Trap Online

66. We’re all Humans

Our lips locked, and our hands roamed the other's body. The door opening behind us surprised us.

Gabby walked into our make-out session. We didn't separate like school girls as we were holding each other, just surprised. She had a smile on her face and a "Don't worry about me" look painted on her face.

"Oh, sorry for interrupting something." She said with a smirk. She made her way out of the room quickly. I didn't say anything, and neither did Victoria, but both erupted into laughter. We both felt the nostalgia of Being 'caught' in the act. I leaned back after finishing landing on the other side of the couch.

"Victoria?" I called out as she laid herself atop of me, our faces close.

"Ya?" She responded, looking into my eyes, smiling.

"Hate to ruin the great mood we have going on, but..." I trailed off, and a frown started to appear.  "You said in-game you wanted to talk about something outside the game and not inside." That frown deepened as she remembered.

"Ya..." She responded. She sighed and curled up on me; instead, her face no longer showing itself to me. "That Growler pedal..." She stopped again. "I should start from the beginning." She then stated and turned her head back to look into my eyes. "The tech I made is fantastic. Revolutionary. We both know that, and once I start working on increasing the time we have on the inside, it will put this world into another revolution with my company as the main driver. I know you would know this within minutes if you looked at some of our business sides; you're too smart not to realize. This brings me to my next part. My Dream being realized... A hardcore Virtual Reality Mass Multiplayer Role Playing Game. Everyone becomes a Roleplayer in it. It becomes a new reality. My dream is fulfilled, and the consequences can affect people, even in real life." Her face was as serious as she continued. "You are an example of how it can completely change your life. This should make you aware, though, that it doesn't mean all changes will be positive. Think about it. A world where NPCs look and act real. This also means you can kill them and feel like you kill real people. Rape in the game is allowed. This can cause trauma. It is why we set such a long wavier at the start of the game. This means consequences in the game are genuine in the world when they happen to you. Think about this now. That Growler pedal has a hypnotic suggestion, and you can create Illusions. I haven't become a victim of those Illusions, but you already said it. The implications of a person's mind that can cause. Every time we leave the Pod, I feel pleasure in a non-existent cock that I know doesn't exist. I am sure you felt like your ass just got stuffed a lot.

"This means if you did this to a player and not an NPC, you could change someone in real life with this combination. They legally have waived their rights to have the action happen to them. This means that Crime is perfectly acceptable. You could find a government agency that was relaxing on the game and change their world or loyalties. This has greater implications than I ever Imagined not having rules at all in the game. My original thought was to have NPCs and players police it as they want. This might not be the best choice. I am not sure how I want to deal with this, Rick. There are probably even more insane things players could do to each other, scaring people for life. Could PTSD become something everyone in my game gets? There are so many implications, and the government has already been up our companies ass about making a training program for soldiers." Her mind spilled out her face showing how intelligent and the implications of this game.

I thought about it, and I couldn't come up with a magical fix-all. "Victoria, there are many ways you can go about this. One is to stop making it a hardcore game and more traditional, but frankly, I would disagree with that. Another is making NPCs less realistic, but another thing I can't entirely agree with. The best solution I can think of though is Victoria is become the Swiss..."

"What do the Swiss have to do with this, Rick?" She asked. Realization dawned on her in a matter of seconds. "Aggressive Neutrality? That is a hard position to take, Rick."

"Think about it this way Victoria. You are the only company with this tech. It only came about with your ideas. This means at this point, while everyone struggles to catch up, you have a monopoly on the Tech. So you use that as a Stick. You make yourself a fortress from the governments and Create the world even more realistic. Make more worlds like it and become the major supplier. Those worlds will become your fortresses. As more and more gamers become addicted to the games, you become more and more powerful. The government in a democracy is most afraid of the people they control. So you become a major power with a whole economy developed under your games. I know I should look more into in-game economies, but I am sure auction houses have already started to exchange gear. You have already started an economy without trying to. The game will have more and more implications in the future, and you have the majority shares in your company. That means you are the head of it. You can aggressively force your opinion down the throats of people. To oversimplify the relationship between the nazis and the swiss is you can play both sides. You can Trade with those whom you hate while catering to them. If someone attacks you, you are on the legal footing that they waived those rights. Then you attack back on the things they do in the game. You are that world's 'God' If someone tries to shut it down, you will have strong support behind you." I took a breath looking at her face deep in thought.

"I might not have got my thoughts out properly, Victoria. I know you don't want to play the god of the world, so you don't have to. Make policies or double down. Your paths are numerous, and many ways you can go. But if you just want to keep the games, you make safe, that is how I would do it.

"Change reality to suit yourself, Victoria. The feds want in on it; tell them to fuck off. You can even leave the country. No government ever invested in you. Your company's shares are already skyrocketing, and you can probably buy a country." This time I finished my unrefined rant.

I thought about what I said while I waited for Victoria to come back to herself. I sounded like a raging lunatics. I also knew that some of the things were inaccurate. Some wouldn't correspond to this situation. Things were also oversimplified. But I think I got my point across. There were many ways a Business could work this. Also, the more time this remains in the population, the more it became unstoppable to the governments. They should have had this tech or a substantial share of it to stop it from leaving the country. That didn't happen in the states, though. The problem was the patents.

The government could make their own in competition. This leads to the next problem. Personel. Victorias employees were the only ones who knew how to do what they did. No other company could come in and start what she did. There were years of investment and experience in her company. Non-compete clauses in their contracts, I bet as well, with hefty punishment fees. But the biggest thing Victoria needed was time.

Her face gave a wry smile. "You know your scary smart. You said a couple of incorrect historical facts, but your point was partially made. I was too deep into the moral dilemma when I realized one thing you missed." I raised an eyebrow, questioning. She giggled, "We're all humans." Realization dawned on me.  "We do this shit to ourselves already. Just because I inadvertently created another way we can hurt each other doesn't mean I am the one using it that way. Can the person who created the gun say they created all wars? Did Robert Oppenheimer drop the atomic bombs on the Japanese? Did I put the hand of a murder on the gun? All of these are the same question with the same answer. No. I will not be blamed for what others do to each other. This is a game I have clearly warned people what it is. My company is in the creation of another world where this won't happen. That is a couple of years in the making, but it comes down to the same thing. They signed up for it. They lost the right to complain." Her face finished with a smile, and I returned it.

"There's the decisive Victoria that I have known for years. I don't need to know your entire decision, but I just want you to promise to stay being who you are and true to yourself. Time changes us, but I want the woman atop me to remain who she is. A Genius Beautiful woman who loves me..." I told her.

Her face melted, and we kissed deeper. I lost time in that kiss, feeling as if we became one. When the kiss broke, I heard a whisper, "About that, vibrator?" She asked.

Our smiles changed as we got up, heading to her room.

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