Trap Online

Somethings not Right Here

The pod lid lifted. I was frowning from the current predicament that our team was going through. It wasn't helpful that our battle against lower creatures went poorly. The PVP was quick and deadly. Fidel was truly a cheat of some sort at this stage of that game. VIccy for our team was under-leveled. Viccy knew about it too. I wondered how close to leveling she is; I should ask her that tonight. I got out, and I caught a glimpse of her making it into Gabby's room before me. I chuckled and decided to have a shower before meeting the Nutritionist.

I took a quick shower letting the water flow over me, and I washed up quickly. I put on some basic shirt and jeans. I was not about to start making my house a formal workplace. I stepped out with still-wet hair, and I noticed I needed to get a hair cut soon. My hair was starting to get long. I paused, thinking more on it, and decided to bring up the topic with Victoria later when we were alone.

I was moved towards the spare room I told the charity to help her move into. I knocked on her door, noticing it was closed. I did not want to walk in on her naked on her first day here. I heard her say, "Coming, One second!" Through the door. I waited, and about three minutes later, she opened the door.

With the door opened, Li showed herself. The inside her room was a mess with boxes all over the place getting things ready. She was huffing and sweaty. I noticed piles of things all over the floor. Her chest moved deeply up and down, showing off her modest breasts with a low cut T-shirt that was dirty and matching yoga pants. She was an attractive Asian woman.

"How was the escape?" I asked.

She visibly sighed. "Sorry about that. I have the contracts signed in the living room for you, and I took a copy of them for myself. You were right. The benefits and wages are too good to give up. I also need to thank you for your help. I feel like I took advantage of you for that." She said, still catching her breath.

"Well, To be honest, You did. But that doesn't matter. I look forward to the good food that you can start up making when you are ready. How is the room?"

"Amazing. This room is more than I ever could have asked for. When I am done setting things up, I will love it more than any other place I have ever lived. If you don't mind, I will call a little-known place tonight for some healthy meals. This way, you don't have to think of it. It is literally the least I can do. I cannot make it up to you right now. Tom's wife decided to make a big press conference last night. The paparazzi swarmed my house and were trying to look inside my windows... I don't understand how that is legal. I kind of feel violated. That only makes me want to thank you more!" She finished.

"No need to thank me. At this point, the organization I donated to deserved it. I do expect good things in the future with you. I don't want to pressure you tonight—even tomorrow. I will like you to start by the end of the week with groceries and cooking. Also, I will take that meal. If it is good, we might make it our main source of take out." I told her with a smile.

"Oh, it is healthy and tasty. I am sure they won't disappoint."

"That's great to hear. I will let you finish your things and let you order what you think is best. I will talk to you over dinner." I left her to her things as she set up her new home at our place. She seemed really happy to move here, and I know the view was pretty amazing looking out over the city as the sunset.

I knocked and entered with Victoria moaning as Gabby worked her back with ease. "Enjoying yourself?" I asked Victoria.

"Mmmhmmm" Was the only reply I knew I was going to get for the next ten to fifteen minutes from her.

"Well, Just a heads up, Li will be picking up dinner tonight. She said she knows a little known but healthy and delicious take out place. She is finishing things up in her room, so I take it she will order soon, so we do not have to worry about that tonight." I finished updating her.

"Mmmm." I stifled a chuckle as her Gabby worked her magic.

"That fine with you to Gabby?" I asked quickly.

"Yup! I hope it after I finish working on you, Rick." She replied, quickly concentrating on Victoria's back.

"No worries, I will not miss your magic fingers Gabby." I smiled as I told her. "I will be in my office to check on some things. Talk to you in a bit." I left going to my office. I was checking some emails and reports. Something caught my eye, and I started to dig into it. I found one of my business's numbers were weird in a way. The numbers were not lining up. I frowned deeper, and I made sure to make a note of it. This was the company that made me who I am today. I looked at the history of the accounting and the reports, and I noticed some discrepancies. My frown grew deeper. I watch my reports, and this wasn't something I would usually not see. I went back to when it started. It was months ago. Everything in the discrepancies started here. It could be an innocent mistake.

That was unlikely, though. I paid people well. It was something I made considerable note of. At all levels, my employees are supposed to receive great packages and compensation for their hard work. I heard a knock on my office door, and I turned to see a blushing VIctoria. She noticed my frown, though.

"Something up?" She asked.

"Ya, Some numbers are wrong. I think I will get someone to look into this. It can't be someone from the company as a precaution. I will start it tomorrow morning, though." I stood up from the computer, and I kissed Victoria. Her frown turned to a smile.

"Mmmm, I love that you initiate a lot of our kisses," She told me, and I kissed her again with a smile.

"Ya?" I kissed her again, wrapping an arm around her waist.

"Ya..." She trailed off as our kisses deepened. I felt her moan into my mouth, and her hands grabbed my ass as I held her tighter in my arms. My hand swiftly spanked her ass, and she yelped, backing off.

"My turn for Gabby's magic fingers!" I exclaimed as I dodged her hand, running out of the room with VIctoria chasing me down until I entered Gabby's room, which had a large smile on her face as I locked the door behind me with an outraged Victoria on the other side.

"I'll get you back, Rick. You know it!" She told me.

"I know!" I said through the door, grabbing a towel and stripping quickly to Gabby shaking her head.

In minutes she had me moaning as loudly as Victoria was not so long ago.


Powerstone Ranking: 894

Collections: 15

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