Trapped On A Vampire Cruise With No Power!

13: What Did I Do Last Night?

      Rose groaned, she curled up under the bedsheets for warmth. Her entire body was shaking and her head felt dizzy. Her legs were so sore it hurt to reposition herself, but the desire to cuddle under the sheets surpassed such discomfort. It wasn’t as if Rose was unused to hangovers, but rarely had she suffered so much. It was hard to concentrate, let alone piece together everything that happened the previous night. She remembered dancing, lots of dancing. Actually…maybe a little too much dancing. But as to the specifics, who she was dancing with or where, was a blur. 

      She coughed lightly and realized her breath smelled absolutely rancid, like stale bread and sour spit. It made her feel ashamed for drinking too much. Rose Sexton didn’t want to think about how she was still surrounded by vampires, and how she danced with them like a rabbit among wolves. But it was hard not to think about it.

      Will I find bite marks if I looked in a mirror? The thought occurred to her, she didn’t want to get up and find out. Rose didn’t know it then, but her fears were unfounded and did nothing but betray those who were friendly towards her.

      Still cradled in her sheets; Rose couldn’t stay afraid for long, her head simply hurt too much. She tried to squeeze her eyes shut and force herself back asleep, but for some reason that only made her head throb more. She really didn’t want to get up, but her aching body refused to go back to the mercy of sleep. Despite this, Rose kept her eyes closed. She had dreamt nothing that night, her very sub-conscious mind was too paralyzed to allow it. For a while Rose kept still under the thin sheets, but eventually her stomach growled.

      Memories of the previous night flashed slowly through her mind. It hurt to concentrate on any one of them for long. Piecing together the fragments were like remembering hazy dreams through tinted glass. All the while her stomach churned and her head pounded. The only thing she could distinctly recall was the thud of deep bass speakers. Her ears still rang from that heavy music. The thump-thump-thump still echoed in her skull, it sent shivers down her spine. 

      She wondered if she should get up…?

      Rose found it hard to accept, but if she couldn’t force herself back to sleep then she might as well try to find something to appease her appetite. But getting up meant facing the vampires again. She no longer feared them like before, not all of them anyway, but she did feet guilty for how she treated her roommates. Hopefully the ship would make it to port soon, little did she know that the reason it was so dark was because there was no power to begin with.

      More flashes came to mind as she tried to summon the courage to get up, mostly smells and tastes. The smell of orange perfume mixed with sweat, and the taste of someones tongue swirling in her mouth. The feeling of a smooth palm cupping her cheek, and a curtain of hair covering her face. That last part was probably just a dream, or so she thought. But then again, it wouldn’t have been the first time she got a little too drunk and made out with another girl. 

      Rose groaned and slowly spun around in her sheets to cocoon herself. She changed her mind about getting up. Just as she tugged on the rest of the blanket she heard a grunt coming from behind her. She wasn’t the only one using the sheets! 

      Damnit, what did I do…was just one of myriads of thoughts spinning in her head.

      Rose opened her eyes, her vision was hazy, and looked over her shoulder to investigate. The air was frighteningly cold against her cheeks, and the room was dark. Only a single ray of light coming from the porthole window challenged the gloom. The floor swayed ever so slightly beneath them, it made her stomach feel sick.

      She clung to the sheets tightly, a bead of sweat strolled down her bare chest, and saw a mass next to her. Whoever the man was he had his back towards her. His dark brown hair was somehow familiar. 

      “Good morning!” Suddenly another voice cried out from in front of Rose with remarkable affection and a subtle hint of sarcasm. It didn’t belong to the man who was still asleep.

      Rose swirled around suddenly! Where the hell did she come from! 

      She should’ve recognized the voice instantly, but it wasn’t until she saw the blonde creature laying on the other side of her that Rose squealed in fright. Rebecca’s small frame was hard to notice, she appeared naked under the sheets as well. Laying on her side, her pale arm seemed to glow in the dark. The bedsheets flowed over her delicate hourglass figure, draping over wide hips and muscular shoulders. 

      Fear was one of mankind’s earliest survival mechanisms, and as if being doused by a bucket of cold water, Rose suddenly felt every nerve in her body shrill. If Rose had any moisture in her throat she would’ve gulped, and if her head wasn’t hungover she probably would’ve passed out. Instead she simply froze dumbfounded. The vampire that pursued her yesterday was not only freed from her prison, but sharing her bed…laying only a hairs breathe away. 

      Rebecca couldn’t help herself; she shot Rose a delicious smirk, her eyes were practically on fire. The vampire’s very body seemed to emit a heat of its own. When the blonde creature spoke again she seemed eager to toy with Rose a little further, “Don’t bother getting up, you already look beautiful.” 

      “WHAT THE F—“ Rose shrieked and tried to jump away. She was so tightly fastened in her bedsheets that she couldn’t magically escape, so she rolled hard to her left and into the mans body next to her. The force of the impact was enough to push him off the mattress, causing him to fall onto the floor.

