Trapped in a slave girls body

Chapter 4

Freya POV

I stir slowly from my deep sleep, I kept my eyes close in contentment, it has been a while since I felt remotely rested. I pulled the sleeping girl closer hugging her tightly as I placed my nose on the back of her head, she smells fruity somehow and it instantly relaxes me. The petite girl squirmed against me and grumbled her hand moving on their own as she tries to get away from my grasp.

I sighed. Even deep within the confines of sleep, she likes to defy me. Argh.. what am I doing. I'm supposed to be studying her, trying to awaken her inhuman heritage but each time I see her, she just fills me with the desire to tease and conquer her, it's like there's a need within me to completely dominate her. To make her mine.

It's irrational. It's wrong.. yet.. here I am doing it anyway.

I hear her suddenly whimper, her face sad and forlorn. I sighed worriedly, suddenly angry at whatever is making her feel like this.

Only I can make her feel this way.

Whoah.. a bit possessive there.. where the hell is this coming from. Still, I spooned her tightly covering her within the confine of my arms. I place a kiss on the back of her neck and she seemed to calm down and became at ease as her body completely relaxes against mine.

"Its alright.. I'm here... I won't let anything or anyone harm you." I whispered softly in her ears. I don't know if she heard me as somehow she has a small smile on her face and I could feel myself turning red. She is so goddamn adorable and cute.. like how is this even possible.

I clench my fist and bit the inside of my lips hard to stop myself from trying to ravage her naked body. Recalling what occurred last night is getting me a little bit hot and bothered.

Pure thoughts.. pure thoughts.. you have to get up soon as you have a job to do. Those artefacts aren't going repair themselves. You also need to pick up some more materials for your lab that is needed to awaken her bloodline.

I just remembered, I still don't know her name. I just can't keep calling her slave all the time but somehow seeing that pitiful and scared look on her face makes me just want to tease and torment her. I'm not doing anything wrong she is my property after all but she has awakened something within me.. and I'm scared that I don't want to stop.

I need to head to the library as well to browse through books on demi-humans again. Later on, I also want a blood sample from her to see if my previous theory and assumption are right and hopefully, a personal project of mine can come to fruition. So much to do but that's no worries I have all the time in the world I am the witch of time after all. I sneered at the strange but accurate moniker.

The bracelet that I have been working on for the slave should be completed by today. I know for a fact that this pain in the ass has suicidal tendencies but this should stop and protect her if ever she is in any danger. So just for today she just has to remain tied up. I observe as she lays breathing evenly, the healthy flush on her cheek and her relaxed demeanour is nothing short of a miracle. I observe the way her lips quiver and the rise and fall of her breath, something about seeing imagining her erotically tied up.. and I'm getting sidetrack again.

Have I always been a pervert? But I can't stop thinking about how sweet she tastes.. I'm completely hooked and I can admit with no shame that I'm addicted. Might as well come to terms at this point that she's my drug. A very irresistible drug.

"Slave." I called out. Shaking her slightly to wake her up. She scrunched up her nose and groaned, grumbling slightly as she turned to the side. Her soft black hair now unkempt and untidy. I chuckled softly. 

"Well, I tried the soft approach." I shrugged.

I slithered my hand down to her parted legs taking my time to feel her creamy thighs she groaned again at the unwanted attention but why do I care, its time to get up and as a slave she must help me dress. With my arm underneath her back, it made it very easy to shift it slightly allowing to cup and fondle her perky breast. I brush her nipples slightly rubbing it with soft feather touches until her nipples stand erect. I grin at this, it's a blessing that she's sensitive as she is.

In tandem with my other hand busy occupying her breast, I made sure to pay attention to her sensitive nub. I stroke her slit with an up and down motion and I couldn't help but smirk when she began to get wet. 

"Ahh~ Ahh~" she moaned as she tried to wiggle away but with one arm around her, she is not going to get far. This one is quite the deep sleeper as after all this she still hasn't woke.

I slid a digit inside with a gasp of surprise her eyes fluttered open and she looked at me in shock but I could also see a hint of arousal. It's ashame that I don't have time for this at the moment. I hesitantly withdrew my finger slowly, keeping in contact with her I placed the finger inside my mouth tasting her sensually. She gawked at me with wide eyes and she made a cute whimper as she backed away trying to cover up her nakedness as best she could.

"Sweet." I told her, giving her a cheshire smile.

