Travel to Another World because ROB asked me.

Chapter 33. Kyoto Under Attack. (2)




A few hours later on the battlefield.

I have lost count of how many people I have been murdered...



But the army of rebels just doesn't stop attacking.

In fact, it seems they are keep coming. 

I need a way to end this pointless large amount of killing. But is there any way?

["You can try to intimidate and make them thinking they are not going to win against you."]



...I really feel that I should stop this pointless killing but I just don't care anymore at this point.

["User... Are you okay?"] The system asked me with a concerned tone.

...I feel okay. As I stated I feel nothing. I'm scared that I'm actually feeling nothing at killing a lot of people.

["...I don't have feeling so I don't what you should be supposed to feel."]

...I should feel traumatic you know? Or terrified. Or scared. Or actually.. at least feel something, damn it.

It is like I have been numbed toward negative feelings, and I'm scared of it.

Something is wrong with me and I don't like it.


{POV: Azazel}


I just got the bad news that our headquarters in Osaka got attacked along with Chiba, Aqua Eden, and even our mansion.

The attacker is admitting themselves as a terrorist that wants to free japan from our fallen angel influences.

I have no proof so far... but I think the Khaos brigade is involved here.


The only good news is no important person got killed in the mansion... By important, I mean Satoru group members. Though his wife informed me Baraqiel lost his right arm in the battle which is still fortunate.

I can't imagine what Satoru will do if one of his friends got killed.


We also get new information regarding 'shadow' from the entity that they call Enosh. It's the same name Entity that Satoru describes might become enemies.

However, the shadow information is inaccurate as they are much more powerful than Satoru described.

Immune to pain and able to use strange dark shadow energy.

And no rational thinking ability?

That sounds like enslavement.


Anyway, I tried to make sense of the enemy's objective. 

They have already attacked the Vatican, and they also attacked our headquarters. Youkai rebellion reason itself while sounds plausible it is just the timing too perfectly aligned with all other attacks at the same time.


...They are attacking all the factions that have an alliance with us.

Or the real target is us.

But why?


I can't understand the motive behind all of this.

Too much information that just doesn't fit together.


3rd POV


In the meeting room, currently, all high officials are happy and laughing together because their war effort is going well.


"With this, I think Kyoto would survive to another day."

"We haven't see Yatagarasu though. Don't let your guard down."

"Well even if he didn't appear, His army already massacred, hahahaha"

"Nah, the army is a disposable thing. Crow boy has his own agenda you know?"


Suddenly a voice that everyone didn't recognize join their conversation.

"Hello lazy and fool people."


A crazy white-haired devil, Rizevim appeared in the meeting room sitting with them and slurping the drink provided in the room.


Everyone stands from their chair and looking wary at him.


"Who are you!! How you get here?!"

"What is the guard doing?"


"I walked in." Rizevim responds while smiling.

"Don't lying! We are here didn't realize you came at all!"

While some youkai yell at him, Rizevim calmly take a sip of the drink.


"Well, you guys too much focus into your useless meeting after all." Rizevim said as he waved the drink in his right hand and it was evaporated.



Look at Rizevim action, everyone in the room realizes this man is dangerous.


"Rizevim." Azazel said as he looking toward.

"The Lucifer son?!" One of youkai yelled out.

Everyone was surprised about the identity revelation of the man.


Yasaka who hears Azazel's words quickly touches her secret magic device to notify the guard to evacuate her daughter from this castle and bring her to Satoru in the west.

Rizevim seems to notice what Yasaka does, but lets her do her thing.


"Yoo... Zaz. All of these people here, you seem the least person who got surprised about me coming here. Saw this coming?" Rizevim asked him.

Azazel didn't answer Rizevim question, look at him and replied. "What is your purpose? Is Khaos Brigade behind all of this?"

Rizevim hears Azazel's question begin laughing very hard.

"Hahahahaha, you are smart as always huh Zaz!? How do you know our existence in the first place? Someone told you?" Rizevim respond.


"So it was true. All the attacks happen within these few days. Even Kokabiel was part of your organization." Azazel replied.

"Good job at solving the mystery, Zazel." Rizevim grinning widely responds at Azazel deduction.



Rizevim stands up from his chair, spread his arm, and begins to talk.

"I'm here to massacre all of you here lazy bastard. All your subordinates fighting in the frontline while you guys here sitting comfortably. What kind of commander you are?! You guys should--" 


The wolf youkai hear Rizevim blabber cut him as he slam the table.


