Trapped in a slave girls body

Chapter 9

Calipso POV

I stood atop a hill gazing downwards unto my vast settlement. I have swallowed up ten small tribes so far consisting of 100 people each tribe. Although only forty or fifty of the men were warriors that's still a good start towards my path fo revenge. Mother, I will make them pay. This hatred in my heart can only be washed away by the blood of that man. I clenched my teeth in anger. I trained and got stronger and gave away everything for this. I will use everything and anything just to soothe this hatred that's embedded deep within my heart. I smiled darkly seeing my warriors, my instrument for the bloodshed that will soon arrive at the empires gates.

"You think you're safe within the confines of the empire, little do you know that your whole world will soon crumble and everything will be covered in blood and pain." I muttered darkly.

"Chief final preparation has been completed to conquer the Ganbara tribe."

"Hmm.. good work Rakan.. tomorrow we set off to annexed one of the larger tribes."

"How goes the children?"

"Their ready chief. The women from all the tribe we conquered are getting impregnated as we speak and in a decades time we should have a fresh batch of young soldiers."

I nodded at my second in command in satisfaction. Winning a war is not just all about numbers, you have to use everything even if it is seen as inhuman and cowardly. I can't wait to see the faces of the soldiers of the empire when they have to fight child soldiers trained to fight tooth and nail. I trained every single one of them and they only listen to me. My cute little pets. I laugh maniacally.


I don't think I will ever forget the experience of riding on top of such a monstrous creature. The wyvern a bipedal beast with no front appendages. It's scaly and thorny, its surface is rough yet cool to touch and it's literally the size of a house. My god, this thing is humongous and absolutely terrifying. When I saw the thing that we were going to ride, I immediately tried to high tail it out of there but Freya the annoying and mean Freya caught me by the waist and carried me upwards the things back and with barely any effort she jumped a good 25 ft and landed perfectly on the perched saddle on its back.

"Ready princess?" she laughed with a dazzling grin.

I couldn't help but blushed at that causing me to bury my face at the crook of her neck. I'm confused, wasn't she suppose to be the enemy? How did my feelings suddenly do a complete 180? She took advantage of me, did things that I didn't want. Isn't this no better than what my ex use to do to me? Why are my feelings towards her so different? Is it because she didn't inflict pain on me like she used to? Is it because she makes me feel.. Right.. what does she make me feel? I let out a troubled sigh as I have no answers to these questions and my head and heart just felt troubled trying to make sense of it all.

"You already have a princess.. she's back at the castle.. studying because you're black-hearted enough to give her a lot of work. Seriously you need to ease off a little." I muttered against the skin of her neck.


I couldn't help but let out a yelp when she suddenly kissed me.

"What was that for?" I questioned.

She just shrugged and gave me a quick peck on my forehead. I couldn't help but blush again. What is this? Why does she keep doing this to me.. I bet she loves seeing me turn red all the time.

"By the way, we didn't pack," I said matter of factly.

"You're such a silly goose!" I laughed as I gently remove myself from her embrace, she was having none of that as she turned me around and made me sit on her lap, her arms tightening to a coil around me as she buried her nose upon of my neck smelling me.

"What a strange expression!" she exclaimed softly.

"What is that suppose to mean. Goose are always silly so that expression is a bit redundant don't you think."

She furrowed her eyebrows for a moment then her eyes widen like she just understood what was said.

"Never mind.. I just got it." She said with a sigh. I couldn't help but let out a tiny giggle and she glared playfully at me.

"And borrowing from you're expression, I believe that you are in fact the silly goose." she chuckled.

"Pfft.. yeah sure." I replied sarcastically. She bit me lightly at my shoulders and I jumped suddenly feeling her sharp teeth against the nape of my neck.

Freya then turned her attention on our oversize mount, grabbing hold of the reins she clicks her tongue and the beast flapped his wings and took off. I couldn't help but let out a tiny scream in surprise, turning around to hold tightly onto Freya for dear life.

We were air born now, the castle turning into nothing but a tiny dot. Freya muttered a spell in a strange language and suddenly I could feel a transparent bubble surrounding us protecting us from the wind and the cold temperature.

"Better?" She teased, smirked plastered on her face.

I nodded slowly, my face pale and knuckles white with fright.

"By the way.. I didn't forget that you doubted my ability to be prepared. So do you want to make a bet?" She murmured squeezing me lightly with her arms.

"Huh?" I said dazedly, fascinated and amazed by the scene below.

"You said I didn't prepare our luggage." She murmured again kissing my neck.

"Ahh~.. stop that tickles." I complain with a twist of my body. I look around once more making sure that I didn't miss anything and that she wasn't carrying anything on her.

"You're just going to trick me and say that everything can be solved with magic. You're just going to use this strange bubble magic thingy to protect us from the elements and we will hunt our own food." I said with a roll of my eyes.

"Nope." She whispered now kissing my throat. I snorted but said nothing.

"Soo..." she drags letting out an airy breath.

"So?" I questioned.

