Transmigrated into a Noble’s beaten son

Chapter 150


Hey guys! We wanted to give a huge thanks to our supporters on Patreon who've stuck around this far: Aly-Bocar Cisse, Vat0si7, Dr Pib, Evelyn Antoinette, and Mordie, we're insanely grateful for your continuous support.

We'd also like to thank every one of you guys that tune in to read TNBS. Please stay hydrated, and we hope you all have a wonderful week!

The Continent of Summer, a land where even at night, the heat could be felt warmly embracing one's body. From the west stretching to the east, only dry roads could be seen, as hot wind rippled in the air with no end.

Indubitably northwards, one could see the ocean. Yet perhaps it was just a mirage from one's own mind. Afterall, hallucinations were frequent in the midst of the fatigue and thirst caused by the immense heat.

Some even said that in that continent, the farther north one would go, the less likely it is for that being to return.

And to the south, large mountainous terrain stood proudly atop the vast lands, where all who entered that continent would surely sight it from their first arrival. Not to mention, one glance of the sights come with its great reputation as the home of the so-called little folk.

Yet no one would dare call them such in their presence, as those little folk called the dwarves built an empire that no kingdom would dare disrespect.

The Dwarven Empire, Nonau was known as the main provider of high grade weapons and armor that many had sought yet failed to grasp. In addtion, their home was also famous for its richness in minerals like mithril and diamonds.

As their mountain was filled with richness, dwarves prided themselves with independence and with their prowess in battle, not even the greediest of kingdoms would dare to insult them.

However as they were also known for their brazen attitude, humans tend to befriend them more than their so-called "rival" the elves. Still, like the long-eared fellows, the little folk don't permit just anyone from entering their empire.

Aside from Nonau, only two other places were situated in the continent of Summer. The first was a place with which not even the secluded nations of Nonau nor Awdita could compare.

It was not because it was known for its beauty or marvel—although bards would sing it was grander than both; on the contrary, no one actually could prove that to be the case.

From its likeness to the Lair of the Dragons in the Continent of Spring—that place that held the same mystery and whimsy was the so-called Land of Faeries. It was situated in the far east of the continent, blocking the passage to the remaining corner of Summer.

For those who even tried to venture the far east, rumors of their many trials to do so were matched with far more numerous reports of disappearances. Yet whenever any brave adventurers were to allegedly return, they would claim to have no recollection of having ever left for that location at all.

That was why some claimed it was just a hoax, and that what truly resided in that part of Summer was the demon king himself. Because of this, including the fact that it was the hottest continent, that side of Mundo was not the most sought out.

By then, there was really only one accessible location where one could go in that continent—the human settlement called the Republic of Summer.

Not long ago, after the end of the war (started by the duke called the Jack of all blades) out of love, the king of Summer decided to give its people the power to choose who would rule their country.

Hence why it was concurrently a nation ruled not by kings or queens, but by leaders of a "parliament". Even so, the royal family remained as its monarchy, not as rulers but as figureheads.

Because of that, the country blossomed through the collective efforts of its people. The first one to welcome them with open arms was Nonau, giving them the rights to be the sole trading partners of their empire.

As a result, the people of the Republic of Summer learned from the dwarves, making innovative products and gaining an edge in certain technology themselves.

The nation prospered into such a great state, that even with all the dangers that threatened any venture to the Continent of Summer, merchants and nobles alike still dared to go to that country just to trade and buy products of the Republic.

"Yet actually it's pretty common for anyone to doubt their decision upon arriving, HOOT."

At the moment, the duo Naell and Owly, together with the band of merchants were currently on that said continent. Immediately, what greeted them upon arriving was the heat and monsters that were twice as large as what was seen in the West.

Normally, escorts of said caravans would go and declare that it would be their last time doing that kind of quest. As for the merchants, it is usually at that point when they would start to frequently shriek from the horrors of the desert.

Yet, Naell (who his envoy called the human freezer) made the travel cool and undisturbed by the heat. Likewise his companion welcomed the warmth it brought to his feathers.

Monsters were also easily dispatche—rather, rendered unconscious as Naell would call it.

"Honestly, besides the sandy feeling, this place isn't bad at all." Replied Naell who just froze an entire patch of quick sand for him to walk on.


As the duo was currently leisurely walking in the desert, the merchants and escorts alike couldn't help but question whether it was the heat that was making them see things by getting to their heads.

Since the duo had just sneaked out of Awdita, the merchants and escorts they were currently with were different.

With that said, they were doubtful at first, as they just came to Awdita after the end of a short war. The names of Naell and Owly were spread as true heroes that lasted against Leviathan, but the escorts and merchants at that time took the rumors with a grain of salt.

No one could blame them, since upon seeing the two upclose one could say that the young master looked far too frail, whilst the young owl seemed to be close to that of a lump of meat that merchants would sell.

It was the merchant's guild that strongly recommended them both, hence why they took the duo as last minute caravan companions.

However, the way it was done was so sneaky that the merchants and escorts took Naell as the spoiled brat of a noble who used his family's name to get what he wanted.

Which was why they were disappointed with the merchants guild at Awdita thinking it became a hub for corruption.

Yet who would have thought that as soon as they exited the safe haven of the Elven Kingdom, monsters who have been distraught by the war would rampantly rush out of their territory, meeting their caravan.

It was as if luck decided to pull a fast one on them. The merchants, their escorts ranging from C-rank to B-rank veterans, and even their A-rank captain trembled from the sight of the monsters alone.

The hordes of monsters that blocked their path could even take down the army of a centurion. Although it was not too late for them to retreat, it just meant that they had to leave everything.

For the merchants, it meant they were to abandon their whole livelihood, hence why they were hesitant even from the urgent order of their captain.

Their adamance became a grave mistake as that was already ample time for the monsters to sight them. It only took one wrong decision for the caravan to be surrounded.

Yet when all hope was lost, it also only took one burst of bright white mana for the hordes of monsters to shriek and run from fear.

Hence before long, the merchants and escorts celebrated as they knew their travel would not be so difficult after all.

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