Transmigrated into a Noble’s beaten son

Vol. 5 Epilogue

The day in which Lilia and Andrea left for Taglagas…

[ What are they doing standing there? ]

As people from all walks of life began to fill the streets of Beryldot, three helpless men could be seen.

One wanted to see his student while tapping his cane in boredom, the other two were missing their wives and frowned at every other minute that passed by.

Nevertheless, all three shared the same sentiment; they all deeply wanted to go to Taglagas.

It would be easy to let their trusted employees manage the land while the Baron was away. That is, under normal circumstances.

Only days had passed since the act of terrorism by the followers of Lucile, hence every estate was on high alert.

Just sending their loved ones on the road would be considered dangerous. Yet the presence of Andrea Sunheart in that travel party was all they needed to be eased.

Still, that had not changed the fact that they all wanted to come along with them.

At that moment, the three frustrated men’s only source of solace was each other's company, together with the scent of grounded coffee beans permeating the air.

However, the loud sniff of the esteemed Drew Sunheart interrupted their solace and greatly vexed the man next to him.

“...Ugh, have some tact... Did you have to inhale the whole town?” Fharom said with arms crossed, glancing around the streets. He was performing his daily inspection after all.

“Hah? I’d be sniffing less if you had more coffee near the clinic. I’m making the most of our visit!” Drew rebutted as he closed his eyes, seemingly meditating and earning weird looks from passersby.

Andrew and Sebastian Claus had accompanied Fharom for his work as the Baron. It was also a way for them to kill time.

Truth be told, because of Drew and Fharom's addiction to coffee, Beryldot had a surplus of it ranging from different kinds of plants.

Urabica, ground coffee that came from the Southern continent. Ribista, from the Northern continent, in the lands of the frozen sea, together with the likes of Liberka, Eselsa, and the ones they call Batangas beans, a native specialty of the Autumn Kingdom.

With his friend's annoying reply, Fharom sternly answered as he began to rub his temples.

“Hah…you’re embarrassing us. And would it have killed you to change out of your robe!?”

He was slightly, if not really irked at his friend’s unknowingly eye-catching clinic wear.

“We had nooo time. Besides, it's a bit chilly anyway :D.” Drew said, acting out a slight shiver to emphasize his point.

The baron gazed at him in defeat, before sighing and finally uttering,

“You should’ve stayed at the clinic, Doc.”

"Booo— you’re no fun. Dost thou expect me to work nonstop!? Preposterous!” The martial artist replied dramatically.


Yet instead of getting more aggravated, seeing the trembling muscle of lump act like a kid, Fharom donned a look of disgust and decided not to refute.

"Hey what's with those eyes? Are you pitying me, oi— oi oi!"

Sebastian glanced at the two that were slowly causing a fuss amid that peaceful morning. In his eyes they were young, and their youthful banter was a testament to this.

“Old-bones. Lame. Work-a-ho-lic." Yet when Drew Sunheart brought out his childish taunts, things took a turn for the worst.

It was upon hearing the word “old” that veins grew more apparent on Fharom’s forehead. His eyes grew deathly, and his restrained demeanor wavered.

As if a switch was flipped, the otherwise dignified noble lost his cool and began throwing rebuttals at Drew.


Whilst the two had a back and forth, Sebastian began to contemplate what Drew had said. Old. He had already embraced that word, knowing fully well that time had caught up with him. With his light hair, he was no longer a man of rowdy nature.

Yet instead of feeling down, his wrinkles became prominent as he smiled warmly. Inhaling the caffeinated air, he finally thought of the greatest excuse he could muster as the two beside him fought,

"Ho Ho, the coffee is ready, time for me to have a taste alone."

[ Ah… Wait for us! ]

The two then halted their banter as they hastily followed the elder and the scent of a fresh brew.


Truly, it was quite the odd sight to the folks of Taglagas.

A man of good physique dressed like nobility, arguing with a muscular companion who donned the garments of a doctor; beside them, an elder, sneakily moving away from them and acting invisible to the other two’s eyes.

Not to mention, all three were key figures of Beryldot.


By the time the coffee was served, the men were wrapped in the sun’s bright light. Yet instead of being energized from the coffee or positively radiating from the sun, boredom came upon them once more.


They could only sigh all over again, thinking of what their families could be doing as they each took a sip.

Soon, the afternoon came upon them. The trio were no longer surveying the lands and had moved on to rest in the clinic's lobby.

It was a peaceful day nonetheless. Ever since Naell invested in--- or what Fharom would surmise, "lent" fortunes to Beryldot, security had become so developed that even the likes of petty crime had ceased to exist.

