Trapped On A Vampire Cruise With No Power!

14: So what happened after that?

      “Cold, cold, cold, cold, COLD!” Maggie’s voice was a frightful shrill as the cold shower rained down upon her. Goosebumps conquered her pale skin in seconds, but Maggie didn’t have the energy to crawl out. She barely had the energy to remain upright as she sat in the stall underneath the faucet.

      “Oh Maggie, what were you thinking?” Rebecca’s voice was a soothing melody. She had carried her to the adjoining bathroom and into the shower by herself. The cool water shocked Maggie, somewhat, back to her senses. While she was still reeling, Rebecca pulled Maggie’s dark hair back so it wouldn’t stray in her eyes. Meanwhile Rose sat on the bathroom vanity behind them, Kyle’s grey shirt and sweat pants looked ridiculously large on her womanly frame. The neckline drooped to her collarbone loosely. 

      Rebecca had on one of Kyle’s sweaters as well, it covered her to just below the waist. It was a thin white henley, Kyle’s broad chest had stretched it out enough so that it could easily envelop her soft and swollen breasts. Her bare legs were lean and fit, she wasn’t wearing any undergarments. Neither of them had enough time to sort through all the clutter to find their original clothes.

      “I found…more drinkie…yay!” Maggie slurred as she tried to reach out to find her vodka bottle. Rose had taken it from her after she collapsed on the bed. It was now stashed it in her purse in hopes of hiding it. “Where…did it go?” 

      “Don’t worry I’m sure we’ll find it,” Rebecca teased. For several minutes Maggie muttered to herself while leaning on Rebecca, her body wouldn’t stop shivering.  Rebecca looked over to Rose, “Hey Rosie could you get us a cup of water?”

      Rosie? She wasn’t sure how she felt about the nickname, hearing it spill from Rebecca’s lips made her heart spin. Rose sighed and rubbed her forehead, her migraine was still throbbing. She carefully got up from the vanity and searched for a plastic cup. There was one in the cupboard above the sink, Rose handed it to the vampire carefully. 

      “Thanks Rosie,” Rebecca smiled, she accepted the plastic cup and let the shower water collect inside before bringing it to Maggie’s lips. She had to lean her head back to help Maggie drink it down.

      Maggie gagged at first but then swallowed the entire cup before speaking, “Thats not…drinkie…” The straps of Maggie’s bikini were loose, one of them was pulled past her shoulder and dipped down her arm. She was drooling as she continued, “humans party hard…but I can party hard…er…” 

      Rebecca chuckled at that, “That they do babe, that they do.” 

      “What did we do last night?” Rose asked. 

      “Everything!” Maggie extended her arms upward and then let them fall to her side, “Lots and lots…lots…” She paused for a moment, her eyes were struggling to remain open, “So sleepy.”

      Rose shot the pair of them a glare, “By lots…you don’t mean…”

      Maggie’s demeanor suddenly changed, she began to sob and speak emotionally. “Why did she get to have all the fun…?” Rose got the distinct impression she was referring to her, “Fuck it! I got on this ship to get laid!” she hiccuped before continuing, “Why did he like her more than me?”  Rebecca just rolled her eyes, “I don’t think he liked her more than you, if anything—“ 

      Maggie suddenly leaned forward, “But he went balls deep with her, he barely went down on me at all!” 

      “Balls deep?” Rose didn’t realize she spoke out loud, only that she found the very accusation ridiculous. She suddenly felt the need to touch her stomach and clench her legs but resisted the urge. Truthfully she didn’t remember what happened last night, but a flash of passionate excitement brushed her memory.

      Rebecca began rubbing Maggie’s back. She looked over to Rose and simply shook her head in disappointment, “She’s just exaggerating…a little.” 

      “Did we all have sex!” Rose stammered. In her sudden fright she jumped up, causing the sweater to droop even further to expose a thin line of cleavage. Her skin was sticky against the fabric, and the blonde vampire couldn’t stop looking at her chest. Rebecca’s pale cheeks were suddenly flushed and burning.

      Someone knocked on the door behind her, “Hey are you three done? I really need to take a piss.”

      “Then pick a corner and leave us alone!” Rose yelled through the door. She returned her attention back to Rebecca, “What did we do last night!”

      The blonde vampire just sighed then shot her a wily grin, “Well you took over the pole dancing stage, then made out with a bunch of people. So I tried to help you off the podium, and then you made out with me…and naturally I reciprocated but only to be polite.” 

      “Polite she says,” Maggie laughed, “You both got down and dirty, it was so hot! And then the entire club went crazy.”

      Rose could still taste someone else’s spit under her tongue. Her heart began to race.

      “Then we had a few more shots and danced for a while longer,” Rebecca took a moment to rub Maggie’s back a little harder, the poor girl was dry heaving. “Then you got really…handsy…with me, and Maggie chugged an entire bottle of stove cleaner on a dare.”

      Somehow Maggie managed a sentence between her heaving, “It wasn’t stove cleaner, it was vodka…”

      “They used that brand to clean the stoves babe,” Rebecca responded. 

      Another series of bangs knocked on the door, they were getting a little more erratic. “Please don’t make me piss in my own cabin, I’m begging you!”

      “Just let him in, it's not like we haven’t seen it already,” Maggie’s voice was strained. 

      Reluctantly Rose got up and opened the door. Kyle rushed in, to his credit he shielded his eyes, and immediately started pulling down his trousers. All three of them just looked away as he stood over the urinal. 

      “So what happened after that…” Rose hesitated to ask. 

