Travel to Another World because ROB asked me.

Chapter 31. Terrorist Attack on the Mansion. (2)


{3rd POV}


Within the close and secured bunker, all friends group members hear the truth of this world from Akeno.

"So let me summarize it, supernatural is real. Angel, Fallen Angel, Devil, and God are real. The reason why we are here is that we are being connected to Matsuzaka household which is fallen angel leader faction children in disguise and we are involved in their supernatural wars due to our connection to Matsuzaka siblings?" Kaguya explains.

Akeno nodded toward Kaguya's explanation.

"Then it would safe to assume that both of mine and Shinomiya group know the existence of supernatural. That's why they send us here right?" Erina also followed.

"...I don't know, but I believe your assumption is right." Akeno replied.


"That's still quite hard to believe" Hachiman muttered.

"So Satoru Nii-san also has a secret identity. Onii-chan, you are really nothing compared to him." Komachi said as he looks at Hachiman with a smirk.

"We are currently not talking about that!" Hachiman yells out.


"Then... Are Matsuzaka siblings is not human being?" Hachiman's father asked.

"Matsuzaka siblings are human... I'm sure about that." Akeno replied.

"Their real human parent got killed in an accident when they are still 4 years old. After that they got adopted by Azazel-san" Kaori also followed to explain further.

"...I see. Seems everyone in this group has some history." Kaguya muttered.

Everyone becomes quiet after the explanation, seems to digest the new information.


"So, where are Matsuzaka siblings if they are human?" Kaguya asked.

"They are out of this area respectively to help the rebellion effort on japan... the current situation is just not good. I'm also really not clear about this." Akeno replied.

"Wait, why they are going to a dangerous place? Especially that dufus." Kaguya asked.

Akeno looks at her with a confused face.

"Eh, did you know Satoru-kun is officially the strongest human on earth?" 

""EHHHH??!!"" Everyone was shocked at the revelation.

It seems not even the Miyazono household is aware of Satoru's real identity.


{POV: Vali Lucifer}


['Vali, Watch out!'] Albion warns me.


There is another bullet coming from my blind spot.



But easily got reflected by my Divine Dividing.



The sound it makes when bullet against my sacred gear proof that my sacred gear is bulletproof!

['I'm not sure whether to be happy or sad about your statement Vali.'] Albion comment.


"Shit! This boy is tough!" (Human A)

"Keep fire at him! He is just alone!" (Human B)




Currently, I'm fighting an army of humans attacking this mansion. We are easily outnumbered here but it is not a big problem since they are pretty slow and weak.

I rush toward the group that just try to shoot me.






"Aaagh!" (Human A)

"Shit he is too fast!" (Human B)





This feels like chores, though I admit it is quite fun knocking them out.


...After some time I manage to deal with all of them.

['Great work, Vali'] Albion said.


I need to find the Satoru group as soon as possible and make sure they are safe. That's my real mission.

I feel so tired but I can still hear gunshots, explosion, and scream everywhere within this mansion. 

This is complete chaos.

"I see, all my subordinates here have been defeated by you alone." (???)


Did I leave someone out?


"Oh!? Are you Rizevim grandson that he always talking about? A white-haired boy who side with the fallen angel. Also, where is your mother then?" (???)


Someone knows that scum grandfather! And know my mother too!


I saw the source of the voice and I find myself looking at a human with big stature and his appearance like a beast staring at me.

Smiling like he just found prey.


"Hello boy."


Who is this man? From what he said, he is probably the leader of the group who attacking this mansion.

I can feel he is very strong, and I could tell that my instinct told me to run away.

"Hey boy, tell me. Where are children groups? You know, Shinomiya and Nakiri girls." The man asked me.


I didn't know Nakiri but I know Shinomiya is that black hair girl.

So they also didn't know where they are.

I'm glad.


"Ohh? You didn't know their location huh. I guess I will need to get rid of you quickly for beating my subordinates and keep searching for them." (???)


['He has the ability to read your mind, Vali!'] Albion warned me.

The man looks at me with more interest.

"Ohh? You are a white dragon emperor in this generation too?! Rizevim didn't tell me about that. This is very surprising. Lucifer descendant and White dragon emperor, that's quite combo right there."


I have promised Satoru to protect his friend's group. This man is dangerous, I can't let him pass... this man surely will kill them!

"I see boy, you are determined to protect the kids due to your promise. Alright, I will fulfill your wish, I will not chase them if you can satisfy me. It is also not every day I could fight white dragon emperor after all." The man said to me as he grinning wide.


