Travel to Another World because ROB asked me.

Chapter 32. Kyoto Under Attack. (1)



Location: Kyoto

Timeline: About the same when Kaguya arrived at the Matsuzaka mansion.


With the urgency of the situation, we are immediately teleported to Kyoto in the morning.

While heaven faction also our alliance and currently in mess due to Kokabiel act, at this time, Kokabiel has already gone from Vatican and nothing we can do about that.

Except praying other faction didn't hear the god death information, which is unlikely.

The situation is bad, the reason why biblical faction or the Three faction is quite feared and respected in the first place is due to the existence of God of the Bible.

Now the news is out and Azazel is afraid that even we are done with our own problem, there is a risk another faction might start attacking us after that... In our weakest moment.

There's a risk another great war would be started someday but now the detail would be changed like... all factions attacking the Biblical faction.



As we have planned, me and Azazel have arrived via teleportation magic from Chiba to Kyoto.

It is not the first time I have been in Kyoto, I have been here several times in the past for some business.

Upon arrival, An escort immediately guides us to meet Yasaka, the ruler of the Youkai faction.


Walking in Kyoto, a lot store is closed and rarely civilian on street. There is a lot of youkai police everywhere though.

Anyone can feel the tension in the air. Seems all youkai aware about the current situation.


In Kyoto Castle at the meeting room, we currently have strategy meetings along with a lot of high members of the respective faction. 


"The rebel faction which previously called Eastern Yokai Alliance estimated having at least full of 20.000 youkai from the various race. Yatagarasu, the crow youkai has declared their ultimatum will attack this night." A wolf youkai explains.

"Any precaution taken?" Azazel asked.

"We have set extra magic shield and prepare an army of 50.000 yokai army on capital to protect the city from destruction." Yasaka responded.

Wow, more than double the amount.

"Fallen angel faction also prepared 5000 fallen along with several high cadres like Shemhazai to assist everyone. I will also participate actively in incoming battles." Azazel explains.




"Thank you for the assistance, Azazel-san" Yasaka said.

"No problem. We are allies after all." Azazel replied.


"We have heard the news about Kokabiel betrayal on fallen angel faction. Is there any chance Kokabiel would join the rebel faction?" Lizard youkai asked.

"...There is a chance of that's happening. If they are really here joining the rebel, We will deal with him." Azazel replied with a serious tone

...That's the plan if he seriously appeared here. I will personally defeat him if that happens.


What I'm afraid he is actually attacking mansion though.

But there should be fine with Vali and Baraqiel in the mansion.


"Ah.. any help coming from Shinto Pantheon?" Shemhazai asked.

"It was confirmed that Susanoo-sama and Amaterasu-sama would descend in case of unexpected happening." A nekomata youkai answer.

I see, that's kind of reassuring.

"...Even if Shinto gods will assist us, we should not hope their assistance in the first place. This is our own conflict." Yasaka said with a serious tone.

"That's right. God tends to ignore mortal business, and better to expect them wouldn't helping with our own problem." Azazel also responded.

Everyone nodded to show their agreement.

... no

Well... there goes our assurance.


The meeting keeps going talking about incoming battle until it was adjourned.


After the meeting was done, Yasaka invites me to her private room to meet her daughter. I have met her daughter a lot in the past to play with her so I quickly agree to the Yasaka invite.

As I open the door, A blonde fox loli jump toward me and I immediately hug and stroke her gently.



"Kunou-chan, long time no see." I said as I keep stroke her head.


"Munya~ Onii-sama stroke is the best as always!" Kunou said with happiness on her face.

Damn, she is so cute! 

I want to touch her tail!

And her ears!

["Pedophile."] The system said.


She is not my harem or anything like that. She is still 6 years old, excuse me.

She is like a little sister to me.

["Like little sister, Pfft. You didn't forget you are actually siscon aren't you?."] The system retorts.

...I hate you, system.


"Onii-sama. Stroke my head more, and also you can stroke my tail too!" Kunou yells to me with a cheerful tone.

That's your fault, system.


"Alright, Alrighty." I replied.



"Onii-sama, where is Onee-sama? She didn't come with you?" Kunou suddenly asked.

"Ahh.. sister is busy but she promised she would visit when she is done, Kunou-chan." I replied.

"I see... Then Onii-sama is not busy?" Kunou asked again.


I shook my head.

"I will be busy, but I promise I will play with you after my business is done." I said to her.


