Trapped in a slave girls body

Chapter 11

"Freya I really don't think this is necessary!" I yelled at the top of my lungs as I dodge yet another scary swipe from a wolf that's as big as a car. Honestly, this monstrosity should be called Monster Wolf instead of Feral Wolf, I feel like the name suits it better. The black-furred monster snarled as it lunges at me with its powerful jaws, I couldn't react in time luckily Plum my contracted slime was there to soften the blow. 

The wolf's attack luckily misses me and Plum as its sharp razor teeth were inches away from delivering a powerful deadly blow, however, we were still caught by its unintended headbutt. I got blown away and the only thing cushioning my blow was the hard surface of the tree.

I made a strange noise as my back hit the tree hard, knocking my breath out of me. Resting is a luxury I can't afford yet however as the Feral Wolf was preparing to launch another attack. I stood up shakily, holding a knife in my hand. Its appearance feeble and flimsy against this beast, it reminds me of a certain saying; bringing a knife to a gunfight. It perfectly describes my situation.

"Stay still you scary umm.. wolf thing!" I screamed out a strange battle cry as I charge with all my might. Funnily enough, the Feral Wolf did seem dazed and staggered for a second before shaking its head regaining control of itself. Although I did find that a bit strange, all my focus was on somehow plunging this knife inside this wolf's head. Revenge for ripping apart this dress I'm wearing and all the wounds that are on my thighs, stomach and arm. The wolf had gained back its senses tilted its head and raised its paws showing me its deadly sharp nails, I close my eyes and winced preparing for my death.

About time.. I do hope I will only feel a sharp pain and then nothingness. The sweet embrace of death. Please, make it quick I don't want to be in pain for too long. 

I slowly blink my eyes in confusion, my arms that were raised automatically as sort of a defence mechanism slowly came down as I gaze bewilderingly at the strange scene presented before me. The oversize wolf was now hanging frozen in mid-air mouth wide open showing its disgusting sharp teeth, its thick slobber trickling on the side of its furry mouth is also frozen in place. Its deadly paws hanging mid-swipe, its sharp metallic claws glinting in the beautiful rays of sunset appearing deadly and certainly capable of ending my pitiful life.

Freya casually shrugs her shoulders as she places her dainty hand upon the now pitiful wolf who looks as if it was frozen in time. Within a blink of an eye, Freya's hand glowed majestically as the wolf began to wither rapidly, its shiny resplendent fur wilting and its flesh withering until on bones were left. Even that wasn't spared as it began to decay and shatter, showering the grassy floor with its powdery essence.

Holy crap! What the hell!?

I screamed in my head in fear and surprise. Freya just looked casual and as nonchalant as ever while giving me a disapproving gaze. She scrutinizes me seemingly focus on the various wounds I accumulated in this battle and walked towards me with a reproaching sigh. 

"When fighting you must keep your eye on your opponent. Don't close your eyes and look away! Also keep your stance steady making sure you have a stable footing, keep your legs wide and feet apart. When you strike, twist your body, using the twist of your body and the pivot force of your foot to deliver precise, deadly yet stable blows so you don't find yourself outbalance and can manoeuvre and move your body out of harms at a moments notice."

I hang my head in defeat as her lecture continued.

Please merciful Goddess let me off. My ears have had enough. I don't want to learn to fight anyway. All this violence is not for me.

"Aidan are you listening?" her gaze hardened.

I nodded glumly. I was still immersed in that terrifying life or death battle from earlier that I failed to notice a certain someone lifting my arm and inspecting all my wounds.

"We have to take care of this." she said simply, as she guided me towards a clearing. Then she brought out a checkered blanket out of her storage ring and laid it unto the ground before urging me to sit on top of it as she brought out a pitcher of water and started cleaning my wounds.

"I heard an interesting rumour."

I look at her curiously wondering where this conversation was going to lead to.

"Apparently saliva actually can help disinfect the wound and promote healing."

"Okay?" I responded unsurely.

"So I would like to propose an experiment."

"Yeah... no.."

"Aidan, as you know I am a mage and I do conduct experiments. As my slave your role is to provide assistance when I'm trying to verify a hypothesis." she smiled sweetly at me as she unabashedly tried to make excuses in order to take advantage of me.

Don't think I don't know what you're trying to do Freya! You're just trying to make excuses in order to touch me inappropriately. I change my mind! I want to learn to fight so I could at least defend my body from being defiled any further.

"Ah, but mistress I'm sure this is nothing but complete hokum. Besides I'm sure this sort of nonsense is not any beneficial at all to mages such as yourself." I reasoned trying to persuade her. What the hell is she thinking? Is she trying to lick the wounds?

"Are you mage?" she scoffed.

"Well.. no.."

She shook her head mockingly.

"Then how would you know this is not helpful to me." she sneered playfully.

I couldn't help but be taken aback by her shameless statement and I ended up rolling my eyes at her.