I need to be ca---




A strong hit delivered to my stomach! He is fast!



The punch is so strong that it needs 3 walls of this mansion to stop the momentum.

One punch, and it's enough to get me internal bleeding through my body! 


['Vali!! are you okay!?'] Albion asked me.

...I'm okay, but this guy is seriously much faster and stronger than me. 

Forget to defeat him, I might as well hope if I could survive.

All the beating I learn from Satoru is I'm nowhere strong to confront this man.

I wonder if Satoru can handle this guy though.


"Sorry boy that was my bad to have an early start, let's have a show between man!" 


I spit out blood out my mouth.

"Alright, old man." I replied. 


{3rd POV}



In the location where is, Baraqiel and Shuri confronted the group of priests.

"Uncle, please stop this madness! Why are you doing this?!" Shuri cried to her uncle.

Her uncle, Suou Himejima who hears his niece pleads amused and replied.

"Hahahahaha... You see my niece, We have been graced a true power by a real god. With this power, the Himejima family will raise up and even become a god on our own

"You are not even yourself anymore, Suou-san!" Baraqiel said.

"Shut up, you robber! I will show you the power of Enosh-sama give to me so I can eradicate you here, right now!" Suou replied with a scowl.

"Alright everyone, enough talking! Let's destroy both of them here. Attack!!"

All followers of Suou start to chant their magic.



Multiple magic projectiles come toward Baraqiel and Shuri.

"Crap!!" Baraqiel becomes panic.

Shuri! Please hold on!" Baraqiel said as he brings his wife out of the projectile swarm.

He punched the mansion wall on his right side, then jump it with Shuri to avoid all incoming projectiles route.



"Follow them! Don't let them escape!" Suou yells out.

Baraqiel who saw the current situation devise a plan to deal with this situation.

"Listen, Shuri. We are outnumbered and we still need to halt them from reaching the group. I believe there is another force attacking this mansion and I'm afraid we are currently in losing battle." Baraqiel said to his wife with a serious tone.

"You want me to make sure the group is safe... but you are going to face grandfather with his group alone..." Shuri replied as she worried about her husband.

Baraqiel shook his head and said in a serious tone "I should be okay, you know better how strong I'm actually is. Akeno, however, is not ready to fight on this chaos."


Shuri sighed then nodded and said "I understand. I know I can't help much against my uncle. 

Please... be careful. I love you."

"I love you t-"

"Here they are!!"




Another swarm of magic projectiles comes to them.


"GO SHURI!" Baraqiel yells out.

Shuri immediately ran in another direction after hearing Baraqiel yell.


"I have enough of this, Suou-san. ["Holy Lightning Armor!"]"


Baraqiel came rushing toward the group as his whole body on the holy lightning aura, make it unpenetrable by the incoming projectiles. 

"He comes to here! Kill him!" Suou yelled out.

All of his followers swarm toward Baraqiel.








Baraqiel as a war veteran with hundred years of experience easily handless the groups of humans with his close combat skill.







After beating them for a while Baraqiel did notice quickly something wrong.

Those priests are weak, but they always immediately recover and attack him again after receiving a beating from Baraqiel as nothing happened. 

They are comeback just like that despite the beating they are received normally enough to make them lost consciousness.

They didn't even scream or making sounds.

It is like they didn't receive any pain. 

They are just like... Zombie.


"Hahahaha keep attacking him!! He wouldn't last!"

Baraqiel made a correlation with the weird aura they have and make a conclusion that this group of humans just can't feel any pain.

Likely possessed by something, like his father-in-law. He could see their eyes glowing in a dark blue hue.




He needs a way to make them out of their possessed mode, But he didn't know any way to release it.

"Hahahaha this is a blessing from our God, we can't even feel any pain you see that, Robber?!" Suou said with an arrogant tone.


Baraqiel thinking perhaps attacking his father-in-law is only the way to release them or the fastest way to end this battle. He is the one who commands the group after all. But he is behind the horde of an undying priest, protected.

Or he could try to kill them to make sure they didn't come back.

He decides to do both.



Baraqiel imbued his hand with holy lightning effect in his hand then rush toward Suou.

"I'm sorry." Baraqiel muttered.

Baraqiel didn't have time to carefully hit the group one by one and they will just come back in a short time.

He would be quickly overwhelmed.



One punch easily gets through of one of the priest body, fry him and then blow him up.


All blood spread to the whole place, and yet no scream.

