Travel to Another World because ROB asked me.

Chapter 11. Getting along with Hikigaya Household Resident.



MC is Still 6 Years Old.


Hello, Satoru is here. 

A bit of a time skip because, to be honest.. Who wants to read the everyday life of elementary school children in detail?

All you need to know in the time skip all I was do most of the time just staring my twin sister face when we are in class.

Surprisingly she also does the same sometimes! We are really twins!

Back to the topic, It's been 2 months since the creation of the 'Freedom Wing' friend group.

Yes, Freedom Wing is the name of our friend's group.

At first, they wanted to call it Strike Freedom, but since it's obviously a Gundam name I turned it down.

Freedom Wing is more suitable because this group intends to be a place where we are free to express our opinions regardless of status.

Moreover, the majority of people in our group are children of rich parents, who usually live by following rules from their own parents.

["The name I admit is quite good, User."] System commented to me.

Right? Even the system praised me.

Looks like it's going to be a rainstorm happen this afternoon.

Because the system honestly never praised me before.



And after school in the afternoon, a real rainstorm occurred.



I'm starting to think Jinx might be my actual real ability.

["And user love to do it in monologue."] System talks to me in a flat tone.

I didn't do it on purpose! It's all because you complimented me this morning!

["You're blaming me, the system in your head since you were born because I praised you, user? How deep do you want to deceive yourself? Are you going to become a Tsundere now?"] The system replied sarcastically.



Due to rainstorms happen outside the school, Some students are unable to go home especially those who are not children of rich parents. 

Which means they obviously don't have a car or someone to bring them home.

Especially Hachiman who always tells the group his complaint about why his sister always gets better treatment than him by his parents.

I won't be surprised if his parents prioritize her sister's safety over him.


Poor guy. Luckily unlike your own canon version you have us who are okay to play with you.

You won't become loner, I can promise you that.


I plan to use this opportunity to offer Hachiman a ride so that our friendship can become closer!

With this, I could also introduce myself to his little sister, Komachi. After that, we can become even closer as I will easily talk to him about our sister.

I know you are siscon too, Hachi-man. Even though you are nowhere same level as me.


Thanks for your compliment this morning, so that you help activate the trap card.

You give me another reason how to get close to Hachiman, system. 

Good job!

["I'm not happy at all with what you said, user."] The system replied to my monologue in deadpanned tone.


I have explained my plan to get close with Hachiman toward my twin sister and she fully agrees to help me.

After walking a while, my twin sister and I found Hachi alone waiting in front of the elementary school gates. Even though many other students were also waiting here, not a single one seemed to be near him or talk to him.

We walked over to him and greeted him.

"Yoo Hachi, It looks like the weather is really bad outside. How about we offer you a ride to take you home?" I said to him.

Hachiman who heard my words quickly replied "Are you sure? Won't your servants kick me out for getting into your car? I'm definitely not a child of rich parents as my parents are just company slaves who rarely come home."

Hearing Hachiman's reply, my twin sister replied "Don't worry Hikigaya-san, we will guarantee all the servants will not dare do anything to you. You are one of our good friends after all, Isn't that right Onii-chan?"

I nodded to confirm my sister's words.

As expected of my twin sister, she always helps her brother well.

I will promise to be a much better twin brother for her!

["You're lucky your sister understands your situation user. I feel like your sister also understands a lot of things that other children of her age shouldn't understand."] The system tells me.

I see what you mean, but after all the experiences we've been through... I don't think it's surprising that she's grown up a little too.

I feel it's also better because my sister can help support me with my mission as she did right now.

But on the other side of me, I want my sister to stay cute the way she used to be!


I'm confused about which one to choose!!

Oh the mighty system please tell me, which one do you think is better?!

["I won't answer that kind of question, user. Even if you praised me like that."] The system replied to me.

Tch.. you goddamn useless system!

["Duck you. Just before you are praising me, now you are mocking me again! You are so unreasonable, user!!"] The system said to me with a slightly mad tone.