"Shut up you devil!! This is non of your bus--"


Rizevim waves his hand, a concentrated small dark energy shoots out from his hand.

It was too fast that even only take a blink of an eye to reaching the wolf youkai.



The wolf youkai is exploded, all of his blood and organ sprayed through all the room, including all the members in the room. 

Everyone gasped at what Rizevim did. Rizevim then wipe his face out of the blood like he did nothing wrong.


"Ahh... that guy is so rude so I remove him. Or killing him? Whatever. Cutting people who are currently talking is just rude right?" Rizevim asked everyone.

No one replied and some even take a step back, prepare to escape. 


Shemhazai comes closer to Azazel.


Azazel nodded, understand why he had come closer. Then Azazel tries to activate their emergency teleportation magic to escape from here.

He knows no one here can fight against this super devil.



But it was failed.

Rizevim notice Azazel's movement and mocked him.

"Ahh, Zaz~ Crafty as always although that's no use. I have to use something that could prevent any teleportation magic in the area and guess what, none of you can't escape or ask for help here!!" Rizevim grinning while looking at Azazel.

"..Crap." Azazel muttered.


"Now, let's start the massacre!" Rizevim said as his body glowing in a dark blue hue.


The moment Yasaka saw Rizevim want to start whatever he start doing, She also begin to prepare to gather energy to transform into her ultimate form with the help of the Kyoto leyline network. It will provide Yasaka with endless energy to confront Rizevim.

Azazel also let out his wing and taking his artificial sacred gear, 

All other people follow... let out their ability and weapon, prepared for battle.

If you can't escape, the other option is to beat him.


"Oooh, Everyone looks scary. Can we talk about this?

Rizevim is grinning widely.


"But jokes on you, There is no chance for anyone to defeat me here. I guess the first step is to destroy this big castle.

Rizevim slams his hand on the floor.




Dark energy flows through the floor and it makes the whole castle trembled.





"RUN!!" Azazel yells out.

Most of the officials in the room break the castle wall and jump out of the castle.

"RUN YOU FOOL!! Hahahahaha"






The whole castle exploded in a blinding dark energy explosion. The explosion was so big that the entire of Kyoto notice it and also cause a small earthquake in the whole Kyoto area.


After the explosion calm down, what was left of the castle was nothing. It was flat within the earth surrounding it.

The only ones left are the smoke and debris of what is left of the building.

As the smoke begin to fade, Rizevim appeared flying with his wing open and looking down at the survivor.

"Ohh..? Most of you are still alive? Well, I would be disappointed if one explosion enough takes you guys out. Especially you zaz, That girl would be mad if I take you out earlier than planned." 


Azazel was intrigued about what Rizevim said. 

"What are talking about?" 

"Ah... You can ask the girl herself later. I don't know whether she already come back from Vampire island or not. Oh yeah, we also attacked there of course." Rizevim explains as he slowly descends.

He begins to flare his dark energy again.


"Anyway, now the area is ready. Show me what you all people got. Damn it, this voice effect is just so cool" Rizevim said as his voice become distorted whenever he use it.

"I have enough of this devil. You dare to attack Kyoto directly, and also harm my subordinate in front of me."

Yasaka already prepared  necessary energy quickly bathing in chakra.


Yasaka begins to transform herself into a ten-meter giant fox with golden fur.




"Everyone get away from here. I will deal with him, personally." Yasaka said in her giant fox form.

Everyone begins to get away from there include Azazel and Shemhazai. Rizevim saw them but didn't have the intent to stop their escape.


Rizevim looking above to giant fox in front of him.

"Oh... this looks scary. But the thing is, the party just started. About my reason, do an evil person need a reason?"

Yasaka didn't answer and instead, she hit him with her gigantic front leg.



Rizevim easily defend against it with his left arm, but he was got pushed several meters back upon the force.

"That's rude you know? Owh... I guess you are not being the ruler of Kyoto not for nothing. I really feel this hitWe shall have fun, I guess"

Rizevim kicks her leg and the force behind it enough to throw Yasaka several meters in the air.

Both Yasaka and Rizevim prepare their attack, as Yasaka conjured her foxfire, Rizevim prepares his dark energy ball.



Both of them keep fighting among themselves, wake destruction upon the land of Kyoto.


Still 3rd POV

Timeline: At the same time Yasaka notified her daughter.


