Trapped On A Vampire Cruise With No Power!

17: Lightning Strikes

      Against Maggie’s wishes, Rose and Rebecca dragged her back to their cabin after the meal. Everyone seemed reluctant to keep out of their rooms following the blackout. A curfew had been ordered throughout the ship. Kyle didn’t ask for his clothes back, but he was eager to see them all again soon. It was an offer Maggie would’ve obliged if she wasn’t on the verge of passing out again. 

     Together they returned to their room in peace. Maggie collapsed on her bed and curled under the sheets immediately. Rose threw off her skirt and shirt, she wrapped herself in a blanket while sitting on her bed. Rebecca meanwhile locked and barricaded the door. After she was satisfied they were safe, Rebecca changed into something more comfortable. She put on a silk robe that was parted deep down the center. The sash around her waist was loosely tied.

      It was dark out, the moonlight leaked through their window to create an eerie glow. The temperature had cooled off a bit, just enough for Rose to feel slightly relaxed. She sat on her bed with a flashlight trying to read a book to pass the time. She wasn’t tired at all, and needed something to calm her mind.

      “You’re the creepiest vampire I’ve ever seen!” Rose could feel Rebecca’s warm breath on her shoulderwhile she tried to read the book in her hands. There was still a little light outside, just enough for her to read the leather bound novel in peace. Everyone had retired to their cabins for curfew; with the ship’s primary and secondary reactors dead, the captain saw fit to order everyone to keep to their rooms for the night. Of course he must have been angry with Rebecca’s escape, but no one had come searching for her. 

      “Whatcha reading?” Rebecca perched her chin onto Rose’s shoulder. Her silver cross rested along Rose’s collarbone while she leaned in. It startled Rose how warm the blonde vampire’s skin felt pressed against her. 

      “None of your…” Rose paused feeling something soft press against her back. She glanced behind her and instantly felt her heart race. “Why are you naked!”

      Rebecca’s pale skin reflect the moon light, it made her golden hair seem brighter than usual. Her lips were a stark pink, like her cheeks, and her eyes seemed to glow. Her voice was charmingly playful when she spoke, “Its too warm in here, need to let the girls breathe a little.” 

      Rose had no idea what she was talking about, if anything it was getting rather chilly. The air conditioning was gone, and the salty air of the sea had thoroughly consumed the inner halls of the grand vessel. It was almost cold enough for Rose to wrap a blanket around her. 

      “Then let them breathe over there!” Rose jerked away, she could practically feel the vampires nipples poking against her shoulder blades. 

      Rebecca chuckled before scooting aside, but she had no inclination of leaving the bed. Instead she laid down behind Rose with her head perched in the palm of her hand. She just watched the human quietly as flipped through the pages. One of her fangs could be seen poking through her delicate lips, her hair flowed down her neck and onto the bedsheets. 

      Rose kept peaking at the creature behind her. She couldn’t help but admire the woman’s curves, in fact Rose was kind of jealous. The vampire’s supple breasts were well formed and her hips shaped like a goddess. Cute oval red nipples settled into her soft mounds…they matched the color of her lower lips. 

      Rose struggled to keep her attention focused on her book, she strangely kept wanting to look at the woman next to her. Frustrated she sighed and tried to read, she could feel the vampires eyes glued onto her silently.

      For a moment there was silence. Maggie was snoring on her own bed. Next to the dark haired creature, on the nightstand, was a handheld video game console. Rose remembered Maggie had been using it when they first met. She had never been much of a gamer, although Rose had considered online streaming once. It seemed like a better idea than dancing half naked to rando’s through her phone. Rose rolled her eyes just thinking about the indignity.“Are you really not going to put something on?” Rose wasn’t shy around naked women, she had spent her fair share of time in college locker rooms, but she felt uncomfortable with how Rebecca just kept looking at her with her tits perked in her direction. 

      “Why? Does it bother you?” Clearly Rebecca was trying to goad her with that sensual tone. 

      Rose tried her best to ignore her and focus on the next page of her novel. It was the newest edition of ‘The Plaque Of The Plant People’ an erotic sci-fi adventurer that spawned sixteen books. Rose had collected them all, even going so far as purchasing the limited edition versions! The newest one hadn’t even been released world wide yet, and she cherished every sentence like it was a treasure for her alone. Having a vampire invading her private space threatened to compromise that enjoyment.

      Thunder broke the silence, a flash briefly lit up the room. The crackling of lightning didn’t sound the same out at sea as it did on land. There was no ground to shake or rocks to splinter, only endless waves. Yet the the lighting could still be heard mildly within the ships hull. Rose supposed she should’ve been grateful the storm helped light the room a little. The flashlight in her hands almost wasn’t enough.

      Just as her hand was getting tired Rebecca somehow ended up behind her again, she grabbed hold of the light and adjusted it so Rose could still read. 

      “What are you?” Rose asked. She found it awkward having Rebecca suddenly so close to her again, so naked and close…

      “Hush, your getting to the best part.” Rebecca leaned in so that her hair caressed Rose’s neckline. 

      “What?” Rose looked over and saw that Rebecca was reading the lines. 

      “ssh!” Rebecca tried to direct her focus back to the novel, “Just keep reading, I’ll hold the light.”

      Rose kept looking back and forth from the book to the stunning vampire over her shoulder. “Wait…have you read this?”

