Trap Online


I moaned as the pod lid opened after another length of time being handled. Megan was a beast that I found had more than one fetish. She wasn't just after being taken while sleeping. This was something I did not expect. However, it was nice to learn. I found she had a particular liking to being fingered in her ass. I wasn't sure about her regard for her pussy. This was something of a quest NPC and many interactions with her in the future. This was important for more than just turning her on.

Something was liberating about bringing these women pleasure as well with my body that I had never felt in my life. It was interesting, and I wanted to continue to explore this part of myself. I got up out of the pod, all those faint phantom feelings invaded. I went to the shower to clean up, knowing we didn't have time for Gabby's massage at this point. I heard Viccy's shower turn on as I made my way over to my own. I turned on the shower feeling the hot water on me, and cleaned myself up. I moved over to my closet, looking at the wardrobe.

I stared at it. It felt off for some reason looking at all these clothes that were worth so much. Varieties of suits that in itself from my old days the collection cost in the millions of dollars. I looked at it for a couple of seconds before picking something casual but professional. This woman coming to see us was going to be an addition, and I could only hope that she was as perfect of a fit as Gabby was.

Something about Gabby just fit our little household like a glove. I had no idea what she did during the day, and frankly, it wasn't my business. She was professional and got along great with us. I had noticed she had started to decorate her room in passing by accident, but I really haven't touch much more on it. The woman was witty and intelligent. Our conversations proved over and over that she was an open-minded individual worth more than her profession. I was delighted with her.

This woman showing up, though, had a black mark, and I wasn't sure if she was going to fit as Gabby has. I really wanted a person to cook for us since the order wasn't the best all the time. The other thing was that I thought it would be good to have a dietician look at our bodies. Constantly for twelve hours a day, we are completely immobile. This couldn't be good for our bodies over the long term. The massages and working out helps a lot, but it couldn't be good in the long term, right?

It was best to be safe, and the time it took to find her way longer than I thought. I sighed as I left the room. I saw Viccy exiting in a nice professional blouse and pencil skirt. I raised an eyebrow. She even put on some fake glasses. She looked at me with a smile when she saw me. She strode over, noticing my confusion.

"A secretary?" I asked her with that same look on my face.

"I was going for a teacher, but Secretary works..." She trailed off before laughing. "It's for the interview and later..." She winked before moving into the living room.

"Fuck your hot Victoria," I told her, quickly catching up. I saw her body shudder, and she turned, showing me a happy smile.

"Thank you, Rick. You look good yourself," She replied. I was about to respond when my phone went off. It was security, and they had the woman asking to come up for a job interview. I told them to hold her downstairs, and Victoria and I will come down to collect her.

Victoria joined me, and we went out to the elevator together. When we entered, it was empty and started to go down promptly. Silence reigned for a few seconds before Victoria whispered something. "I want to put a vibrator in your ass..." My eyes widened, and I looked at her.

I thought about it. I wasn't against the idea, but the interview was too important at this point. I smiled and reached up, kissing her jaw. "Maybe later..." I replied, making her smile even larger as the elevator doors opened to the lobby. We gathered ourselves quickly and greeted a tall professional-looking Asian. I had to admit she was gorgeous. She had long legs and a cute oriental face. Her chest was B or C cup max. Those details ran through the back of my mind.

"Hello, I am Rick, and this is Victoria. We are the people you will be interviewing with today." I stated with a professional smile. I shook her hand as she introduced herself.

"Hi, I am Li Wang. It is so nice to meet you. I look forward to speaking with you both." She answered quickly.

She shook Victoria's hand in turn with a smile. "Let's take this upstairs to our place, and we can interview there." Victoria offered, and Li Wang followed us into the elevator waiting for us. Thoughtful Security Guard, I thought as he put the elevator on service for us.

Soon we were ascending to my floor. The ride was quiet, and not much was said. The elevator doors opened, and we soon entered my penthouse. We sat in our living room, and Victoria and I sat together. Li Wang sat across from us. It was still a very informal interview.

"Okay, Li, tell me about yourself. I have your resume, and you have credentials. Those are obviously not in question. You will be living with us while you cook and plan meals. This place has three people living in it, and you will be in charge of our dietary plans. You will also cook them for all of us, with Victoria and I being the employers. Since you are here, you are interested in the work." I started.