"Yaaay." Kunou begin to snuggle against me and I didn't refuse any of her advance.

We keep silent afterward, enjoying our own quality fluffy times.


While I enjoyed myself stroke this cute little fox creature, suddenly we hear a bell ringing loudly.

The bell ring so loud that it should be able to hear across whole Kyoto.




It is a sign that the enemy has been spotted on Kyoto.


I look to Kunou who becomes restless. She seems aware of what happens.

She is the daughter of Yasaka not for nothing.


"Kunou-chan, Onii-sama need to go now." I said to her.

Kunou shook her head and hug me more as If she doesn't want to let me go. 

"I'm scared Onii-sama. Don't leave me"


...I don't know what words I should use to persuade this fox.

["Priorities, user."] 


While I'm contemplating the solution, the door suddenly opens then a fallen angel in a fedora suit coming in.

Yeah, you guess it's right, Dohnaseek is also here.

"Satoru-san!! Pardon for intrusion. Azazel-san has issued you to assist the west gate." Dohnaseek said.

I nodded to him.

"The situation?" I asked.

"The battle already start on all gate location. The rebel army with an estimated 5000 on each gate try to breach the Kyoto defense at the same time. However, in the west gate alone, there is a strange stone golem currently wreak havoc on our army. It would be estimated that the west gate would be breached soon because this despite our overwhelming number." Dohnaseek explained.

Strange stone golem?


Did they already discover it themselves on Dimensional Gap?

The canon really ducked, huh.


I try to stand up despite Kunou clinging to me.

"Onii-sama! Don't go!!" Kunou cries out.

"I'm sorry Kunou-chan. But Onii-chan is needed to save Kyoto. You love this city, right?" I said to her.


"Mm... I love Kyoto. But I'm scared." Kunou replied.

"Don't worry, Dohnaseek here will guard you here. Is that right, Dohnaseek?" I said as I point my finger at him.

"No!! I don't want to stay with this uncle, he looks too shady!!" Kunou responded.


"Pfft." I tried my best to hold my laugh.


I mean this guy's appearance is like a cool old man wanna be with a fedora suit.


"Satoru-san, please stop making fun of me." Dohnaseek said with a deadpanned tone.

"Alright-Alrighty. Kunou-chan, He also will hold my teleportation sigil, so if something happens I could teleport directly here." I said.

Hopefully, this could be enough to persuade her.


"OK. Onii-chan promise you will come back?" Kunou said as he looks at me.

I sit down and look at her eyes directly.

"I promise." 



{Location: West Gate}

Timeline: About the same time when the mansion got attacked.


After departing from Kunou in Kyoto castle, I'm going to the west gate as the command issued.

After few minutes, I have arrived and witness a massacre on our side.


There is a big weird-looking stone golem that currently shooting a machine gun and laser toward the youkai defense army on the west gate.

There is also dark blue hue on his eyes instead of just light blue.

System, Is it...?

["It was influenced by another entity, user."] The system responded.






As I have expected, it is Gogmagog. Khaos Brigade really get it on their own hands, huh.


The defense army was currently in chaos as the golem trampled them.


"That golem is too strong!! My enchanted arrow can't penetrate it!"

"Magic projectile also no use!"



Rebel army meanwhile pressing on the gate as Gogmagog assist them, their confidence and spirit become high as ever.

"Destroy the gate!!"

"Free youkai from fallen angel!!"

"Japan only for youkai!"

"Kill the traitor!! Kill Yasaka!!"


At this rate, the west gate would be breached and Kyoto would be doomed. A hundred thousand lives would be lost. 


I decide to intercept Gogmagog directly to stop their invasion.



I rush toward the Gogmagog, Release my sword from its sheath, with intent to destroy the core.

["Or you could just touch it with your right hand, user."] The system said.

Oh, I forget my right arm! Thanks, system.


While it sounds easy, approaching that golem is hard as a lot of rebel army intercept me.




I keep killing all of these youkai rebels, but I feel nothing.

My whole body quickly bath in the blood of my enemy.


"Kill the human kid!"

"Shoot him!'






A lot of arrows coming toward me but I quickly summon Susano'o armor to wrap my whole body to protect myself.


*Dot* *Dot* *Dot*

I would be riddled in arrows if there is no Susano'o armor.

Then I continued slashing all rebels while I keep moving toward the Gogmagog.




"This kid is a demon!"

"Don't run away! He is just a kid and he is alone."