      Rebecca blushed as she returned a wink, “Of course! I have every copy! I missed the release date for the last one, I had to bid for it online for an exorbitant rate but it was worth it! I read it all in one day! Just wait until the next chapter when the plaque queen gets fertilized by…wait sorry almost ruined it didn’t I?”

      Rose did her best to control her anxiety as she returned her focus back to the book in her hands. The light that Rebecca held never wavered, it helped to illuminate the pages as the storm outside continued to pressure the ship. 

      It was surprising how quiet a ship was without power, outside of the groans of its bones and occasional footsteps from the captains security in the halls, the silence was deafening. Rebecca was right, the next chapter was quit exciting. Exciting enough that Rose almost forgot about the beautiful creature behind her, resting her head on her shoulder gently. The smell of her perfume was strangely soothing.

      Each time the lightning lit up their cabin through the porthole Rebecca’s shadow seemed to change, at times it appeared she was thinner than she was and at others larger. Perhaps it was just a trick of the light, but Rose found it unsettling. Meanwhile Maggie shuffled under her own bedsheets, the lightning seemed to disturb her slumber. It was then that Rose noticed that with each lightning strick Maggie would twitch ever so slightly.

      “She hates thunderstorms,” Rebecca seemed to notice her attention shift. “Ever since we’ve been besties she’s hated them. Not sure why? But she’ll be fine.”

      Rose sighed quietly, “I thought you said you were warm?”

      “Huh?” Rebecca raised a brow.

      “You said you were too warm so that’s why you wouldn’t wear anything? Aren’t you burning up this close to me?” 

      Rebecca smiled to herself, she brushed her hand along Rose’s arm as she whispered in her ear, “Maybe I felt a draft, this storm seems to have come from nowhere.”

      The light vanished, Rose felt it as the vampires left arm wrapped around her waist gently, “What are you doing?” Rose asked.

      “Just keep reading…” Rebecca’s hand slowly slipped underneath Rose’s blanket and caressed bare skin. Rose slowly started losing control of her breathing, her stomach fluttered as Rebecca’s hand rested along her thigh. “Don’t worry…I won’t bite.”

      Rose had a feeling that the vampires fangs were the last thing she should be worried about. She could feel the blonde vampires heart beating against her back as the minutes slowly passed. Rebecca’s breasts heaved from her own excited breath, her fingers stroked along Rose’s thigh to rest on her stomach.

      “You’re so firm…” Rebecca whispered quietly. 

      Rose shuddered…her entire body was starting to shake, not in fear or anxiety but in anticipation. For some reason she couldn’t find it in her power to reject the vampires special attention. 

      Rebecca paused for a moment, “Before last night, have you ever…been touched by a woman?” 

      Rose would be lying if she said no, but she hadn’t experimented like this since college. At least as far as she could recall, her drunken shenanigans didn’t count in her mind. There were a few trials of intimacy, a couple fleeting nights of shared passion with her roommate. It had been a long time since anyone touched her like this though, so long that she felt nervous. 

      “Not in a long time…” Rose answered. Her hands were shaking so hard she almost dropped her book. She shut the leather binding and let it drop between her thighs. 

      Rebecca’s left hand began exploring the woman’s stomach, feeling her core muscles and slowly advancing upward. Meanwhile the vampires right hand strolled along Rose’s right arm, feeling her bicep. “Are you afraid?” The vampire asked quietly.

      Rose found herself panting as she felt Rebeccas fingers reach the base of her bra, “Just…be gentle…and no teeth!” 

      That made Rebecca laugh a little. She rolled her eyes, “You’ve no idea what your missing.” She paused for a moment, “I’ll do my best.”

      “What about Maggie?” Rose almost forgot she was even there. Maggie was still curled up under her sheets facing away from them. Her snoring had gotten quieter of late.

      “Why?” Rebecca paused just as her fingers were about to go farther, “Do you think she should join us?” 

      Rose felt her stomach drop, “What?”

      “I’m sure she wouldn’t mind…I did promise her a threesome.” Rose had no idea if Rebecca was joking or not.

      “What if she catches us?” 

      Rebecca’s right hand left Rose’s arm to rest along her inner thigh, “Don’t worry, she likes to watch…”

      “Oh you’ve got to be ki—“ Rose didn’t finish her sentence, she jerked as delicate fingers slipped underneath her bra to cup her left breast. The vampires fingers lightly pinched her sensitive nipple while her other hand began to explore the base of Rose’s inner thigh. Those fingers quickly met her soft linen panties and were eager to peel them back to feel the hairs between Rose’s legs. 

      It was then, just as Rebecca began to reach the bounty between her legs, that Rose felt a sharp pinch along her neck. With it came an abundance of warmth and fervor, a feeling of immense pleasure. For a moment Rose felt like she was floating in a bath of warm water, the tension in her limps eased and the feeling of quaking nervousness drowned away. A subtle red haze clouded her vision, she couldn’t help but bit her own lips as she leaned her head back and let her eyes roll. Fingers teased the slip of her soaking loins, testing the burning entrance to her gushing cove. They quickly settled around the pearl pulsing along the edges of her wet and swollen lips.  

      The aching silence of their room was vanquished by a moan of rapturous pleasure. It was enough that eventually someone came knocking on their door.

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