Travel to Another World because ROB asked me.

Chapter 12. Sorry Shinomiya, but I won’t let you lead this group.




After going to the Hachiman household yesterday with my twin sister, We got very interesting information.

Apparently, The place where Hachiman parent's used also the place where was my parent's worked thus make them effectively should be former co-workers.

Then Hachiman's parents told us they didn't remember our parents working in the same place with them when I ask them with names or their appearances.

["That's really weird no matter you think about it"] System said to me.


Oh, by the way, both of me and system are already cool with each other.

I can't be separated from him anyway so any internal fight only makes both of us feel miserable.


I can only think of one possibility for that to happen.

Memory magic.

So there is supernatural involved where's my parent unnatural died.

["That's a very high possibility. In your parent funeral you said no co-worker or family of them seems to visit them."] System comment on my speculation.

Yeah, It's also the most common way how supernatural world hide stuff when people go missing because of unnatural reason such as killed by stray devil.

But why though? Did my parents make some enemies from any supernatural faction before they died?

Why did the people who did it go as far as to remove my parent's all connections even after they died?

I need to get to the bottom of this with the help of the Azazel network.


I'm currently in class with my sister as we are waiting to see the result of our test.

All students in 1-A just did a math quiz test and the 'Freedom Wing' members will comparing each other our test results.

We will use these test scores to determine who will be the leader of this group.

We haven't decided who would be the leader and vice leader of this group.

And as you can imagine, Shinomiya Kaguya being Shinomiya nominated herself as group leader.

Normally, I would let her lead this group as challenging this position might get her attention to me.

No, I can see it happen. She is coming to this school for us after all.

BUT! If Kaguya became leader, she would have the power to command my twin sister within the group and I wouldn't let her do that!

I don't know how much smart my twin sister is since I've never really seen her studying outside classes.

But Shinomiya Kaguya should be at least either almost perfect or perfect score!

Sorry my sis but your Onii-chan can't believe you have enough intelligent points to confront Kaguya!

Even I wouldn't dare if I'm not a reincarnated person.

["And from here you will start to be noticed by Shinomiya Kaguya, then your love story with her begins as both of you are first just rival friends since elementary school who always competed with each other to be the best on anything.. After you guys grow up, both of you realize you guys are too attached to each other and finally realize confessed your undying loves.. isn't that a romantic plot, user?"] The system said to me.

I can feel if the system could have expression, he would be grinding to me right now.


I know this would be a flag.

This will definitely raise her flag.


But.. I can't let her take over my twin sister ownership!!

["Since when did you have the rights to your twin sister?"] System retorting to my monologue.

We have ownership toward each other!! We are twins after all!

We are even together before even we were born to this world!

Thus I declare, no one shall have ownership toward my twin sister in any FORM.

["..Haaaaah"] System seems speechless toward my declaration.

Well, I don't care.

You should already understand at this point that I will do anything for my twin sister.

["Don't tell me in future that I haven't warned you before, user."] The system said in a resigned tone.



That's for future me to deal with it.


All the 'Freedom Wing' members gathered during break time and started showing our test results.

Half of us look gloomy and half of us look confident.

My twin sister looks gloomy here.. But don't worry, Onii-chan is here!


All the members looked at me.

"Now let's show our score of math quiz test result to determine who is going to be "Leader" as our agreement before" I said to the groups.

Everyone nodded to my words and shows their own quiz result together.


Hikigaya Hachiman : 88

...Just because your name 'Hachi' doesn't mean you need to score 88 too hachi-man!

Ravel Phenex : 52

...Huh? That's surprisingly low. I thought Ravel is smart, what happen to her? 

Hayasaka Ai : 57

...Another low score. This girl should study instead of keep looking at her mistress.

Matsuzaka Satou : 35

...Sis. I never thought you are... umm... not smart! But don't worry, Onii-chan shall teach you later!

Shinomiya Kaguya : 95

...As expected from Shinomiya. She would become the group leader If I'm not here.

Matsuzaka Satoru : 100

...Got a perfect score because heck, why I can't do the math of elementary school as a reincarnated person?


After we showed the results of our math quiz tests, it was clear who is going to be the group leader.

"Attatata.. I thought I'm doing pretty good but seems Satoru is genius.." Hachiman said

Yeah, I'm also never thought you are actually smart, Hachi.

"Hmmph." Ai said to me while looked away.

...Did I just make her mad? For what?

"Umm.. Congrats Satoru-san!" Ravel said to me with a smile but her smile was kind of fake.


....I wonder what happen to her?

The Ravel I know has never been using fake smiles before..

While I was thinking about Ravel, I feel a sudden hug from behind.


Then I look back and find a very cute creature with cute pink twin-tail hair and a big wide smile that could defeat SCP-999 in terms of cuteness.

["That's oddly specific."] System retort to me.

"Congrats Onii-chan! My twin brother is the best!" My twin sister said loudly to me close to my ear.

Ohhhhhhh!! HAPPINESS!!

["Satoru.exe not responding"]



"Onii-chan?" My sister said while tilted her head while confused I didn't respond to her.


["Critical Hit! Double Kill!!"



Too much sugar!!

I would never be immune to this kind of attack! What is this? Biological weapon?!