      “What?” Rebecca was distracted by her friend vomiting, she found a towel and tried to clean the spittle from her mouth. 

      Rose cleared her throat, hoping the sound would cover over what Kyle was doing, “What happened after we left the club?” 

      “Oh, well Maggie followed Kyle to his room and we followed her. And then…” Rebecca paused for a moment as if she were struggling to recollect. Behind them Kyle was groaning a desperate sigh of relief.

      “And then…?” Rose prodded the vampire to continue.

      Rebecca blushed, “You really don’t remember?”


      “Damn…such a shame.” Rebecca truly sounded disappointed. She looked over to Rose, her eyes were full of longing, “You were so nice to me, and who knew you’re tongue was that…flexible.”

      Maggie spit a little drool before interjecting, she spoke directly to Rose as clearly as she could. “You were in between her legs for hours, does she really taste that good or are you just a freak?”

      Kyle pulled up his sweat pants, moaning happily to himself. He walked over to the vanity to wash his hands, his palms were rough and full of calluses. Over the sink, he tried to speak out, “To be honest I don’t remember much either. Thats the last time I ever have gin.” He looked over to Rose, “Now this might have been a dream, a really good dream mind you, but I seem to recall you giving me the single greatest blow job of my life while someone else literally sat on my face…” 

      Dead silence answered his startling recollection. All three of the women were frozen in place, looking at him completely stunned. Then all together all three of them screamed out loud, but for different reasons.

      “I did what!” Rose’s shrieked in alarm, her eyes instantly locked onto the mans crotch. 

      “She did what!” Rebecca cried out before remembering something, “Oh yeah…now I remember, that might have been me sitting on your…um…your face.”

      “I’ll suck it—” Maggie’s tone was entirely different. There was genuine lust etched into her voice.

      Rebecca’s attention immediately shot to Maggie and she couldn’t help but shake her head, “Maggie seriously?” 

      “Why does the human get all the fun…” Maggie hiccuped, her voice was starting to whimper.  

      Kyle scratched the back of his neck, “Holy shit thats right, Maggie you were the one who deep throated my entire cock in the club! I didn’t even ask for it, you just went for it!”

      “Get out!” Rose shot him a terrifying glare, one that frightened him more than Rebecca ever could. 

      “I’ll just be in the other room!” Kyle scampered out of the bathroom and slammed the door. Just as it shut Rose couldn’t help but feel anxious.

      Rose knew there was a decent chance they were all making this up just to get a rise out of her. But somehow deep down she also felt they might actually be telling the truth. The last time she got this drunk, back in college, she did create an awkward situation with one of her sorority sisters. She had a small crush on her, but never acted on it. The following morning was one full of regrets and weird tensions as she found herself laying naked with her. 

      “I think I’m going to be sick,” Rose felt her stomach churn.

      “Oh no, not you too!” Rebecca got up and put her hand on Rose’s forehead, her palm felt remarkably warm against her brow.

      Suddenly another knock came at the door, “Hey girls?” Kyle’s tone was more tense, “Someone is at the front door asking about you? Should I lead them away?”

      “Is it security?” Rebecca asked quickly.

      There was a short pause before he answered, “No I don’t think so? Guy looks pretty shifty if you ask me.” 

      Rebecca sighed, “Can you watch Maggie for a second?” The vampire asked Rose, to which Rose nodded and put her hand on Maggie’s back to help her lean forward. As Rebecca stood up Rose blushed and had to look away, the vampire’s her cute buttocks was peeking out from underneath the sweater. 

      The blonde beauty strolled out of the bathroom quickly. With the bathroom door open, Rose could see it was still dark in the main cabin. The power outage was quite unnerving, but Rose was more alarmed about her previous nights antics than the light switches not working. Rose found herself transfixed at how the vampire moved. Rebecca walked through the room with a swiftness and grace that seemed almost fluid. 

      When she opened the front door, Rebecca’s stature instantly changed. Rose could make out a man on the other side. Judging by the shape of his shadow he was tall, lean, and fairly robust. She could only make out a black jacket and a pair of jeans. 

      Rebecca paused, looked at the man, and then quickly shut the door. “Time to go!”

      “What?” Rose could feel the sudden tension in the air. 

      “Come on lets go Rosie!” Rebecca rushed back to the bathroom and took Rose by the arm. She then quickly looked over to Kyle who seemed equally stupefied, “Kyle keep an eye on Maggie while we’re away.”

      “Whats going on?” He asked.

      “Nothing to worry about, just keep an eye on her.” Rebecca dragged Rose quickly out of the bathroom and toward the opposite end of the room. 

      Rose found herself uneasy and frightened, “Who was that?”

      “No time to explain, just gotta go.” Rebecca tried to feign a smile, but Rose could tell something had startled her.

      “How will we leave?” Rose looked over to the doorway, it was the only exit. She then glanced over at the large porthole window next to them.

      “Simple,” Without a second thought Rebecca planted her elbow into the porthole window. She smashed it to pieces like a cheap mirror. The salty sea air filled the room instantly.

      “What the F— are you doing!” This time it was Kyle’s turn to freak out. 

      The knocking at the door grew louder, more boisterous. A voice could be heard, one that was sharp and threatening, “Come on Seraphine! You can’t hide her forever!”

      Rebecca reached around Rose’s waist, “I need you to hold on to me ok? Things are going to get pretty weird.”

      Rose could do nothing as the vampire latched onto her and took a step outside. Somehow Rebecca’s fingers grabbed hold of the exterior banister and quickly moved along the length of the ship with the human in tow. 

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