Trap Online

First PvP and Battle

We moved as a group towards what we considered the easier quest in the hope of finding the growl pedals we needed. We headed east, watching our ways as we went. The deeper we went, the more underbrush there was. The Towering trees looked like skyscrapers covering the sun, making the forest below a deep emerald green. Everything was tinted green as our eyes search for potential enemies. Time slowly passed as we cautiously moved forward.

Then my arm was hit. My surprise was total as I looked at the arrow protruding from my arm—the pain-filled me as we turned to look in various directions. Iona noticed first, with Viccy being second. Five males were now peaking out some bushes. All looked like humans, but that didn't matter at the moment as they ran towards us. One had a bow, another had a wooden staff, and another came out with a giant rusted sword. Another came with a shield and a single sword while one disappeared into the brush. Iona charged forward, quickly closing the distance. I started to chant when I heard a scoff from Fidel.

Her cold look was overbearing as electricity ran through her body as she chanted with confidence. "Chain lightning." Her voice echoed out. Out from her hand, unleashed a bolt of lightning that hit the knight square in the chest. It ran through his body before leaving and attaching to the Rusted sword wielder. It hit him like the wraith of god before leaving him and hitting the staff wielder. Before entering the brush, the lightning continued through the brush as the final human screamed as the lightning chased him down and fried his body.

Gloom scoffed as well and came over, removing the arrow from me as she chanted. Her spell worked over me, and my wound started to regenerate. I noticed before I was completely healed that the damage was minor, and the pain was more prominent than the damage it did.

"What are weaklings doing attacking their betters?" Fidel said as she looked down on the dead humans where smoke now smelt like something fried. Viccy looked at them and nodded to herself, looking at me.

"Players, Tried to PVP people higher level than themselves." She stated and laughed. Fidel was level thirty at least while Iona was in the level twenty range. I wasn't sure what level Gloom Bloom was, but the lowest level here was Viccy, who was still lower level than me. This meant it was suicide for Players to attack us when we out level any player at the moment. I joined in with a chuckle as VIccy looked at their bodies. I wasn't sure what happened when you died yet in this game. It wasn't stated, and I had not checked for information regarding this.

For what was my first PvP experience, it was a total stomp. We looked through what they dropped. I then realized how much it would suck to die. The pile of equipment and coins were left on the ground by each of them. We picked up the things storing them into my large pack or leaving them on the ground to rot. The rusted giant bastard sword was something we simply did not need in our lives. We took only the things that weighed little and left even more cautious as we did so. The players completely got the drop on us. It wasn't something we were keen on having again.

Our movement became slower when I piped up. "We need to move faster, or we are not going to make it anywhere close to the quest today. We are moving so slowly in case idiots ambush us. Now we are too cautious. We can dispatch most enemies at this point. I will not say to not be on the watch for these things, but moving at a snail's pace will be stupid. Let's walk and just watch out better." This quickly gained approval from everybody as we hadn't made it far from the ambush after fifteen minutes.

We then started to move at a much faster pace than we had even before with the agreement. Moving cautiously was when we knew something would be coming or some type of ambush. We had taken it too far only to be proven we kind of suck at being on guard. The five human players completely ambushed us. That was when we felt we were cautious. How would increasing caution even further work?

We were nearing our quest location by the afternoon when we decreased our pace. Viccy told us to slow down as she found the tracks of wolves. The amount of wildlife around us had decreased. Again we were ambushed as a Large wolf jumped out from behind us. This proved that even when warned, we sucked at spotting enemies.

The Wolf tackled Viccy. The snarling wolf went to chomp down on her arm, which she somehow dodged. Iona Knocked into the wolf, sending it off of Viccy. I started to chant, looking to mess with the wolf's perception of smell to start as Fidel started to cast a spell. Glooms chants echoed out as green glows instantly started to cover our bodies as she cast instantly followed with longer chants. The chaos of the scene as we were all caught off guard. A wolf lunged at me as I opened my grimoire. My other arm was then inside its mouth, tearing into my flesh. I gritted my teeth, continuing my chant as it was in the final stages. The wolf tore into me as I saw out of the corner of my eye Iona cut into the first large wolf. Fidel got her first cast with an echoing name states. "Lightning Bolt." With that, a bolt of lightning came out, hitting a wolf second from leaping at her. Its muscles instantly seized as it died.