"Arrrrgh... This kid is too strong!"

"He wouldn't last against all of us! keep attack him!!"


Despite the situation, I feel really calm and actually... nostalgic.

Like I feel this is something that I have already experienced.

Did I have witnessed a war in my previous life?


What am I?



["User, watch out!"] The system warned me.



A big ass laser from Gogmagog coming toward me while I'm deep in my own thought.


"Imagine Breaker!" 

I put my right hand against the laser and successfully blocked it. The laser quickly becomes a particle.



Damn, that was scary!


["Stop being crisis identity and focus on the battle, user."] The system said with a serious tone.

...You are right, system. First, I need to reach that stupid golem first.

A lot of rebels still attacking me though. Thanks to my Sharingan eyes, I'm able to fight them easily.







I look at the stupid stone golem. I think I could reach it instantly with strengthening magic 2 times as the distance is only several meters.

The only problem is the army of rebels keeps coming toward me.





I will use my favorite magic to make myself faster a bit then prepare one of my favorite jutsu to finish the golem in one move.

...System, Imagine Breaker plus Rasengan.

["Alright, user."] The system replied.


I hold my right arm firmly and prepared Rasengan.


A ball of concentrated spiral chakra appeared in my right hand. It is also slightly pink color, probably due to Imagine Breaker effect added.



I look toward the golem, he seems to notice me look at him and prepare to shoot another laser at me.

Rebel seems also aware that I've clearly planned to do something to their 'golem'.


"This kid going to do something to the golem!"

"Stop him!!"


They won't be able to do anything though. 

I put my strengthen magic on my leg and rush toward the golem.

I jump to the golem location.




A lot of arrows coming but my Susano'o armor protects me.




I have arrived in front of the golem in mere seconds as no arrows can stop me. However...


The golem notices me and tries to shoot the laser at me on point black range as his right arm is charging.

Too bad my Rasengan already meet his right arm.

["Imagine Breaker Rasengan!"] I yelled out.





The Rasengan with Imagine breaker effect literally breaks Gogmagog's arm, drilling toward his body like tofu, destroying it in a mere second.

It seems overkill.

Rasengan with Imagine Breaker literally destroyed it to atom, making it won't be able to regenerate or anything.

Sorry future Vali team, especially Le Fay-chan.

Seriously, Imagine Breaker is my best cheat.


"The kid destroyed our golem!"

"Kill that kid! No matter what the cost!"


As I landed on the ground, a more angry rebel army coming toward me from all directions. Not a real big deal as long my Sharingan is activated.





"The golem has been  destroyed!!"

"Now we can focus on strike back the rebel!"

"For Kyoto!!"

Due to my action, it seems the Youkai faction gain their confidence to attack back the rebels.


The war is keep continued afterward as we are gain our foothold back.




["Well... that's quite a show. You know that you are pretty much able to destroy it anytime with Susano'o or just shoot Amaterasu right? In fact, you could end this war any time with your big moves."] The system retort.

I could... But this is war, you know? I need to save energy as much as I can.

And there's other 3 location too also under attack. Imagine if I nuked west gate then what?

I also would ran out of energy quickly to spam big attack.

...And I don't want to use Encounter.

The leader also not show up yet, the battle are still guarantee to continue until they have appeared. 

Always aim to  kill the head not the tails.




["Wow, you are growing up before I realize, user."] 

...You are really mean, huh system?


Beside, the real reason is I feel nostalgic so bad.

Perhaps I would remind something from my previous life if I keep doing this.





3rd POV


All of the high official members currently discussing the ongoing battle in the meeting room.

"Report Yasaka-sama, the weird golem on the west has been deal with by the champion." A messenger comes into the meeting room.


Everyone in the room who hears the news feels relieved.

"I told you, that kid would be able to deal with it easily." Azazel said.


"Uhmm. Anyway, keep monitoring on the battlefield, we haven't seen Yatagarasu or any captain attacking so we need to stay cautious." Yasaka said to the messenger.

"Sure, Yasaka-sama." The messenger said as he gives a bow.

After the messenger leaves, Yasaka looking at Azazel smiling... 

"I might really consider giving Kunou to him as a reward for helping on Kyoto."

A lot of people in the room chuckled and laughing at Yasaka idea.


"That's a good idea Yasaka-sama"

"We would gladly accept that!! Kunou-sama future would be secured in the hand of the strongest human."