<It seems they are still able to get killed, they are just don't feel the pain> Baraqiel thought.

Despite look at their comrades who got mercilessly killed, the whole group still attacking Baraqiel without any hesitation.






Baraqiel begins to massacre them quickly, bathing in the blood of his enemies. He had no choice, as he knows the longer he takes time dealing with this... there is potentially more dangerous something that happens to others.

He needs to end this quickly one way or another.


Suou who looks at his subordinate easily massacred by Baraqiel begins to succumb to madness.

"You!! You piece of shit!! I will personally kill you!"


Suou rushing to Baraqiel as he empowered himself with more dark energy. Baraqiel able to see it coming decide to confront his father-in-law in a straight fistfight.






The clash between dark energy and holy lightning creating a small explosion, destroying the room where they are confronting.

Baraqiel never thought his father-in-law would be this strong with the help of strange dark energy.


Suou rushing toward Baraqiel again. Baraqiel also coming rushing toward him as he decides to confront him.






"Stop all of this madness father-in-law, I don't want to kill you!"


Despite Suou dark energy assistance, his current rationally thought is not stable at all and he is also nowhere close to having experience in close combat hundred of years like Baraqiel.

It is not like Suou get EMS as Satoru did.


Baraqiel keep hitting Suou, meanwhile he unable to hit Baraqiel.


Suou got a lot wound everywhere through his old body but he keeps trying to attack Baraqiel despite he clearly losing in fight.



Baraqiel decide to hit Suou harder and hopefully he would be wake up.




Suou get throw away to the wall.


Instead of waking up, Suou become crazier as his dark power leaked out through his severe bleeding body.


"NO!! My power!!" Suou begins to scream.

Then he begin to laugh.

"Hehehehehe.. You make me to do this, Robber! I have no choice! Everyone!! Give me your power to defeat this filthy fallen!!"


Then something happened with Suou body glowing dark and his wound slowly heals.








At the same times, The situation quickly becomes dangerous to the whole mansion.

The whole mansion is trembling from Suou act alone.

The priest groups and army who possessed dark energy in all of the mansion areas immediately collapsed as the 'shadow' possessed them came out of their body... all shadows across the mansion easily number hundred going to one direction which is going to Suou body.


All guard confused about what happened why their enemies collapsed and they let out a dark shadow out of their bodies. However all of them can feel something disastrous about to happen. 

They instinctively begin to ran away in opposite direction where is the shadow goes.



"All shadow going to the east. There is captain Bara there! We need to help"

"Stupid, you can feel the aura, we can't possibly do anything against that!!"

"Bara-san is strong! He is also a masochist! He should be looking at the source of pain!"

"I don't think both of them are connected to each other!"



On the other side of the mansion...

"Ahh... It seems the fool old man about to lose it" 

A man who looks like a beast muttered as he saw a lot of dark shadows going in the same direction and the mansion tremble constantly.


In his both hand, there is a lot of blood.

Not the man owns blood, but it is his opponent's blood. He doesn't have any apparent damage.

The opponent is Vali who got beaten in his balance breaker form.


The man looking at Vali who laying on the floor full of his own blood.

"Oii, boy. I guess this is your win. My allies seem to decide to do a stupid thing." The man muttered.

"S...Stupid... T...Thing? W...Who are... you?" Vali asked as he was barely able to mutter a sound.

['Vali, Whatever what about to happen you need to stay away out of it!'] Albion warned.

The man looking at Vali amusingly.

"Well... since you manage to entertain me, I will tell you my name. My name is Azai Gonzou, Leader of Azai Mafia Group. Let's meet again later boy."

Azai Gonzou Appearance reference.

In front of Gonzou, a portal appeared, and he quickly jumps in and vanished from the soon to be ruin mansion.


Vali knows he should escape from this place too but he just can't move.

['Vali, hold yourself!'] Albion warned him.


Before Vali lost consciousness, however, he can see Akeno mother coming toward him.


"Vali-kun!! Oh my!! What happened to you!!"

...He thought he should be able to get away safely now.


Suou body quickly bloating as he showered in dark energy, his body becomes similar to those stray devils as his skin become fully dark and gigantic.


Baraqiel who saw this immediately act to disturb the process. He is not dumb to let whatever his father in law planning to complete.

He also decides to end all of this, as his father-in-law seems can't be saved anymore.


<I need to end this in one hit.> Baraqiel thought.

Baraqiel decides to use his ultimate move.


["Holy Lightning Judgement."] 