Yeah, Duck you too!!

It's because you are indeed useless! I mean, I just ask your opinion about my twin sister yet you refused to answer! 

The only thing you can do on my head only comment on my monologues and summoning water. HAH!!

["Yeah excuse me sorry if I can only do that, you poor bastard user. Let's see if you like to get drenched in water, [Create Water]!"] System yell at me.

A water ball suddenly coming at me from behind. I'm unaware the system actually able to launch a water ball so I can't anticipate it and get a direct hit.




The force from the water ball was enough to make me slipped out of the school gate and get me drenched immediately due to the currently raging rainstorm happening.



Both my twin sister and Hachiman watched me suddenly slipped out of the school gate and be exposed to the rainstorm just shocked.

"Onii-chan! What happen?" My twin sister asked.

"Satoru-san?!" Hachiman also asked.


Meanwhile, I didn't answer them immediately because shocked about what just happened.


I've never known you are able to do that, you useless system!

["HAH! I'm always want to do that. Obviously, you bastard user, I have to hide it until now for this very moment!"] The system replied in an arrogant tone.

As I realize my twin sister was about to rush through the storm to me to help me, I said to her "Sorry I just slipped sis.. Can both of you help me getting a towel or something to dry myself first?"

Both Hachiman and my sis nodded at my request.

Like a good brother, I won't let my sister be drenched in the rain because she wants to help me.


After I getting changed clothes and dry enough, we are waiting for our cars to arrive in front of the gate as we call the driver.

Ah yes, finally I've my own phone too after beating Azazel out of crap.

Hachiman who agreed to accept our offer agreed to come with us to our car so we can take him off to his home.

When he got into the car, like a supposed brat that acts like his age, he acts like a boy who just found a new toy... He is fascinated by how cool the looks interior of our car.

Well.. I don't really want to flex but our car is a black limousine, thanks to Azazel who is superfluous to support us.

Inside is spacious enough to accommodate 2 maids and 2 male servants as bodyguards, and 1 driver.

Well.. this is unimportant information anyway.

While Hachiman looking around the car, I always taking a seat in the back with my twin sister beside me as usual.


"Hachi, please stop looking around and take a seat. We are going to drive soon." I said to him.

Hachi who hears my word stop looking around and takes a seat beside me.

Good choice, If you dare to sit beside my twin sister I will skin you alive.

"Sorry Satoru, It's just my first time inside a very expensive-looking car. This is a very cool-looking car..."Hachi answer me and scratching his back head with his right arm.

Well, I guess this is expected from a normal 1st grade boy who just enters a luxurious car for the first time.

The servants who looking at Hachiman antics also commented.

"Hmm.. I think that's how the boy of young master age is supposed to act." Said Maid's A

"Yeah, Our young master is the one who is abnormal, he is just too mature for his own age." Said Maid B

Yeah sorry for being too mature, I'm reincarnated person after all.

["But sometimes you act more childish than you should be with your mental age, user."] System comment on my monologue.

I will ignore any system comment as I'm obviously still not forgiven him.


As usual again my twin sister fell asleep on my shoulder and I told maid's A and B to carefully take a photo of my sister.

They're used to this, and I ask them to do this every school day.

Hachiman who saw this seemed confused about what to say.

Maybe he admires my dedication to my sister.

["Or he thinks that the user siscon is at an alarming level."] The system replied to me.

Just ignore his comment, Satoru.

Hachiman who seemed curious about what my 2 maids were doing around my asleep sister said. "What are you doing around Satou-chan?"

Maid A & B : *Sigh*

When they seem wanted to start answering Hachiman's questions, I cut them off.

"They took a photo of my little sister sleeping. Isn't she cute? Isn't she the prettiest twin sister you know? Isn't her level of cuteness extreme when she sleeps like this?" I answered Hachiman's question.

"Young master does this every day, he is a heavy siscon.. sigh. I wonder how young master will be in the future when Satou-Ojou is growing up." Maid A continued my words.

...Hachiman who heard it looked at me with a deadpanned expression.

