Trapped in a slave girls body

Chapter 10

The verdant green of the forest does not fail to encapsulate the beauty and the grand presence of the tall trees that covers this magnificent forest. We were standing just at the entrance of the Mako forest and through this forest about 40 miles ahead we will catch a glimpse of the barren land seemingly covered in blood and its eye-catching site, the Sanguine canyon. The walls on either side of the canyon stand at a magnificent 100 meters high and the length of the canyon is four miles. According to Freya who was animatedly chatting to me about the beauty of the place, we here heading to and how it romantic it looks in the sunset.

"Why are we heading there?" I asked her, due to the suddenness of the journey and the other stuff that happened in between. Things I'd rather not talk about or remember. I could feel my face heat up just by mentioning it, I'd rather not delve into that topic any further.

Freya gave me a smirk noticing my sudden daze look and the blushed that tinged my face.

"We can go another round if you like~" she whispered teasingly.

"Just answer my question!" I retorted looking away from her.

"We're going there for you. As you know you're a quarter demi-human."

"I AM!!" I gasped in shocked. All this time I thought the body I was inhabiting was just an ordinary human, albeit slightly weak and frail. Really it's too dainty for my taste.

"How could you not know that? I'm sure one of your parents was definitely not human." She asked in surprise.

"Well, I wouldn't know." The original body might have known that but seeing that I did not inherit any memories from her, I'm drawing a complete blank here.

"Oh." She said with a sad look in her eyes.

"Don't worry. I don't know my parents either. Don't let that define you." She said with great bitterness and determination.

Ah.. so Freya is an orphan. I'm amazed, even without any parental guidance or support she still rose to great heights. She became a highly respected mage. Compared to the me on earth where I didn't know what to do with myself, always lost to the daunting prospect of the future. It did not help that my ex took over every aspect of my life.

Dark haunting memories flashed inside my head briefly. The scorn of my friends when she told them lies about me, how they abandoned me. How she threatened to hurt my family if I don't comply with her demands. I could feel my breathing starting to quicken and panic began to quickly settle in.

"I'm sorry!" Exclaimed Freya when she saw my panicked stricken face. She rushed in and embrace within her arms. Her warmth gave me great comfort and I just let myself fall into her arms, letting her comfort me. I let out a deep contented sigh as she rubs comforting circles on my back.

"Hmm.. hmmm." I hummed in disagreement, shaking my head slightly.

"It's not your fault. Just memories." I told her with a deep sigh.

"I'm sorry that I caused you to remember some terrible stuff." She said apologetically.

"I promise I will keep you safe.. nothing will come to harm you as long as I'm here." She told me sincerely.

"I know." I flashed her a smile and I tiptoed and gave her a quick peck on the lips. She stood there frozen in shock.

"Freya?" I asked worriedly.

After a moment her frozen face turned into a dazzling smile and I couldn't help but freeze at how beautiful she looked.

"Come.." she held out her hand and I laugh as I place my hand in hers, then together we walked inside the Mako forest.

"Aidan! You need to learn how to fight. Slimes are one of the weak creatures in this forest. I'm here so nothing will happen to you!"

I gave Freya a glare tempted to throw away the dagger that she just handed to me. I was staring at a blobby creature no bigger than the size of a basketball green in colour and with what looks like the consistency and the texture of jelly.

"Pay attention to the cores inside their body. Slimes can't be hurt with physical attacks. You can only kill them when destroying their cores." She advises.

"Also when they're mad and threatened their colour will turn red."

"Freya! I don't wana fight!" I whined. Honestly, the creature looks absolutely harmless and quite adorable. Imagine a green blobby basket ball hopping around and grazing on grass.

Freya just gave me an exasperated look partnered with a glare that can be interpreted as 'get to it before I make you.' I gulped nervously and approached the feeding slimy creature.

Having noticed my presence the slime turned to face me. I shrieked in surprise and tried to scramble away, the creature then began to pounce and I tripped and fell on the grassy surface of the earth. I closed my eyes as the creature attacked.

"Aidan!" I heard Freya shout worriedly.

Wait huh? Isn't the slime about to kill me?

I opened my eyes in great confusion as I notice the slime creature is now sitting on my lap as green as the grass below my feet. Didn't Freya said that the slime will turn red when they attack? According to her they also spit out acidic saliva to wound their enemy.

The slime just stayed perfectly still content in sitting on my lap, the only movement it's making is the slight wobble on its springy body due to strong breeze.

"Umm.. Freya!" I called out nervously.. looking back at her. All I saw was her equally stunned face.

"What's happening?" I asked her, staring at the placid slime cautiously.

"I have no idea." She said in wonder.

She approached us and the slime immediately turned red and I screamed in fear. The slime turned to Freya and wobbled threateningly.