My chant finished, and the perception of the world started to change for all of us. The smell changed to that of smoke and flames. The wolf attached to my arm didn't let go as I was taken off my feet as. The wolf moved its head then let go of my arm. I rolled on the ground, but I kept my mana constant. I knew my Ilision was doing something as I heard a whine in the distance. My chants continued as that wolf leaped at me. I was about to be bitten near the neck when an arrow was lucky and directly hit it in the eye. The wolf howled in pain, standing above me as the world started to morph, and the surroundings turned to realistic flames. The flames licked up the trees, and the underbrush fueled it while creating a large amount of smoke, obscuring the wolf's vision. The Pack of wolves remained attacking us with bloodshot eyes bearing down on us. Fidel's words echoed the loudest as she said: "Chain Lightning," With heavy consequences for the Wolves. It chained to five wolves. The first three instantly fell to the ground while the other two were seriously injured. Fidel's chants continued as wolves now started to target her, Iona screamed out loudly, and it felt terrifying to everyone. All the wolves looked towards her, leaping at her as she moved through as many attacks as possible. I started to add to my illusions into the fray increasing that amount of us confusing the wolves. The increasing our numbers as the Wolf atop me left to attack Iona.

The wolves and I saw a second Iona appeared in the world, decreasing the amount of damage she was taking, letting Glooms regeneration heal her faster. The Illusion lived for only a short time as I couldn't make it move like Iona. Another two wolves died, though, as Viccy and Iona tag teamed them during the chaos. The Illusion bought enough time for another "Chain lightning" To echo out from Fidel's mouth. It chains into five more wolves chaining and killing them all this time. With that, the pack significantly decreased, and the pressure eased. I continued my mana flow, decreasing the wolves' ability as I made the fire spread out, closing off their escape. Iona and Viccy were then joined in, with Gloom turning into a jaguar tackling into the wolves.

Soon the wolves laid slain on the ground, and I looked at the notifications.


You have Killed a Frenzied Wolf +500 XP


This notification appeared thirteen times. It was a pack of them, and the regeneration proceeds at around forty-five health per second. I looked into the damage and realized a harsh reality.


Frenzied Wolf bits you, dealing 200 Damage


The thought was sobering as I would have died with one more hit. We were cleaning the battlefield as I picked up the loot from the bodies. I would touch them, and loot would enter my inventory.


Large Fang x10

Wolf Pelt x5

Large Wolf Meat x7


It wasn't much, but the experience was good. I looked towards everyone. "We need to set up a camp." Everyone nodded as our first battle together was a disaster with people almost died. If Fidel didn't kill so fast, we would have been all killed. We found a clearing and started to set up camp. The campfire came up with a buff that I didn't know about as we looked at it.



Used for cooking and temporary shelter +5 vitality.


We set logs around it with Iona standing guard patrolling the camp. "That was close," Viccy put out into our small party.

"I was almost killed..." I stated, trailing off for a second, "I was hit once, and I was almost taken out. I cannot be hit, or I will be easily killed. I am not built to take any damage. The attacks also have a chance to throw me off my chant. I need to cast a spell that distracts or reduces their effectiveness. The wolves were not as agile after my spell came up. They lost track of Iona more easily, making it easier for her to dodge damage. Fidel did exactly what she needed to do. Viccy getting attacked suddenly threw us all off our game," I finished, and everyone went silent.

"I was slow to react," Iona stated, "Everything happened so fast that the primal roar of my ancestry was late, almost ending us being killed. They need to be attacking me, which is my only current way to force enemies to attack me. Viccy recovered quickly. Good job," Iona finished somewhat grudgingly.

"I was caught off guard as well," Gloom stated, "I think the heals prioritized the right people, and I could change form when I finished, but that was late for when we needed it." A small depression fell on the group as we all lamented our mistakes. The emerald glow of the forest started to darken into night.

I stood as the alarm blared into my ear, notifying me my playtime was coming to an end. "Look, ladies Viccy and I cannot awake for reasons after we sleep, so I will set up a ward around the camp. My Mistress taught me permanent wards as an Illusionist. This is the first time I set them up, so you will need to take turns keeping guard, but I will try to set up a safe zone for us." I didn't look for the agreements since I stated facts.

I put down some basic reagents that I got from when I was in Mistresses domain. Soon the area we were in disappeared to the rest of the world. I looked at the ward, and a notification came up.


Basic Mirage ward. A temporary ward set up using legendary skills of the beginner level.

Time remaining 23h 22min 13sec


I nodded and told them that the ward was set up, and I outlined the farthest out they could go. They all nodded, and I kissed each of them a good night. It felt weird as I logged out. It was the first time in a while; the night hadn't finished with an orgy. Today I learned a lot about the game, though. I smiled as the pod lid lifted.


Powerstone Ranking: 813

Collections: 13

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