loud.

Some smiled from Naell’s moment of honesty, yet the weight of dealing with such a creature limited their joy.

Their sternness only solidified as the wyrm began to form words in between screeches, "Foolish humans you are…to have come here."

In the heavy atmosphere, they all felt the surge of thick chaotic aura form around the monster.

"So this is what we felt emanating at the entrance, HOOT!" Said Owly remembering the first time they all felt this sinister power.

The creature then spoke again, eyeing all of them, “You.. all will be my sustenance.”

Without warning, the sound of crackling rang within the enclosed space. Eerily and out of nowhere, undead monsters arose, forming from the loose rotting bones buried deep within the ground. By their numbers alone, their path of retreat had been blocked.

[ How is that possible!!! ] Several among them shouted. All of the undead that spawned were similar to the monsters they had just vanquished previously. Even Tersec had already written about the monsters’ purification in the Guild log.

Sajae then voiced his thoughts on the matter as he gripped his GUM. “There’s a necromancer among them, and it’s real good at hiding.” His usual expression of cheerfulness was gone.

“Not a tamer huh, though we really did sense aura and mana back then, HOOT.”

Rumi, Drhys, and even Naell affirmed what Owly just said. Certainly, it was good that their enemies were no longer a mystery, however, their new foe inevitably made things worse for them.

In Mundo, a necromancer is an awakened undead mage that could more or less resurrect monsters. Not only that, just like tamers, they could also control their pawns at will.

Roars of the undead started to erupt once more. The adventurers were heavily disadvantaged.

On one side, was the awakened wyrm tanking their hits and doing heavy damage by itself. While on the other path, were the undead monsters with the awakened necromancer whom they could not see nor detect.

“Find it yet?” Shouted Rumi upon being pushed back.

[ Not yet! ]

She was battling three undead knights and the centurion simultaneously, while the scout team was currently trying to find the necromancer’s location.

A bright green glow then emitted from the guild leader, followed by a soothing sound as the light faded into particles in the air.

“Ugh, thanks!” Said the Guild leader who immediately returned to the battle. He, his guild members, and Rumi, were the ones heading the charge against the undead monsters.

The support mage who healed him didn’t even try to reply as she headed towards other injured adventurers. Although their wounds were starting to stack, their semi-circular formation allowed both the injured and support to be protected in the middle, thus none had died yet.

Meanwhile, Drhys, Sajae, Naell, and Owly were responsible for the awakened wyrm.

“I, Wram, applaud your strength but it is futile as I will devour all of you.”

The wyrm who had named itself Wram had an advantage in that terrain. Not only could it tank attacks, but it burrowed itself continuously into the hard ground and walls. Those in charge of dealing with him had to fight the large monster, whilst debris would continuously threaten to bury them.

If it weren’t for Naell’s ice and snow magic combined, it was undeniable, they would have been buried already.

“Tsk. If he could just stay still, he’d eat damage!” Said Sajae.

“For a big fat sausage lump, he is quick, HOOT!”

“You're ruining that food for me Owly.” Said Drhys who was in charge of going toe to toe with the awakened wyrm.

With haste, the blonde man rushed to one of the many hollows on the ground. It was then when the soil shook and Wram emerged from that very same hole. Almost immediately, Drhys struck the beast with his bare hands, effectively showing off his scholarly intuition.

Sajae saw Naell who had a curious look on his face. The other scholar then explained, “Drhys is part of the clan of vampires. I don’t know much, but it seems they have a ridiculous mana pool like you Naell.”

“I see…”

Even as he nodded, it truly took a while for the thought to sink in, as unlike other mages, Drhys’ mana was black which clearly indicated impurity.

“Wait, vampire?”



Unlike Naell, Owly was not at all surprised. Although the lineage of vampires was already considered to be extinct, meeting two or three was not really that shocking. Truthfully, Mundo was yet to advance in their ways of keeping track of populations.

In addition, vampires were known for their weird ways of using their mana, making it even more obvious for the son of Wisdom.

“I’m more curious about your weapon, HOOT.”

Sajae only smiled while continuing his rapid flame attacks. Compared to fire magic, Naell and Owly could see that the fire he was producing was as strong as complex magic.

Yet both of them could surmise it was not magic. If Naell would even describe it, a natural flame was best suited for it to be called.

As all of that was happening, Naell for a split second detected the magic of the necromancer. With the surge of his mana, he then directed his magic towards the awakened wyrm.

What seemed to at first be a basic projectile, suddenly scattered into needle-like ice shots. All of which exploded within the monster's vicinity. The one that went through immediately pierced an invisible mana shield.

“Lo and behold, a necromancer.” Those who heard Naell shivered from how nonchalant he was about it. Little did they know, he was actually intimidated making him rather timid with his words.

“To think, you would unmask my invisibility.” All while grinning said the necromancer. Within his robe, mere bones could be seen, and with it were his hollowed eyes.

It was a grim sight to beheld. However, the likes of the two scholars were more amused by it. Their twinkling eyes that seemed willing to interview the necromancer, lessened the tension from their new opponent.

The necromancer then began speaking, “To witness us both, Wram and I, Bungo. It is now your fate to die under the will of Lucile.”

Suddenly, Wram roared louder than he ever did. Menacingly standing to his full height, he began thrashing angrily from where he stood. This forced Drhys to be on the defensive.

Alongside his rage, the army of the undead multiplied and pressured every party to maintain their disadvantageous positions.


Volume 1's Drawn Cast: ; v ;)

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