Trapped in a slave girls body

Chapter 3

"Hmm.. what to do with a naughty little vixen such as yourself." She chuckled darkly, eyeing me with malicious intent. I stand before her, fidgeting wondering in fear of what my fate would be. The fear of the incoming pain or humiliation possibly both fill me with such dread.

She's sitting on her leather chair just wearing a white collared shirt, unbuttoned at the top showing a generous amount of cleavage. She's not wearing any pants and her black lace underwear is showing. Held in her hand looks to be a riding crop and while lost in her thought she's slowly touching me with it. Tracing the contours of my breast, and poking and prodding my nipples with sufficient force that's making me shiver and moan. I bit my lips trying to suppress the mewls that are threatening to spill from my lips.

Curse this body. I don't want this yet why is it acting like this.

The riding crop then began to descend down to my stomach then it continued stopping just at the hem of the apron. She gave me an evil smirk as the riding crop went under and she wedges it between my thighs.

"Ahh~ dd.. don't..." I cried out my voice falters slightly.

"Stay still. If you even a move a single bit, this will get painful. Do you understand!"  Her voice cold with unveiled threat.

I nodded with purse lips as she continued with her terrible yet moan inducing actions. The cold leather brushed against my slit and I almost buckled from the sudden overwhelming sensation.

"Ahh~ please..." another moan came out from this dastardly mouth.

"Ahh.. someone's sensitive." She chuckled, smirk playing on her lips.

"Take it off."

I stared at her in disbelief.

I don't want to..

"Take it off or this will be going inside you."

I gasped in fear and took an involuntary step back.


I look at my tormentor again, this time her lips thinly pursed clearly not pleased. Her eyes dark and heavy. It chilled me to the bone.

"I.. I didn't mean to. I'm sorry.." I begged. Moving closer to her.

"I'll take it off. I'll do it." I panic. I hurriedly tried to removed the apron, my only defence against her perverted gaze. I struggled to remove the knot of the apron behind me as my hands were shaking and very much unsteady. I didn't take my eyes off the demon as I was afraid that as soon as I take my eyes off her, that's when she'll unleash that riding crop on me in a very painful manner.

She sat there unmoving taking everything happening before with aloof interest. Her gaze remains unmoving and cold. Finally, the stubborn knot gave way and I removed the apron covering my very naked body.

She motions with a finger, I obeyed. She pats her lap and my fear was finally being realised. I hesitated once again, my steps began to falter not daring to move any closer.

"You are taking too long." She clicked her tongue in frustration as she grabs me roughly and proceeded to drag me towards the bed.

"Wa..wait.. ple..please..." I pleaded. Of course she didn't listen as she hurls me towards the waiting mattress and I landed softly on my back. I gasped as I landed and I edge away from her backing myself towards the head frame of the bed in fear of what she was going to do next.

"You will touch yourself and bring yourself to a finish that will be your punishment. Unless you prefer to be in pain."

"" I croaked. My breathing became heavy and shallow. I feel helpless and trap and I start to hyperventilate.

No.. I don't want this.. Make it stop..

I could feel the tears threatening to fall as I see how vulnerable I am through the reflection in her deep blue eyes. Before I could stop it tears began to trickle from the corner of my eyes slowly and then I start sniffling like a child. I tried to brush away my tears but two strong hands grab both my wrist as the sadistic woman pinned me down. Her eyes glowing with lust, her teeth showing as she smiled at me, excited at the prospect of my discomfort. I move my head to the side determined not to let her see me in this state.

"You have no idea how enticing you look right now." she purred as she dips her head, her lips latched unto my jaw as her tongue began to lap up my tears. I squirmed in disgust wanting to be away from this monster but it was no use, her steel grip did not allow me to move an inch and I lay there sobbing, crying. Her mouth was the definition of greed as she licked and slurped my tears, biting and leaving trails of kisses from my jaw to the corner of my eyes. 

She's making me feel strange. Her chaste kisses feel like fire, everywhere she touches I feel like she's igniting me and I can't help but pant and moan with each caress. Somehow her lavish attention allowed me to centre myself and think only of her invading touches. She let go of my wrist and I see them hang loosely on either side, I feel like I can't muster any strength as her relentless attack leaves me drained and unable to think.

"Ummpfff" I cried out with shock as she kisses me. Her tongue seeking to enter asylum inside my mouth, with little will power I had left, I held my lips shut. I heard her darkly chuckle and without warning, she bit me on the lips drawing blood.

My mouth opened slightly to cry out in pain but I couldn't make a sound as her lips covered mine again and her tongue having gained entry went berserk inside. Her tongue having found mine beat it into submission and she began to playfully suck and bite on my tongue.

I tap on her shoulders weakly telling her that I need to breathe. She let me catch my breathe only for a moment before she continued sucking and biting, almost like she's trying to suck my soul dry. I moaned inside her mouth as I feel her finger rubbing my clit, my back arched involuntarily in pleasure and I couldn't help but wrap my arms around her neck pushing myself closer to her body.

I felt my mind break in ecstasy as she put a single digit in me while her thumb draws circles around my clit. 

No more... I don't.. please.. I'll break..

My legs started to convulse and I felt feverish. My mind just felt so full.. it's too much.. I want her to stop but all I could do was moan and scream, begging for her do something, as I babble incoherently. She added another finger I screamed.

I tried biting on my finger to try and keep my voice down but it was to no avail.

"MASTER!!!!" I screamed as I orgasmed my vaginal muscle tightening around her fingers and just like a burst dam, liquid flowed out of me.

My mind feels blank and fuzzy my legs wouldn't stop twitching my body still riding through my violent orgasm. I feel extremely sensitive right now, even when the demon removes her fingers I couldn't stop another gasp and moan escaping from my mouth.

"What a waste." she clicked her tongue and then doved down her mouth latching onto my gushing slit as she licked and slurped the juices pouring out of me. Her tongue slithered in and I gripped the sheet of the bed.

I can't... I'm going to die...

Last chapter for this week. I love your guys suggestions on the previous chapter. Like I said previously I wrote this on a whim so I don't really have a specific plan for it so I love talking to you guys and hearing your ideas. I would love to hear your input and where you want this story to go. It would also give me an idea.

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