"Want to make a bet with me?" She enquires once again.

"What kind of bet?"

"That I get to do anything I want to you.." she chuckled.

"Don't you do that already anyway.." I huffed.

"True.. but consent is important."

At this, I couldn't help but snort and laugh in derision.

"Just say if your afraid."

"Fine.. fine.. what are we betting on?"

"Whether I have our luggage or not." She replied confidently.

"But clearly you don't so I win." I responded with a victorious smile.

She then showed me a predatory grin and click her fingers. A sleeping bag appears, then with another click of her finger, it disappeared again.

"You're cheating!" I accused.

"Nope. Storage ring." She said as she held out her hand, showing me the silver ring on her index finger.

Of course, a storage ring. This is a world of fantasy after all filled with magic and whatnot. I still stand my ground that she is in fact cheating.

"I said no magic!" I pouted.

"You did not say that and this isn't magic. It's an artefact, a storage type." She let out a laugh, sure of her victory.

"So I win.."

"No... I don't accept that!" I whined.

"Ah.. Don't tell me you're one of those..." she drawled. Looking at me with fake disappointment.

"What?" I countered somewhat grumpily.

"You know, the one that doesn't keep to their word." she finished.

"It's okay.. I get it.. I won't hold it against you.." she smiled, her voice filled with playful disdain and mockery.

"I get it.. I just have to do it. Right?! Fine. Hmp!" I retorted with a pout.

At this, she cackled maliciously and began to undress me. I am wearing a completely new outfit today, courtesy of my mistress of course. A brown bear dress overall with a white tank top shirt, the skirt only goes down to my thighs and the hoodie had ears on them. I watched in fear filed fascination as the overall fell slowly on the floor of the spacious saddle, leaving me now with only the white shirt but my legs were now bare showing my maroon lacy underwear.


"Freya.." I moaned, my voice small and trembling a little from embarrassment. Freya smirked and began to kissed and licked the fabric that's offering my pussy a final defence against her invasive tongue. Although I couldn't feel her tongue directly, I could still feel it.

"Ahhh~ Ahhh~" I moaned out in pleasure, my small cries of ecstasy seemed to have encouraged her as her tongue began to increase in frequency. I couldn't help but gasp and mewl, grabbing onto her soft silky hair to stop myself from falling over. My legs feel weak and each lick is slowly sending me to oblivion.

"I can't.."

"I don't..."

"My head feels light and fluffy."

I could feel myself getting extremely wet. Freya is acting like she has been starved of water as she's keen on sucking out my juices. I could feel the intensity of her suction and I almost toppled over as I stop feeling my legs. My brain is overloaded with this pleasurable stimulation.

"More.." I begged.

"What?" she mumbled, her voice muffled by the fabric.

"I don't know.." I panted.

"Just don't stop." I pleaded, out of breath.

I groaned as I could literally feel her smirk against my throbbing wet pussy and somehow the juices don't seem to stop from flowing out of me. I gasped and yelped in surprise as she moves the fabric to one side revealing my glistening pink folds.

"Kyaa!!" I screamed out in embarrassment, covering my crimson face with both of my hands.

"Beautiful." She murmured.

She looked at up at me and grin mischievously having caught me peeking in between my fingers.

"Don't. I want to see you." She encouraged.

"B-bb.. but.. but it's embarrassing.." I countered softly.

"Please.." she breathes out, the air out of her lungs hitting my sensitive nub and I couldn't help but let out a moan.

Just how is this body so sensitive.

"You smell so sweet.. like the sweetest candy. You taste sweet too." She spoke with eyes half-lidded.

"Don't.. stop saying that.." I whined. I don't think I can take any more of this, I feel close to bursting. My head feels so light and I feel dizzy.. I don't even know what's happening anymore.

She brushed a finger across my slit and I couldn't help but quiver. I hear her softly chuckle and finally, I let go of my hands letting it hang loosely to my side.

"Good girl." She whispered as she dives in deep within my folds, using her tongue to explore every part of me.


"F-ff.. Fre..ya..~~"

"Mistress~~ no~~"

"I'm close..." I screamed, panting heavily.

"No.. no.. ahh~"

"Please~" I begged while moaning shamelessly.

Wrapping her hand around my waist and using it as leverage she pushed herself even deeper causing her tongue to enter a new depth within my folds. I screamed loudly as I orgasmed, Freya opened her mouth wide to drink all fluids gushing out of me.

I blanked out as I crumpled against the soft surface of the saddle. My leg still pulsing and convulsing from orgasming so hard. I feel like I'm seeing stars.

Freya hovered on top of me, placing both of her arms on either side. Her mouth glistening with fluids, she licked her whole lips sensually, giving me a toothy grin.

"Impeccable." She droned.

Before I could even recover my breath she captured my lips with hers and I could taste something sweet in her tongue.

"Do you like how you taste love.."

I couldn't answer her as I was mentally exhausted and my brain still feels fuzzy.

Enjoy the chapter guys and plz support me on kofi <3

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