HEH. I didn't say anything because she was right about me.

As for my twin sister in the future, it's clear we'll always be together. I won't let anyone get close to my twin sister. This is Highschool DxD world too, there's probably a lot of ways to make us immortal so we can be together forever.

["You need a reality check user, you are both siblings."] Said the system to me.

I will ignore what the system just said to me as I didn't agree with him, even without our current internal fight.

Siblings' relationships are never mean limited us to not go further. Especially in the anime world.


Finally, we have arrived at Hikigaya Household after driving according to Hachiman's instruction.

The appearance house is just about the same appearance as in anime which is not surprising.

Because currently still raining, the bodyguards come outside the car first as they prepared an umbrella to escort us.

When we are just about to come outside the car, we hear a yelling voice from the inside of the house.

"Otou-san! Okaa-san! There's a strange long black car in front of our house!!! Perhaps it's a kidnapper car like I saw on TV yesterday! There are also people in black uniform" (???)

"NO!! It's my friend's car, Komachi! They are just offering me a ride back home in their car! And those people are their bodyguards!" Hachiman shouting toward the house.

"Onii-chan?" (???)

A cute little girl with black short hair pops up his head from to house door. That must be Hikigaya Komachi.

I admit her cuteness as much as anime described. But my sister is still the cutest

However after saw us, Komachi closes the door immediately.


"Oto-san! Oka-san! Onii-chan seems to have been caught by the kidnappers and now they're asking for a ransom right away!" Komachi yelling inside the house.




All of us outside the house were speechless by Komachi's words including all my bodyguards and my twin sister.

However, I'm actually thankful for this chance. Good job, Hikigaya little sister!

I've never seen my twin sister's speechless expression in my life so this is the very first time it happens.

And she is still the cutest!


After a while, an old man's voice emerged from inside the house and yells "Really? Then please take Hachiman away. We don't have any money to pay the ransom. We just need Komachi-chan."



"OTOU-SAN!!" Hachiman yelling toward the household.

Hachiman's status in his family is much worse than I thought.


After resolving all the misunderstandings that occurred, we were finally invited into the house.

"Hehehe sorry, Pretty Onii-chan, Pretty Onee-chan for thinking you are my Onii-chan kidnappers." Komachi apologized to us.

My twin sister and I shook our heads showing we weren't thinking about it.

"It's okay.. hmmm.. what's your name?" My sister said.

"Hikigaya Komachi, Pretty Onee-chan!" Komachi answered.

"Unn Komachi-chan, the two of us twins are good friends of your Onii-chan, and not his kidnappers so don't worry about it." My sister replied.

Good job my sister. It seems that girls' questions are more suitable for other girls to answer.

Then Hachiman's father and mother came to meet us from inside with cookies and warm milk.

"Well, I can't believe that boy would make rich twin's friends like you two. As his father, I hope that you will continue to be friends with him." Mr. Hikigaya said to us.

"That kid, during his 2 years in Kindergarten didn't even have friends. Now he's only been in elementary school for 2 months and already got friends. It's like a miracle." said Ms. Hikigaya sheds tears.

"Stop it Otou-san, Okaa-san. You are embarrassed me!" Said Hachiman toward his parents and yelling try to stop them.


Wow, even her mother shedding tears.

How sad is Hachiman's kindergarten life?

My condolences to him.

Well.. for now at least I could promise his parents to not stop being his friends.

I looked at Hachiman's parents with a serious face and said "Don't worry, we won't stop being friends with him. Hachiman might be socially awkward and bad at communication, however, he is a very good friend of ours. "

His parents smiled at my answer looks satisfied.

Then I look toward my twin sister and found that she and Komachi already hugging each other.

My twin sister is amazing.

"Anyway, how about having dinner here? As a thank you to the two of you for taking this boy home and befriending him." Ms. Hikigaya said to us.

I looked at my sister and we both nodded to each other.

"Okay, sorry for bothering you," I answered.

