Trapped On A Vampire Cruise With No Power!

18: A Vampire’s Kiss

      There was one time when she was little that Rose pondered the meaning of the word ‘miracle’. It was a strange word that didn’t seem to make any sense.  It always seemed to stroll off the tongue in an eerie way. Her mother told her it was proof of the divine, something impossible by all the laws of nature and science coming into fruition. It was hard describing it to a child, so it quickly slipped her mind. But for some reason that distant echo of a memory came to her in dreams every once in a while. That and one other memory of her mother that always made her skin crawl.

      “I have seen the future,” Her mother once said, “And I am afraid…”

      Now in her delusional state, both of these memories flashed before her eyes in seconds that felt like the tiniest pinpricks in her mind. In that moment, as vampire venom soothed her arteries, the very concept of something miraculous burned in her veins. 

      “You taste so good…” Rebecca’s voice whispered close the woman’s ear like a chime in the wind. Distant, yet resounding. Rose muffled a quiet gasp as she bit her lip, she could feel the vampires fingers exploring the juicy folds between her legs. A thin digit slid further down into the slippery valley, stirring her excitement and applying neat pressure to quaking nerves. Her inner muscles were moist and her legs wouldn’t stop shaking with excitement. It was maddening having to wait for the vampire to delve deeper, to slip into her quivering chasm. 

      Rose gasped when she finally felt a hardened force squeeze into her. Her stomach flipped as the vampiric intruder tested the strength of her coiling walls. It wasn’t long before constraining muscle tensed around the pale index, gripping it firmly as it tried to delve deeper.

      A single burning red tear strolled down Rose’s neckline, skimming past her collarbone to travel down her exposed left breast. It’s journey eventually ended, sticking along the edge of her areola. But the tickling sensation was barely noticeable. Rebecca’s lips continued to latch onto her neck, gently trading her fangs venom for Rose’s juicy pulse. Her tongue meanwhile massaged the skin to numb the process. 

      Rose Sexton rolled her eyes back, eyelids fluttering. Abdominal muscles flexed to keep her loosely in place, leaning into the blonde woman’s grasp. Another finger joined the first, causing a high pitched squeal to echo across the room. The seconds started to slowdown into heart pounding thuds, each one thickening the red haze clouding her eyes. But Rose was ok with that, her entire body seemed to float on a great burning ocean of lust and overwhelming passion. She was experiencing a feverish sojourn into a whole knew realm of pleasure. Colors, some she had never seen before, shaded the world around her as new sensations burned into her nerves forever. 

      Waves of delicious agony washed through her, each one more fulfilling than the last. Starting deep down at the base of her womb and erupting across her entire body from head to toe. Rose felt strangely more alive than ever before, it was like she was experiencing an entirely new definition of ecstasy. One that she would forever come to crave. Somehow it renewed and drained the soul. 

      At the very height of this rapture, Rose had no idea where she was or even who she was. She didn’t even know whose fingers were twirling around inside her. Those fingers seemed to possess a mind of their own and played her like a freaking fiddle.

      The concept of time only returned when Rose felt a migraine spawn behind her eyes, by that point her moans of pleasure had shifted into ones of nausea and she no longer possessed the strength to keep herself upright. Words disturbed the blissful malaise as voices argued in the room. But Rose was beyond comprehending them. Someone carefully laid her back on the bed and fluffed the pillow she rested on. Laying on her bed Rose could feel the vibrations of footsteps in the room but the red haze blocked out her vision. Her tongue was dry when she faded into a whimpering dream. 




      The morning came with a grey haze. There was no sunlight, only an overcast causing the entire room to appear grim. It was hard to discern whether it was even morning at all. The only sound that Rose could hear through a ruthless migraine was the tapping of thick raindrops against the glass. Her eyes slowly opened, she laid partially dressed on her side. She was wrapped under several layers of bedsheets. Her limbs felt heavy, and her stomach grumbled. Thinking itself hurt almost as much as moving. Rose wanted to roll over to her other side but she could only summon a groan from her parched throat. The sounds of rain drops did nothing to alleviate the headache.

      “Is she…ok?” Rose’s body tensed subconsciously upon hearing Rebecca’s voice. A curtain of gold hair descended in front of her eyes followed by a sideways face bearing a curt smile. 

      “What do you think! You nearly sucked her dry…” Maggie’s voice cut through the air like a sharpened knife. Rose could feel the bed shifting under the girls weight as Maggie leaned over to check on her. Maggie placed her palm against Rose’s forehead, it felt warm to the touch. 

      “Reby go do something useful for once and find some juice or something. She must have low blood sugar.” Maggie scoffed as she pushed Rebecca away. “And find some painkiller while you’re at it.”

      “Can you both shut up.” Rose spoke with a dry throat, her tongue felt like sandpaper against the roof of her mouth. It was hard to imagine what her breathe must’ve smelled like.

      “Yay she’s alive! Cinderella awakes!” Rebecca’s outcry pounded Rose’s migraine. It felt like screws were drilling into her skull.