"Hahahaha... Oi oi, that brats already got enough blonde to care in his hand, believe me." Azazel replied with an amused tone.

"Well... Adding one more shouldn't be hurt right?" Yasaka said with a teasing tone to Azazel.

Azazel just shook his head and replied "Well just do whatever you want, seriously. That brat luck with woman surely amazing."



Satoru suddenly sneezes in the middle of the battle in the west gate.


Still {3rd POV}

Location: Rebel Hideout


"Yatagarasu-sama, it seems the golem we send to the west gate already destroyed by the champion as we predicted. And he stay on the west after that." The messenger, which is Snake youkai said to his master.

A crow youkai with a dark wing wearing ninja outfit looked toward the messenger. There is a bit of dark blue hue on his eyes.

"Oh.. they are really taking the bait?" Yatagarasu asked.

"Yes, Yata-sama. The champion currently occupied on the west gate. We also prepared lock teleportation area artifact to make sure no one would be able to use teleport magic when it is activated." Snake youkai replied.

Yatagarasu nodded seems satisfied with the development.

"Hoo... I see. Enosh-sama did say to leave that human to him so contact him right now." Yatagarasu said.

"Umm... Why we don't deal with him on our own? Enosh-sama would be happy if we do that Yata-sama." Snake youkai asked.

Yatagarasu hearing his subordinate opinion also thinks the same.


"Alright, I will descent on the west gate to defeat the champion. I believe with Enosh-sama power I could--"

"Don't be fool, crow boy. Enosh-sama calls him the protagonist of this world, which also means a person that being protected by this world. You will be defeated by his plot armor, you know?" (???)

*Nom* *Nom* *Nom*


A white-haired guy which looked similar to Vali but older (except if he is going to crazy) appeared from the portal interrupted Yatagarasu speak. On his side, a loli with dark hair currently munching on a cookie with her tiny mouth, looking cute.

"Rizevim Lucifer..." Yatagarasu muttered as he looks at the guy who comes out of the portal.

"Yoo... Crow boy. You should stick to the plan Enosh-sama revised. We should leave the pink hair boy alone on west then we could kill all those bastard who sitting comfortably on a chair in their meeting room... while their subordinated try to kill themselves. We are good boy, you know?" Rizevim explains to Yatagarasu with a smile grinning on his face.

Listen to Rizevim reason, Yatagarasu also agrees with that sentiment.

"Alright then...I'm sorry. Where is Eru-sama? And who is little girl beside you?" Yatagarasu asked.

"Ah... That masked girl said she wants to meet our 'miss knife' first in Aqua Eden, she promises to show up later. Meanwhile, this loli beside me is our pandora box." Rizevim explains more.

"Pandora box?" 

"Ah, our assurance is the better word. You know, there is a whole Shinto pantheon behind Youkai faction, right? And please for death satan stop making me explain!! You goddamn small brain crow." Rizevim replied.

"Assurance... you mean this loli is..." Yatagarasu said with a surprised tone as he looked toward the loli beside him.

He suddenly feel scared as it implied they successfully secure one of strongest being in this world as their tool.



The loli beside Rizevim suddenly tugged his clothes as she said "More.."

"Ah of course. Here more cookies for you good girl" Rizevim responded as he gives her more cookies came out from his pocket.

*Nom* *Nom* *Nom*

The loli quickly munching on the given cookie.



"Are you sure she is safe?" Yatagarasu asked with a worry clearly show in his face.

"Well, she is just a newborn baby. Easy to control. No worries." Rizevim replied as he shrugged.

Yatagarasu then looking back at his subordinate waiting for him command.

"A-Alright then, You hear this guy. We will stick to the plan. Let's start the B plan." 

"Roger, Yatagarasu-sama!"


["User, seems too busy fighting on war as he didn't even communicate with me."] The system monologues as he ends the chapter.

There's quite a number of OC in this chapter, Yatagarasu is OC. All animal youkai within this chapter is OC, except named one of course. Well, they are not important so I don't feel to name them.

This chapter in nutshell : *Slash*

Summary :

- Kyoto is under attack in all directions.

- Mc actually having experienced war in his past life.

- Rizevim already got 'Lilith' on his hand.

- Enosh is aware of mc being the protagonist in this world.

As always I have no editor, I also have been doing procrastination a lot. Tell me if there's something wrong or suggestion on this chapter.

Ok, I added my first poll in this chapter. I will proceed depend on the vote result.

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