That was why they all had nothing to do. No one was in the clinic, which really was a good thing, the Baron's duty was finished with the help of the two, and Lily wasn't there to be trained.

Only the cooling breeze of boredom enveloped the veterans. Collectively, they all sighed the tell-tale sound of old men.

"After all these years, to think we would be at this place, sleeping our days away."

The one who spoke was Drew who could still vividly remember the irony. Afterall, they had almost died in that very same place.

In the last altercation in the war of the Continent, the so-called "Battle of Cross' End", the Cross army finally moved towards the Western Continent after conquering the Northern Continent and the Kingdom of Summer.

Believing that the Eastern Empire could destroy their momentum, Jack and his advisors (his allies who were named mages and martial artists), deceived the United Continental Force (UCF) into thinking that they would first attack the Empire of Dwarves, Nonau.

Due to this, the UCF rallied its main forces there. Hence, great panic erupted when Jack's full army instead mobilized on the Western Continent.

All of them knew that if the Autumn Kingdom fell, the Kingdom of Elves would follow, and soon after, Leonard Cross would eventually conquer all of Mundo.

However, upon entering the Grassy plain located in the Northern Territory of the Autumn Kingdom, the full army of Leonard Cross that was expecting a sweep run, encountered them.

Under the command of Sebastian Claus, the so-called [ Fortress ] and Captain of the Western Continental Front (WCF), powerful snow magic that built a vast terrain advantageous to his allies was cast. Yet the one who actually thought of that plan was none other than Fharom Beryldot.

Together with his friend, Drew Sunheart, Andrea Leo, Mard the young master of Arigare, and Alicia Witner, they managed to hold their ground against the army of Leonard Cross, until such time, the army of the UCF, led by crown prince Nohad Taglagas, finally arrived.

And then the rest was history, leading up to the present years after their triumph. Now adventurers and soldiers alike reside in the Beryldot Estate; the place where it all began for the three men, and where the war also ended.

"I can still recall the lecture Andrea and Alicia gave me upon seeing my injury." Said Fharom with a laugh pertaining to his crippled leg.

Likewise, Sebastian and Drew chuckled. Yet even with the joy on their faces, subtle painful memories were brought by the past.

Almost as if to intercept the growing nostalgia, the sudden arrival of one knight bursting into the clinic, alerted the three that something had come up.

“Reporting to the Baron.” The knight started as he caught sight of the men.

"Be at ease and tell." Responded Fharom as he gestured for the soldier to continue.

“A very large number of antlemoths have appeared on the east forestlands. Nothing to worry about, but requesting your approval to---” Yet the man was interrupted by the beaming eyes of all three men, just before the Baron quickly stood up to respond,

“Thank you. Escort us to the location immediately!”

“...Ah, but Baron your condition---” Once more, the knight was interrupted. Now, it was by the frightening aura and mana of all three eager to leave the clinic.

The baron then hit his walking stick on the ground and stood tall.

“We insist. And do not underestimate me, I am far from being no longer able to engage in a tussle.” sternly said Fharom.

“U-Understood.” Thus the knight swiftly made his way out and arranged for his men to provide transport.

Albeit confused, his loyalty decided not to question his baron’s odd request to face the encroaching creatures.

With their short arrival at the forestlands, the three made it their objective to face the low-ranking anthlemoths; amphibian creatures which are known inhabitants of marshlands or swampy areas in a forest. Neither strong nor weak, the creatures are known for their aggressive and territorial nature.




A battle ensued in the eastern portion of the forestlands, where three adventurous men shouted battlecry after another.

The baron, who at first insisted he could fight, realized his dear baroness would not take kindly to hearing him ignore his condition. Thus, Fharom took the passive (yet very aggressive) role of handling tactical warfare.

Knights keeping watch could only look at one another in confusion, taking in the sight of three esteemed veterans and their flashy actions.

Yet to the trio, it was a moment of nostalgia; one that they truly missed, and dearly hoped would not come to pass.



[ Hey everyone! Thanks so much for reading TNBS this far ^o^)/ 

We're really happy to see the readers that stayed and watched Naell's journey for 5 volumes and we hope you guys stay around for the next! With that said, this was a very brief thank you from NeZotheCat and may you all have an amazing week ahead of you! ]

Volume 1's Drawn Cast: ; v ;)

The post is titled "Character Portraits WiP" Under the "Arts" tag at . It's free for public viewing and is a work in progress that will soon have every character we've introduced in TNBS thus far!

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