      To her credit Maggie could tell Rose was in pain, she got up and dragged her friend away to the other side of the room before speaking. “Get your pretty little ass out of here, find us those supplies, and be quick about it…” 

      Even though Maggie was trying to soften her words they still made her head throb. Rose kept her eyes partially open, it hurt to keep them closed or focused. But there was a knew trio of blurs in the corner of the room. Curiosity got the better of her, and she risked further pain to try and visualize whatever was newly occupying their room. Figures slowly came into focus among the grey light.

      Slowly Rose had to adjust her position, leaning on her elbow she found she had to rub the crust from her eyelids. In the corner of the room three vampire sailors were tied up and gagged, two of them were asleep while the third had a black eye and looked toward her in frustration. 

      “What the…” Rose started to speak and couldn’t find the words to express her shock. 

      Rebecca noticed instantly when she stirred to higher awareness and nervously scratched the back of her head while she tried to interject. “So don’t be freaked out but…well its kinda a long story…”

      “Someone complained about the noise, the first guy came in to check what was up and caught Rebecca out in the open.” Maggie couldn’t hide the discomfort in her voice, she fidgeted where she stood while trying to explain the situation.

      “So I kinda had too, knock him out…” Rebecca’s tone was in competition with the other vampire, she sounded pleased by her actions.

      “But…” Rose interjected, “There are three of them…” It was possible that she was merely seeing triple after whatever debauchery consumed her last night. This thought was enough for her to rub the sore spot on the side of her neck, she could feel tiny bumps with her fingers. 

      Rebecca’s face held a devilish smile, with a finger in the air she was eager to confess when Maggie shoved a hand in front of her mouth to cut her off. Maggie tone held an abundance of frustration, “Yeah, after a while the second guy came to check what happened to the first sailor…and then a third came to investigate after that…shit how long before they send another?” Maggie looked over to the doorway as if expecting another sailor to barge in at any moment.

      At this point Rose had come to expect this level of crazy, and didn’t have the energy to confront it. She sighed before collapsing back down onto the pillow, she could practically hear her pulse ringing in her head. It was then that she noticed a red stain down her shoulder. 

      “Thats weird,” Rose mumbled to herself. Her eyes drifted…to her book laying carelessly on the ground next to the bed. It was then that she remembered what happened last night. A shudder ran down her spine and she curled her toes. A shot of awareness fueled her senses like adrenaline giving new life to her aching limbs. With a blinding motion Rose threw the blankets away and rushed to the restroom. With a flip of the light switch Rose cursed at the loss of power. 

      “Throw me a light!” Rose suddenly sounded vicious as she extended her arm out threw the doorway. Cautiously Maggie found the flashlight Rose was using to read her book the night before. She handed it to her with a flick of the wrist. 

      With the flashlight in hand Rose tried to capture a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Her skin was very pale, especially in her face. Her lips were only now starting to show a return of color. Her hair was a mess and two tiny needle sized bruises were easily noticeable on the side of her neck. 

      “Did…you…” She found it hard to speak, “Bite me?” 

      “Busted! Sorry love,” Rebecca seemed to glide into the cramped restroom, “I might have gone a little overboard,” She overstressed the word ‘little’, “but it was so much fun making you feel so good.” She leaned closer and placed a hand on the human’s hip, “I’ll be careful next time, promise. But don’t worry you’ll be right as rain in no time.”

      “What kind of expression is that? Right as rain?” Rose asked as she grabbed hold of the sink. She found it was the only way to keep herself standing. Her knees were buckling under duress and her legs wouldn’t stop shaking.

      Maggie grabbed the hood of Rebecca’s sweater and dragged her out of the room in one quick motion. She found it necessary to coddle her to actually do something to fix this, “I thought I said to get some aspirin and anything with sugar. You did this, now time to pay the price!” 

      “Fine, be right back darling,” Rebecca aimed her words directly at Rose with a smile. Rose caught it but didn’t return the gesture. Although a part of her almost wanted to give in to the temptation. She watched as the blonde creature swiftly exited the room, Rebecca’s feet practically glided off the floor. 

      Only when she had left did Rose find the energy to speak again, “What are you going to do about…them?” The sailor that was awake looked over and growled at them.

      Maggie crossed her arms over her chest, she seemed deep in thought for a few seconds. The rain continued to tap the window, the sound complimenting the eerie grey overcast in the room. Eventually the vampire answered, “I think we’re going to have to find a new room. One with fewer prying eyes.” She then looked over to Rose and couldn’t help but blush, “Also…sorry about last night. I didn’t even notice what was going on until you were already in a stupor. And even then I…might have waited a little longer than I should have to intervene.”

      “What do you mean you might’ve waited a bit longer than you should have?” Rose shot her a glared, her expression was dour.

      Maggie looked away embarrassed, she clearly felt guilty of something. “It’s just that…You looked so much like…someone else I knew.”

      “What about now?” Rose almost laughed, “Do I still look like that someone?”

      Maggie looked over to her in surprise. She bit her lip and considered what to say before speaking, “Only a little.” 

      A single bolt of lightning tore through the grey clouds causing the dark haired vampire to twitch in alarm. It took a few seconds for Maggie to collect herself and help Rose return to the bed. With the three sailors grumbling in their corner, the two vampires waited patiently for Rebecca to return.

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