This is Baraqiel new ultimate skill, made from the accumulation of his saved energy for years. A spear with a length more than 2 meters made out of holy lightning came out from Baraqiel hand ready to strike his father-in-law before his transformation is complete. 

The spear will be exploded upon contact so he needs to make sure he got it to Suou body.



Suou who see Baraqiel coming for him to disturb his transformation released thousand of dark tentacles to intercept him.




"Sorry Satoru, but it seems I will need to use your trick." Baraqiel muttered as he looked toward an endless swarm of dark tentacles.

Baraqiel strengthens his right arm out of the limit, make it painfully straining for him.

He can't direct the damage strain toward his arm like Satoru, but he could focus on strengthening his hand alone.

And adding his holy lightning on top of that, he knows it would be devastating.


Baraqiel bit his lips, try to endure the pain. He quickly meets a thousand tentacles that come from all directions but his right arm is ready to destroy them.

["Holy Lightning Impact!"] 



Baraqiel right hand exploded upon impact with the power of billions of volts, destroyed all of the incoming tentacles to the atomic level.

The electricity current also quickly spread to Suou and paralyze him even with the ton of shadow dark energy he still feeling it.



However, that's just an appetizer.

"Goodbye Suou-san."

In the span of a second as Suou gets distracted by the previous explosion, Baraqiel arrived in front of Suou then thrust the Holy Lightning Judgement to his chest with his left arm.



The spear quickly exploded on Suou chest.




"Aaaaaaaaaagh." Suou screams before he ceases to exist.

While baraqiel was thrown back out of the mansion due to the effect of the repulsion of his own impact.


The whole mansion engulfs in the explosion after that. The explosion is so big that you could mistake it a nuclear explosion.





Before Baraqiel lost consciousness due to exhaustion and losing too much blood, somehow he hears Suou voice.

Thank you and I'm sorry.



{POV: Himejima Akeno}

An hour after the whole mansion was destroyed, My mother contacted me about the situation outside.

The explosion was so big that even us the people on the bunker can feel it so much tremble.

Although the bunker was said able to stand against nuclear bomb.


When we are of the bunker, we are surprised that nothing is left from the mansion.


Only the debris of the mansion, and a lot of burned corpses was left.

Everyone feels terrified to witness this, Kaguya-san, the new blonde, and Komachi-san pass out after witnessing this horrific scenery.

They would need to go psychiatrist soon. 


I'm okay because I'm used to seeing a lot of blood as my father sometimes beating Satoru-kun so bad in the past.

I don't know why I'm proud about that.


My mother told me that the terrorist attack stopped due to what my father did. He is the cause of the big explosion that destroyed the whole mansion.

My mother also said that only 1/3 guard left who still alive, Father lost his right arm and lost consciousness, and Vali-kun also got beaten by someone and also in a coma.

...My mother herself is also not in good condition, as I can see there is a lot scratch and her priest uniform also have become more like a rag.

...I'm glad at least both are still alive.

I wonder what is happening? Why we are got attacked in the first place?


As we currently bring everyone who injured to the bunker, my mother called me.

"Akeno, listen. Bring all your group to the bunker again. I don't think they will stop after attacking once. It seems they particularly want to capture everyone and they will come back." My mother said.

"...A-Aunt, Why they want to capture us?" Hachiman asked timidly.


My mother sighed. She seems doesn't want to answer.

I also want to hear the reason.

I know the situation a bit but it is still unclear.

"Azazel-san believe this is the start of the second supernatural great war, which currently happened to all across japan. This mansion, Chiba, Kyoto, Osaka, and Aqua Eden got attacked at the same time simultaneously." My mother explained.


["2 chapters without user and he is unaware what happen to the mansion."] The system monologue as he ends the chapter.

Writing action scenes... Why did I choose action again? I put 4 hours into this shit and it still sucks! I have work to be done and life lol.

Summary :

- Akeno grandfather (or biologically granduncle) perished.

- Baraqiel lost his right arm.

- Vali is in a coma, and won't awake for some time.

This chapter shows what Enosh (The villain) shadow does to the enemies, which is access to malevolent energy and unable to feel pain... plus they pretty much succumbed to hatred. I won't explain this anymore in the future, so no worries about explaining the same thing all over again from a different perspective.

Next is mc POV again, which is currently in Kyoto with Azazel.

After that is Satou POV in Aqua Eden.

I have no editor, as always tell me if you got better wording or something wrong in this chapter.

Also pardon me for being suck writer. This is just hobby anyway.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.