Transmigrated into a Noble’s beaten son

Vol. 6 Prologue


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With that said, we hope you all enjoy this chapter.

Here's to a new volume ^^/

“Naell Beryldot? The Naell?”

In an unknown place, far from where the light could reach, a meeting was being held. Beings of unknown origins had gathered solely for Lucile, the celestial of destruction.

“You know of him?” Asked one of the beings with the body of a monster; three heads it had, two of which were currently sleeping.

Upon being inquired, all eyes were on the questioned man. He gulped from his mistake while thinking how troublesome he had made things for himself.

Finally, after enduring everyone's curious gaze across the long table, he caught sight of the dark-elf lady smiling and nodding. Taking that as his cue, the man then proceeded to answer, “..He was a pawn’s candidate, supposedly…”

Noise then emitted from most of the beings in the room. Seeing as some were shocked and displeased by the revelation, the man sighed and tugged at his robe's sleeve anxiously. In times like that, he felt that being a servant of Magi was better afterall.

“Well, to be precise, a King.”

Sitting by him, one lady’s mana boiled furiously. Noticing this, the man sighed once more. Having a pupil with insatiable wrath had been giving him trouble.

He then gazed at her with a warning look, to which she immediately composed herself.

“I…m sorry Master." Her words earned her a pat on the head. The man had no intention to scare his pupil yet sometimes only fear worked with that particular pawn.

When he thought it was all over, the nameless pawn, “soon-to-be King” and first candidate spoke, “Please explain it to us, priest.”

His imposing words irked the man, yet he knew unlike the other candidates, this one was already as powerful as them, the named pieces of Lucile.

What then followed was a story that was never disclosed in the novel, Arts and Magic.


“Hey wake up, I’m hungry, HOOT!” Said Owly while pecking at Naell’s cheek like a woodpecker.

It was early in the morning and sleeping in an unknown bed was Naell Beryldot. Unsurprisingly with him was his friend and partner in crime, Owly.

At that moment, the duo was outside of Taglagas, resting in a small village near the forest of Alawenta.

They were there as Loknar, the Vice Guildmaster of Taglagas, commissioned Naell and Owly for an exploration quest.

Particularly, someone of prestige equalling a high-ranking noble asked the guild to hire Naell. Yet since the duo arrived much later than they anticipated, they decided to rest first and proceed with the mission in the morning.

And when morning arrived, Owly immediately grumbled from hunger as his hooman was still soundly knocked out.

It seemed that the old-looking but clean inn had managed to do its job. Truth be told, those who were close with Naell often wondered how he could sleep in such places where most nobles' kids wouldn't.

With creaky sounds produced by simple movements and shabby-looking furniture, one would surely think twice about staying for the night, yet not Naell.

Regardless of how he came from the countryside and was only a Baron’s son, those like him would still prefer fancy sleeping quarters.

It was something, not even Owly could fully comprehend. Afterall, no one knew the hardship Naell experienced when he was on Earth. For him, a small inn like that was already a fancy hotel by his standards.

After a while, with his persistent alarm, the clock was swooped by the young mage’s hand, yet instead of being snoozed, a claw managed to grip the young master’s wrist.

Before Naell could even whine and say “I’m still sleeping,” the pain had already registered in his brain. “aaaAAAH THAT HURTS YOU BIG CHICKEN!”

“I don’t cluck, I HOOT!”


Of course, that very “morning” was indeed quite late and the first thing they did was banter.

After taking a bath using his own magic, Naell hastily ordered food for him and Owly. Immediately, he noticed how the young owl was satisfied with the food.

“The place is bad but the food is HOOT!”


They then headed for the destination they were first supposed to go to. That moment was actually the first time they saw what the village truly looked like, as it was already evening when they arrived yesterday.

And true to their expectations, the village was indeed frugal; comparably smaller than Beryldot’s, and with only a handful of villagers.

Taking a look around them, they passed walls and worn-out wooden posts. They were remnants of the past borders of that village. By then almost all the houses in that area were unoccupied; rather, they looked to have been abandoned years ago.

Further, into the village, its real walls finally came into view. It was similar in material to the previous borders but far sturdier. Naell noted how it was in no way aesthetically pleasing with its cramped look, yet it seemed to fulfill the role of safeguarding the residents behind it.

Soon enough, they found the place they were looking for just some blocks away from their inn.

  • Tis… quite small for a guild, HOOT? -

Since some villages were comparably smaller than other nobles’ estates, instead of an actual guild, the association would establish what they’d called Adventurer’s Quarters.

It was a place of gathering where guild members could lounge, and villagers could post quests.

However, all tasks are just within the scope of their territory, while guild registration wasn’t permitted as well.