"Well, that is no problem. I am Li Wang, as you know. I have always been interested in food in many ways. I was always the most interested in top athletic diets since it is down to the calorie. This doesn't mean that you can make things measured to the absolute minimum. You need to be able to keep the athlete's food tasty and keep their morale up. Bad food or rationed food will make people feel down and underperform. I have always thought of making people happy with my diet. In school, I have always held this belief and still do. I am leaving the athletics area due to circumstances that I am sure Chris has relayed to you... That does not change the fact that I will endeavor to continue to uphold my beliefs in this work." She started. "I started down this path when I was fifteen, taking care of my father's and mother's diets. They were very annoyed at first, as I did it. Regardless of their complaining, I worked on my cooking and the complaints ended. The happiness I felt when I watched my mother and father get healthier while enjoying the meals stays with me. I went to college and continued that. I honestly don't know what else to say about myself. I have constantly thrown myself into my work. it has made me happy." She finished.

I thought about it, and it sounded like she ate and drank her work. I wasn't sure about the black mark, though. Her qualifications were more than we needed, and she sounded genuinely passionate about food.

"Since you brought it up, please tell me about this scandal..." I asked her.

"Ya... Not my proudest days. What happened was I was working for a Tom Snag. If you don't know him, he is a famous runner here in the states. I was watching his workout routine alone. His coach had a family emergency while he was running, and so since I was part of his team, I watched over him while calculating calories. I was behind him, but some feet away. I do not know what really happened next, but he tripped. It wasn't serious, but he fell off the treadmill and was launched into me. That was when his wife came in..." She started to laugh. "It sounds like bullshit. No one believes me since the position we were in was compromising, saying the least. His launch off the Treadmill swept me off my feet. His attempt, I guess, of stopping himself, he grabbed my shirt, ripping it off. His wife came in a while. His face was in my breasts while I only wore a bra. I tried to explain, but the wife freaked out. It didn't help that he was sleeping with other women, just I was the first one 'Caught,'" She finished with a laugh. I could tell from her tone of voice and inflection she wasn't lying or was really good at lying. It sounded stupid to me.

"Wouldn't cameras be filming his work out?" I asked.

"Nope, Tom hated cameras on him. He said they are bad luck and bad for his 'mojo' in practice. I think that is stupid, but these are things that you can either look up or ask the staff to verify are true. They are not secrets." She finished. I looked at her, and I nodded.

I turned to Victoria, and she nodded at me. I turned back, and I smiled. "Look, Li, I will hire you for now. I have a variety of different contracts for you to sign. Look through them tonight and take them home. I am not sure how you will blend into our household, but I am willing to give it a shot. Your probation period will be longer, but..." I smiled, "My benefits are worth it if you stay here permanently. You know the job details. I want to finish this, though, with the ability to ask us questions, and here are the contracts to look over." I finish my small speech.

"I do have several questions. Rick, you and Victoria are who?" She smiled. "When I looked into you when Chris approached me, I could find little but an Engineering firm in your name. This place costs more than that place can bring in since I looked at the listings recently. If you don't want to answer, it doesn't matter, but I am genuinely curious. Since I will be living with you, I would like to get to know you two." She finished her first question, and I was surprised how forthright she was with it.

"That's Fine. I am an Investor with a couple of CEOs and Lawyers bringing up the number in my bank account. Victoria will choose to keep her profession for now secret. The NDA contract there will cover her since we are both very private individuals. That brings me to say that we never want you talking about us or what you see here in public. It would be a gross violation of the NDA you will need to sign and to us. We are not public figures despite the amount of money in our bank accounts. Understood?"

She nodded before continuing. "My next question is about leaving the house..."

I laughed a bit. "There is no problem. Gabby, the masseuse, leaves the house all the time. As long as you are here at breakfast and dinner with a prepared meal, you are free to do as you like. We also expect you to do the shopping with a card we will provide for you. These are my terms, and if you need to go on vacation or have an emergency, please bring it up or email us so that we can prepare for it." I replied.

She smiled happily, "Any allergies?"

"I have none... Victoria?"

"I do not have any known ones at the moment." Victoria joined in.

The interview pretty much came to an end as she asked some last random questions. She asked for time to look over the contracts at home before coming to a decision. I told her that she would need to sign with a witness, preferably a lawyer. I was also expecting her response in the next four days. I will admit with the job's incentives, and I thought she would sign on the spot, but... I can understand protecting yourself. We brought her to the elevator and wished her a good night.

Together Victoria and I went back into the apartment without knowing holding hands.

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