Back in time when Rizevim shows himself, At the same time Dohnaseek feels something wrong on the top floor where is the meeting conducted.

Something sinister, dark, and evil appeared above them.

His guts told him to run away from this building.


He might be weak, but his instinct has always been good. He wouldn't survive the great war hundred years ago if he doesn't have it.

He tried to activate the teleportation sigil from Satoru, but it just won't active.

...Something really wrong about to happen.

Dohnaseek which currently watching the daughter of the ruler of Kyoto sleeping... taking a decision.


Dohnaseek shaking Kunou who was asleep on her futon to wake her up.

"Um. Shady Ojii-san?" Kunou wakes up and rubs her eyes.

"Hold on me." Dohnaseek said.

"Wait, what?" 

Kunou who just wake up surprised that Dohnaseek suddenly try to grab her.


"Let me go, Ojii-san! What are you doing?!"

When Kunou struggle in Dohnaseek arm, two youkai wearing guard outfit enter the room together.

"New command! Yasaka told us to evacuate her daughter, and deliver her to Champion for safety. This castle is under attack!" One of the youkai guards explains.


"Onii-sama? Why?"

Kunou was confused and didn't understand anything.

Dohnaseek nodded as it seems his instinct is right.

"Satoru-san? That's the best choice. Let the princess of youkai faction evacuation on shelter isn't a good idea after all. The enemy might also wreak havoc on there." Dohnaseek replied.

"What's happening? What will happen to mother?" Kunou asked.

"She would be alright, your mother is strong. She is not the ruler of youkai without reason, Ojou-san." Dohnaseek replied try to ease Kunou.

"Umm. Okay..."

Then the castle suddenly trembling so bad and Dohnaseek can see there's dark energy flow surrounding the castle.

"Crap!! Quickly we have no time!" Dohnaseek grabs the princess and the two youkai guard following them to ensure that Kunou has to reach the Satoru location.

Dohnaseek destroys the castle wall with his spear of light and all of them jump out of the castle.



A few seconds after they forcefully leave, the whole castle was exploded.








"Stop moving!! Please, save my mother!! Please!"

Kunou struggling hard in Dohnaseek arm while they are moving away from the castle to avoid the explosion area.

"Ojou-san, the only way to save your mother is to find Satoru-san as soon as possible! This is too dangerous, even to us!" Dohnaseek explains to Kunou.

"I hate to admit but this fallen is right, Hime-sama. The attacker is Lucifer's descendant. We have no chance to survive against him, forget to rescue Yasaka-sama! Just believe in her!" The other youkai guard replied.

Despite all the explain, Kunou still struggles hard on Dohnaseek arm try to escape from his grab. 




Kunou lost her consciousness after Dohnaseek hit her back, stopping her from struggling.


"...Good decision, fallen." The guard said.

"Yeah, let's move out faster toward the west." Dohnaseek replied.

They begin moving toward the west Kyoto hopefully to reach Satoru location but...


"...Now what?" Dohnaseek muttered.

A portal appeared in front of them and the rebel leader along with his four elite members appeared on the battlefield.


"Yatagarasu, the rebel leader." One of the youkai guards muttered.


Yatagarasu looked toward the three of them and said "Give me the daughter of Yasaka or die." 


"Why you need Kunou-hime, crow?!"

"We won't let you!"

...Dohnaseek didn't reply but he was ready to run away at the right moment.


Yatagarasu who hear their reply then shook his head as he said with a serious tone "Alright, kill all of them except that little girl in the fallen arm"

"My pleasure Yata-sama."

One of the elite members is giant Oni wielding a big axe quickly lifts his weapon from the side in an attempt to chop them.


Dohnaseek instinctively jumped away as his instinct told him to avoid danger.


Both of the youkai guards' bodies immediately separated in two, as their upper half of the body looked toward their bottom half.



"Fallen.. run..."


"Ohh... I miss the fallen." 

The Oni said then lift his axe again, to repeat the same action but then.




The explosion caused by Yasaka and Rizevim shook the land and distract the Oni and other Yata elite members for a few moments. Dohnaseek uses this chance to let his wing out and fly to the sky to escape.


Dohnaseek fleed from the scenes as fast as he can. He knows he won't have a chance against the group. Yatagarasu who saw Dohnaseek fly away on distance. immediately yell out toward his subordinate

"Chase that fallen!! Give me that daughter of Yasaka!"