I'm willing to die to this kind of weapon!! 

["No you damn siscon, but that would be funny with all of your immortal cheats you actually died to your sister hugs."] The system said to me with a resigned tone.

I'm finally able to achieve the ultimate goal of living!!

I feel I could do anything now!!

I'm going to get a perfect score if I could get these hugs every time!!


["Why my user is such a dumbass person like this ROB-sama!!!"] System yells to me but I'm not responding to anything everything as my brain capacity is overloaded with my sister's cuteness.

<Other people who saw Satoru freeze on the spot like: What happened to him?>


Finally, I've been recovered from a deadly twin sister cute attack and was able to think again.

That was seriously dangerous to me.

["Whatever you say, user."] System said to me.


Ok, I need to declare my position.

"Well as per our mutual agreement before the test, I will become this group leader." I said toward the group with confidence.


* Clap* Clap* Clap*

Everyone claps to me except Ai who seems concerned to Kaguya.. who is prostrated on the ground?


I just realize Kaguya didn't say anything since the time we are showing our math quiz test result.


"...I lost" Kaguya said as she prostrated herself on the ground.

"Kaguya-sama!! Don't give up! It's not over!!" Ai shouted at Kaguya while hugging her from behind.

"KAGUYA-SAMA!!" Said all her bodyguards shouting outside the class.




Wow, Ok that looks so dramatic.


"Don't give up! The battle isn't over until all the subjects are tested!" Ai said.

Oii. That's not in our mutual agreement.

"Hayasaka.." Kaguya looked at Ai with a shining in her eyes as she just found hope.


..I had bad feeling about this.

Hayasaka who saw hope in Kaguya's eyes then looked at me with a piercing gaze and said "Hey you!! I think the group leader couldn't be determined until all the subjects are tested to make it more fair and interesting. Do you agree?!" 


Yep call it.


Oii. Can you at least call my name? I have one, you know?

I was about to reject what Ai said to me but then I feel a lot of people piercingly gaze toward me.

"Boy, if you're a man don't refuse the challenge!"
"You feel great defeating Kaguya-sama was just a coincidence?!"
"The boy is afraid to accept a challenge from a little girl! Huh!!"

Damn it.

Shut up Shinomiya bodyguards! You guys are outsiders! 

But all that people's gaze did make me feel so uncomfortable.

I can feel my own face twitching.

"Onii-chan" My twin sister looked at me with a concerned expression.





"OK. That's fine for me. " I said to Ai.

Kaguya who heard that I agreed to follow Ai's suggestion got up from her prostration and looked at me with burning enthusiasm.

I can even see the fire in Kaguya's eyes.


"You are very good but next time, I won't lose." Kaguya said.


"Uhh huh." I answered like that because I didn't know what to say.


["Well user, there's your flag."] The system said in a mocking tone.

Yes, I know.

My fate has been sealed.

Because obviously, I don't plan on losing at all for my sister.


After that silly incident today. When I and my twin sister were about to go out classroom and going home, Ravel calling us from behind.

"Anoo.. Satou-san, Satoru-san. Can you hear my request first before you are going back home?" Ravel said to both of us.

We twins looked at each other confused as to what Ravel wanted to ask for.

"Sure, Ravel-chan?" I said to her.

"Ummm.. Can I join you at your home? I want to ask you to teach me today's test subject because I did so bad at it. Don't worry about how I will get back home, someone will get me on your home later." Ravel said to me

So that's the reason why Ravel scores so low.

["User, try to activate Sharingan."] The system said to me.

Hmm.. Good idea system.

I activated Sharingan in a second while Ravel didn't look at me.


With it I have detected a flow of dark energy in her bag.. which I guess that's a kind of transceiver. (?)


Now I get it, they probably plan to ambush us within our home turf via Ravel location very soon. Azazel already told us that this could be happen and we already prepared countermeasures.

Damn, Azazel is sure amazing.

"Sure, Ravel-chan. Just follow us to our car." I said to her with a smile in my face.

My twin sister probably also already get the gist of what truly happen also nodded and smile toward Ravel.


I guess there would be a bloodbath soon.


["I have feeling next chapter would be full of stabby-stabby, so prepare yourself, readers."] System doing his own monologue to end the chapter.

After the worst chapter yesterday, now probably the silliest chapter, and the new worst chapter LMAO. But I wouldn't lie that I'm actually having fun writing siscon lines.

This chapter is obviously filler and could be fully avoided. It's full of unnecessary lines that I'm adding myself due to me being myself xD

As I stated a few chapters ago, I stop caring about the rating and stuff of this fic since that's only stressing me out so there might be some chapter like this happened in future as much you reader feels cringe toward it, HAH.

This chapter just shows that mc and Kaguya relationship starts from here, then after that, I had planned a full arc about the Shinomiya group to develop the relationship further.

Sorry If the cringe level bit too high. At least I feel it's just ok to me, as they are still elementary student 1st graders.

Also, I will use this chance to tell that on this period I might slow down my chapter rate for real from 1 per day to 1 per 2 days or more.

Primal x Hearts VN series (1 + 2) has been released and I'm looking forward to playing it so until I completed that VN, the schedule will be like that.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.