Trapped in a slave girls body

Chapter 5

I huff and glared at the maid sporting a wry smile as she's holding a spoon close to my mouth. Not only do my genitals get violated so early in the morning now this stranger wants to violate my mouth as well. Typical. I so very much hate this place. I gave the metal cuffs that bound me to this bed a soft tug, just to prove a point. My master who's name I literally found out after this maid introduce herself as Hilda and told me that she has been assigned by Magus Freya to feed me. Freya beautiful name; completely wasted on this psychotic bitch. A fitting name to call her would be 'Rapist' cause that's what she is. I've been raped. Coming to terms with that was relatively simple, it's not like it's my first rodeo.

The memory of a psychotic ex-girlfriend that never got the memo that we were over came to mind.

No.. stop remembering..

I shake my head vigorously trying to shake the bad memories. At least she's not here. I can't help but scoff, but there is someone who seems to be a milder version of her. Is it my fault? Am I just the sort of person to attract this kind of degenerates. Hesitantly I opened my mouth and I can taste a soft chewy texture of whatever this is that she is shovelling into my mouth. The consistency and the taste do remind me potato except it taste more earthy and stronger somehow. I don't hate it, it will just take some time getting used to. The beef though is heavenly, just melts in your tongue.

Wagyu beef..

I close my eyes in exquisite bliss.

A bright flash of light took me out of reverie and I glared at the maid.

"What was that?" I asked, my tone aggressive.

She shrinks back a little and put on an apologetic smile.

"It's a crystal that captures images. Magus Freya demanded me to take pictures of you to see if you were enjoying the food or any time you smiled. She threatened to send me to the gallows if I fail at this task." she explained in a pitiful and frightened voice.

That sadistic psychotic bitch..

Still weird way to find out that they have their own version of a camera in this world. This rude behaviour couldn't be blamed on this poor girl, but couldn't she have just warned me beforehand and also is there an option to turn off the flash?

After completing the delectable meal. I thank the maid, I mean my situation is bad but that doesn't mean I have the right to be a dick to a person uninvolved she doesn't even deserve to take the brunt of my anger. The only person I want to vent all this anger towards is that witch!

The maid left with a bow, she is so nice and respectful to me surprising since my standing is literally at the bottom of the barrel. I'm a slave. Someone's property. She's a free woman free to make any choice she wants in her life be it death or anything else. Consider me officially jealous of her right now. I believe that the respect and kindness she's showing towards me is because I'm owned by a very powerful mage.

Welp! I'm bored.. there's nothing much to do in this room, not like I can do anything in the first place since I'm all cuffed up. At least I'm not naked and the soft gentle breeze blowing in from the window does offer some comfort.

The door opening grabs my attention and a tiny little head appeared peeking just outside the door with the door slightly ajar. Blonde and scarlet eyes first registered in my vision then her small stature, I'm guessing 12 years in age. She is wearing a fancy frilly dress pink with flower embroidered in some places. A silver tiara perched atop her head and she's staring with wide eye and full of wonder.

"Hello?" I greeted politely with a small smile on my face.
She jumped in surprise and hurriedly close the door abruptly. Then a moment later the door opened up again and her tiny little head began pop slowly back. I gave her a tiny smile and she cautiously smiled back.

"H..hel-hello.." she said quietly, stuttering just a little bit probably because she was nervous.

"Is it my master you're looking for?" I asked.

She bobbed her cute tiny head up and down in a nod and I almost squealed because of how cute and adorable she is.


"Why are you tied up?" She asked me innocently. Her eyes are wide with curiosity.

Oh, damn.. how do I answer this? Because I've been a bad slave? Highly unlikely.. it's most likely because my masters a pervert and mean, as she doesn't want me killing myself.

Well, I can't exactly say that to a cute innocent little girl.


But before I could answer I hear a male voice.

"Princess what are you doing there, Magus Freya would not be in her room at this time. You know how she would admonish your if she finds out you've been snooping around her room without permission." Chastised the man.

"Come now, Magus Freya will come to teach you in the afternoon." He coaxed the princess. The princess gave me a sad smile before waving her tiny little hands in a goodbye.

I waved back in a dazed with my mouth wide open.



Hope you guys enjoy this chap. The plot will slowly be unfolded but it be a slow process hope you guys are up for it as I finally have some plan in mind for this story.

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