She snorted in displeasure then a worried look came about her as she looks at me hesitantly, studying my face.

Is she checking if that made me annoyed at her?

I couldn't help but squeal on the inside at how adorable she is and how she doesn't even think of her action and only regrets a moment after she's done it. She still doesn't seem to learn her lesson. Maybe I should discipline her some time.

I chuckled and gave her a look as I stretched and got off the bed. I couldn't help but chuckle again as she realised that I was as naked as she was and she covered her eyes with her hand. A moment later I notice that she was peering through the gap in her fingers and I couldn't help but scoff and smile.

If she wants to look.. she can.. why is she acting so shy for..

"Like what you see?" I taunted her.

"Epp!!" she made a strange strangled noise and turn her head very quickly. I could see her ears have turned red and I just couldn't help myself.

I sauntered over and took a little bite.

Her ears are warm and hot.. how adorable.

Sigh... I need to focus. I walked over to the closet and grab an article of clothing, the maid clothes flew across the room towards the still cowering beauty. I paid for that maid uniform after I have bought her from that slave trader, hopefully, it fits her well.

"Put that on." I ordered.

"Help me shower and dress."


After I made sure that the slave was securely tied up on the bed, a temporary measure of course which should be ending soon, the bracelet just need a couple of touches as well as my own time magic, so if she does find her life in any danger the magic within it should activate restoring her body to its previous state, it's not exactly healing but I'm just rewinding time with her body as the anchor. The bracelet also has a bonus function that I will engrave that will immediately teleport her to me once my time magic gets activated.

She won't go hungry at least, I ordered a maid to bring food to her as well as feed her. I made it quite clear that she won't like what happens if she doesn't eat, I can tell by now that she has zero-tolerance when it comes to pain so I don't even have to threaten her with torture since the idea of spanking, as well as a hard squeeze on her nipples, is enough to make her submit.. for the time being. Surprisingly for someone who's afraid of pain, she does like to be stubborn a lot.

"A little bird once told me that you got yourself a pretty little plaything."

I groaned softly as soon as I heard that voice full of mockery and self-importance. My self proclaim rival Annice the Ice Witch. I don't know what problem she has with me ever since I got admitted at the magic academy, she always had it out for me. First, she hated me because I was a nobody, an orphan and she tried to justify her wicked actions because she's nobility and she had more right. A nobody such as myself shouldn't try to rise above her status. I didn't let her get away with it of course and I beat her bloody. 

"An orphan and a slave how fitting." she sneered and she laughed loudly tilting her head back while covering her mouth. That face.. her annoying face.. it always looks so punchable and nothing ever good comes out of her mouth.

"Freya I am interested in studying the demi-human too, I want to see if I could get a clue about the type of magic they used. I know that their magic differs compares to ours, they used innate magic while we study and learn to manipulate the elements."

"She is mine Annice, if you so ever lay a finger on her, I will murder you and stuff your head inside your big fat ass." I hissed.

"Hmmp! We'll see about that." she sneered and turned briskly away.

I clench my fist and contemplated whether to just blast her to smithereens or not. Well, I'm sure the kingdom ha something to say about murdering your colleague even if that colleague is a massive pompous brat. Still, she is of noble blood and murdering her will ignite the anger from the rest of them. Something about how an orphan even if she is a mage of renown murdering a noble will be deemed as something unforgivable. Self-important pompous waste of oxygen; this noble lot are. They're the reason this empire is slowly crumbling from the inside and out.

Still, I need to awaken the slave's demi-human blood. I'm curious to see how strong their magic really is, well it should be stronger than the common rabble of mages. Annice and I are one of the few people in the empire that has been bestowed by the heavens with unique magic. Annice with her 'Absolute Ice Magic' and me with my 'Time Magic.'

I'm curious of which bloodline she inherited from her parents this is why procuring that a Blood Stone is important. I have some idea of where to procure one but I need to request leave as we need to go to 'Sanguin Canyon' and that's close to the 'Tribe Lands' where Barbarians are currently occupying. It should only be a five-day journey atop a wyvern but I want to train her how to fight with monsters along the way, demi-humans tend to sway heavily on the physical side of magic since they have stronger bodies than us.

Sorry for the late chapter guys. Been extremely busy, only today I actually get to relax. I will try to aim for one or two chapter a week. I have some plan in mind but its still vague.

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