"I don't think it likes me.." Freya said with a dry cough.

"Try talking to it.. it seems to like you for some reason."

"Ehh.. hmm.. okayyy.." I replied hesitantly.

"Umm.. hi?" I said to the slime.

The slime having now returned to its green colour wobbled non threateningly. I couldn't help but laugh when I see it being silly. Slowly I bring my hand forward.. bringing it hesitantly near the creature's body, seeing as it didn't change colour or react violently. I then place my hand upon its strange gelatinous surface the creature seem happy as it began to bounce and wobble with glee.

The green transparent creature then began to glow with a mysterious light and a magic circle simultaneously appeared underneath the slime and my hand. I could feel a link forming, an invisible formless connection that I now have with this creature and I could somehow feel its emotions. 

The creature giddy with excitement jumped and hit my face, I was expecting a solid surface and then me crying out in pain, instead what I felt was nothing but a warm soft gelatinous like texture that my face began to slowly sink within its depths. I panicked immediately swinging my hands like a drowning victim as I feel constricted from being unable to breathe air. Luckily Freya simply plucked the thing off my head and gave me a bewildered look.

"Congratulations.." she snickered, seeing me trying desperately to get air into my dying lungs. I simply gave her an irritated look and I wipe my face, feeling the sticky liquid and some green bits staining my face.

"What exactly happened?" I questioned her while slowly picking myself up off the earth. Freya somehow had enough conscience to stop herself from laughing loudly but I definitely knew she was laughing despite her stoic demeanour. At least she handed me a towel to wipe the viscous fluid off my face.

"Well somehow.. the slime has accepted you as its master and is now one of your familiars, or pets. They're practically the same thing." she explained. I could see the poor slime trying to get out of Freya's grasp but its struggles were futile. 

Yeah, tell me about it, little guy. I tried to wiggle out of her grasp too and I got Stockholm syndromed.

"Right," I said dryly. After cleaning myself up, I handed the now sticky rag to Freya and approach the now red slime with an outstretched hand. Freya just sighed and loosened her grip allowing the slime to jump into my embrace.

"Aww.. damn it.. it was soft and comfortable.." Freya pouted.

I nudged elbows at her to stop her from being silly and I turned my attention to the little guy who is now snug as a bug in my arms.

"Well.. if were going to be taking you with us, you need a name.." I pondered but I'm coming out blank in the suggestion department and I will definitely not allow Freya to name my familiar as she has been spouting out awful names like "Green" "Ball" "Slimy".. Seriously she's terrible at this, I feel sorry if she ever has a pet in the future, I'm pretty sure she's going to give them very terrible names.

"So what do you think? Any of the names suggested you like?" she asked with a hopeful glint in her eye.

"Yeah...... I'll think about it...." I said dryly and as politely as possible. Having live with her for a few days, I have noticed her unusual quirks, like how petty she can be with some stuff. And I feel like telling her she's bad at giving out names will trigger and cause her to sexually bully me.


Why does she sound so down? I swear she's such a child sometimes. 

"Well..." Freya pointed at a lake nearby and near at the edge of the lake was a stout looking tree plus its an open space so we actually see the warm glow of the sun and the shade from the tree will be a perfect eating spot.

"Is it eating time?" I asked in excitement.

"Yes. I packed some sandwiches for us for lunch but we will be hunting our own food. I will be teaching you."

I slumped my shoulder at the daunting news and know that I have a hard few days ahead of me. I walked slowly towards the shimmering lake with the slime now in tow. No names has really stuck inside my head yet, hopefully, it will come to me soon, this is how I usually named my pets.


Annice POV

I finally found them after 2 hours of non-stop running, I strengthened my legs with mana so I was going five times faster than what a horse could accomplish if it gave its all. Their dwellings were well hidden by huge hills and surrounded by ancient forest. If it wasn't for this map, I would have never found this strange tribe of people. I stared in shock at their grey and silvery fur that covered the upper and lower half of their body. Their red eyes, button-like nose and their whiskers made me recognise what they were - Lycans.

A well-known demi-human in history that was granted immense powers by the God Ermis in exchange for having their soul serve him after they die for eternity. They carry some resemblance of wolves in their appearance and they are extremely strong, their skin hard as metal and they heal extremely fast so it was very hard to kill them or even wound them.

I could hear them growling threateningly at the back of their throat. There were only about thirty of them but honestly, ten of them would be enough to destroy and obliterate the Grant family, especially if its a surprise attack.

I stepped back nervously and raised my head to show them that I meant no harm. I then fetch the strange-looking figurine and instantly they drop their aggressive stance and instead they smiled and beckoned to invite me inside into their tiny compound.

The time for blood and steel to go hand in hand is nearing.

Guys gimme suggestion for the slimes name.

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