That night, my sister and I had dinner at the Hikigaya household, getting to know more about Hachiman and his family.


{POV: 3rd person}

Location: Phenex Mansion, Underworld.


When almost all the Phenex family had just finished dinner, Lord Phenex asked his daughter about her mission.

“So Ravel, have you found out who the black flame user is between the twins?” Lord Phenex asked.


Ravel who heard that question from her parent's a bit stunned because she almost forgot her mission.

Ravel is really enjoying her school life these 2 months.

Matsuzaka Satoru particularly had always been kind to her.

And because that Ravel had a very good impression of him.

The others, while not particularly very kind as Satoru does, they also become very good friends.

...Ravel felt guilty that she entered the human school just to spy on her friends.

"In these 2 months, the 2 twins were just acting normal in school and never showed their abilities so I can't figure out who used the black flames. The only info I got from observation was that these two twins were trying to be good friends with one of the weird boys in my class. After that, I really can't find anything else except they also adopted by a rich person now." Ravel explains to her family.

Ravel lowered her head in shame for not getting any useful info on her 2 months mission.

"...Ravel, that wielder of black flames is very important to our family. The black flames were extremely dangerous and on the same level as the Bael Family's PoD abilities, if not more dangerous. We must find out the source of the fire and study its origin as it has the possibility to raise the status of our family.  Ravel, you continued your mission and be careful to not discovered as well." Said Lord Phenex as he looked at his daughter.

"Yes, Otou-sama." Answer Ravel while still lowering her head.

"Heh, how about you leave it to me, my little sister?" (???)

Ravel hears someone talked to him and immediately sees his old brother, Riser Phenex walked to the dining room.

"Brother!!" Ravel yell at him.

"Riser, where are you from? Why you are not taking dinner with us?" Asked Lord Phenex.

"Don't worry Otou-sama, I already have dinner outside. I just have fun with my peerage again somewhere and just come back from it." Riser answers his dad's question and waving his hand, indicating nothing wrong.

Riser looked toward his parents.

"Anyway Otou-sama. How about leaving Ravel's mission to me? She's already taken too long on the human world. It's much easier if I just attack two of them and see which one has the black fire. They are just brats anyway." Riser said to his parents.

Ravel who listens to her brother's words yell at him "Brother, I don't think to antagonize the wielder of black flame is a good idea! Please think about it!"

Meanwhile, Lord Phenex who listen to Riser's request fell silent.

After thinking a while, Lord Phenex has decided.

"Ok Riser, I agree to your request." Answer Lord Phenex.

Riser who heard the word from Lord Phenex smiled broadly as his request was approved.

Ravel is shocked as her dad suddenly agrees to his brother's request.

Lord Phenex then looked toward Ravel

"Ravel please help and cooperate with your old brother. Your mission indeed taking too long on the human world and there's a lot of risk for you if you somehow discovered as a spy to the twins." Said Lord Phenex.

Ravel who hears her parent's word falls into despair, as somehow the situation turns unexpectedly worse. 

...Now she might need to fight her own first friends.

Riser then walked towards Ravel while saying "Come on Ravel, We'll quickly head to the human world right now. I can't wait to torture the person who burned my toy woman and building 2 years ago."


["Shit going to hit the fans soon"] System monologue shortly as he prepares popcorn.

I keep breaking my record for the longest chapter. This chapter contained 3100 words by the time I'm writing this author note.

Honestly, I'm really unsatisfied with how I handle this chapter because lack of comedy, looks bit rushing and lack of detail, and the lack of tension building.. so pardon me. This is probably the worst chapter I've ever made so far yet I think personally, but I don't know about people's opinions.

I really should cut this into 2 chapters.. but Nah.

At least within this chapter mc now has established a very good relationship with the Hikigaya family from now on. It's also  open route to Komachi in the future <(")

Also for the Phenex part, well I just gonna say there will be a fight.. They won't be main antagonist I've planned in this arc.

Anyway, stay safe. Damn, yesterday 3 ambulances passing in front of my house lol.

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