Yatagatasu releases his dark wing and also flies following Dohnaseek trace. All of his elite members also followed him though they chase Dohnaseek from the ground as they can't fly.




As I still currently bathing in rebels' blood in this worthless rebellion, suddenly I hear an explosion so loud from the center of Kyoto. it is also causing an earthquack.



Everyone on the battlefield stops their action and sees toward the source of the loud sound.

Of course, I also look at the source of the loud sound and found a big explosion blinding in dark energy. What was that?!

["User, there is the location where is Kyoto castle is!"] The system called me.

...Damn! What happening there? Is the defense already breached on other gates? I need to see what happens there.

["I also need to inform you that the explosion release a quite strange dark energy, consisting of negative energy."] The system also informs me.

...Dark energy? Enosh then?! Duck!!

Everyone in danger then! I also have promised to protect Kunou!

I need to move there as soon as possible. What just happen to everyone in the castle?! I also give my teleportation sigil to Dohnaseek but why he didn't notify me of something wrong there.

I tried to teleport to Dohnaseek, but somehow the magic failed.

["User, I just realize there's a strange barrier in the whole of Kyoto prevent any space interference happen."] The system quickly explain.

I see, the enemy saw that coming.


[Strengthen magic, Fourfold!]

I quickly escape from the west gate area with strengthen magic and move straight to the center area.


3rd POV


Azazel and Shemhazai get away from Rizevim and Yasaka battle quickly. They know they wouldn't be able to do anything fighting Rizevim.

Even they are sure, Yasaka probably won't win either.

"Azazel, Now what?" Shemhazai asked as they currently hiding on a random roof as they looking toward Yasaka battle.



"I... don't know. The situation is getting out of hand. For now, the priority is to get away from here alive." Azazel explained.

Shemhazai nodded. Azazel tried to activate teleportation magic again but it still failed.

"...I think we need to move out from Kyoto. Whatever Rizevim does, it won't let us teleport away from Kyoto."  Azazel said.

"Alright, let's move out." Shemhazai replied.

When they are about to move again, A woman voice coming from behind them.

"I'm sorry but I can't let both of you do that." (???)


Both Azazel and Shemhazai turn their body back to see who's talking.

A white-haired girl wears a joker eye mask stand behind them wielding an ominous dark spear. She wears a gothic outfit with a dark color. She also looks young, perhaps around high school junior age.

"Konnichiwa, Fallens." She said as she bow her head and lift her skirt a bit to show her manner.

"Who are you? Are you the girl who Rizevim talking about?" Azazel asked.

"Ahh.. so that crazy bastard already tell you about me. Anyway, you can call my name Eru." The girl, 'Eru' replied while smiling.

The girl begins to flare her sinister dark power. Azazel can feel this girl's dark energy much dense than Rizevim himself. So much that the air begins to vibrate.


They need to escape. 

Azazel and Shemhazai looking each other and revised a plan to move in a different direction so one of them could escape. Sadly it won't work.

"Ahh, Don't try to escape because you can't~ You guys were already trapped the moment I appeared behind you." The girl said as she flick her fingers.



A wall of dark energy appeared surrounding them. It's shaped like a sphere, trapping them inside.

"The only way to escape is to defeat me, so do your best to do that." The girl said with a carefree smile.

Both of the fallen had no choice but to fight.


["The situation escalated quickly. I got feeling user would be on rampage at next chapter."] The system monologues as he ends the chapter.

There is rarely an mc moment in this chapter but I just can't skip the detail. I don't know if I'm done it right though... Writing action sucks and needs a lot more detail and imagination.

As always, I have no editor. Tell me if there's something wrong or a sentence that I could do better at explaining.

Summary :

- Kyoto Castle exploded, Yasaka vs Rizevim

- Dohnaseek is getting chased by Yatagarasu as he wants to deliver Kunou to Satoru.

- Satoru saw the explosion, Immediately moving back to the center.

- Azazel and Shemhazai are trapped with Eru (She is OC but she has a major role in this whole arc).

Someone going to get killed in the next chapter.


As a result of the poll, Kunou will enter the harem. Good job fellow loli admirer. 

Someone asked Gabriel and Kuroka too, lmao. They will show up but much later after this whole war arc.


Also somehow this very low-rated fanfic entered Trending No.9 yesterday, what the duck?! While I don't really care, I don't want this to fic rating get much lower lol x'D

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