Trap Online

Li Settles in

Li was right. The dinner was fantastic. The food both looked and tasted delicious. She ensured us that it was healthy as well with essential vitamins and fats our bodies needed to run while not being too fatty. My eyes sort of glazed over as she said that, and I nodded. Victoria and Gabby were much more enthusiastic about it, though. Li talked about her plans to start as early as tomorrow evening on the cooking of dinners. She told us her plans on starting us off on a diet with high protein and calories with our habitual workout schedule. The dinner swiftly became a working one, as we explained what we usually ate. Gabby seemed to be very enthusiastic about having someone help her out with calorie counts and her essentials.

Gabby and Li hit it off very quickly. The conversation over dinner flowed freely. I wouldn't say I was standoffish to Li, but I wasn't forthcoming like I was with Gabby. Li was a wonderful person, though. I asked her about the restaurant and how it stayed such a low profile with food like this.

"Well, If I am going, to be honest, My parents are the ones who own the place. They have been making it by but never made it big. When they started, they were a normal Chinese food restaurant. They didn't make much money off that, just enough to make it by. After I started to take care of their diets and my meals started to taste good. They thought that if I was a fifteen to sixteen-year-old who could do it, why couldn't they. They took a chance with it and used their savings after I left for college. I have to admit they did a good job with the place. Unfortunately, they couldn't strike it big since most of the food costs more. The customer base grew from when they were a Chinese food restaurant. They are busier, but their profit margins were smaller. They make enough to survive and save a little. That is all, though. It's unfortunate since they are the only small restaurant I know that makes cheap healthy meals. They cut the costs to close, though, in my opinion." She finished with a fond smile on her face. She genuinely cared about her parents. You could even hear the pride she had for their effort in such a hard market.

I looked at her and decided to wait on the instinctual reaction I heard to an interesting idea. At the moment, my camp might have problems, and I didn't want to think about adding more variables to it.

With dinner finished, Victoria pulled me into her room, and we started to kiss. The kisses turned deeper without any effort on either part. Moans as hands roamed each other bodies. I was about to break the kiss, though, when Victoria did with a gasp of air. I realized I hadn't taken a breath for a bit, and my lungs were screaming.

With a huff, she told me, "We need to talk about the party..." I nodded with a knowing look.

"Ya, I was just about to do the same." I smiled, seeing we were on the same page.

"The fight today almost ended up with all of us dead. We are blind out there in the forest. I am supposed to be our eyes as the ranger. The problem is that I am only level five. You are level ten, and Gloom, Fidel, and Iona are something else higher than you. This means at the moment; I am the weakest link. The damage I do only matters when I hit a critical. We need to change this before we go attack the settlement of Werewolves. The warning in the quest shows we cannot get bitten. I take that warning seriously." She finished.

"I agree. I think we should spend some time gathering experience. The wolves are ambushers in the game. We should take this time to get used to these tactics and practice working as a group. This will also allow you to start catching up to me in levels. Each level is double, so it should not take too long for you to catch up to me." I agreed with her.

"Not only that, but it will allow me to learn to track and identifying problems inside the forest. I was always a city girl, so I never really learned to do these things in real life. I truly think that matters in this game. I need more experience tracking for our team in the forest." She told me what was on her mind, and I closed, kissing her lips.

"That makes sense. I never made illusions in real life or chanted. I am getting the hang of it, but I still have difficulties. When we log in tomorrow, we should let the other ladies know that we will kill lots of wolves and level up there." My arms wrapped around her as I told her.

"Ya, I don't think we should move on till your level eleven, and I am level ten." She noted, and I nodded.

"We need to fix some of our party tactics too. We can not just blame it all on levels. Otherwise, we will need to out-level the world. We were out of formation and were ambushed. We need to work on formations and things like that together. Maybe we should look up some common military ones?"

"Makes sense. The real-world equivalents would be a good starting spot before refining it to a fantasy world." Our conversation slowly turned to various small details when Victoria started to laugh when I raised an eyebrow, asking what was up. "I couldn't believe that our first PVP experience in the world was such a stomp. Fidel literally one-hit killed five people." I laughed with her.

The night moved on with us joking and enjoying each other's company. It was nice, and a feeling of companionship that I never felt before started to develop. We simply enjoyed each other's company. That was the fact of the matter as we started to wrestle talk inside her bedroom. Instead of having sex this evening, we simply enjoyed each other's companionship before falling asleep in each other's arms. Smiles across our faces, I fell asleep thinking of her.


Powerstone Ranking: 804

Collections: 25

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