That was why most guild members in small villages were experienced and close to one another. Yet their ranks and numbers would usually be lesser compared to well-established villages.

Not to mention, it was frequent that adventurers from small villagers who would raise their rank from C or to B-rank would venture out onto other larger villages. This is to take harder quests, which in turn mean more money and fame.

Hence, villages like these only had a handful of C-rank or retired adventurers in their midst. As for the E and D rank adventurers, few to none would be wandering in a place like that.

Of course, with the lack of manpower, the guild would then take action, all by placing a willing B-rank adventurer as Guild Captain.

“Greetings, what can I do for you?”

Upon entering his quarters, Naell was immediately greeted by a guy who seemed to be working there as a secretary.

Yet far from the elegant-looking Tahina, this dude was oozing raggedness. He was still an active adventurer, yet anyone could surmise he was likely one of the respected veterans of that area.

“Hello, I’m Naell and this is my fat— fally, Owly.” After finishing his words, the duo immediately felt all the gazes now thrown at them.

After a moment of silence, the secretary began smiling and guided them inside.

“I see, so you’re the one sent by Vice Guildmaster Loknar. It is an honor to be in your presence Mr. Wizard.”

“Likewise, Mr. Secretary.”

After entering a room, other beings were there. Just from their warm gaze toward the secretary and to one another, it was apparent all of them were part of the group administering that place.

A gleeful shout from an energetic man then reached their ears.

“The Frosted Snowman!” The one who spoke was the Guild Captain. With his boisterous call, the rest of the adventurers couldn’t help but turn their heads.

Admittedly, Naell wanted to rebuke them as he in no way wished to be associated with that title. It had been some time since he last heard that dreadful callout, and every time he would flinch as if he just heard it for the very first time.

Of course, he had an idea of where that came from, yet knowing only increased his embarrassment.

“Truly, we thank you for coming here. As you might have known, Esquel Co. requested your assistance here.”

“Yeah, I was told of that, but what exactly will I be doing here?”

One lady stood up from the corner of the room. She then walked up to the Guild Captain and stood by his side holding a mug. As she did so, a beaming smile emitted from her face.

It was then that the story of how the folks created their quarters for the adventurers and the villagers was explained.

Not so long ago, the estate was actually ruled by a Baron.

Yet when monsters around Alawenta grew rampant, most villagers fell to fear especially upon the Baron’s death. This resulted in the village’s near desolated state.

However, who remained were the soldiers assigned to investigate, and their past elders who didn’t want to leave. The Guild Captain and his friends were the latter- they were a group of F-Rank adventurers at that time, persistent in staying.

“...Well, when I got to B-rank, I asked the guild if I could be stationed here, and sure enough these people didn’t leave me behind.” Said the Guild Captain proudly as he wrapped an arm around his nearest companion.

Yet that soon turned into embarrassment as his friends all jeered at him,

[ How can we leave an oaf like you here, HAHAHA! ]

A short squabble was then initiated by the secretary and the Guild Captain, yet after that, the story was then continued by the Captain himself.

They were actually good friends of the Baron and his family. In fact, that old noble of this village was adored by all.

Known for their family’s kind hearts, most villagers at the time were actually beggars who sought that place after hearing the rumors of a benevolent Baron.

And when that family died, instead of fleeing like everyone else, the group of friends took it upon themselves to protect the village. The baron and his family’s kindness was rewarded with gratitude.

“We can’t get ourselves to leave this palace behind, the Baron and his family did sacrifice themselves to protect the villagers and this village, he…he… So—” Yet before the Guild Captain could continue, he was confused with the atmosphere.

And soon enough, he knew why as the lady who was near the duo asked, “Ermm, are you guys crying?”

“Ah no, dust caught in my eyes, and this bird ate a lot of meat so he is teary from overeating.” Replied Naell who couldn’t stop himself from getting emotional.

All of the adventurers there were flabbergasted as they thought, ‘The rumors of him being cold are… wrong?’

Naell then cleared his throat trying to hide his embarrassment, and immediately he changed the topic, “Then you guys are strong for establishing the stronghold here.”

Upon looking at one another, their response was full of dry laughter. It was the lady who replied.

“It was not actually us as we got carried by someone else, you know. He who is now called Eleverail."

Her warrior-like appearance didn’t give justice to what she just said, yet from what Naell could remember, that person was a named martial artist.

In Arts and Magic, he was a man who used a weapon resembling the rails of mine, who in battle would wield it like a large whip or pair of battle ropes.

As his mind got distracted by thoughts of the strange Eleverail, he was called back to reality by Owly,

  • Noob, listen, HOOT -

"Young Master?"

"Oh…Please continue, Guild Leader."

"Ah, well as I said, regarding the Yeti Incident… we really need your help."

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