      Kyle Stryx cried out in blind panic as he made impact! The outcry was quickly followed by another as Rose rolled of the bed after him. She landed on his back, forcing the air out of his lungs. Disoriented and confused, Rose threw herself off Kyle’s body then dashed to the side of the cabin in one swift motion. She held onto the thin sheet for dear life, it was the only thing covering her modesty. 

      Kyle had the wind knocked out of him and his eyes were bloodshot from the experience. It wasn’t over for him yet. Rebecca hopped onto him more gently, but somehow her weight seemed to press down on him harder. Seeing her prey scamper away in such a fashion only seemed to excite her. 

      Rebecca’s naked body captured Rose’s attention completely. She had lean legs and a flat stomach complete with hardened abdominal muscles. Her arms and shoulders were sturdy, yet they did nothing to reduce her femininity. Her hips were wide and limber. She had splendid cleavage; soft and squishy, like swollen tear drops carrying a pair of ripened cherry’s.

      She was fiercely attractive, Rose couldn’t help but admit it to herself. She found herself intoxicated by the creatures beauty. Her heart raced beneath her breast, her stomach felt like it was tied in a knot. Rebecca laughed as she sat on Kyle’s back with her legs crossed. Her stance shifted, that from a hunter to something more distinctly playful. 

      “Please…get off…me” Kyle wheezed. Even though he was a perfect example of male masculinity he couldn’t force Rebecca off of him. 

      And he was desperately trying…

      His arms barely lifted him an inch off the ground before falling flat on his chest again. “What did I do to deserve this…” He wheezed to himself in despair. 

      Rebecca didn’t seem to care about the mans pleas, “Oh quit whining,” she responded gleefully.

      “Jesus Christ you weigh a ton!” Kyle tried to push himself up and force her off yet again, but she simply wouldn’t budge. Rebecca was strong, Rose was fully aware of this, but even still she shouldn’t have been able to keep a grown man down like this. It was weird watching her pin a much larger person with absolutely no effort. 

      Rebecca didn’t like him commenting about her weight so she kicked the side of his ribs with the ball of her foot, “How rude! Did anyone ever teach you any manners!” 

      The pair suddenly erupted into an argument in front of Rose who had buried her head deeper into the cushions. Her entire face was flustered. She could tell Kyle was shocked and angry as hell, being woken up while falling out of bed would do that to anyone. And now that he was struggling on the floor, his hostility was understandable. Meanwhile Rebecca just seemed entertained by the whole fiasco, as if all the world was a but a stage for her.

      How the hell did she get out! Rose pondered. Calmly she tried to use their bickering to her advantage by assessing her situation. A pile of clothes had been discarded across the room, she could make out some of her undergarments amid the stash. They were too far away to get to, but there was some clothing near the doorway…

      A plan slowly emerged in her mind, first she would risk exposing herself by throwing the blanket onto the squabbling pair of vampires. Then she would grab the shirt and sweat pants she spotted near the door. As soon as Rose reached the door itself she would escape. The only real problem was that she would be sprawling outside naked, with little time to cover herself before Rebecca could pursue her. It was risky but if she could find a security guard then they could re-capture Rebecca. They could keep the vampire confined until the ship made it to port…or so Rose hoped. 

      It occurred to her that the blanket might not be enough to do the trick. Could I find something red! No that was stupid! That’ll only excite them, not distract! Rose perished the thought. 

      There was a thousand things going through her mind, but Rose still couldn’t think of an easier plan. She knew that sooner or later the vampires would stop arguing and Rebecca would return her attention to her. 

      There wasn’t enough time to simply remain still. Slowly Rose collected herself, all the while listening to the two vampires. Kyle was now begging Rebecca to get off of him while reaching back to strangle her at the same time! Rose hoped that was enough of an added distraction. 

      This was proven false. 

      No sooner had Rose started to rise did Rebecca point in her direction, “And just where do you think you’re going?”

      Rose squealed in fright and threw the blanket at her before running as fast as she could to the door. She wrapped her arms around her chest as she ran. Somehow it seemed farther away than it should’ve been. 

      Just as her hands met the door she frantically grabbed the small pile of clothes next to it and twisted the doorknob. Either by divine providence, or sheer coincidence, Maggie had been on the other side and was inches away from knocking. With the door open her hand tapped Roses forehead by mistake!

      It was only a light tap but Maggie’s knuckles made Rose fall backwards in surprise. Apparently Maggie didn’t notice what she had done, she seemed half asleep and disoriented. The raven haired woman was half naked, wearing nothing but her bikini. It was also clear she was still a little drunk. Her breasts were partially exposed, and her nipples were firmly pressed against the fabric. 

      Maggie bit her lip and looked down at the human, her eyes struggled to stay open. The vampire’s eyelashes were fluttering, her cheeks were burning red. When she spoke her voice was slurred and rough, “Oh great your awake…” She hiccuped in between her sentence, “Who’s ready for the afterparty…wooo?” 

      Maggie took two steps inside, carrying a fresh bottle of vodka in her right hand, and collapsed on the bed.  

Next chapter will release next Tuesday, hope everyone has a happy Easter!

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