Trap Online

Chapter 68: Into The Forest

The morning came, and we both awoke. I was still in lace and my fluids as we cuddled. I awoke to her eyes, staring into mine with a smile. I kissed her before getting up. She watched as I got out of bed. I saw the triumphant smile on her face as she looked at me in women's underwear. I tossed a pillow at her face, and she laughed as I went to the bathroom to wash the sex off. I showered quickly before getting into some basic workout clothes to sweat in.

The workout went as usual when I got a phone call. It was Li, so I stepped out of the fitness room to answer. I had a short conversation with labored breathing, where Li agreed to all the terms stated in the contracts. I asked her when she would be moving in. I was surprised when she told me tomorrow. I thought it would take more time. She answered my curiosity when she said a reporter sniffed out her current apartment, and paparazzi were hounding her again. I sighed and told her I would take care of it.

If I was going to hire her may as go for the full amount. I called up an agency that dealt with these types of things for women running from abusers. They knew how to get people out of bad situations. I told them to get her out and move her to my place. They didn't want to at first till I told them that I would make a large donation to their foundation. This started things off, and I knew about midday that everything would be solved.

I called up the CEO of my charity foundation and told him my promise to that foundation. The CEO was quick to follow it up. Helping abused spouses wasn't something hard to get behind. I hung up and started up my workout again. Victoria had a questioning look, but I just waved it off as I started to get my heart rate going again. Gabby was happily shuffle dancing at this point to our music.

It looked interesting, so I tried to join her with Victoria joining in as well. I failed miserably, but we all had fun. Gabby decided to make some breakfast for all of us. Victoria and I went into separate showers. I dressed quickly in some comfortable clothes and went to my computer to look into my emails. Nothing earth-shattering had happened, and a confirmation Email by the CEO of my charity with recepts to the society was finished in an hour. He was efficient, I thought. I closed it down and noticed Victoria deep into work.

"What's up?" I asked, leaning over her from behind while she was on the laptop.

"Finishing the final details on making a lab in the apartment and finished greasing the right hands for a permit. It will be another week before my lab set up. They are in the middle of picking the NDA assistants and willing to live in a lab, basically. There are too many volunteers among the employees. So it is now taking some time to eliminate those just looking to get close to the Owner." She finished, and she looked up. I kissed those lips as they looked up at me. She smiled sweetly. "Almost done, though, are you finished?"

"Yup, all done. I am waiting to see how Li does in the first week, though, before sending Chris's bonus. Although Li may be a good fit..." I trailed off, and Victoria nodded.

"I just sent a charity for abusive spouses to help Li so she can move incognito into the place today. I had to give a sizable donation to do so. I don't care about the money, but if this is how it is now..." I trailed off as Victoria agreed.

"I get what you're saying. I know your feelings usually run well, Rick. Don't sweat it so much. Just see how it is and stop doubting yourself." She finished, and we kissed again.

"Okay, no problem. See you inside the game," I said as I stepped away and started to walk to the Pod. I knew Victoria wouldn't be far behind me as the lid of the pod closed upon me.

My eyes opened, and I moaned as I felt someone giving me a great blowjob. I looked to see Megan with my cock in her mouth. She smiled as I opened my eyes, releasing my cock. She then mounted herself over my cock and penetrated her pussy. I moaned even louder as I felt her tight pussy engulf me. I was pleasantly surprised as she took me hard and fast, and I came into her tight hole. She didn't give me a break as she worked another orgasm out of me as her pussy squirted juices onto my stomach.

Only after she orgasmed did she get off my cock with a smile. She moved towards the bathroom. I looked at Iona, who was now awake with a hungry look on her face. I smiled and pulled her up, dragging her into the bathroom with Megan and myself. What happened was a good threesome in the shower and me getting spit-roasted. Then we cleaned ourselves up. When we came back to the room, Fidel was awake, and Viccy was just getting up. Her work must have taken longer than she thought. The shower was then occupied quickly as I started to get ready for adventuring. I needed to look into finding new clothes. I have one set, and they are not bad but not great.

That went for everyone in our group. We needed new gear, although I wasn't sure about Fidels. I noticed a backpack where my gear was. I put it on, and it disappeared. I noticed my inventory with a hundred new slots. They were marked especially to with a person carrying a pack crossed out. I put a potion into the slot, and unlike the first time, it didn't take out other slots. These were weightless packs. This must be high-end gear as I looked at the backpack slot.


Large backpack of Spacial weightlessness (Epic):

This large backpack was made with a talented Enchanter and Tailor working together. This backpack creates 100 slots of weightless items. (Note: Items above a 50lbs per slot item will not fit)


Very useful, and I wondered how hard these quests were going to be. I also wondered how good and rare Epic was. It sounded excellent, and Victoria told me there was a rating system on rarity. I never paid attention to it. I seemed to have some good things so far and hadn't needed to seek out better things. That changed, though, and I needed to start paying more attention to it. The Group was now gathered, and it was time to play.

Everyone was finished, and we headed out towards the Stores to gather general goods. "So how large of a pack is it, Elli?" Viccy asked as we headed to the stores.

"Hundred slots with a max of fifty pounds per slot. It's an Epic Backpack, and all slots are considered weightless," I told her, and her feet stopped moving forward.

"What?" She asked. I repeated myself, and her eye enlarged. "This must be a very difficult quest for the starting reward to be so amazing. Let prepare properly, ladies. This will be very dangerous." She announced. This only received nods of approval. I had to agree that regardless that this had to be done properly.

A few hours later, we were on the forest floor with full packs of goods, potions, and ammunition. We also got a minor upgraded bow for Viccy since her bow was a Common. We just replaced it with a slightly better Common bow.


Common War Bow

Shoots arrows with higher penetration.


"I am super happy that I got something slightly better," Viccy mentioned. "My last one was something I got rewarded for getting the ranger class."


Finicky Hunters bow

A bow for starting rangers who might hurt themselves.


"Since Damage is all done by how you hit someone putting it on weapons isn't there. This will eventually make all commons completely useless, but that is true in all MMORPG's" She said with a smile, "The way weapons work is by hidden stats, Elli," She said as we walked in the forest. "This bow is easier for me to aim and harder to pull back. It makes everyone use their game sense for how good a weapon is." She finished.

"So if I get a staff or something might help me cast Illusions?" I asked.

"I am not sure what Illusionist uses, although... Don't you have that Grimore?" She asked. My eyes widened that I forgot. I took it out of my massive bag of holding. I thought about things and unequipped the Large Backpack of spacial weightlessness, passing it to Viccy. "What?"

"It's yours. I have a better one," I told her. Her eyes widened, and I showed her my bag of five hundred slots.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" She exclaimed, gathering the party's attention.

"I forgot..." I said, "I never used the inventory over the last days and didn't think about it. So I forgot about it. So I don't need it, and you can use it. You can store more ammo in it that you can in the quiver." I finished, and Viccy scowled at me.

"We are so going over more game mechanics with you tonight, Rick," She growled out. Our attention turned towards the forest as we got back into game mode, heading deeper into the Elven forest, ready to fight whatever came our way. In my hands now rested a Grimore, making me feel stronger than before.


Power Stone Ranking: 857

Collections: 33

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