Trapped in a slave girls body

Side Story 2 The boy and his maid

"Master, your tea."

A young maiden with flowing blonde hair called out softly. Her small yet calloused hand held the saucer that the tea is sitting upon carefully afraid to cause unnecessary movement that causes the liquid to move and spill. It wasn't out of fear, of course, she was just afraid that her young master's health would not improve just because the medicine dissolve in this tea has spilt causing him to miss out on some of it. If that was one of the reasons that his health is not improving, she could never forgive herself.

Daintily and carefully Iris placed the tea on the table. She smiled wistfully as the young man before her eyes. His soft brown locks fell out of place due to the gentle playfulness of the breeze. He appeared to be leaning on the cold hard stone pillar, his eyes fully closed and his breathing even. Iris couldn't help but fold her arms in delight as she stood still, afraid of making any sudden noise or movement that could disturb this tranquil scene.

"The sun will do him good." she whispered to herself. Gulping slightly as she notices a trickle of sweat from the side of her young master's forehead down to his collarbone, where strangely the white long sleeve top he was wearing did not seem to be buttoned at the top, showing his slightly pale skin and the outline of his chest. Iris couldn't help but gulp again and her cheeks and ears starting to get warm.

She attempted to look away but find herself transfixed; like a statue, frozen in place with no ability to move. Moments later she snapped herself out of her strange and embarrassing trance. She knows it can never be, she was just a lowly maid while he.. he might as well be the heavens, as he seems too unreachable. She could see him, even touch him but he would forever be unattainable. 

She clenched her fist tightly, yet she swore to be forever by his side. He probably doesn't remember, she sighed. This is already the fifth time she had to introduce herself to him. His illness got worse ever since five years ago and now every year her forgets all his good memories yet the bad ones stay. She couldn't help but shake in sadness, her eyes watering up. Her young master so pitiful and tragic, if only there was something she could do for him. She sighed, the least she could do is stay by his side and forever keep him company.

"Master.." she called out again, brushing the slack curls of his hair back. Dabbing the sweat off his forehead. He stirred slowly with a moan. His eyelids flutter slightly before opening revealing ocean blue iris, like the ocean it captivates and soothes anyone that gaze at it.

"Iris.." he called out softly, his voice dry and definitely parched.

Iris blink slowly and sighed pitifully.

"Why does he have to look so goddamn sexy and delicious. It's distracting."

She lamented in her head. Yes, part of the reason why she could tolerate the first meeting with the young master five years ago was that he was such an adorable little child then. Eleven years old while she was only sixteen. She found him pitiful and his adorable yet gaunt face then made the idea of just quitting and abandoning him hard. She wasn't scared of the rumours about his disease being contagious, she has no one but herself, sometimes being an orphan has its perks as it allowed her to stay by his side worry-free.

Luckily the rumours were false and ever since then he has slowly opened up to her and he has gotten used to her presence and they slowly became friends. But by the end of the year, his condition worsened and he was in a coma for one week and when he awakened he has forgotten all about her but he did say she feels familiar and that he feels calm around her. So the painful process of dealing with a brat that wanted you to leave and was scared of the slight affection did not reoccur. It did still take a while for him to open up to her again and regain their friendship. Over the years, this process has become shorter and shorter. This year alone it only took her a few days before they become quite close.

Maybe although he doesn't retain the memories of her, his heart and body still remember. But she definitely did not expect him to become so dashing and unbelievably handsome after a few years when puberty settled in.

"Your tea is ready."

Andres made a disgusted face before giving Iris the puppy eyes. Iris remained firmed despite the unfair visual assault. She knows his medicine taste horrid, he complains about it every single time she brings it to him to drink. 

"Master, you must drink it." she said firmly. 

"I hate you sometimes." he sighed with a playful smile.

"But I love you."

"I know.."

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