She grabs a hold of both of my arms pushing me down the blanket. I yelped in surprise and look at her with great alarm. She bares her pure white teeth at me in excitement and I couldn't help but shiver. I really have a bad feeling about this.

"Let the experiment begin!"

"Nooooo!" I cried as I struggled.

Freya started at a scratch along my collarbone, she descended like a seasoned vampire, sniffing once and even had the gall to comment on how good my blood smells. Does blood even smell good? I'm pretty sure they all smell the same; a coppery and earthy. Wait? does my blood smell different since I am not 100 percent human?

I winced in pain as Freya's soft slippery tongue made contact with the tiny gash caused by the wolf's deadly claws. She ran her tongue sensually along the line of the wound, nipping and sucking along the way. I squirmed and whimpered with each movement of her tongue, making me gasp and bite my lips unconsciously. 

She looked at me excitedly giving me a full grin.

"There now all clean! Let's continue!"

"But you already cleaned all my wound with water!" I told her as I choke back yet another gasp as her tongue made yet another contact with a wound in my shoulders.


Hmmmm.. how curious.. I thought with a confused look. I find myself being bombarded with sweet love songs from a variety of birds. All of them strange and enchanting, the colours of their feather eye-catching and surreal. At one point while strolling the forest with Freya while Plum is resting contentedly upon my head, content for the time being in acting as my strange jelly hat. That a huge giant deer came up to me and gifted me with a strange fruit and left after asking for a head pat. Well, the deer didn't talk but it looked longingly at me and placed its head near my hands. 

After petting it absentmindedly, my brain apparently short-circuited because it couldn't quite comprehend this bewildering situation, the deer left satisfied and went on its merry way.

What the heck is happening? Did I transform into a Disney princess?

I looked at Freya hoping for answers but she just merely shrugs her shoulders. She did hypothesise that it probably has something to do with my demi-human bloodline. Maybe my profession in this world is to be a taming master. It certainly is plausible, I thought while looking up at Plum who's sunbathing atop my head. From our connection, I know for a fact that Plum is sleeping.

Lazy little slime! How about I ride you instead.

I grumbled as I could feel that my feet were aching from walking too much.

After walking for about a mile, Freya stops and observe our surroundings cautiously. I notice as well that the forest was quiet. Not even a hint of noise from the living organisms that make this forest it's home.

"Something is wrong." Freya warned me quietly. 

I hear movements in the forest as I see a surge of red approaching us. Hundreds of giant ants charge towards us without warning. The ants were the size of horses, their heads ugly and bulbous. They had sharp pincers that seemed to be able to cut anything that comes between them to pieces. As they charge their whole began to be engulfed in flames.

"WHAT THE!" I cried out in fear, stepping closer to Freya.

"Fire ants!" Freya clicked her tongue in contempt and frustration. She stood her ground, placing herself before me, she was about to utter a spell when all of a sudden the ants stop moving and looked at me in strange unison. The fiery blaze that engulfs their body disappeared like it was nothing but an illusion as they approached us with great curiosity.

I pressed myself closer on Freya's back making myself as small as possible. The ants seem persistent as they were adamant in wanting to look at me. Freya although shock had a tinge of curiosity as she steps away revealing my trembling form. The ants stamp their feet excitedly as they bowed their head.

Wait? Did I just become the Queen of the ants? What the hell is going on?!

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!" A scream of shock and frustration could be heard. Sitting atop one of the ants was a tanned muscled man who wore nothing but pants. His huge bulging muscle and biceps is quite eye-catching and he was covered in various tattoos.

Was that guy trying to attack us? Also, you stole my line their buddy. I too would like to know what's going on.

"A barbarian?" exclaimed Freya in surprise.

Freya flickered slightly and I gasped in shock as I found that she had the muscled man by the hair. He was on the floor wincing in pain as Freya grabbed a hold of him.

"You!!!" he shouted in surprise and fear.

"Who sent you here?!" she asked coldly.

"I refuse to believe this is a coincidence. This seems to be a planned attack." she mulled suspiciously.

The man sneered and tried to spit at Freya but his spit stops in mid-air and change direction landing in his face. Freya glared and raised her fist and began to imbue her fist with mana as she began to wantonly hit him.

"Wait! Please! Stop! I'll talk!" begged the man but Freya did not seem keen on stopping as she hammered away pummeling the man until his face became unrecognisable.

"Is he dead?" I asked quietly. Shaken by the sheer brutality that Freya unleashed upon the poor soul.

"Yes, but this is not a problem." 

She clicked her fingers and timed seemed to turn back as the barbarian's body began to heal and he was now breathing and pretty much alive again.

"Wait! What? How?!" he screamed in fear.

"You're a demon!" he screamed!

Freya just laughs coldly as she assaulted the barbarian once again with her fist, killing him once more.

The process of Freya reviving and killing the man happened a dozen more times before she seemed to have gotten bored with her new sick hobby.

"Now are you ready to talk?" asked Freya.

The man who was now violently shedding tears nodded his head vigorously.

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